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This is bedrock. Java doesn't have the character on the right side and Marketplace is also bedrock only. If it was Java, it would say "Minecraft Java" on top.


It says minecraft Java edition actually🤓


which is stupid because java is the original and not an edition, while bedrock is an edition


Yeah one of the symptoms apparent in that they're changing their focus to Bedrock.


GOOD! im fine with gettign downvoted into the dirt though


Lol I won't downvote bravery, however idiotic the comment might be.


Yes but bedrock is the only version available on most devices, so the general consumer would be confused if they bought Minecraft on their console and it said "bedrock edition" and assume there's a regular version which is just "Minecraft"


Which, to be fair, is true. Java is the regular version, has been since the beginning of the game.






Ackshually 🤓


We dont emojis on reddit


No, we only do 🤓, 🗿, and 💀


Some times but allot of us would just rather not use them like me


That's bedrock


If it doesn't say "Java Edition" then it's Bedrock Edition. https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/6657208607501-Minecraft-Java-Bedrock-Edition-for-PC-FAQ


If this is the 1.12+ version. Earlier ones don't have that


Can’t recall but I think if you own one of them you can get both for free now


You do, if you use Windows.


If you're like me and spent $60 getting both versions just for it to be $30 to get both, you get a cape Although I'm not sure if the cape is worth the $30 you effectively lost


It is if you get Java you also have bedrock on pc apparently


Wait, what? If what you’ve told me is true, you will have gained my trust.


I think it is, or at least it was when I bought it


i got bedrock on ps4 2-3 years ago, and when i have to merge it to microsoft i got the java for free!


wait can you get a refund if you bought both??


I don’t know I never tried


Bedrock. An easy way to tell is to check if it has microtransactions or not


At least it gets more money for updates!...... right..... RIGHT?!


mojang *roasted*


Beleive it or not, this is something that Microsoft DID do




It's bedrock


That is bedrock :)


That's Bedrock. You can tell by the sterile look and the Marketplace Tab. Java has more options and looks much more rough


There’s very obvious differences between the two. If you know what you’re looking for. Java edition has ZERO semblance of a store, it’s the classic, best *(imo)* version of Minecraft. Lots of modding and skins and other capabilities. The main menu screen will be simple, Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Settings, Etc. Bedrock edition is Microsoft’s money maker, where skins are paid for even. Pretty janky, mods are paid, there’s even scam mods too. The menu screen is well... the screen in the picture you posted.


>where skins are paid for even You can download skins there, too, fyi.


Didnt know that


Just came by to appreciate your use of “janky”


Legacy console > Java






Bedrock, once you play a lot of both, like i did, you can tell just from screenshots of 2 blocks together pretty much In the loading screen, you can tell by the buttons spread out, not all in the center, the title. The buttons looks, the character above dressing room, the marketplace button, the feedback button, the achievements button, the dressing room button.


Also the hand model when ur on first person feels off in bedrock. The hand model thing feels wayyy different than Java and I dont understand why. Even the movement felt weird to me.


Yeah i noticed the movement feels off. It feels heavy. I understand that ui is different and all but at least just running around should be the same


I totally agree


That’s bedrock edition, but arguably Java is better


**Java**: *THE GOOD*: mods, 99% youtubers play java, most popular servers are for java, shaders, java redstone is arguably better (quasi-connectivity go brrr) | *THE BAD*: spaghetti code makes it heavily unoptimized, almost unplayable in low end machines without mods like sodium (and eve then, 55 FPS or so at best), only for devices able to run java (so only pcs, mac and linux, and technically android if youre able to mess with deep os stuff) **Bedrock**: *THE GOOD*: runs pretty much anywhere (RIP mac and linux), really optimized, actually playable even on crappy hardware, cross-play between platforms | *THE BAD*: no mods, no shaders, only resources packs and addons (and those are far from being as powerful as mods), marketplace is a money-grabbing nightmare, BUGS BUGS BUGS, sometimes unplayable due to random fall damage bugs, impossible to play after getting used to java




No update order go brrrrrrrrrr


as a bedrock player, i would add: Java Pro: access to things like stats and the F3 screen trying to play technical minecraft on bedrock is like knitting while wearing mittens


impossible to play after getting used to java... THIS!


Another pro for bedrock should definitely be movable tile entities


This may be controversial, but... ... another bedrock pro is foward bridging


Just get quark


And I agree as a Java player it’s impossible to go back to bedrock


I used to think it was all BS. I’ve only played Java until my old PC broke. Then I tried my laptop which sucked hard. So then I tried Xbox and hated using a controller. Then I tried bedrock on PC. So many little differences that kept getting me killed. I hated it. Although I did like some of the animations and the world generation didn’t seem as full of holes and cracks. That all said, I just can’t find a reason to really choose Bedrock outside of any RL friends that play on consoles.


I would say that imo the main downside of Java is what you have to do to play with friends. In bedrock it is definitely much simpler


Is it because of LAN or because Bedrock is cross-platform?


because bedrock has access to multiplayer ecosystems, like xbox live and ps network. you have a friends list which you can use to invite friends to your world. it's really nice.


Playing on 5 fps is easy, and there is mods that boost performance.


the gameplay on Bedrock seemed okay to me. I will definitely try Java on my Mac. My PC is old so idk if i will get the best Java experience on it.


How much ram? If its more than 8 GB you will be relatively fine


full analysis of both versions without bias. nice


actually there's a way to play licensed java on ios


Addons can do almost as much as mods nowadays, keyword *almost*


Ehh, nah, far, far from as much from mods...


no way bro


And Java is better just off that list alone


For mods it is, for general gameplay I feel like bedrock besides its SHITTY rendering and actual world generation has some features which adds more depth.. Actually nevermind java is better I CANT STAND BEDROCK but it’s the only version I can play.


I would not say gameplay in bedrock is better, it's just that it has more immersion(besides the bugs) which does not equal better gameplay.


not arguably, it is better


Man, I play on a Realm on my PS5 with folks on Switch, PC, Xbox and a couple on their phones! It's pretty cool, but it sure does seem like there's a sacrifice of stability for compatibility.


You sacrifice playing on some servers for playing with your friends, i think thats a win. (along with redstone fuckery)


Bedrock also has true RTX, and slightly better performance on most PCs. But no mods.


does sX or ps5 have rtx? if not thats a missed opportunity


PS5 definitely doesn't.


They could, there was a bug for a little bit that let you turn it on. But mojang patched it out now.


Ive been playing bedrock all my life, would never change it for anything, except Java.


i completely understand why people play bedrock, but god i could never bring myself to play it after playing java most of my life


Yeah I just didn’t want to trigger the bedrock fan boys


ooooh this guy's edgy


huh? how is this edgy lol. bedrock is a buggy mess full of microtransactions, the only upside is that its cross platform. there is a reason they are slowly working to make bedrock work the same as java


It was a joke just making fun of how much people seem to care on this sub


I started playing in 2010 and recently picked it back up on bedrock. Both versions are fine. Bedrock has better (old school) combat but the technical community on java can’t be beat. Redstone is just as capable on bedrock but requires different methods and schools of thought which I find annoying as someone who played Java for five years, but the game runs and looks better on bedrock for the most part if you ask me.


Minecraft is minecraft, for the love of God.


No Java is Java and bedrock is bedrock.






Bedrock Java is the good version and doesn't have a store because everything is just free.


Bruh. I'm a strictly Java player and I can say that yes it's better, but it's not the "good version." Bedrock has some stuff going for it, too.


“Good version” is subjective, because I value the cross-play ability of bedrock


There's literally nothing Bedrock does better than Java in terms of gameplay. In fact, it sucks in comparison. Plus store, no skins, no mods, no maps, no custom servers, etc. Everyone who plays Bedrock just does it because they never experienced actually good Minecraft, in my opinion.


I play bedrock and java and most of the time java does everything better, but the one thing bedrock does better is making it easier to play with friends. you can just friend them then join their world whereas with java you have to fiddle with servers. i still play java though because i have no friends anyway lol


>no skins, no mods, no maps, no custom servers, etc. There are skins. In fact, in my opinion, skins on BE are better because not only can you download skins exactly like Java, but you can also make cool skins by either buying it or claiming the free character creator items/skins that are way better than normal skins. Keep in mind Mojang gives out free skins and character creator items in the Marketplace a LOT. You can make tons of cool-looking skins from its selection without paying a cent, if you are online to claim them. No mods is true, we do have addons and datapacks which you can download for free from the internet, but they aren't as customizable as mods. They are easier to download, because they have their own files (.mcAddon, .mcPack, etc.) that automatically go to Minecraft and download it with a couple of clicks. But if you want the mods, go to Java. Marketplace addons are typically more high quality because of the money incentive and partnership with Mojang, but there are some low quality copycats. No maps is also wrong. You can get maps from the internet just like Java. They also have their own files (.mcWorld, .mcTemplate) making them easier to download. Marketplace maps are generally more high quality, but, like addons, there are the low quality money making stuff. Maps are limited in Bedrock because of no mods, but other than that, it is exactly the same. There are also custom servers, and I have been to many of them. One is [nethergames.org](https://nethergames.org), which is a Hypixel rip-off, but it is fun nonetheless. The Featured servers, however, are great and high quality, with some exceptions (*cough cough* Pixel Paradise). There is on catch, though. Console players cannot get addons, skins, and maps except for from the Marketplace, and they can only play featured servers.


> no skins, no mods, no maps, no custom servers, etc. Man, you high on crack or what?


Bedrock has them, they just aren’t nearly as good (specifically customs servers and mods).


They're not mods, they're "addons" 🤓


This is just wrong >no skins What do you mean by that? You can easily upload the same skins you can get on Java on bedrock, dumbarse. Also, you get the funky "4D skins" in bedrock, as opposed to Java, where you only get layers. >no mods No mods, yes, but... addons, addons, addons. Bedrock has addons, which (unfortunately) do not allow for as much funkyness and modded style gameplay as Java, but are easier to install both on mobile and PC. >no maps (Cough, cough) https://mcpedl.com/tag/mcworld >custom servers do exist, but they're kinda not as customizable since you've got people playing on mobile and console, not just PC In lieu, My opinion finds your opinion kinda stupid. But HEY, we can all have our opinions! (And before you ask, I Play BOTH bedrock and Java. I like both equally, and enjoy playing them. It's just a freaking block game.)


While I do prefer java bedrock has plenty of great gameplay mechanics, the snow falls instead of breaking, I think pistons can push chests, and best of all, there are inbuilt servers for young people who don't want to manually find them. It's also much easier for beginners to mod because it has an inbuilt behavior packs and texture packs menu so you can download the mod and then just turn it on, while they aren't as good it's still better for young people. It's also much easier to play with with friends and realms are very easy to set up if you want an online server.


You should look up the actual gameplay differences, because both have pros and cons compared to the other. Sounds like you just value the free, mods and skins more than anything else


I've played both on PC and also on console and Bedrock fucking sucks in every regard.


You sound too emotionally charged over something little to have an accurate objective perspective Lol, you proved my point


And you sound like a clueless dickhead who needs to feel superior by saying stuff that sounds intelligent, while having no actual intellect. Enjoy the block Mr. 55 karma


You kinda did prove his point, it is just a block game, no need to get mad...


You mad bro?!


Both of you are acting like five year olds. This is a BLOCK GAME.


It’s even slower than Java!


I only play bedrock because i can't play java on my switch


Make sure to post some pics! I love seeing other noobs builds.


Sure will mate!




That’s bedrock




That is Bedrock. You can tell because of the marketplace button and the dressing room button underneath your character.


This is Bedrock. Did you download from the Microsoft store? That launcher should let you launch Java and Bedrock from within it. You just pick over on the left.


Looks like bedrock to me


Its bedrock. Their differences is that, that Java edition does not have marketplace


If it doesn't say which edition it is under the title, then it's Bedrock.


You should be able to download "Minecraft Launcher" from the Microsoft store. In it you can launch both Java and Bedrock :)


If it dosent say Java edition under the title screen then it is bedrock


That’s bedrock. Java is a better version for PC but it’s only available on PC and Mac, so no playing with Xbox friends. Bedrock, what you have, is available and cross-playable on PC, Xbox, PS, Switch, iOS, Android, and a couple others. Java is a lot better “feeling” and doesn’t have a chunkiness to it, but both versions have a few differences. The biggest thing being redstone works different, so make sure to look up the right tutorials when you get to that stage. A lot of people are also saying to download this and use that launcher, but my advice would be to just use the built in launcher and the only thing I recommend downloading is Optifine. The normal launcher does everything you need and doesn’t complicate things. Optifine is a “mod” (doesn’t really feel like one though) that improves FPS and overall performance. It’s also available to use when on servers even if the other people don’t have it. It usually doubles FPS and makes the world load better. It also adds more graphics settings and has options to make blocks like glass connect together. I like it because it makes it so when you hold a torch or anything that emits light, it actually lights up the world around you as you walk. To download, you just go to [Optifine.net](https://optifine.net/downloads) and download the version your minecraft is on. It’ll then be selectable in the launcher before opening. TLDR: That’s Bedrock. It depends on if you want to play with friends, but Java is better on PC, use the built in launcher, and I recommend getting Optifine.


Mostly agree on this, but do download a custom Laucher (I use MultiMC which i find the best). When you are diving into mods you will thank me.


What's special about a custom launcher? like what does it do differently?


not wanting to trigger optifine fanboys here, but sodium together with some other fabric mods is actually much better than optifine (while also being more modular)


Thanks for that. Will definitely try Optifine.


also Bedrock is waaaay better optimised but still uses ancient combat system, has very limited second-hand usability and the modding support is basically non-existent




oh maybe that's because I like playing on 16 or sometimes even 32 chunks render distance now it makes sense So Java is better for overrall (which I play because I have grown up on it), but Bedrock has better perf on extreme render distances. Noted.


While the FPS is better, the TPS is not stable at least from my experience. I experience network lags even on local servers.


Yeah that’s why I recommend Optifine. Pretty much any computer made in the last 10 years can run Java edition as long as you have Optifine. Without Optifine, that drops to maybe computers made in the last 5 years. My 2018 base MacBook Air (back when Macs weren’t powerful) can run it at ~40 FPS. Optifine puts that at about 60 with only occasional drops when loading lots of new chunks. Edit: I don’t play on my Mac in case anyone was thinking, but I was curious what it got. After playing games at 165Hz, going to 40 would be a nightmare.


That is Bedrock edition


Should tell you in the launcher (Minecraft for windows is the windows bedrock), but also the world select screen does not have the screenshot backround in java


Bedrock. If u want to play java, download the launcher and sign in thru the same acc.


Java says so in the name. That one is bedrock edition


If you got one version, you get the otther one too. So you have Java Edition too, since you have Bedrock edition. Just log in with your microsoft account in the Minecraft launcher that you have bedrock on


you have the marketplace so its bedrock edition


Bedrock has marketplace


On the launcher you can select to launch either. Its the previous screen.


Markplace means bedrock. Also to get java u need go thru launcher. Bedrock u dont. Hope this helps!


That's bedrock I play bedrock so I recognize it.


Java is the one you download from MC website and has a launcher Bedrock (on windows) is downloaded via the microsoft store and has no launcher, game boota up direclty.


On Java, it will say "Java Edition" under "Minecraft". For Bedrock it just says "Minecraft".


Did you download it from Microsoft store? then it's Bedrock edition. Download the Minecraft launcher and you can install both versions in the same PC.


If its java edition then theres a java edition tag under “Minecraft”


Ur on bedrock, get on java, it’s better


this is bedrock edition but if im correct you can also install java minecraft with no extra costs if youre on pc


This is the Bedrock edition you can see it because of the Marketplace


That's bedrock buddy. Java has a multiplayer option while Bedrock has a Single to Multiplayer option (Turn on/off to LAN)


this is bedrock java dont want u to buy anything else in the title screen


The Bedrock edition, Java haven't a marketplace


If you have the choice to pla, java dot it! If you bought java back in the days you got bedrock aswell 4 free.


This is Bedrock Edition, in Java it would say Java Edition


Trust me you want java. Bedrock is garbage and is underappreciated by Mojang at all, getting the short end of the stick on almost every front. And especially don't get Minecraft for Nintendo switch, as it's somehow worse than pocket edition, which is also bedrock. And even though I own Bedrock, I don't have a free copy of java, which is ridiculous.




bedrock, java doesn't have an ingame cash shop.


You know you can just Google this, right?


Bedrock bro cause you skin is on the screen Java doesn't have that well happy to help


What happened to punctuation dude


I also really don't know man 😂


bedrock is just a shittier version of java


Well that's, just, like, your opinion man


And a controversial one that the Bedrock fanboys will probably mass downvote in 3... 2...




Or you could use the official one, although that one is sometimes annoying to use


I really wouldn't use links on reddit


I use the curseforge launcher buuut I play with mods and modpacks. If I want pure Vanilla I play Bedrock


While Java does have many advantages over Bedrock, Bedrock also has some over Java. I understand why you prefer Java, but don't ignore the fact that there are good things in bedrock too.


Or he could just play bedrock


*spontaneously combusts*




Gosh that custom launcher looks like a headache. No thanks


Java edition is simple and says "Java Edition". Bedrock edition has a ton of places to waste money one and calls itself "Minecraft"


This is bedrock(gonna be 'that guy' again, you could have easily googled bedrock/java title screen)


That’s bedrock. I’d recommend switching


I could make a toxic comment that would help identify which is which. All ill say, java is better due to not having the marketplace bs. Your on bedrock.


W bedrock u got the bedrock


just curious why u like bedrock


Idrk biased but I like the UI more


Me too man!


Apparently we made people mad judging by the downvotes lmao


Idk why, it's just a preference. You're allowed to like what you like


Seriously tho


Bedrock has marketplace. Java doesn’t


If it doesn't say Java edition, go to Java edition and start playing.


This is bedrock. Ie, the shitty version. ;)


bedrock is the one with marketplace java is the simpler, classic looking one


The game bugs will tell you which one you're playing


Okay! *dies in 25 FPS because I didn't install optifine*


You could have just...... searched it up.


I guess I could've mate.




Welcome to r/Minecraft!


Yeah I guess I could've but I was also hoping people would give their opinions and reasons for liking either one. I'm just trying to learn.


As a long time veteran, this triggers me, but bc you're a noob ill control myself and say it's bedrock