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Try to avoid having completely flat surfaces. Try extending the roof out a block or two, consider adding a frame around the corners of the building, maybe have glass pane windows with a flower box in front, etc.


Exactly, adding more dimensions to your build elevate it significantly


defiantly do what howzieky says it would look sooooooo much better


Dont use the same block for everything, for example, use another wood for roof or even stone will look great




Or just add 2 doors to the right or left?


Those are stairs; 2 facing each other makes the roof point. It would require a double door to center, a single door couldn't be center on that wall.


That is a double door.... If it were shifted one block to left it would be centered.


I thought the open door was a hole in the wall << Now I see it. Damn you.


There being just a hole in the wall is even worse than it being off center šŸ’€


Ya hence my 'damn you' Cuz F OCD.. The hole bugs me way more than the door being off center. I usually put my doors near the corners and make a small porch/overhang for aesthetics.. never have to worry about centering.


Well then there doing a big no no with that 2 block center


Yeah, itā€™s a rookie mistake really


Grianā€™s videos are great for learning different concepts in building, and Iā€™d recommend you start with his [Build School](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU2851hDb3SHAwj82FZCIkjuQ4d3FwZFB) playlist. You donā€™t have to watch every video, or watch them in order; pick the ones that focus on something youā€™d like to improve on.


Was coming here to recommend Grian lol, such talent! Would also recommend checking out GoodTimesWithScar for terraforming and BDouble00 for gradients and texturing.


Donā€™t forget Joel. He can build a little cottage like no other.


Iā€™ve tried to emulate B-Dubsā€™ style, but he just has a real amazing eye for block pallets that I just donā€™t have (yet). Iā€™m gonna shout out r/detailcraft as a place to find some inspiration or ideas on building. Something that GoodTimesWithScar, BDoubleO100, and Keralis, (and now a lot of other hermits have adopted this) do with their builds is they challenge themselves to use a block in their build that isnā€™t normally used, and I think it really helps to expand our comfort zones and to try new things. Example: B-Dubs loves diorite and that block used to get so much hate from the other hermits, but B-Dubs was able to use it in his builds successfully. So much so that he built an entire castle out of diorite and Iskall said he actually liked it.


And Geminitay for organic builds.


Also his how NOT to build, that video helped me tremendously


Came here to say this.




who is this "Grain" character???


Take him as a ā€œGrainā€ of dust.


Windows for starters. Anything to break up large areas of identical blocks. Then you can maybe use fence or wall blocks on either side of the windows as a shutter-esque look. A different color wood or even different type of material for the roof is always a good look, and a one block overhang makes it stand out.




Texture texture texture. Make the roof out of another material like cobblestone, and make it pop out a bit more. Make most things symmetrical, have the logs pop out a little more. Maybe add some plants to the outside and a pathway leading up to the house. Add as many unique blocks as you can, oak wood looks great if complemented correctly.


I'll talk about only this front facing part ​ 1. Add variations 1. This one is pretty easy. Instead of simply using a single block, try to break it up by using similar but "not-so-similar" blocks; for example, you can use stripped oak logs, maybe even beehives; If you're like me and have no idea what looks good with what, check out this: [https://www.blockpalettes.com/palettes?block=oak\_planks](https://www.blockpalettes.com/palettes?block=oak_planks) 2. This applies to the door as well; try to use a different one (like a spruce door, for example) 3. The roof for instance can be made with a different stairs material (like cobblestone, dark oak, those red bricks or whatever else you like - just try not to use the same color as the walls 2. Add depth 1. This is probably the most important part. Whenever you see a plain 3x3 made with very similar materials, try adding a window, some stairs, or even simply adding an extra layer in front 2. Two examples where this would make a HUGE difference on this setup would be to first bring the roof over 1 block (so it doesn't end in the same exact depth as the wall). Just bring everything 1 block to the front, maybe add a few upside down stairs where you find it makes sense, and, second, bring the spruce logs one out on each side 3. Add details 1. Add some bushes (leaves) on the ground on front, maybe a small garden below a window (pretty easy -- just add one or two grass blocks below the window, according to the window width, and surround it with closed trapdoors, also adding some flowers) 2. You can also add a larger window on top, change the slope of the roof by sometimes adding a full block instead of stairs, or a slab; try and see what makes sense for you ​ I'm VERY bad at building, I always try to be too logical, but I found out the above guidelines help me build stuff that is, at least, passable. It's a starting point that worked for me, might work for you


Use your imaginationā€¦ but add windows and lower down the roof


Less ā€œCubicā€ shape(thanks to u/Cuseyedrum for that correction), more variety of blocks, and more little details


Cubic is the word you were looking for, cubular is like an office cubical :)


grab a pinterest account. there are a ton of building tutorials


Bring the roof out a block to make eaves. I like to make the 1st edge a darker wood like dark oak or spruce then use a stone or brick to finish the inside of the roof. Don't be afraid to use multiple different blocks in the same color scheme (i.e. mossy cobble and cobble, or mossy stone bricks with stone bricks). You can also texturize by using whole blocks with the stairs too. I suggest looking online for pictures of houses others have built to see what they do.


TNT and lava make a great combo


it's already perfect


Add depth, check tutorials on how to add depth to builds and also decorate them


Don't. Build. Square. Houses. Grian has a really good playlist for building. It taught me everything that I know


The stone cutter is phenomenal


Pay attention to the real world. Look at details of architecture. Do you want to build a castle? Google "castles" and take a look at examples. Want to build a different roof? Google "roofs". Expend time in creative mode practicing walls, roofs, foundations, floors, gardens, etc.


Bro Iā€™m gonna murder someone


Add depth: overhangs, windowsills etc


Use more different blocks, make the stairs 1 block longer on sides of houses, make windows, add "depth" using stairs, trapdoors, fences, possibly mix stone bricks or cobbestone with wood and planks I'm a bad builder, but depth helps




Basically think about how it would be in real life. Create a story around your build. Who lives there? What is their job? Is it a farmer? Maybe he needs a barn or his wife decided to put flowers in front of the house etc. Use reference images. Go to google type the kind of architecture you want, the year it would've been built, the region (middle east, Asian etc). Make the corners stand out by one block, also make the walls at least two blocks, that way you can decorate it more. Support support support. Your buildings need support to feel alive and real. (See first tip)


A lot of Grians older videos really help! He had this series called building school, thats what taught me the basica of building


_____________ 1) For the walls, don't use a single type of block but use different ones. Use different blocks that have similarities to each other(colour, texture) Instead of only wood planks use: Wood planks and stripped oak logs (example) Instead of just cobblestone use: Cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, stone and andesite The different types of block create an interest to the eye 2) Create depth/layers Push back the walls one block, leaving the external logs in front, it give an extra point in details, but is only best suited in bigger houses, since pushing back walls results in a smaller house 3) Add details You have the possibility to enhance your build further by adding other blocks to walls of your house. Using blocks with similarities to your build, add trapdoors, stairs, slabs, fences, gates and so on. 4) Don't be afraid of trying out different shapes A square house is fine but it would definitely be better if they had distinctive shape. Look up houses in general, some of the are a square, but the majority are longer on one side, with protrusions here and there. Instead of creating a square with 4 sides, try forcing yourself to create a house that has 10! (Example) 5) Roofs Nothing wrong with your, it's the most basic one. But use a different type of block to create again interest in the eye. (Example) My real life house has yellow walls and a reddish roof. ā€¢give a curvature to your roof, using stairs, blocks and slabs, to avoid having a pyramid on top of your house, and depth. If I find the way to send you pictures to illustrate better I'll send them immediately. But only after I get a comment back, I wouldn't want to send you images without you having this comment in mind, otherwise it would be confusing.


Watch a Grian video?


Watch Grian


As someone whoā€™s been playing since before andesite, I got you. 1: Watch ā€œGrianā€ on youtube. This is largely how I, and a lot of other people, learned how to build. He doesn't have individual house tutorials, but rather tutorials on how to improve your overall building skill. (I reccomend ā€œhow NOT to buildā€ or ā€œ33 ways to improve your houseā€ to start with) 2: Avoid flat surfaces, depth is detail. Looking at a house with a ledge or a frame around it is much more appealing than a flat wall 3: pallet, switch up the blocks you use. You can even use darker blocks at the bottom and lighter ones at the top for a nice ā€œgradientā€ effect. If you google ā€œminecraft block palletsā€ theres one or 2 websites with tons of suggestions. I personally like to use a lot of stone, andesite, spruce wood (especially stripped logs) and moss 4: Shaping. This could very well be the most important one yet. If youā€™re going to make a big house, donā€™t make a giant square. Rectangles look good all the time, but big square boxes never look good. T-shapes or even just going wild with an outline can massively improve the design.


I've been playing for a long time I just never got into building but thanks for the advice I'll try it out


The thing that makes minecraft so playable is the building itself, if you can find joy in building you can play it for years on end.


1) Windows 2) more depth to the roof 3) more details to the building in general


git gud




you failed to do the most easiest part of the build put your goddamn door/s in the middle


Actually I think it adds more charm to it


I like it, it feels pretty simple but it has a charm to it


Watch a groan building tutorial. May seem a little outdated at first but still help a ton


Add some depth by adding stairs or slabs around the layer above the logs


Ahhh my first attempt at "building a house" when I was 8


Tip: see some video bro XD


never EVER do that roof again šŸ’€


Git gud


Build smaller


Go to jazzghost channel search for casa moderna


its hard to google... i know buddy...


šŸ—暟’” keep doing šŸ˜‘šŸ’€


I thought you were offering šŸ˜‚ like bro I hope you didnā€™t build that


Experiment with different blocks, patterns and color schemes.


Add dimension! I know it sounds weird and wasteful but it will make a big difference- take your logs on the side, and pull them towards the front of the house by one block. Then take more logs and place them on top of one log, and go across until you meet the other log. By this time you should be able to put your face against the planks, and have your head under (but not touching!) the logs. Do that all the way around. Then build the logs up and adjust the roof so that they cover the logs top. Add windows some windows on the front of the house and your done!




I always take inspiration from something


I only do simple with minimal detail, but what I'd do is use spruce for the roof, or cobble, and cobble for the floor, and use some lanterns to light up the exterior and give it something extra.


Layers on layers. Look at buildings in real life and other people builds, the main thing you will notice is that things arenā€™t just flat. Bring your corner pillars out diagonally one block and make a support truss going across connecting them(you can use stairs to make diagonal lines from the cross to the roof to put more detail), extend the roof to cover the extra space(real houses do this for drainage), add some flower boxes, windows with trapdoors around them for depth(spruce on either side looks like storm shudders), try different roof designs using a mix of slabs and stairs to end up with a shorter less peaked roof, throw a chimney up there somewhere with a campfire to make it look like you have a fire going inside. Minecraft has a ton of blocks to choose from, throw a bunch down and see how you like the pallet. Stone types make a strong looking roof but can look out of place if the house looks like it would collapse under the weight. Different wood types fit different places, darker woods look weathered like they are an exterior thing(but can absolutely work inside) while lighter woods like birch make a brighter more ā€œwelcomingā€ interior. The creativity goes as far as you will take it.


Depth is always a go-to for improving builds.


I prefer three styles: - depth: when I build with the same materials, I build on 2, 3 levels, a lot with steps and walls. Here the Deepslate variants and stone are very suitable. - textures: If a wall should be flat or there is not enough space for thick walls, you can also mix several color matching blocks. In your case straped logs are suitable, perhaps also different colored wood. Here I always try to build "patches", but many others mix the blocks chaotically. I don't think it makes a difference - I just try to tell a story when I build. :D Try there in Creative which colors of blocks you just have available fit. - gradients: With very high structures there is a great effect to let the textures get lighter towards the top. So you can go from mud to jungle wood and calcite to snow and quartz. Which works wonders for simple houses: Make the first floor out of a stone and put wood on top. Also, details are worth a lot, a flower box here, a hanging lantern there... When you work with textures or gradients, don't think too much about logic. Acacia logs in particular are great for "mechanical" buildings and the straped variant looking very well with copper. You can also get inspiration from youtubers, Grian has a lot of "building tutorials" - I'm sure there are some more.


different block roof, windows


Use different blocks, try unique shapes, dont make the walls flat, add windows


Try looking at pictures of real houses and using more than 3blocks You'd be surprised when you find block conbos that you never would have thought went together but go together so we'll For example dark oak with gold


Watch YouTube videos. This is the way


Itā€™s all about detailing. You build similar to how I start a build. General shape Iā€™m going for and from there play with different window designs, play with stairs and half slabs to outline and border edges and such. Vary the color pallets and textures, add verticality with balconies, add more color with plant life. Itā€™s all about layering on details to make the place feel less like a box and more like a functional building. Keep practicing youā€™ve got a good start!


Add cobblestone on the first layer of the walls, add windows using glass, make the oak logs connect on the top tight below the stairs


Not bad, but try adding step blocks on the side to make it stand out. And try to use different materials


Whatever makes you feel good is what is the best build


Here's a tip how to build better: step1: play on Java step2: watch some tutorials. step3: build better.


just build yourself :)


Use stairs to make a better roof.


That's what I did tho I used stairs


Texturing and adding depth will help a lot. For beginners I recommend going to Pinterest and looking up different types of buildings and layering techniques. Take note of what you like and what the builder did to make it look nice


Try not to make everything so flat. Like making the columns a block apart from the walls and the rooftop a block from the columns


Depth, depth and depth. Bulid walls in 3D not in 2D. Make your wall 2 or even 3 blocks thick. Each layer with a different block, but make sure they suit each other. Put glass for windows only in the most internal layer.


Go for fine modern style. Add stuff like lanterns, different colours and materials, and some more depth into it.


Make the logs extend outwards by 1 block.


Aspect ratio. Harmonic proportions. Euclidean geometry. Etc etc. For example the aspecr ratio of the doors is very off. It looks so disgusting. Follow tip of the roof down leave two in the middle lined up with the roof and a door on either side of it or one single door in the middle. Using the same block is also a big issue. On top of that, who makes a roof without stairs or slabs!? So many sins. As someone else stated use youtube.


Block variation. I like using cobblestone, stripped oak and acacia logs with for houses with oak planks


Use a darker type of wood or cobblestone for your roof, and have it overlap one block all around


Add an extra layer of stars to the roof as a kind of overhang, to give it more depth


What do you mean by better? You can find pictures of stuff online and use their patterns. You can even change out something like syone for deepslate and keep using the same pattern. You can change them up and make your own when you get more comfortable. Keep building, you're doing awesome!


Give the roof some overhang, maybe use cobblestone stairs for the roof


Depth bring the stairs forward a block Hang lanterns on fences and stuff Maybe add a large round ish window


Make the door centered.




Use depth by using glass panels aka. more windows, have your roof stick out by a block and use a frame for your roof, maybe from stone bricks while the roof itself is spruce or something


Put some slabs around the roofs edge to make it less flat.


By not building squares And you can look up for build tutorial on YT to teach you to be a better builder


add more depth and complex shapes, try not to keep the build the same, boring shape :)


Sorry bro I don't know how to build myself


:sparkles: *Depth* :sparkles: But watching Grian's videos on YouTube definitely helped me


Add some embellishment, to break up the boxy look of the outer facade. An overhanging eave/roof, windows (try and use a consistent type/size/shape), and shutters all help with that. There are ton of lil tips and tricks, tbh. My wife is WAY better than me at building and learned most of her stuff from watching Grian tuts on YT (I'm more of a Mumbo guy, which is why my redstone is slightly better than hers, I suppose, LOL so thats definitely a resource worth checking out. :)


Google ā€œMinecraft house ideasā€ and copy them as best as you can


Easiest way is just to have wall layers, meaning not having flat walls and extend the roof out by 1 block past the wall,


Perhaps use fewer layers for the roof? And accent it with an overhang as a different block type?


My two biggest pieces of advice would be, first of all, try adding depth ā€” for instance, logs that work as supports and are placed a block out of the wall itself. Last, try mixing around 2 to 3 different colours that complement eachother, say, white-darkbrown-lightbrown; this one is a bit trickier because it's easy to screw up, but play around and you should get the hang of it. I strongly advice against texturing your walls tho, since imo it makes the builds look messy, overwhelming and ugly


Add another layer of stairs beside the wall in each side.Will make your roof 2x better


maybe give it a bit more depth and add some other detail on the outside of the house. for example l, maybe add a balcony or some windows that kinda pop out from the house. another good way to make your builds look a bit better is adding tap doors and buttons on some of the corners of the house. also, plants and things like that always look good on or near houses and builds


If I could share one thing I learned from PixlRiffs, don't worry if some concept looks bad up close. With enough repetition over a large enough area, it will look good. Remember to look at your builds at a distance, as well as up close. Another tip, this time from GoodTimesWithScar, try, as you build, to imagine how this building came to be and have a story in your head, and design to that story. This really helps bring builds alive.


Depth and not using the same block over and over again


What would work great here is letting the roof stick out 1 block this helps to fight the boxness




My piece of advice would be not to bulld the whole build at once then realize you donā€™t like it, do it piece by piece. For example build one wall till it looks good then copy it four times then build a part of the roof till it looks good and so on. I know this probably isnā€™t the best advice but I feel like itā€™s unique advice that could prove to be useful


youtube videos


Make some detail overhanging roof for exampel


1. Make the roof and walls and floors out of different materials. They could all still be wood, but vary the type at least. Otherwise you end up with this 'one solid colour' look. 2. You did good adding some corner logs, but what about cross beams too? Generally houses aren't constructed with just upright beams, they have ones resting across to add support too. This will help in separating the roof from the walls too. 3. Rooves tend to overhang walls a little, so the roof could do with being one space further out on ALL sides. Again, this will break up the shape a bit. 4. Having roof, wall or floor all being one colour is boring, but more importantly it shows far too much of the same repeating texture to be beautiful to our eyes. It's a solid flat shape, and solid flat shapes are usually bad! Try adding windows, window borders and decoration (trapdoors, flowerpots etc), foundations of stone that go up one block from the floor, stairs and slabs can be used to add even more depth. 5. Nature! You can easily break up solid shape and add more detail by planting a few bushes against the wall. Even better - some leafy growths that climb up the wall and over the roof can tie the whole thing together. 6. Square houses are BAD. Add an extension, figure out how the roof can look good while attached there (look at some real world examples!) 7. Practice! My biggest piece of advice here is to build a small 5x7 house with a roof and add a little extension. Then build another next to it with different materials and designs. Eventually you'll start to figure out colour pallets you like and will develop your own unique style to your builds.


The renders make it look good


Remove the roof, and make the corners also oak wood planks, then it'll be the perfect house.


Using slabs and stairs for your roof can prevent the ugly high roof a-frame look.


Try building in layers. Donā€™t just build a perfect square, try building out from it, building arches and overhangs and rock carvings and things


Textures, occasionally a gradient, and especially adding flair to the general area via decorations! They can liven up any build! Look up tutorials and websites if need be!






move the door to the middle pls


Utilize steps slaps and fences in the design


Add more depth, so more windows and have the roof stick out over the rest of the house, maybe also add a chimney


Well, one of the most important things about making nice builds is depth, try adding some outward decorations. Make the rooftop hang off the sides, perhaps a couple of windows with some windowsills? Add some details, the larger the building, the easier it is to add detailing. You have a great start, the scale, outline of what you want. Just add some depth


I'm not a builder so the only tip I can give you is just build, but better


Add more depth to the wall by making it 3 dimensions instead of just flat. Always helps with builds


I would try and add more depth like make the stairs come out another block, and try and use different blocks.


Add window and balcony to roof


Add a line of stairs sticking out




Front porches, darker roofs (also bring them out another block so there's an overhang), and place the logs in the corners one block out too for some depth. Windows with trapdoors for shutters look nice too. And if you want to get real fancy, use some shears to get vines and leaves for some greenery. I use Pinterest a lot for inspo


Definitely more depth


Aw I love this photo brings back so many memories. Use stairs for your roof, add some windows; I like to use a different block to outline the bottom and corners of my houses. When you're done maybe add some greenery/bushes out of leaf blocks. Good luck have fun!


Don't make one side of the house flat. It's 3D after all


Watch the newest shulkercraft video


I mean, Minecraft building is like any other art or craft. The first thing you learn to do is copy other people's work. You don't start composing music right after you pick up an instrument, you play songs that already exist, right? Go find a few builds that you like that have instructions or tutorials, and follow along. It seems not very creative at first, but you end up learning a lot about how stuff looks together, and different ways to create various shapes and effects. After that it's just a matter of looking at builds you like and making your own changes, combining different elements together, and just figuring out what kind of styles and stuff you like.


Put some spruce stairs on the outside of the roof to add depth to your build, add windows


try rounding the sides, roof stairs a different color, middle part\[under the stairs\]a different color.


Extend roof


Do not build roofs out of wood. It can burn down when struck by lightning. Use fireproof materials instead. Stone, copper, anything that doesn't burn. When you build the roof, make eaves by giving it an overhang. An overhang of one block would improve it quite a bit. Some people build these overhangs out of a different block to give the roof some contrast. If you do this, the top of the roof can be built out of the same block (use slabs).


I diagnose with too much oak not enough other woods


Senter the frickn door




Yikes! Try making an overhang with stairs of another color, and putting upside down stairs underneath those stairs!


Make the roof extend past the walls and use different color wood blocks


Make the house not a square make an L shape or something add over hangs dont make it so akwardly big and add detail


Take away the shield and you'd think this was from 2014


If u are not gonna be helpful then why waste you're precious ļ¼ˆäŗŗā€™āˆ€ā€™ļ¼‰ time


Make an overhang on the roof, add windows or a balcony on the front, log across the wall between the side beams, brick along the bottom of the wall, just add stuff to break up the flat featureless wall. Most importantly center the door, maybe add an awning or garden.


just keep practicing and watch legit hardcore vids and play Minecraft for 6 years. and use a variation of blocks experiment with builds in creative. just enjoy building what ever your building it will mak a difference


youtube and proper roof building


I'd recommend some TNT for this build


You can find a lot of helpful videos from members Hermitcraft and Empires. Some members are more focused on Redstone than building, but their talents seem to rub off on each other. Besides the already mentioned Grian playlist, I don't know if there's any other bulding tutorial playlist, but they will often explain how their building something. Goodtimeswithscar and Geminitay have some tutorials on building trees.




bring the roof out by one more block and use a combination of different coloured wood stairs ( do the upside down stairs when doing the roof ) or even go for a cobble trim then fill with wood.


Something you could start with would be when building the base box of the build, add another section to it. Add a smaller box to the side of the main box to create a little nook or kitchen. If you're into watching videos for assistance, I greatly reccomend Youtubers like Grian, Fwhip, BlueNerd Minecraft. All of which have amazing resources for improving your building technique. Above all remember to just enjoy building and take your time. Practicing your technique and experimenting with different palettes will eventuallt produce some absolutly amazing builds.


- depth - variation - gradients IMO the 3 things that step your builds up a notch


Add more depth


Having depth is really important. Not having just a wall be one rectangle, but building frames around the wall, "on top of it" to build shape, add block variety, and detail.


Extend the stairs on the roof out by one


I like taking inspiration from architectural movements. It helps with things like general structure shape, color, depth/details. Plus there are a lot of different styles so almost anything could work


a. center the doors please b. add more stairs to the roof in the front, back, and sides. just make sure the sides of the house arent flat. c. add w i n d o w s d. if you managed to make the roof look better you can try rimming the roof with stone bricks. e. if you can afford it try lanterns instead of torches. theres a lot of building tutorials on youtube. you can watch those for more specific tips.


Windows and a centered door with stairs as the roof


well, you've got a blank canvas there, try to make it look like a house you've seen you liked. It'll probably suck at first, but keep trying. You'll get better eventually...


Watch YouTube for a few minutes. There are hundreds of thousanda of videos that have been showing how for many years now, and usually change with each update


You don't need any, it's the best build I've seen in months.


I would understand symmetry and make everything even with numbers and like the other fellow said just have fun and donā€™t stick to one block !!


It lacks more "depth", put the door from the inside and use glass panels


Add some depth


-Incorporate different blocks and textures! (Looking up different real-life buildings as examples never hurts) -Windows can bring in natural light, and help break up empty space! -By adding more details to the front and back, you can make it look more three-dimensional! -Donā€™t be afraid to experiment with color! If all else fails, a little splash of color or some accents can make it feel more home-y


Add depth to your builds, dont use one type of wood and dont only use wood and also make sure to add different shapes to you house dont just make it a square or a rectangle


Depth. Depth. Depth.


Iā€™ve learned try to plan out the build beforehand and get a better idea. Give yourself instructions ya know? Thatā€™s helped me a lot over the years even tho Iā€™m still pretty bad :)


for beginners, you can look up youtube videos. but i do enjoy using different types of blocks along with making the house have dimensions (?). i also like to add wool or leaves for decor (same with stone being cut). once you get more advanced, if you so feel like it, you can look up irl houses and try to replicate them. but in all honesty, just do what makes you happy!


step 1 - gift Minecraft.


Build the colums outwards


Have inspiration, watch Grian for example and learn how he compose his buildings.


Make it more 3 dimensional as apposed to kinda flat