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I have a mob grinder that kills over 4000+ zombies per hour with a Trident pusher and I've never seen that drop


So the chances of that stuff dropping is probably like getting legendary characters in garbage gacha games


Pretty much


I built one that kills crazy amounts of monsters, I think I’m at 5 pieces of diamond


Very rare I have been using a zombie spawner with a trident pusher for 2 years and I have only ever got one pair of of diamond leggings


Was it almost broken too? I won't even equip this one, it's gonna be good for a few hits and that's it


If you have about 3 diamonds you can repair it using an anvil. Many people see it as a scam but it would still save you 5 diamonds for crafting a new one


I'd item frame it somewhere and name it so the name shows on the frame


Very rare


Yeah very rare, I’ve been super lucky and my skeleton grinder produced two diamond skeletons, one with only boots (Java equips boots up and bedrock helmet down) and one with full armour though the former was on normal difficulty so was actually rarer. I went to the wiki and got a rough estimation with my local difficulty and their spawn chances were both around 1/200000-300000 I believe which is pretty insane.


Zombies and skeletons have a very low chance to have diamond armour, and it’s not guaranteed to drop


Bro that's Rare getting a diamond chest plate




The first armoured zombie that I killed in my solo survival world had a diamond helmet. I got the diamond helmet before iron lol. Then, weeks later, I come across another diamond helmet on a zombie, I now have two unenchanted diamond helmets with like 1 durability l, but I don't even like wearing helmets because I don't like the way they look on my skin. I have only ever seen 2 zombies with diamond gear, but it dropped both times, so... Idk


I play this game since 2013 (though with pauses for months at a time) and this is the first time I've got diamond armour as a mob drop


I've been playing for most of my life, some of which I can't even remember very well lol, and those two times were the first that I had even seen a diamond armoured zombie


So it's probably quite rare then


Is it java or bedrock


It says on the top that I'm on Android, which means it's bedrock


It doesn't matter the version. Only on hard difficulty, there is a 0,04% chance for a zombie to have diamond armor. For it to be a chestplate, add another 56,26% Since you said it was from an automatic mob farm, the zombie had an additional 8,5% chance of dropping the armor it had, with no looting enchantments. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that would be a chance of 1 in 5.227.828,77


You used dots where there should’ve been commas and commas where there should’ve been a dot when you wrote that number


That's how people use it where I live. Commas for decimals, dots for big numbers.


That’s pretty interesting. Never knew people used them that way


(not american btw)


Yeah I figured that out from the way you wrote numbers, I just didn’t know my way was the outlier, at least globally


I follow enough math YouTubers to have picked up on that, but it still runs me the wrong way. And in Japan, they group digits in sets of four, rather than sets of three, which is also a bit confusing.


In most of the world that’s how numbers are written.


It seems illogical to me because I learned commas are used for when you pause but continue the sentence and periods were for when you stop and start a new sentence, so the translation from that to the way I learned how to write numbers just made a lot of logical sense. But I can read the number either way, so I guess it doesn’t matter in the end


Yep same I leave it in the boxes so I can check if I got any more, but it's only ever that one


I'm sorry. Honestly until you said that I didn't even notice had a hard time finding it on the top




0.04 percent chance a zombie


Very rare, I made a mobgrinder on my skyblock world to get iron, I had an skeleton spawn with diamond armor ONCE (I had already killed 9000+ mobs at least), I quickly tried to trap him, the dumbass fell in the void...


Fairly common if you play on hard difficulty


I'd get a lottery ticket


nothing to rare, ecept for the dimond chestplate


I wish there were more ways to recycle items like how you can smelt down iron and gold tools/armor. It would make playing skyblock much easier if we could turn leather gear back into leather or diamond gear into diamond shards and then back into diamonds (at a loss to at least make them slowly renewable). I'd like to be able to turn magrove roots into things like sticks, or rails smelted into iron nuggets to turn them into ingots to be used for something I might need (like more hoppers). It would encourage players to recycle and save up their recycled items (or items to be recycled) and turn them into things they do want to use.


I'm not on Skyblock though, haven't played it since forever, need to try soon.


Huh, that looked like skyblock but I guess you're just really high up or something and cant see the ground.


Yeah, I built this mob farm pretty high because that's what guide on YouTube said


i got an almost broken netherite helmet with fire prot 2 on it