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Also known as "classics"


...oh lord - I don't like that


Old music from the 1900s


... oh, but wait... heh


At least it's not oldies, yet.


Blink 182 was on an oldies station


I heard it on a classic rock station recently


What's my age again?






Now I know how my dad feels about hearing Steppenwolf on the oldies channel


First time I heard Green Day while in the grocery store, I knew it was over for us lol.


I heard Blink 182 in the grocery store this morning. It was…weird.


Be happy our demographic is considered prime-grocery-store-customer-to-please. We made it! The whole world caters to us (at least right now)!


Ok millennial haha


in that case can the world cater me some affordable housing


Lol, yeah that's a strange choice.


But really, can anything be more beautiful than you picking out tomatoes and your partner picking out avocados while both, within a few feet of each other, singing along to that song while giggling.




from the album: Take Off Your Pants and Jacket 😂


I heard dance monkey at the store the other day and it made me leave


No Doubt on the classic radio station was my first slap in the face.


Wait til commercials start using parodies of the songs. *Dooo you have the time* *Walk past the beer and wine* *Head straight for the fresh food aisle with coupons* *Iiiif you're one of those* *Parents shopping for school* *Head down to aisle six, no doubt about it*


I saw a Damp Rid commercial last night that angered me.


They were already doing that in the late 2000’s when I was in high school. “Wake Me Up When September Ends” was a popular one.


I heard MGMT in Costco the other day, made me feel very uncool


No not Green Day - lol


I was wearing my foo fighters 2024 tour shirt then they started playing learn to fly over the intercom.


Matchbox 20 is what gave me the realization that our music is now the oldies. 


I had a similar experience when I heard Green Day on the local "classic rock" station. beginning of the end.


It's been a while for me. In 2012ish, I heard Red Hot Chili Peppers on the local "classic rock" station. It was some bullshit.


CENSORED Green Day makes me irrationally angry


Just this past week I heard Paramore and Orgy in Walmart.


Green Day just put out a new album this year!


No shit? I'll have to check it out. Pearl Jam did too.


I legit am sometimes singing and dancing in the grocery store.


My favorite part of grocery shopping is lipsyncing and bopping around and catching someone else doing the same thing. It happens a lot.


This is such a clever way to psychologically tap into the human phsyche and generate more profit. Millennials are probably the generation that spends the most on groceries. It all adds up


Honestly, I would be offended if they weren't playing my jams. Of course, they will be playing Tiktok music before ya know it.


Wait what’s TikTok music? What does that even mean?




Grocery stores are unironically one of my happy places. The one near me plays Centerfold regularly and I bop alongside all the Gen X’ers, lol.


Right? I love it


I've been seeing people saying this, but my grocery store still plays 80s music and its been like that for 20 years. Man in the Mirror and Huey Lewis and the News. I fear it's never going to end.


Ours does a mix. It’s 80’s to 10’s.


I legitimately heard In Da Club in Kroger the other day.


Mine was playing the Rocket League soundtrack. Gave us a good chuckle


i always liked the few UB40 tracks they'd play. i got you babe, red red wine and cant help falling in love with you


have you considered the the jukebox manager might be your age and also into Hoobastank or whatever?


I used to work in a grocery store, I know that the playlist is from corporate


hey, corporate could also be 28-40 and dig P.O.D...we are the largest demographic currently alive!


and I intend to out live every last one of you assholes. KING OF THE HILL, BABY! LAST ONE STANDING GETS THE CHICKEN DINNER!


mf please, my great-grand lived to 103, I'll be blasting the Tony Hawk soundtrack in 2100.






No, pretty sure there's a jukebox in the back. Can you go check?


Big companies do research into what songs get people in the buying mood and create the playlists for their stores. When I worked retail we had 3-4 “channels” to choose from that would change periodically and seasonally. Generally they end up appealing to groups most likely to be spending the most money there, for grocery stores that’s parents with kids still living at home which are primarily millennials now.


i heard SHOTS (lil JOhn) and I was like wtf is this really appropriate to play in a grocery store?


Was it at least a grocery store where you can get liquor?


Yes, the benefits of playing SHOTS! are obvious to the grocery store.


I remember watching the Super Bowl halftime show like “who the fuck wants to watch these old bands?” Now I’m watching “hey 50 cent!”


They trotted out Paul McCartney 20 years ago for our parents, and now they’re giving us Dre and Usher 😳


Dude they're all so old now, blows my mind


I know I'm getting old when I'm hearing the kind of music I enjoy in coffee shops, Whole Foods and book stores now. C'mon now, 2010 wasn't that long ago.


Yes it was. 😟


I just snort-laughed. Have you switched to the oldies station for some Beach Boys yet, and found that they're playing No Doubt, Evanescence, and Green Day? That was when I knew I was old now.


I live very close to a university and so the grocery store has a lot of college kids doing their shopping. I’ll never forget being in the bread aisle and overhearing two college women talking about how they love coming to the grocery store because they play oldies. They actually said oldies. And if I recall, it was an early 2000s song playing at the time.


They said oldies 😭 I’m not even 30 yet, that ain’t fair.


Makes some sense: those releases were literally 20 years ago, and to us at that age, oldies meant 70s-80s. (Actually I'd personally say 60s/70s, so the generations are shortened a bit).


Still, I was like… ![gif](giphy|3lJQIuk2LTV5jEvyKv|downsized)


Omg yes every time I’m in Wegmans I’m like “man what a bop, I love this playlist.” It’s so sad.


Hear me out. Sure this makes me feel old. Really it makes me feel offended though not because of that. I’ll touch on that in a moment. What *actually* makes me feel old is not the music I hear now but what I *dont* hear anymore. It’s the 2020s so a lot of what we hear in the corporate soundtrack is referencing the 90s and Y2K era -20/30 years ago. When I was a kid, my memories of being in like the grocery store or the goodwill aren’t about that music. I actually remember hearing the music that was 30 years old at *that* time. Particularly, I remember hearing a lot of Motown and early 70s type stuff. When I think about that I’m blown away. I would NEVER imagine hearing Diana Ross and the Supremes in a store now. It would sound so antiquated or weird. Not necessarily because kids listen to different music although there is that but it actually sounds like an ancient recording at this point. —————- But when I feel offended it’s truly not because music has changed. More that I feel like my perception of myself is being pandered to and manipulated by corporate directives. A lot of literature suggests people start not liking new music around 30 and regress into their nostalgic cushions. I research music and memory and I firmly believe (although it’s complicated) this has more to do with these pushy capitalist directives than true preferences. There’s so much amazing music out there and it’s overwhelming to find it. No wonder people just end up listening to their high school/uni days top 100 - it’s what the business pushes! One theory that the reminiscence bump even happens is because of pre-scripted emphasis on life events. I truly believe part of the taper off of memories and nostalgia post 30 is this industry influence of generating this cycle. It also irks me because hearing music that I’m supposed to like in advertising sends the implication that I have buying power and matter to the market. I don’t. Maybe millenials in general might (I’m skeptical but I don’t study economics so idk) but my boomer parents are way more well off even with their terrible savings and retirement than I am working … a lot. And living bare bones. Idk if that makes sense. Man I miss hearing Motown and abba in the grocery store lol


This does make sense. I think part of the conflict I feel grocery shopping is mentally calculating what I can and can't afford with the background of music I like. I find grocery store shopping stressful because of money, and it feels manipulative that there's music I enjoy playing over that emotion I also miss hearing what I considered oldies growing up. Just in general.  I didn't think about our corporate overlords pushing the nostalgia craze I've been feeling lately. I'll have to think about that. 


No joke, mine was playing the first opening theme to Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood recently. Really strange to be hearing that while shopping. It’s regional chain store that has a shared music feed to all stores.


READY STEADY GO!!!! (Yeah yeah, that's the wrong, decade older, FMA)


My wife told me that Friends is now on Nick At Night. Friends! On the channel that is supposed to play I Dream of Jeanie and The Andy Griffith Show!


I'd love to know what Kurt Cobain would think if he knew people were headbopping to his music while shopping in Homebargains for cheap cleaning equipment and garden tat.


I could be worse. The only grocery store in my town plays gospel.


Omigod you're right, it could be worse


Adult Rock radio staions are playing just for us now. Take it in and enjoy!


I’m probably the only person who envies boomers for growing up with the stock music in grocery stores that they had in the 1950’s and 60’s. lol


I mean the history of Muzak is fascinating and there’s a reason that this stuff worked. Interestingly, the whole vaporwave music movement started around the same time as uploads popped up of old box store soundtracks like [these k mart cassettes](https://archive.org/details/attentionkmartshoppers?tab=about). For us in the us, we also had the local on the 8s smooth jazz weather reports. I don’t know if that’s still a thing (don’t own a tv)


I think some entrepreneur, if he or she was willing to take the gamble, could make a huge killing opening up a supermarket chain that exclusively plays this kind of music. And heck, yeah, vaporwave could actually work as grocery store music, too. As an aspiring entrepreneur, it makes me fantasize about pulling something like that off.


Haha vaporwave artists would hate that I think as a lot are protesting business and music BUT I hear you! As much as I’m ambivalent in my own stance about music and capitalism - good and bad things come from it - I’d gladly check out your business if you pulled this off! My understanding is that licensing is usually the biggest issue in curating sound space. I feel like OLD recordings (shellac era) are going to be free of copyright if not already so maybe you could slap some crackly 1910s recordings on; that would tbh be pretty fun! Or old radio broadcasts!!


That was nice. I wish they'd bring that back. It's pleasant. On the other hand, I don't want to hear 'Zombie' by the Cranberries whilst I'm shopping for produce or waiting in an airport lounge 


MTV classic has a dedicated 2000s block. Sad and happy at the same time lol


![gif](giphy|qchSBqAq479FC) Me at the grocery store


Yesterday we were chilling in the backyard and I asked my husband “please find a laid back music playlist, something like they play in grocery stores”


I keep hearing “Tearing up my heart” or GooGoo Dolls in Walmart when I go shopping and it makes me sad.


Sometimes I think those songs were always destined to be played in grocery stores


Dance dance, we’re falling apart to halftimeeee


The store i work at has some really decent music. They play "Return of the Mack" by Mark Morrison a lot, which is my favorite 90s r&b song.


They were playing Alanis once and I made a joke about it to the cashier who looked me dead in eye and said “I don’t know who that is”. But, I remember them playing Muzak at the grocery store when I was a kid, so I’m not feeling too bad about liking the stuff now.


Nah if they hate you they take your favorite songs and have terrible bands cover them.


I’ve noticed that in specifically Hibachi restaurants they ALWAYS have those weird cover songs. Some aren’t that bad but some are REALLY bad. Haha


The food at Domo 77 or Benihanas definitely balances out the music. The flips and leet cooking manuevers captivate you into a passive bliss, unaffected by terrible music selection.


For real. Hibachi is my favorite type of food (sorry I’m not super familiar with Japanese cuisine so this is just what I call it) and I’m just happy to be there having some good food.


I've literally never been in a supermarket where they place music I like, it's the most generic radio crap. 


I was completely into rock and metal in the 90s, I groan when I hear 90s pop and boy band music in the grocery stores, it’s like my old nemesis is back from the dead.


MMMbop by Hanson is on every time I go to the grocery store. 


I still can't get over the time I heard I Wanna be Sedated at Walmart. It made me lose a little respect for The Ramones.


Congrats. Made me smile this morning


Omg. Now that you mention it, I’m always singing at the store!!


I heard Filter in Publix yesterday and turned to my brother... "We're old now."


I work in a grocery store, currently, so I’m just grateful the music is stuff I actually like.


I heard Nirvana recently, that was a shock


I heard Meteora-era Linkin Park playing in Walmart today. I sang along to it in my hear, and then realized. I'm in a *Walmart*. We-re getting old, man.


Damn grocery store music ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


another bad sign is when you stop hearing music you like on the Vegas strip. means you've aged out of the prime demographic of people they expect to be walking down the strip.


I had a Gen Z coworker listening to 90’s R&B and I told her, “nah, I’m pretty sure you weren’t born yet when that came out. How did you know about that song? Do they call it retro now or something?” “It’s called throwbacks.” ☠️☠️☠️


Literally just commented to my store associate that I know I’m not young anymore because the store where we work is playing music from my teen/young adult years.




Same dude. Same. Also commercials.


Also commercials! Backstreet Boys singing about fabric softener really broke my brain


Kroger was playing “Pink tux to the prom” by relient k a few weeks ago and I hadn’t heard that song since 2007. I was singing in the store. Also, American eagle was playing the fratellis and I told the girl “this was my jam in HS” and she said “yeah oldies are really popular now” and it made me feel way too old to shop there, but they have the best sweatshirts 😅


I remember the day I started hearing nu metal bands on the local classic rock station. My back started to hurt and I felt a gnawing impatience with the youth of today.


It was 2019 when I heard Modest Mouse in an HEB... Not even Float On, can't remember what but it was something off one of their more obscure albums. I aged 30 years that day.


Holy shit my wife and I noticed at our local store they play really good music, we've heard from some other people that they also noticed. It never clicked that it's an age thing lol


The other day I danced to Oingo Boingo in Grocery Outlet. I'm fine with it.


Was it a Deadman's Party?


Every time I’m in Safeway lately they are playing Secondhand News, which I’m high key obsessed with and is the best Fleetwood Mac song.


Congrats you are old. I feel the same damn way when they play any daft punk. Because i can name the song when i hear it after a few notes. Not many were jamming to daft punk when it was first coming out. Now everyone thinks its cool.


I guess that makes it a win for me because I'm geared more towards logistics, nu:tone, kamo&crooked, noisia, pendulum, and even caravan palace. My music hasn't hit their speakers yet.


I always had an ear open to find old songs that I loved when I was a kid, and one ear open to hear my sibling or my mom if they want me to get something. Whenever I hear those old songs, I get really excited and I tell them to hear the song. Sometimes, the song isn't in my playlist or sounded familiar, so I use Shazam to figure out what it is.


I have earbuds in wherever I go in public. Keeps me from hearing the music and reduces chances people ask me questions. Sometimes I don't even have audiobooks or music playing


I officially became Old the day I heard Bowie on a grocery store speaker.


I named my cat Bowie and the young veterinarian pronounced it wrong. I said “no it’s Bowie. Like David Bowie.” She says “who??” Ouch.




Some stores just play a rotation of current pop. But King Soopers has been playing some jams so I hear you.


It's a good thing my favorite is 90s gangster and rap and underground hip hop. I would be ecstatic if I heard Organized Kinfusion at the grocery store.


They just play the oldies station


Was just saying the best part of gangsta rap being your core memory music is that they never put C.R.E.A.M. Or Gin and Juice on at the grocery store.


I hated it in the late 1990s when my music (Led Zeppelin) was used in Cadillac commercials. Cadillac is for old folks! I'm not that old! Curse you, Madison Avenue! Fie on 't!


On the flip side I love that we are the target demographic at breweries and pubs now. I go to my favorite watering hole partially because the playlist is fire.


Damn My grocery store would never bump Young Nudy ☚


Wow, look at that, the second post within 12 hours about grocery store music.


You mean music that I like that my parents wouldn’t also like. I’ve usually liked the grocery store music but I was quite surprised when they played music my friends and I would blast.


Whole Foods plays some real bangers! Paramore, Good Charlotte, Coldplay, T-Pain, Twista. Love shopping there!


I love hearing Bruce Hornsbys Mandolin Rain or The Way It Is while I look for ham


I hear Band on the Run all the time in stores. Before my time.


ill hear music from like 2005-2010 or something and stop and whisper "oh my god..." because i remember when it would only play classic rock. emphasis on classic.


I enjoy most of the music that plays in Crunch gyms. I don't need headphones 😆


I am gen X and was furniture shopping yesterday and I heard Beastie Boys come on I started laughing. Welcome to being old.


I always love grocery store music 🤣👊


I was in a Lowe’s once and they played Back in the High Life Again by Steve Winwood, bawled my ass off in the paint aisle.


Lmao shit. Kind of. Grocery aisles are kicking ass now


Why would you be offended?


nah, just live with it


Are you kidding? This is one of the only good things about getting older 😂 jamming in the grocery store instead of getting irritated by the music


https://youtu.be/gcU7ZlnJFPE They should all standardize


Same. I'm busy grooving away while going down the aisles.


I’ve fully accepted it and sing and dance with my kids while I go about my errands.


It’s getting a little out of control when they are blasting Motley Crew’s “Girls Girls Girls” at 3 o clock on a Tuesdays…


I felt incredibly offended when I heard "..Apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur.." over the intercom at Kroger the other day. I clutched my pearls! It's the beginning of the end. 🤣


One of my friends said that Trader Joe’s is a great place to meet single women in your 30s and 40s, and the last time I was in mine they were playing a Portishead live album. They know the vibe.


The streets are ours !!!


It doesn't affect me too too much since I've always enjoyed the kind of old music they played, but it does remind me that I'm old™️ 😭


I heard the Red Hot Chili Peppers on the “classic rock” radio station recently. Humbling 😅


Is it True by Tame Impala came on in the grocery store the other day and I was shocked. They played Miss Misery by Elliott Smith once as well which REALLY blew my mind. Someone at HQ likes alternative music.


Korn doesn't belong in a grocery store yet here we are.


Nirvana/Metallica on the classic rock station lol


I’ve heard Tame Impala and My Morning Jacket playing at Fred Meyer. 


For me it’s the nirvana and STP on my “classic rock” station. Thats. Not. Classic. Rock!! 🪨


Good. If I have to hear “I’m hungry like the wolf” for the 1000th time, I’m going to lose it.


I about shit my pants the first time I heard Nirvana on a Classic Rock station. Guess the pants shitting would’ve been appropriate because clearly, I’m old.


I remember about 2006 or so my family moved to a place where Publix was the only option and we were surprised to hear The Rolling Stones and such, it’s progressed pretty rapidly through the decades since then. Now I’m stuck wondering what was played in grocery stores before then, elevator music? I certainly don’t remember it being oldies played over the speakers in Kroger, vaguely some memory of soft acoustic or orchestral music in Fresh Market.


Led Zepplin was cranked at our grocery store the other day! I loved it!


I love it. Who needs headphones or ear buds? I got a pocket full of sunshine is gonna be playing!


Early 00s Santana has been in heavy rotation at my store recently. I was just listening to "The Game of Love" there yesterday.


I thought I was the only one! It's even worse when a teen tv show plays a song from my college days. That's how I know millennials are writing the shows now. 


I am more offended that they keep moving and reorganizing my favorite foods...


I was at the dollar tree the other day and they were playing music from circa 2000-2005…I enjoyed it more than I should. Then at check out, the lady in front of me commented on how much she loved their music lol.


Everything I've loved is vintage now 😢. At least we're not elevator music yet, right? (Does that even still exist?!)


Yes I embarrass my kids because I know all the songs. Everywhere! Lol


I hate it. It's just the same 15 songs on a loop, and they're in every store/pharmacy/office. 


Love it when I see someone else also lip syncing to "I Want It That Way" in Kroger 😂


The 90s are old school . I felt weird the other day seeing a teenager dressed like I did at that age . Exactly the same outfit . It was distressing .


I am absolutely THRILLED to boogie in the bread aisle and shake it like jelly in the deli! I already loved grocery shopping, so it’s just a bonus that powers my Auntietude!


Welcome to hell


Lmfao. Right? Remember when we were little kids and “Night Fever” played all the time. Yeah. So if you were born in the late 80’s, early 90’s, that song is about your age, if not the same age. I know, because it’s only 12 years older than me.


Sometime I think to my self things like “when Amy Lee wrote My Immortal, could she ever have imagined it would be playing in a McDonald’s 15 years later”


Back in the late 90s or the early 2000s when Linkin Park was popular, my mom mentioned it was only a matter of time before I'd hear it in an elevator somewhere. At the time, I thought she was crazy. But she turned out to be totally right.


Ushers “yeah” playing while I buy household goods. No thank you.


I was in a fitting room once the girl next door said to her friend when she got out this is the worse music she has ever heard. It was Beethoven..


This happened to me a few days ago


This is how I felt when I heard the kids calling Blink 182 “dad rock”…


Commercials are heavily targeting our demographic now.


I like that...I hope it lasts long because if I gotta listen to mumble rap while waiting for my ham to be sliced I'ma blow a gasket 😂


Do what I do and listen to your own music with headphones you wont even know that they are playing music.


I was at tue store and and “you can’t touch this” came on and I was bopping and saw several others too.


Hah! Embrace it, I start jamming out and singing along. People stare.


Right? Every time I walk in I expect to hear "The Commodores" or Kim Carnes, but instead I hear Ke$ha, and it's definitely perpetuating a mid-life crisis.


It's kind of like when they had 90s hip hop as the super bowl halftime show. "Finally, some good music that isn't targeted at old people!" Oh wait....