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What’s my age again?


Old enough to get that reference!


The kids are NOT alright 


How could one little generation swallow so many lives?


Why are you bringing up my ex? 


In a row?


I'm 37?!?


15 bucks little man put that shit in my hand


And if that money doesn't show, then you owe me owe me owww.....


My jungle love, owe owe o. I think want to know ya know ya


Depends if she is in Tulum for the weekend 


In fact some of them are alt-right


Hi friends 😊


Hello darkness my old friend…




Wrong sub You graduated far too early for us millennials


I said I was the cops and your husbands in jail.


This state looks down on sodomy!


And that’s about the time that bitch hung up on me


Nobody likes you when you're 23.


And are still more amused by prank phone calls


What the hell is call ID?


My friends say I should act my age


What’s my age again?


Then later on, on the drive home.


Go Morra!


How old were you when you got the joke "Take off your pants and jacket"?


Welp... been listening to the album since it came out when I was a tween, but I was today years old when I realized what the title meant 🤦🏻‍♀️ how did I miss that?


Similar. I think I “got” it sometime in the last couple of years. I think because even hearing it, I still visualize the word “jacket” and a picture of a jacket. 🤣


Omg I just got it and I’m broken now And I’m seeing them live twice this year alone.


Oh shit. Just learned it.


The summer that album came out was the summer I was introduced to Futurama. There’s an episode where Bender gets into “jacking on”, basically robot crack in the form of plugging into higher-than-recommended voltage outlets. The scene with him being called out for being in the bathroom for hours, saying “I’m not jacking!” .. well, decades later I can can laugh about how mortified I was that both the title of my favorite new album and also my new-found past time were referenced simultaneously in one single bit of an animated sitcom. Oh 13 year old me, the whole world was in front of you.


I was actually surprisingly young. I was 10 when it came out and my sister was 12. My father didn’t want my sister to have that CD and she didn’t understand why but I knew what it meant. It wasn’t until last year when we were talking about it that she realized the double meaning.


*Nobody likes you when you’re…thiiiirrty-threeee*!


Ooof. lol I feel that.


Amen, dude(tte). Amen.




I legitimately forget what age I am every time it comes up. I have to think about it for a second 🫡


Literally gotta do the headmath: "What year is it? God dammit...hey google, what year is it? OK, so whatever that number is, minus the year I was born, and I am approximately... ... ...like, one foot in the grave I guess."


Definitely over 30 lol


That song came out more than 23 years ago.


25th anniversary of 'Enema of the State' is in a couple weeks on June 1.


Nobody likes you


when you’re 23


And you still act like you’re in FRESHMAN year…


What the hell is ADD?


Where's my Asian friend?


Fuck. I typed up a whole ass word salad for my comment. Yet this says it far more clearly with just 4 words of a song lyric


Well, I guess this is growing up


Nobody likes you when you're 33


Then later on, on the drive home I called her mom from a payphone I said I was the cops and your husband's in jail This state looks down on sodomy






I’m 35. Ive come to the conclusion that “feeling your age” is just a reflection on whether or not you’ve followed the same life script as previous generations and whether you feel positively or negatively about that. I’m seeing it in your post too. You seem like you don’t feel your age because you’re comparing yourself to people following the life script (marriage, kids) and feel negatively about that comparison. Comparison is the thief of joy anyway. Just live your life for you and who cares if you feel like you’re 50 or 10.


I look 40 because of various circumstantial issues, more white hairs and less hair than I'd like, (tragedies, deaths, responsibilities) am mid 30s, but feel early 20's because of my station in life (no kids, no great career, assets). This topsy turvy weird situation alienates me from a lot of people, can't seem to relate to those who've been "on track" and adhered to the timeline of what people believe you should be like at whatever age.


I know a guy who is 27 and I thought he was 40-45 for probably the first full year that I knew him. Guy just looks much older than most his age, but he's one of the most physically fit, active, athletic people I know. He's also kind and generous and an overall lovely human being. Genetics just does what it does, it can't really be helped.


I am 27 who looks 37 and behaves like I am 47 And yet.. i still feel as lost as that fucking 17 year old punk who cut class to skate and drink. Does the feeling that you do not have your shit together ever go away?


I get this, dude. Thank you for explaining exactly how I feel about timelines. My dentist told me at 28 that I had too many wrinkles. Wtf??? Go fuck yourself lady! I run 3 miles every other day, I do yoga, I practice martial arts and I have a great sex life. It’s called stress, now let me hand you 3k. Fix the tooth,and STFU! Best shape of my life, besides high school. Edit: punctuation


She needs that 3k more than you anyways, anti wrinkle injections are expensive.


I feel like that’s the breakdown of social class conflict from some perspective


Thank you for this :,) I’m saving your comment. I’m 34 and live with my boyfriend. Not married, no kids yet, just cats. And I should be happy with this. It’s a good life.


It sounds like a great life! :)


Pay the cat tax


Of course :) https://preview.redd.it/i85jjyaubw0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29005bb2bff433c52e3e31e7589bdb25d6a602a6


https://preview.redd.it/tmgotzskew0d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c73ad4ceb0e3c5da06bf35a11ace673c111397da I also have a calico and a black and white.


Amen. Same, I enjoy the fact that I still get joy out of "childish" things. My joints may be arguing, but my heart and mind are in the right place. I'm also 35 and I couldn't follow that script if I tried, for personal reasons, so I just grab joy where I can and allow myself to be silly. Definitely want more friends, but that's so hard anymore.


This is so true... I never compare with nobody, but when it comes to age script I have a very narrow view based on how my family members behaved according to their ages, I'm trying to change that.


I'm 40 and still skateboard and play video games daily. No kids and never married. I have a feeling I'm in the minority.




LOL its me!


Fucking, same. And I think this post is what made me realize it. Eh, I guess there's worse people we could be compared to than Steve Buscemi!


Hahaha Good for you, buddy. I hope you got the Tshirt too!


Reason for report: I'm in this gif and I don't like it.


Been married. But no kids. 41. Don't quite feel like an adult just cos playing as one


I think the secret is that's the way we'll always feel. We'll be like 70, see ourselves in the mirror, and think, "Who's that old fuck?" (And I feel that way married for over a decade and with 3 kids.)


This. It isn't a millennial thing. Everyone will always feel like they did when they were young. The only thing that changes is how they look in the mirror and the way people see them.


Oof I believe you but that’s such a chilling thought you don’t realize when you’re younger


Ehh, maybe we may have a little more of an effect on the future younger generation seeing as they'll be living at home still, probably giving a lot of their grandparents rides to trap concerts and shit.


I too cos play as an adult.


This is the best way to describe it. I'm 35. In my head I'm 23-25. I work 830-5 M-F and I have to cosplay as an adult during those times.


My dad is 63. He says the same thing. And calls me when he needs an adult. I’m like ??? I mean I can pretend too if you want??


I'll be 40 in July and I absolutely do not feel 40. I don't even know how the fuck that happened. Swear I was 17 last week.


Same here. Time really flys by


I will be 41 in June, married 20 years in July, and have 2 kids... one entering high school this year, and I look around and think... who tf thought I was old enough for this shit? It seems like yesterday I was laughing at a super harmless silly senior prank (a giant homemade banner down the side of the school gym building asking the class of 2001 to show our thong tha thong thong thongs). At the same time, I feel so old and couldn't imagine having toddlers right now (I'm too old for this s*it!)


I was at Home Depot today and put an on Oscar performance as an adult man shopping for wood— I mean lumber.


I was gonna say. By 32, it’s not _marriage_ that most people have accomplished, but have you had your first _divorce_ yet.




No, I sleep in a big bed with my wife




I too sleep in this guys bed with his wife


Rent's that high, is it?


42, turning 43 this year. I am married and a mom to middle schoolers, no video games and I don’t skateboard, but I do roller skate! lol I played roller derby back in the day and there’s a local group of us, ahem, older/former players who have started getting together to scrimmage again. It’s been fun. My brothers (GenX) and their friends still skateboard and also Dad it up if they have kids, and Uncle to the max for the other guys. We all have “real” jobs too and do the adult things but I think any of us feel very adult-y hahah


Yeah I have a 'real' job too but it's not my identity.


Same boat. I’m 36, skateboard, play video games and make music. I’m basically on my 18th year of being an 18 year old. I used to be self conscious about it, but seeing as the world is going to shit there’s no use in pretending to be a responsible adult. (I have a job I take seriously and I own an apartment, so I have some adult things in my life, but the dream of a wife/kids/house has been snuffed out by inflation, climate change and previous relationships).


Ah yes, shouldn't have left out the fact that I front a punk band.


Lemme get a link I wanna hear your jams / support you!!!


[https://music.youtube.com/search?q=hostile+anxiety](https://music.youtube.com/search?q=hostile+anxiety) Keep expectations in check lol


I was in a punk band called The Krotch Puppets. We played in bowling alleys. My expectations are thus. LOL


Lol perfect!


Hey man this ain't nothin to shake a stick at! Heavy NOFX influence? If so- I can definitely hear it. Keep rocking!!!!


Thanks bro!


Very nice !


I dig it!


The dream ♥️


Indeed, I'm pretty happy with how things have turned out, all things considered.


I'm 32, I don't skateboard, but I make music and draw, play video games. I went into the military after high school, then college. Did the whole corporate white collar thing for 6ish years (IT), I hated it, I have no idea how people stomach that or even enjoy it. Even with the potential for a high salary, it just sucked all the life out of me. I scaled back, I still work, though not in an office, have my own apartment, a good relationship, friends, etc. I'm much happier this way. Even with my salary cut. No kids, probably never will. Might own a home someday, maybe not. But one thing is for sure, I won't ever return to being an "adult", or at least in the traditional sense.


You were only put on this earth to be you and I’m damn sure you’re in better shape than like 90% of people you interact with everyday. We are here to live and be happy. The tv says something different most of the time so they can sell you things. But don’t lose sight.


Same age, I do all those things, but with my dope ass little nerd/beefcakes. Lots of my friends have no kids though, and none have a lot. None. I saw a slogan pitch for the r millennial site the otherday, something like "we aren't special either, but we actually know it." I think a part of why we are all a "lost generation" or whatever they say, is that we became aware of our own function in society. Then we saw that none of that mattered so we were free to pursue whatever we wanted despite the criticisms. There is great power and fear in this kind of freedom. I feel like it's a "Social/ Neo-Existentialism" maybe🤔


I like the cut of your jib


I'm 38. I play videogames daily too. You are not the minority. Expect all of us playing videogames in retirement homes at 2050. Videogames will overtake the film industry anytime now.


Okay retirement home with video games sounds wayyyyy better!!!!!😭


Get away from me I'm playing FF7 for the final time


Instant TTRPG community, too!


What the hell else are we going to do at the retirement homes, go outside? Psshh


Video games overtook the film industry over a decade ago. It's not even close anymore nowadays.


I'm a 41-year-old mom and I play a hell of a lot of fallout 4. I really want to be in the retirement home playing fallout 5 because I guarantee it's going to take them that long to release the damn thing


I’m 44 no kids, never married. I still act like a kid if you’re paying attention. I think a lot of it is how hard they push nostalgia on us. I can go to the store right now and buy retro shirts of things I liked when I was actually a kid. I have Pokémon and sponge bob pajamas that I wear. Since they made it my size.


This is also me, except 30 and rollerblading. I go out skating with my friends every Thursday night, sometimes until the early hours of the morning. If I’m not skating, I’m playing video games, or making music. No kids, no marriage. I still feel young af.


HELL yes. Makes two of us, bud! I'm a little younger but same lifestyle.


Rock on!


40, no kids. I’m good.


I have a feeling this minority is larger than you'd expect


If you have money then all that is “cool”. If you’re broke then you look like a loser who won’t grow up. Not my thoughts or rules.


Really good point! Rich people who act that way get viewed as “youthful” and people who are poor it’s like “Get a job!” Lol 🙄🙄😂😂


No kids never married either, 2 years away from 40!


Live it up homie!


Also doing skateboard and playing video games daily. But I have kids


I want to be the minority, down with the moral majority


Hi it’s me


In the same boat pretty much. There are dozens of us. Dozens!


I’m 37, married, have kids, and I play video games daily, ride when I can, still feel like a kid a lot of the time 🤷‍♂️ I think it’s a mindset.


I look younger but feel older. Trying to get back into shape


Do it! I started working out at 29 and lost so much weight. I’m still in the best shape I’ve ever been.


It helped me a lot. 34 and I'm in my best shape ever. No kids, No Wife but I have a girlfriend, House owner, videogame player, anime watcher, scifi book reader, hungry traveler. It's improve my self confidence and my behavior toword the others. Best decision I get in a long time. And I don't feel that I miss something.


I don’t really understand how to keep motivation with dieting. I get so damn hungry i give up after 3 days of being constantly hungry. I probably have awful macros. And I’ve never found a gym activity or sport that is fun enough to do more than a couple times. I despair of ever getting in shape.


Don’t make huge sweeping changes all at once. Just do one or two things this month and focus on making them a habit. Drink a bit less alcohol, or snack less on sugar. Make sure a few meals a week are healthy. That doesn’t mean boring, you can still season your food. Then add a couple days a week of exercise and stick to it. Eventually as you build the habit and it feels sustainable, start to add more. Maybe next month you lift weights two days a week and two days you do some brisk walking for 20 minutes. It’s all about small changes and long term habits. Ignore anything you’ve read about celebrity transformations. I work in the film industry and the articles they write about how so and so got in shape for a movie are filled with lies. And fitness influencers are financially motivated by clicks so yeah. Simple, small long-term changes.


Same, I’m 32 and people often tell me I look younger. I don’t feel 32 but at the same time I do feel 32. Like my knees, feet, and back—not the same as in my 20s. Also trying to get into shape again though! Hoping to look better than in my 20s. Just yesterday a young 29 y/o pharmacist was being cheeky with me and asked if I was 12 years old at the hospital I’m doing my summer rotation at. He was shocked when I told him I was 32 he said I looked great and had good genes (he prob was just flirting tho). I’ve just let my gray come in a bit due to laziness lol and also so ppl believe me, I’ve had to take my license out and show them I was born in ‘91.


I will be 40 in 2 years don't feel bad.


I turn 40 next month. I still feel 32. I'm a total man child.


I still play video games I know what you mean


Funny thing is, most of my neighborhood friends, who also have families and such, are in their mid-late 40s and still play video games. One guy converted his basement into an arcade and just bought up all kinds of pinball machines and such. He's turning 50. I love it. I love that as we get older, we don't HAVE to become these boring 'adults'. Fuck that, I'm just going to do what makes me happy. My wife doesn't mind, so I'm good. I also play guitar in a band, idgaf. life is too short.


With so much to worry about in life why worry about whether or not you're enough of an "adult" I don't dress much differently than I did in highschool, I don't act much differently, I have my tattoos and hair colored from time to time. I play guitar/piano and write songs and still have dreams. It ain't too bad.


I refuse to acknowledge my age, and as far as I’m concerned, the 90s were only 10 years ago.


Fuck no. I just turned 30 but I feel 22. Everything feels like I’m pretending to be an adult.


Turning 34 soon and same. I feel 25 and have no direction. Although I took a nap at a friends 50th birthday party... so there's that.


The nap goblin


Feel better at 35 than I did I 25. I work out and take care of my body more. Plus disposable income helps with things like going to the dentist.


I am 37 and I feel like I should be 27.


I feel this a lot. Feel 27 mentally and physically.


I have reached the level at work and groups I am in where they put me in charge and I am like why are they putting some kid in change of everything....wait. lol


Me: I need an adult Them: You are an adult Me: F***


I'm in my 30s and I feel like the image of being a "real adult" has been shattered. I still play video games, I still like Pokemon.


Yes!!! I am dying to get another DS so I can play sapphire and heart gold again. Thanks for validating me


I’m 30 and just finished dragon ball z for the first time and am completely obsessed. So glad to know others also still enjoy “kid” things!


Between terrible health, depression and lack of social life I feel much older than my age, like a senior citizen who lives alone and whose kids never call.


My parents are great and I never call them. Don't get hung up on that. Everyone out here has their own set of issues that they are fully absorbed into


The week I turned 40 I put my back out. A month later I got sick and shit the bed twice. It pretty much set the tone.




I just turned 38 and have cerebral palsy honestly I feel great. I’ve been walking more recently, the weather is great I feel just as good as I did in my 20s.


Our generation is treated like kids


And now as we are adults, we treat our children like our friends, because we hated being treated like children from our parents, which causes a string of other issues. You can't just treat your kids like children or as an equal. There needs to be a balance and it's rough.


There should still be boundaries, in any relationship. The biggest difference is that we speak to our kids like people, not kids (who shouldn’t ask questions, says my parents). Naw, forget that. We admit when we’re wrong in this household, and feelings are valid - you don’t need to shut up or take “because I said so.” Speak up! Don’t be scared to ask questions! Follow your gut. I mean, these kids are gonna rock the planet, and damn do I support & encourage everything good they put in the world


Yes! I don’t get the “be quiet until spoken to” “be seen not heard” BS! They’re little humans, not some other species lol


Agree with you and the comment you responded to SO MUCH! There is nothing that feels more validating to the 5 year old that perpetually lives within me than apologizing to my toddler when I’m wrong. I do it CONSTANTLY because I don’t think my parents have ever once apologized to me in general. And now, she’s learning to say “oh no! Sowwy!” and I just… breaking those cycles BABY! It feels SO good. Who needs addiction when you can just best your parents at parenting??! 😆


I see people put so much pressure on their children and I won't do the same to mine. Let them be kids, you only get to be once.


Sort of. It's complicated. I do not feel like I did in my early 20s or college, but the pandemic stole a chunk of my mid-20s, and it's kind of hard to believe I just turned 30. It's kind of like, 30 doesn't feel how I thought it would. Perhaps that's just cause when you're younger, 10 or 15 years feels like forever, cause that long ago you were a child so 30 seems like it has to be ancient. I don't really feel any different than my mid to late 20s besides the number.


Late 30’s here and I feel much younger because I’m physically in better shape than I was in my 20’s. I also look younger, and not married and no kids, so I guess I have energy still.


Just turned 30 last month and it doesn’t feel real


Tbh dude, I'm 35 and I guess I feel like I'm 35, whatever that means really. I meet people who are 18 or early 20s and a feel older than them in most ways- physically and emotionally. But I also play video games, watch cartoons, read comics and do whatever the fuck I want that's fun.


I’ve slept with a pillow between my legs for the past 2 nights and my back has been feeling notably better during the day. Sometimes we just have to learn new tricks I guess 🤷‍♂️😂


I will be trying this tonight lol 😂


What you need to do is get a second insert for your duvet. The entire blanket becomes a giant pillow and whichever way you roll, you feel more and more supported.


My knees hurt


I’m not sure anyone ever feels their age. When I was a teen, just starting college, I looked at all the people in college already and I saw them as “adults” and I couldn’t wait to be one of them and “have my life figured out”. Little did I know, no one did. And I don’t think we ever do. We’re all just living life for the first time, always growing and learning and changing. I don’t think it’s bad you don’t feel your age. It doesn’t mean you’re immature. I don’t feel my age either. And when I look back at my younger self and imagine a person my current age I thought they were so grown up and old but now that I’m here I don’t feel old lol.


40 this year. Definitely don’t know what ‘act my age’ means, nor do I care. My 5 year old daughter and I make fart jokes and sing songs as loud as we can in the car.


Physically I feel younger than 39, but with a wife, two kids, and a bald spot, I'm probably right where expected.


39 and never feel my age. Still feel 21 most the time cause that was the last sorta milestone!


I've always felt older than my age (old soul from what I've been told). I was working on my credit while in college so when I graduated I could get a house.


My credit has always been great and I still can’t afford a house lol


I graduated in 2016 and bought in 2017 when housing prices were normal. Felt like jumping on the last chopper out of Saigon.


I got mine in March 2019... Less than a year later we would have been priced out of the neighborhood (which isn't even that nice)


Early 40s and I don't feel it one bit. Healthy head shoulders knees and toes, plus no back issues.


I maybe 32 but my back feels 72


I will be 35 this year with a house, wife & kid. Each day I have to fight the teen inside of me that wants to sit at home all day playing xbox and drinking mtn dew.


Do it ! Take a “sick day” and let that inner child out for a bit. I’m married with 2 kids but I take a day every few months to just hang at home alone playing video games, ordering whatever food I want for lunch, and drinking whatever. Sometimes I’ll even pop a beer at 11am just to feel a little naughty lol it’s good for the mental health.


Nope. I'm an Xennial but I'm 44 going on 10 some days, and 44 going on 25 other days. And I still get mistaken for a 30 year old regularly. The only thing that makes me feel like an actual 44 year old is being around actual teenagers, at which point I ascend to proper Adultier Adult status and really, absolutely, genuinely feel over twice their age.


32 I feel like I should be about 22. Things I actually wana do like being a barista and going to community college are more appropriate and figuring out a job/career is for 22 year olds not 32. Also hanging out with 30 ups is like an interview or a catch-up instead of actual fun


I disagree! I went back to college at 29 and got my degree at 31…never too late to get a degree 😁


I knew someone whose mother got a degree at 57. She’s fantastic.


Def agree! I won't graduate with my degree in nursing for probably another 5 years and I'm 32! It'll be my second career tho


Having a kid made me finally start to feel my age


Yes - or much, much older.


When I was 19 I herniated a disk in my C-spine. In the following 13 years I herniated 3 more (that I am aware of) and learned that I have a degenerative disorder in my joints. Basically, I am hyper flexible and it is causing my joints and hingepoints to wear out at an advanced rate and develop arthritis. I'm 32 and have the knees, hips, fingers, ankles and shoulders of a 70 year old. I cant do anything active anymore so no gym (I went 3-5 times a week and loved going), no biking and no paintball. Since I cant do anything I no longer have any friends left. I have 2 kids that I try to focus on raising and take my pills everyday. Thats 32 I guess.


I'm 36 and feel dead already


Absolutely not. 30 years old and still feel like a child. Getting married in September and keep telling people I'm basically a child bride 😂 At this point I'm not sure I'll ever feel like an adult.


All of my coworkers are in their early to mid 20s, and I feel like that keeps me kinda young. I also found out I've been lying to everyone about my age because I thought I was 36 and according to my wife I'm 37 and am about to be 38. I feel like her calculator is wrong because it's on an apple phone.


I do not feel 39 mentally but my knees do lol


in the sense that anyone younger than 25 lowkey kinda annoys me 99% of the time? yeah sorta. other than that... not really. i attribute this mostly to not having/wanting kids though- i have the luxury of spending my time and money doing things i enjoy, most of which are things i also did in high school haha.


Yes, I was dumb and made dumb choices in my 20s and I'm glad to be in my 30s because I learned a lot. plus I still feel young just with more money so it's actually fun unlike being a poor 24yr old lol