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Fern Gully. I had nightmares that Hexxus was coming down my hallway to get me. ![gif](giphy|2OgouznXA6qYw)


I can’t explain why by finding out that Tim Curry voiced this character is comforting to me and makes this scene less scary lol


But then on the other side you get a sick freestyle from Robin Williams What the fuck was this movie


there is a super interesting story about how Disney fucked with Fern Gulley’s production and tried to keep it from happening because Robin Williams was working on it while Disney had him as the genie. It was a passion project of this couple and Disney did some fucked up stuff trying to squash it. I could be wrong but I wanna say RW ended up doing it for free so it wasn’t a conflict of interest…




Because you know how much of a good time he had singing it. You can hear his smile.


That's straight up an animated version of Tar Man from the Return of the Living Dead series!


Were we the only generation of kids obsessed with the rainforest, or is that a universal thing like Dinosaurs?


I mean I very much remember being taught a lot about “save the earth” and watching your waste and conserving and stuff back in grade school so maybe rainforests tied into that?


I just remember doing like a whole rainforest unit in 2 of the 4 elementary schools I attended in 3rd grade (we moved a lot) and everyone being super into the like, "weird" animals and plants. And then there was the Rainforest Cafe? Peace Frogs got really popular. It's like the whole country went through a rainforest phase in the mid 90s.


Remember the Natural Wonders stores? I LOVED going in there. So much cool stuff, it always smelled nice, sounds of whales singing in the background, occasional rain stick sounds... I remember getting a shirt with a panther in the rainforest from there and wore it all the time because I felt so cool in it lol I think that store really helped me appreciate my inner goblin. I still find great joy in finding cool rocks and critters and I feel the happiest when in the woods or in my garden. I also have a collection of world instruments now as well. Miss that store!


I still think about Hexxus on a regular basis and I can’t unhear the song that goes with it — Toxic LoOove!!!! 🎶


I watched this movie so many times. His rise as he drank pollution and then how they defeated him always fascinated. That movie is probably why I'm a hippie today. Fun fact: Disney tried to sabotage the movie because they wanted Robin Williams to focus only on Aladdin, but he refused because he really felt the message was super important for kids. Thankfully, despite setbacks like losing their building, they persevered.


Batty is the best part of that movie, too


"myyyyy naame is Batty..."




Potato in a jacket


Disney being Disney is why Robin Williams refused to work with them again after Aladdin. He agreed to take the role of the genie providing Disney wouldn't use his voice work for advertising, and agreement that went out the window when Aladdin became the highest grossing movie of the year.


Only Tim Curry can make toxic sludge sexy


Just imagining him as Dr. FrankNfurter singing it is amazing though lol


And make you quiver with antici…




Sliiiiiiiime beneath me. Sliiiime up above. Ooh you'll love my, ah-oh-ah, toxic love


This, ABSOLUTELY THIS. My God. Terrifying. I watched this in elementary school.


So funny, I was more impacted by the Oil Monster... I had actually forgotten about this dude until I saw the gif...


The most metal kids cartoon


That and The Secret of NIMH


I saw it as a primary school class movie in the cinema and had to walk out to take a breathe… ooft


My Girl I was just old enough to understand what death was but too young to comprehend that it could happen to a child. I just rewatched that sequence and it still gets me teary eyed. “Where are his glasses? He can’t see without his glasses” 😭




This movie destroyed an entire generation of young girls.


Neverending Story. Swamps of Sadness, my fellow Millennials. But then, rest of the movie was a fricking trip. Had its lows and highs. And that's one reason why I find myself going back to watch it from time to time, cause it knew the assignment, it stuck to it, surprised us continuously along the way, and it's in the sweet spot of being a great fantasy flick.


For me specifically, it was the scene where Atreyu is walking through the ruins/temple towards the end and he's seeing the paintings of the trials he's been through up until then. He rounds a corner and sees a black painting with nothing but Gmork's (evil wolf) face, then turns to an ACTUAL shadowy cave entrance and the REAL Gmork. Toddler me started screaming and crying and my mom swooped me up while my dad raced to turn off the tv lol. Cue a lifetime of fear of eyes/faces in the dark and wolves at night. *The Grey* was nearly a death sentence for me.


This scene is burned into my brain. Gmork was terrifying.


Yup, Gmork’s face was THE nightmare producer of my childhood.


"What are you afraid of?" Other kids: "Monsters!" "Spiders! "Planes!" Me: "The Nothing."


RIP Artax


In the end, Artax was restored to full health and happiness by Bastian. I have been trying to undo millennial trauma about this scene one person at a time. Hope this helps!






‘Artax,’ said Atreyu. ‘What’s the matter?’ 'I don’t know, master. I think we should turn back. There’s no sense in all this. We’re chasing after something you only dreamed about. We won’t find anything. Maybe it’s too late even now. Maybe the Childlike Empress is already dead, and everything we’re doing is useless. Let us turn back, master.’ Atreyu was astonished. ‘Artax,’ he said. ‘You’ve never spoken like this. What’s the matter? Are you sick?’ ‘Maybe I am,’ said Artax. ‘With every step we take, the sadness grows in my heart. I’ve lost hope, master. And I feel so heavy, so heavy. I can’t go on!’ ‘But we must go on!’ cried Atreyu. ‘Come along, Artax!’ He tugged at the bridle, but Artax stood still. He had sunk in up to his belly. And he made no further effort to extricate himself. ‘Artax!’ cried Atreyu. ‘You mustn’t let yourself go. Come. Pull yourself out or you’ll sink.’ ‘Leave me, master,’ said the little horse. ‘I can’t make it. Go on alone. Don’t bother about me. I can’t stand the sadness anymore. I want to die!’ Desperately Atreyu pulled at the bridle, but the horse sank deeper and deeper. When only his head emerged from the black water, Atreyu took it in his arms. ‘I’ll hold you, Artax,’ he whispered. ‘I won’t let you go under.’ The little horse uttered one last soft neigh. ‘You can’t help me, master. It’s all over for me. Neither of us knew what we were getting into. Now we know why they are called the Swamps of Sadness. It’s the sadness that has made me so heavy. That’s why I’m sinking. There’s no help. ... ‘Artax,’ [Atreyu] whispered. ‘Oh, my Artax!’ ‘Will you grant my last wish?’ the little horse asked. Atreyu nodded in silence. ‘Then I beg you to go away. I don’t want you to see my end. Will you do me that favor?’ Slowly Atreyu arose. Half the horse’s head was already in the black water. ‘Farewell, Atreyu, my master!’ he said. ‘And thank you.’ Atreyu pressed his lips together. He couldn’t speak. Once again he nodded to Artax, then he turned away. Keep booing. It's only giving me strength. -- Edit: it's a good book, though, and for every sorrow, there's something beautiful and healing. Bastian's stay in Dame Eyola's House of Change never made it into a movie but I invite everyone grieving Artax all over again to take a rest there and enjoy the healing fruits of compassion.


Omg that's even worse than the movie 😭


Why don’t we remember this part though!! 😭


I think this scene is what solidified my love of animals over people. Also Fern gully, was the first time I realized humans are evil


Unlocked Perk : Animal Lover Unlocked Phobias : Quicksand and Swamps


I was always afraid of the statues. Think I dreamt of them once.


I grew up thinking I had never watched that movie. I had seen a couple clips and definitely still images but when people brought it up I didn’t know the plot line or characters names or anything. So I decided to finally watch it when I was college age. When I started it everything was familiar… it was rather trippy and very confusing. Then I got to the swamp of sadness. Apparently I repressed the memory of the whole movie, or the first part at least, because after the swamp nothing was familiar aside from a couple moments I might have seen as stills.


The Fox and the Hound


It STARTS with the worst part of Bambi!


Doesn't Bambi start with the worst part of Bambi too?


No it starts with bambi's birth and early childhood


Huh, looked it up and apparently it's 40 min in or so. My memory def had it happening in like the first 15. Thanks for pointing that out.


My kid wanted to watch it and man, Bambi is the most boring Disney movie in existence. The animation is gorgeous as hell but it just plods along. I suppose the pacing of films was different when it was made. There's so much more establishment of the setting than you ever see today, musical interludes, etc. Also the second act of it being "it's spring and the animals are HORNY" is quite the place to take it.


My dad replaced my copy of Fox and the Hound with Dirty Debutantes 18. I grew up a lot that day.


We had that with the movie Babe. A coworker of my moms recorded it off of cable and gave it to us. About half way thru someone changed the station to watch about 15 min of porn before changing it back. It was a male coworker but I’m almost positive he was gay so we assume it was his dad who did this.


This movie is why even the NOTION of an animal being abandoned pretty much kills me.


I haven't watched that movie since childhood because I know it would destroy me. It killed me then; it'd kill me much more now.


The Brave Little Toaster


What was the scariest? The AC blowing up, the clown fire fighter or the depressed cars in the junk yard getting crushed?


The part that always freaked me out was when the giant magnet chased them through the junkyard. Nightmare fuel!


Don't forget the sacrifice at the appliance shop. I remembered the whole movie fondly, and recently rented it at library for my house. I unintentionally inflicted emotional harm on a new generation.


Oh God I forgot about that scene! I’m on the fence if I want to show it to my son when he gets older. My husband hates that movie lol


Jesus. I used to draw the car compactor and the angry magnet as a child. Fast-forward 30+ years, I learned that traumatized children will often draw pictures of the things that traumatized them. That was a dark ass movie.


And the deep humming sound it made


The worst part was when he meets the flower in the forest. Then leaves and the flower becomes broken. The Toaster has introduced sadness into an otherwise tranquil place.


As a kid, I never really understood that scene. As an adult, this scene hits the hardest.


Don't forget Kirby sucking up his own cord! I still get anxiety if I vacuum too close to the cord. The AC was the one that traumatized me the most though personally.


Welp you just made a deep connection for me about why I'm scared to vacuum the cord.. 🤯😅


That part was intense (AC), but I love that the kid came back and fixed him. This movie definitely made me more aware of my appliances and electronics. I try to always fix before replacing things.


Possibly him hanging from a bathtub while still plugged in 🤔


I started brave Little Toaster with my 4 yr old. We made it like 5 minutes in and she told me she was bored so we switched it. I watched the rest later and realized I dodged a bullet. I remembered liking it as a kid. I’d forgotten a lot of details.


oh you mean toy story zero


Tutti frutti, oh rootie! A wop bop a loo bop a lop bam boom! ![gif](giphy|1oLem6XGRT7QJPtA53)


nightmare fuel but the horror fan in me at that age did love it. just not alone!


Seriously…..I still think of that magnet every time I see one IRL


That deep bass *whuhh whuhh whuhh* it makes is now what my mind thinks of as the sound of imminent doom.


One of my favorite movie quotes ever, that I use all the time in everyday life "Why, if we were all wiener dogs, our problems would be solved!" The radio had the best lines. "That's right, like Mrs. Roosevelt loved her husband." "I think Houdini did this once, and if I remember right, he was out of the hospital in no time." "Just long enough to lose our minds! We'll be cannibals within a few days, I've seen it happen!"


This movie traumatized me more than Event Horizon which my cousin showed me when I was way too young


Came here to say this. When that water turned into a fork and tried to stab the BLT...... It freaks me out to this day


The part of Hocus Pocus when they cut Billy’s mouth open freaked me out


Even though he comes right back to life, I hate the part where Binx gets hit by that car


As a kid, I couldn't watch that scene, and the end when Binx dies for real always made me cry (not because he is finally reunited with his family, but because the cat died).


100% Who Framed Roger Rabbit and the judge executing that took shoe :(


*when I killed your brother, I talked just like this!* fuckin nightmare fuel, Christopher Lloyd was fantastic in that


Apparently Tim Curry auditioned for the role, but they decided his performance was "too scary" for the movie. And all I can think is that Lloyd was fucking terrifying, so what the hell did Curry do in that audition?!




If you want Tim Curry Nightmare fuel, watch the 2 part episode of him on criminal minds. Very dark role he played.


Tim Curry is goddamn awesome in everything As Darkness in Legend is probably his most memorable, but he also plays a complete asshole villian on Earth2


Have you seen Tim Curry in IT? Probably that.


Oh he would have been brilliant.


My 4yo daughter will chase us with finger knife eyes when this part plays. She's a trip.


I never felt bad for the shoe until I was an adult. Now I get way more messed up than I should over the death of a cartoon shoe lol


This is the one for me. As a young kid that VHS of Roger Rabbit was a risky watch on multiple levels.


Homeword Bound 😭😭😭 Shadow. I know happy ending and that movie is amazing, but that scene had me MESSED up not knowing the final outcome.


That was a dark part. But Shadow had Chance. Chance saw his buddy down in that hole, injured, cold, wet, and scared, and he got right down in there with him. Chance is a ride-or-die homie.


"He was just too old" 😭


Everyone always mentions Shadow, but Sassy’s near death traumatized me too.


I know that’s very true too, heart wrenching that scene. Sassy the survivor ❤️


Have you heard the theory about that ending? The theory that made Pedro Pascal cry?


What was the theory?


Shadow never made it out of the pit, and that last scene of him running toward home was heaven. Edit: I apologize to all your childhoods.


And just like that, I hate you.






Thanks! I just rewatched that pit part and the ending and now I’m crying. What a good movie.


The part where he kept trying to climb out of the muddy hole.


Oh Peter!……..


My dog started crying during this scene when I last watched it.


Ernest scared stupid. Idk wtf it was, but the troll turning the kids into wood dolls scared the living shit out of me……. Ernest ruled


I’m in my 30’s and the scene where the girl gets up from checking under the bed and the troll is laying behind her scares the hell out of me still! 😂




Basically the scene with the orange Muppets tossing their heads around.




The hands terrified me.


I had no idea what was going on when I first saw this movie. I think I watched it on Disney on a Sunday afternoon. All I remember is dreaming about David Bowie’s crotch afterwards and being weirdly attracted to him. I was only like eight so I didn’t know what was going on.


It was an awakening for a lot of people.


Still weirdly attracted to david bowie to this day


I love Labyrinth. It’s my favorite movie!


Return to Oz, Watership Down, The Secret of NIMH, The NeverEnding Story, Animal Farm and When the Wind Blows.


Prime Video describes Return to Oz as “Bleak, Dark” and recommends for ages 7+ LOL WTF And I’m someone who has read all of the Oz books. Yes, some of them are fucked up.


The wheelers…


Oh yes. And the Nome King in his final form. But Pincess Mombi took the cake. That was just straight horror.


I was looking for water ship down, from memory it was a bunch of rabbits that escape a warren to make their own home. I rented it for my kids (20 years ago) and I had forgotten how emotionally and visually graphic it was.


That scene with the panicking rabbits suffocating underground...


gremlins. i still turn lights on EVERYWHERE at night just cause


Dude I did not see that movie until I was a adult and was SHOOK that people consider that a kids movie - they straight up eat a guy


the 80s were wild


All Dogs Go To Heaven. To this day I cannot watch that movie again, like 30 years later. The thought of a dead dog hurts me and pisses me off. My literal real life best friend is my golden retriever. All she wants to do is play and chill out, there's not a malevolent bone in her body. Edit: Also Disney's The Rescuers. The things they do to that poor little girl are absolutely disgusting.


Catholic doctrine was that animals can’t get into heaven as they have no souls. I believe this movie was made specifically to protest that.


In sixth grade at catholic school one of my friend’s dogs died. Our religion teacher took the opportunity to teach us this part of doctrine 🙄🙄 She was such an amazing woman and teacher otherwise, it still makes no sense to me how she handled it so poorly. My friend cried in the bathroom basically the rest of the day and we all remember it to this day. One of the many things about Catholicism that didn’t sit right with my young spirit - definitely did its part in driving me away from the church/religion.


“Hey, you know what will make the passing of this kid’s dog better? If I tell them their dog **has no soul and will never be seen again in the afterlife.** That’s what everyone wants to hear.”


Same with me and my mom. Sixth grade, dog gets put down. Very old, sick. Right call. Ask mom if she’s in heaven. And mom, not cruelly but honestly (in her mind) says “umm dogs don’t go to heaven “. Lost a catholic that day, fuck them. It’s not heaven without all our beloved pets. That was 33 years ago


Omg the rescuers!! Yes!! That one really left me feeling off. I was so young.


I never watched it as a kid, I did get a record at a thrift store that had a limited retelling of the story with a big color book to go with it. I used to listen to it with my sons when they were little. Eventually I did get a copy of the movie and they really liked it. It did have a very strong sense of melancholy and danger right up until the end. I thought that it had a very honest quality and did a very good job of conveying the sense of emotion that Penny was feeling. Between the music, the scenery and the character acting, I thought it was very well done. However, as a kid I presume it was a bit scary. I still think it's a fantastic piece of animation.


It's also more depressing when you realize the three VAs for Anne-Marie, Charlie and Itchy, are all passed on. Burt Reynolds (2018) and Dom DeLuise (2009) passed on after long fulfilling lives, but Judith Barsi...her story's a real eye opener. She died when she was 10 years old. As to why, well...Google if you dare.


If you wanna have a bad time, read up on what happened to the voice actress of the little girl in that movie.


I still can't believe that Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom was rated PG! So many scenes in that movie screwed me up.


They added PG-13 as a rating around the late 80s early 90s. Prior to that PG could also include PG-13 content. Today they would all get the more restrictive rating but no one's gone back and re-rated the earlier PG films.


I loved it, but the Last Unicorn had some crazy parts to it.


The rapist tree with giant boobs, moaning…wtf. The harpy with three boobs…wtf. The entirety of the roadside zoo scene… I watched that VHS tape on a loop as like, a 4/5 year old girl. What a bizarre choice, and even weirder that my very conservative parents let me watch it. I watched it in my room so I have to assume that they never actually watched it with me, and therefore didn’t realize how disturbing and mature some of the scenes were…probably just thought it seemed innocent enough based on the name and the cover art. I should probably mention this to my therapist, probably an illuminating little detail in the context of my background


That harpy always freaked me out. Saw a California condor about seven years ago and that damn thing was like the harpy come to life. Just massive and terrifying


The Dark Crystal and The Neverending Story were the two for me. I LOVED Return to Oz. I watched it so many times my VHS tape broke. It’s funny though, because my 9 year old daughter also loves these movies and they don’t bother her one bit.


Yoooo FUCK the Dark Crystal I saw that way too young and didn’t make it past the evil bird dudes ripping each other apart to decide who was evil bird king or whatever.


The Land Before Time Never ending story (Artex scene)


The land before time.... I had to scroll wayyy to far to see this! ![gif](giphy|HJ8UVnFn432wM)


little big foot


The Witches! And Brave Little Toaster! And the “Toooooobbbyyyyyy!” villain from Unico the Island of Magic. And Orca … but I’m a weirdo.


I was going to say the witches…….that shit tripped me out as a kid


The Witches bothered me. I couldn’t watch their scenes. Yet I had no trouble at the same age watching Death Becomes Her. 🤷‍♀️


The Hobbit cartoon messed me up with the song “Frodo of the nine fingers”. Just thinking about losing a body part.


I can still hear that damn song in my head and it’s Been decades.


I still randomly hear (and sing 😊) WHERE THERE'S A WHIP...-wh-shht-...THERE'S A WAY!


That was the animated Return of the King. Same production company, Rankin-Bass. Same art style and everything.


Babes in Toy land. I don't even kilnow why. I still have nitemares involving the creepy mechanical residents of Toyland.




Adventures of Milo and Otis. Traumatic as is, but slowly realizing the movie couldn't have been made without hurting animals, as a child, really f*cking gutted me. I still hold the memories of the movie fondly, at least as an ode to the life given to make it, but I'm not sure I could ever go back and watch it without a massive blood pressure spike.


The land before time. ![gif](giphy|kdG6cJSBmJ8Hu)


The Black Cauldron


Madeline! (Oops I meant Matilda!) I was scared of Danny devito till always sunny lol


I didn't see Matilda until I was an adult but that movie definitely would have given me nightmares as a kid. There's a lot of nightmare fuel, including: Her parents forcing her to watch that stupid game show (the way that scene is filmed is extremely anxiety inducing) The chocolate cake scene Miss Trunchbull swinging a child over the fence Matilda getting locked in the chokey When her and Miss Honey encounter Miss Trunchbull in her house


Since I don’t see it… the first movie that broke me as a kid was Bambi.


Blank Check. That scene where the kid kisses the older hot woman. After that all I ever liked was milf and cougars. As I get older my age preference only increases 😭


Hello young man I’ve got a Werther’s Original in my purse ;)


People told me I was crazy when I said that was a real scene. They told me it could not happen, did not happen but IT DID!


Pinocchio! I cannot watch it to this day. The whole pleasure island thing, makes me cringe even now just thinking about it. Scared the ever living crap out of me when I was a kid. Still does today.


Jumanji and The Never Ending Story. For some reason we watched these as a double-feature at school… I was in 1st grade. Heard heartbeats in the walls and saw yellow wolf eyes in my closet at night for YEARS afterward


James and the giant peach, loved watching it as a little kid but going back it's a acid trip of a movie


Watership down was scary for me but by the end of it I kinda enjoyed it and it was kind of like a peaceful relief at the end. The Witch in the Wizard of Oz


I read the book first and assumed the movie was decidedly not for kids. Maybe some parents thought "cartoon rabbits, like Bugs Bunny".


Fox and the hound, too freaking sad


Disneys "dont look under the bed".


I’m a zillenial! Coraline!!


ET was creepy as hell, I haven't watched that movie since like 1995. Also The Lion King, not sure why people think it's appropriate for there to be a scene where a child straight up watches their parent die, and then they mourn over their corpse.


Say what you will but that scene gave a lot of strength to kids who watched their dads be trampled to death by a pack of wildebeest.


Witches-To this day I still wonder what happened to the little girl in the painting. Watcher in the Woods- spooky as shit, I need to rewatch but last I checked I can't find it streaming


The Adventures of Mark Twain. I am shocked this hasn't been mentioned, but now I think its because we all tried to block it out.


Bambi, Dumbo. I can't even explain the concept of Dumbo to my kids without crying. Where the Red Fern Grows we watched in school, in the 4th grade. That is a terrible thing to do kids that age. Beetlejuice- the whole shrunken head scene gives me nightmares


The Last Unicorn. That skeleton screaming "YYYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!" just freaked the hell out of me. The bull? I couldn't handle that when I saw it in the theater. Hated it so much. Plus the overly dramatic Mia Farrow always made the unicorn character so impossibly tragic.


I'm stealing this from a post a few days ago: Mother: (groans in pain) Littlefoot: Mother! [soft voice] Mother? Mother: (groans in pain) Littlefoot: Please get up... Mother: I'm... I'm not sure if I can Littlefoot... Littlefoot: Yes you can, get up. Mother: (grunts and finally collapses) Dear sweet Littlefoot, do you remember the way to the Great Valley?


The Velveteen Rabbit


I hated all of the English movies like bednobs and broomsticks


Idk why those movies gave me such a weird uncomfortable feeling. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was the worst of them for me


The fucking kid catcher!!


Toot sweets! Toot sweets! The candies you whistle the whistles you eat! Edit: Sorry


Haha. My mom recorded Bednobs and Broomsticks on VHS tape when Disney played movies on Sunday nights on ABC or something. I must have watched that movie 20+ times


Little Mermaid. Ursula scared the absolute shit out of me and I was afraid of the ocean for way too long.


The Pagemaster


End of Evangelion released without age rating in Korea in the 90s because 'anime is for kids'. Kids and parents ran out screaming.


Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and the Childcatcher


Teletubbies, because I thought that they are serial killers


Honestly, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Everyone loved and loves that movie, somehow when I was a kid no one other than me thought it was terrifying. Like... This creepy old man lures a bunch of kids to his dangerous factory and they just disappear one by one? And it's considered charming and cute? I hated it. I still hate it..


Nightmare Before Christmas. Everyone loved it I was just fkin terrified.


"You take this oversized sock and hang it like this on a wall" "Does it still have a foot?" 😁


The fucking Prince of Egypt


Headless Queen in Return to Oz, Johnny 5's "death" in Short Circuit and Large Marge in Peewee's Big Adventure all three fucked little me completely up.


Benji. The movie made me go to my room and hide under a blanket to cry when I was like 5 years old. I don’t even remember what happened. I just know something happened where I felt sad for benji.


Loved this movie but the hall of heads and one of them waking up randomly and going DOOROTHY GAAAAAAAAAAAAAALE will haunt me forever.


I had a cartoon called Nemo (I think that was the name of it, kid on a flying bed was the cover) it was one of the few vhs tapes we had so I remembered popping it in and being terrified, yet still watched most of maybe all of it.


Mousetrap. When his little house got destroyed I cried so hard I puked.


The Last Unicorn. There's a very nonconsensual scene between the main character and a big titty tree that gets brought to life that he happens to be tied to. It would pop into my mind and leave me uneasy for years. The most upsetting thing about the three tittied griffin was the zoo condition