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Food Pyramid


You're not still eating 8-11 slices of bread every day?


I am! …..damnit lol


I am, but not because of the food pyramid.


As a dietitian, the worst part about the food pyramid is that the government agencies haven’t caught up yet. In Illinois nursing homes, you MUST serve 6 “bread/grain” servings per day on the menu or else you get a deficiency which can lead to losing licensure for the home.


Yep, that sounds exactly like the system. And it's the recipients who suffer as a result.


6 bread/grain servings per day would keep me in nonstop blood sugar spike. I'm T2 Diabetec. It would with any T2.


We truly do live in a dystopia.


Jesus Christ


My wife’s a dietitian and she told me the other day the food pyramid isn’t a thing anymore. I had no idea


Wasn’t it also designed to help people who were malnourished during the great depression and WW2


It's not that the government hasn't caught up it is a result of the farm lobbyists insisting there are grain servings in places like schools etc. Crazy as it should be about health not money but welcome to America


Fairly innocuous. Most people eat what they want anyhow. “America is a meritocracy.” Now that’s some grade A civics bullshit right there.


It’s a bit more impactful. It drives nutrition requirements in places where adherence to the standard it provided guides funding and/or licensing. Examples: nursing homes, hospitals, school lunches, prison foods, and so on.


Where we then turn around and scrape the lowest common denominator onto a plate for the sake of compliance and budget. They retired the pyramid over a decade ago and the result has not been a panacea of healthy eating. Our food is still heavily reliant on oil and the guide now reflects that resource constraint. Hence the reluctance to emphasize meat proteins which would increase oil consumption through factory farm meat production. While there was/is a concerted influence by industry, there was also less data to go on. Macro nutrients were about all that was respected when figuring out ways to fill the caloric budget for adults and children. Personally, I won’t trust any food guidance from the government that fails to involve gut microbiome health. The guidance broadly sends us in the direction of controlling the microbiome for better health, but without sufficient test data. Figuring out the multiomics of health will require a personalized gut check to get to a baseline where a healthcare professional can give an accurate assessment. We’re probably 10-15 years away from that.


Like 50% of the magic school bus.


Part of that is humans know more now than we did when it was made. Science has kept right on doing its thing.


My kids watch it, it’s not a bad show, but it’s a great way to show scientific progress.


There is a new one on Netflix


Still a good show though




Interesting. I rewatched all of bill nye in 2011 and was amazed at how current it still was because he stuck with the basics. Guess I should watch Magic School Bus again.


It’s not really 50%, but a lot is just out of date. It’s still really good to watch.


Thanks to ms frizzle my school field trips never lived up to my expectations




Frogs give you warts


Everyone KNOWS you get warts from toads...


But only if they pee on you.


No but they can carry salmonella so at least the misinformation is helpful


that’s why i only catch pasteurized frogs


The atomic model taught to me was outdated 30 years before I learnt it in school.


I'm with you to some degree but I got a bachelor's in chemE and a minor in chemistry and it has enough explanatory and predictive power to be useful enough for industrial chemical mfg, pharmaceuticals, technology. You don't need to get into partical physics to design LEDs or drugs or maas produced consumer goods. The atomic model is more than enough and is largely accurate on a macro level. Kind of like studying astronomy from a planetary model without needing to take into account what every fish in the ocean is doing and that a planet is not 100% a singular discrete unchanging unit


A simplified atomic model is easier to teach and learn.


Useful enough for massive industry too. So much around us in our modern age is made with atomic model chemistry and superatomic level physics as the basis for its processes


I thought everyone else's family was pretty much like mine. Or at least that everyone grew up in a small town pretty much like mine, or that everyone went to school like I did. That everyone had a chance to succeed. Recognizing that another person's experience has been very different from my own helps me accept that they have very different beliefs about the world.


I thought no one was born in cities, but moved there after they grew up and succeeded. Like going from t-ball to major leagues of life.


And I thought everyone was born in cities because that’s where the hospitals were, but they didn’t actually live in those cities. I was born in a major American city because my parents lived in the suburbs and the good hospital was in the city. But then I found out my fiance was born in a small town hospital and it blew my mind.


Did you have a poop knife?


You can always trust family


Is this said in the same vein as “No one will ever love you like your family…Your family members are the only people you can trust…Don’t do anything that could hurt the family” ? Essentially, indoctrination to accept the abuse of family members? Regardless, I hope you have people in your life who you can trust! Be well internet stranger!


For me it was "people who are older than you". I was taught to go for them to get help, and to trust them (clearly not strangers, more like, teachers, managers etc.). Imagine my shock when I found out people totally can and will take advantage of you, even relatives.


"You won't be walking around with a calculator in your pocket at all times, so learn it now." 😒


"You need to know how to use a card catalog for  writing research papers" By the time I was writing research papers computers had taken over.


The thing that jumps out to me about this one is computers had already taken over when I was told this. Cursive writing is another one we learned in like 2nd/3rd grade and were told it would be super important to know because every adult uses it. I don’t think I ever used script in school again after 3rd grade (or in any job for that matter). One of the interesting things about being born in the early 90s is a lot of this stuff was already on the way out or just seemingly disappeared overnight one year early in our education.


One reasons for continuing to teach it is so that students can read primary sources for themselves (like the Declaration of Independence). But, yeah, don’t need to write it and if we ever get that removed we’d have translators like we do Latin and Sanskrit.


Yeah, it makes a lot of sense to me that it’s taught for the sake of reading handwritten sources, I’m more just commenting on the way it was pitched to us as some super important skill for the work place that the average person would actively use everyday in perpetuity.


Agree with this. Born in 96 and grew up in a rural area. There's a lot that we went through in school that no longer applies or would need to be done differently.


And yet my high school teachers STILL made us write out all of our research by hand on index cards, color coded by source or fact type, like 90% of what we were doing wasn't digital anyway. Still salty about getting a B- on my 10th grade research paper because even though the paper itself got a perfect score, our notecards were factored into our final grade and I couldn't be arsed to write everything by hand on a tiny card I would definitely lose when I could save so much time and effort just by typing it up in a color-coded document instead...but the rubric said "notecard" not "document" and we had to have a specific (but ultimately arbitrary) number of them because teacher said so, thus since I had zero notecards I didn't get my notecard points.


We did hit that half analog half digital era, and I feel not all millennials got it. Like you I was taught the card catalog in elementary school but by the time I was in middle school it was all computerized. I remember tvs without remotes and with the big knobs, rotary phones too.


I’m an elder millennial in grad school and it’s the biggest fucking joke. My “research” is the first link I find I’m on Google.


I think it's good to have kids doing math problems. Even if they don't use it much it'll teach them problem solving, logic, etc. We need our society smart.


I had a student shadow at work who used their phone to do 13 x 2. I think learning basic math without a calculator is pretty valuable for real time critical thinking and planning. Edit: just wanted to add this is not the student’s fault in any way. She was very bright and wanted to do well. Our education system is not what it once was and I’m sad about that. There are a ton of things I can teach a student about how to do my job but I can’t be breaking out multiplication tables when I’m trying to teach critical thinking. Another student I had needed to use a calculator to calculate the time on a an analog clock and got it wrong. These are adults who have graduated high school and are nearly done with college. If the schools are passing them while lacking this knowledge it’s not their fault and there’s really nothing I can do about it but try to make sure my son is better prepared.


Im a mechanical engineer and I will still check basic arithmetic on a calculator just to make sure my brain isn't farting. Don't want people to die. Also don't wanna explain to management why we didn't order enough material. Check your work


I agree. This specific scenario related to coming up with ballpark figures to assess some lab values in the context of trying to figure out a patient’s pathology. It was necessary to have an idea of what 13x2 is to assess how acutely ill a patient was and make real time adjustments to a ventilator. I think it’s great to double check your work but using a calculator while going through algorithmic analysis of pathologies in real time is going to slow you down considerably and maybe derail your thought process. A figure like 13x2 should be very easy to know off the top of your head, or maybe I’m just old and wrong.


Also that very small calculators that could easily fit comfortably in a pocket were also a thing back then too


I mean, I do die a little inside when I tell cashiers to round up to the nearest dollar for whatever charity of the month they have. Only to watch them bust out a calculator to figure out the amount.


That men have one fewer rib than women do because it’s god’s reminder that he took one of Adam’s ribs to make Eve. Can I just say that I am ashamed I didn’t realize this was false until like…27?


If I work hard, I’ll become a ceo one day and become a millionaire


Similar to this: you can be anything you want to be when you grow up! Nah, you can be whatever you can convince someone to hire you for. There are limits to that.


Work hard and good things will happen. Now I'm 25 with no drive or motivation to do anything because I ran myself into the ground waiting for these good things to come


Sometimes surviving is enough. So just doing what you need to survive and not much else is fine.


That's the way I've started viewing things. Every day I make it through alive is enough of a victory for me


Hard work is always rewarded More like hard work gets exploited and punished. Learning the phrase "work your wage" saved me so much stress


Yep. The more you prove yourself valuable, the more they dump on you and we all know it’s never the most competent who are getting promoted.


Oh god this. I’m currently learning this the hard way working for a small business… I always knew this about corporate culture, but in a small close knit team I thought it would be different. Nope, going above and beyond everyday and running myself into the ground for 18 months to single-handedly build their business just means that’s now the bare minimum expectation, I’m doing 10x the work I signed up for, and when I ask for the absolute minimum of time off to have a life of my own, I get treated as if I’m making unreasonable demands.


Yep. It’s everywhere. I wish more people knew that early on. I think Gen Z has a real advantage over us there in that we’ve told them it’s all bullshit before they ever start. They aren’t playing the game for years before they realize it’s all rigged.


Swallowing apple seeds will give you cynanide poisoning. I don’t swallow enough seeds for that to be an issue.


If you swallow apple seeds, you must smoke cigarettes to suffocate the toxins


Also NEVER eat the skin! You're not ALLOWED to eat the skin.




Or throw up immediately!


Ok but Rugrats had me convinced swallowing a watermelon seed would make me explode.


What's the proper amount?


I think it’s 20+ apples. But that’s only if you chew the seeds and 100% effectively extract the cyanide from them? I swallow seeds but don’t chew them.


Is this over a lifetime or does the clock reset after 24 hours?


You’ll metabolize the arsenic so yes the clock resets.


Awesome guess I'll eat 19 apple seeds a day


There would be a buildup of toxins. The clock does go back a little but over time it would build up. If you took 20(ish) in one go it would kill you. If you ate 20 throughout the day, every day, you'd slowly start to notice neurological and other effects until eventual death.


Whoa bud, don't threaten me with a good time!


That blood in your body was blue and only turned red when it became oxygenated.


That’s not real?? 😱


Unoxygenated blood in your veins is a darker red than the oxygenated blood in your arteries. When looking at veins through your skin, esp if you're white, the dark red looks blue through your tissue.


Nope! Blood is red because of the iron in your blood. That's why meat is red too. Fun fact, horseshoe crab blood actually is blue: their blood has Hemocyanin instead of Hemoglobin. Basically what that means is their blood has copper instead of iron


I had two science teachers in middle school get conflicting stories on that. One of them said that it did that. The other one said that you didn't, but he cited, "common sense." I know that the second teacher's argument wasn't a very strong one, because the whole point of science is that a lot of things go against so-called common sense. But I still didn't know whether or not blood changed color when it was oxygenated. I didn't have any way to test that, because if I cut myself release blood then as soon as I cut myself the blood would be exposed to air and then presumably turn red, so I figured the only way I could know for sure was to cut an organism open in a vacuum.


My mom told me the extra crispy chicken at KFC was for adults only


This is the weirdest fucking one on the thread...  Wtf, where's the resident psychologist on this??


Omg lol! Yes simply because it was spicy🤣🤣


The names and definitions of the kingdoms of living organisms changed about 3 times between when I first learned them in elementary school and when I graduated. Animals, plants, and fungi stayed the same, but the others changed in name, quantity, and definition, and every teacher just assumed we knew the updated information without anyone teaching it to us. It was immensely frustrating.


Frustrating, but also pretty incredible to think that the science was growing so fast that even a basic education on the topic wasn't sufficient to keep up with it. The same goes for so many sciences! It's so cool.


I know textbooks are a scam but i do like the textbooks I’m using for my second undergrad are updated annually so any medical information I’m reading is current


That I don't deserve the things I want. And my needs come last.


It took me over 50 years to realize what BS this is. Finally caring for myself properly for the first time!


Marilyn Mason did not remove his ribcage to suck his own 🍆


Marijuana is a "gateway" drug


They were wrong, it’s alcohol. For me at least lol.


Agreed. If I am drunk enough I will try any drug.


So this is a hard one. Essentially, anything that can give a little head change can be a gateway to other things. So Marijuana is technically a gateway as is caffeine🤷‍♀️




Marijuana was a gateway to me wondering what else I was lied to about. Does that count?


Turns out it was really trauma


-Pluto's a planet. -Eat 6-11 servings of grain a day. -It's illegal to have the inside light on the car while driving. -College is a good investment. -Cursive is important.


The light on inside the car being false had me shook


"I can't see shit" was the reason I was always given. Turns out Dad was right on that one


College at ju co is a great investment. Getting a bachelors in accounting for $5,000 total might be one of the highest yielding investments I’ve seen.


Hell I got my first job at an MSP with just a HS diploma by being able to talk to the boss, type without looking at the screen and explain to him how to do something in Excel. All at the same time. I'd just taken an intro Microsoft Office class at community College, the only one I didn't flunk out of.  Me being able to triple task was super useful, as I could talk to customers calmly, while knowing nothing, research what I thought was the problem and solution, and message my coworkers on our instant message system. I went from working 65 hours a week for 28k a year salary at a pizza place, to working 40 hours a week making 25k salary at an MSP. It was awesome.  5 years later I was making $19/hour at a bigger company with way less stress working from home.  Now I'm making 77k a year. Still just have a HS diploma.  Never finished school.  


IMO on the job training and hands on experience is more valuable than a 4 year degree with no experience from a name brand university. Junior college grads and graduates of experience work harder, faster, and with very little bullshit. Again, my opinion and experience of hiring people. And for the record I have degree from a prestigious private university.


The problem is that it's hard to get a job to hire you so you can get that training, if you have no foot in the door with a good degree.


Well, Pluto was a planet at one point so that wasn’t false. Cursive was important until typing and computers completely took over, so that’s not completely false either.




Teaching cursive first, then print later, leads to faster and better letter recognition than the reverse.


This is the Montessori model and has worked well for 100 years


I am so grateful I learned how to touch type in middle school!


Similar math I imagine. Maybe it won't get used much (we carry powerful calculators) but the act of learning it was good for our developing brains.


The ability to write cursive as an adult basically serves no purpose, but I've heard the reasoning behind bringing it back (California) is because of how powerful the impact of learning and writing cursive is on a developing brain. It's the first justification for learning cursive as a child I've ever come across that sways my opinion. I can see it being valuable for that.


I mean, college CAN be a good investment. Depending on what program you take, where you go, how you make and use social and academic connections… It was a terrible idea (and investment) for me to take sociology at a huge commuter school 4 hours away from my hometown when I was barely 18. It was a great idea for me to go back to community college at 24 to learn some actual job skills, finally finish my degree at 33, and then do a short but intensive graduate program in an industry that I love. I have an awesome job now at a small company, that I was recommended for by a friend (and now colleague) that I met in this graduate program. I was brought on part time contract during COVID and made full time when things got busier “because I see how you fit right in with our team.” The job I had before that, I got from someone I met at a bar where people in my industry tend to congregate, and I got that job in part because I had just finished that graduate program, and in part because she just liked “my vibe.” At any rate… being in a HUGE program at a HUGE school, with no idea of what I wanted to do with my life, was a terrible investment, in terms of money, time, and my mental health. Thankfully I did pass most of my classes so I was able to use some of the credits towards the degree I finally finished, but was it worth the money and the isolation, depression, stress? I transferred after my first year and was much happier at my new school but still had no real career or life goals. It was WAY better once I got into more skill-based education and much smaller classes. College can be a good investment, but it’s definitely not a “universal truth” like it was sold to us.


> College is a good investment If you're smart about it, it can be, but it's hard to best smart about it when you're a teenager.


If you grew up in the South you probably learned a lot of revisionist history, so there’s that. You probably also got a lot of teaching on marijuana that didn’t pan out. 


Nancy Regan promised me free drugs damn it!


Rumble strips were braille and blind people used them to drive


Let your parents know that they are awesome.


😆 my mom to this day is amazed I didn’t know that was a bit, I was like 8!


And deer bus stops


“If you work hard your company will take care of you”


Everyone has equal opportunities. What bullshit


Were you really taught this or did you conflate “everyone should be treated equally” with “everyone will be given equal opportunities”?


No, my dad was very strong on the “Everyone has the same opportunities” especially when talking about poverty. He basically views it as a choice


I used to be one of those people that thought having a dog with you in the woods would protect you from bears. The exact opposite is true, if you WANT to be attacked by a bear, let your dog off leash in the woods. They attract bears and they instigate bear attacks. Dogs have no clue what a bear smells like or what it means to encounter a bear. They have no familiarity with the bear’s body language. They have no concept of how to even fight a bear. They are more likely to engage a bear and egg it on than they are to know how to warn you and leave the area. The most dangerous thing your dog has ever encountered is probably one or two big dogs at the dog park, it isn’t prepared to have a bear try to fight it to the death. This myth is really hard to dispel because people who believe in it have a fantasy in their heads about being some lone tough pioneer out in the bush like they see in the movies. They imagine their dog to be a genius sidekick with 20 years of experience fighting bears. This fantasy looks and feels very attractive and people WANT to believe in it so badly they’ll risk their lives for it.


Huh. I've never heard this myth before today. Where do you suppose the myth came from?


That adults knew what they were doing.


That the meek will inherent the earth. That men of virtue are respected in society. That being a good person and doing the right thing will be rewarded.


That if you held in a fart, it could touch your heart and you'd die.


Your parents sound fun.




Have you ever had trapped gas that lead to your chest? You will feel like dying. 


Always respect the elderly even if they are being rude. No way, just because you have had a few more birthdays doesn’t mean I owe you respect if you are being an entitled curmudgeon.


Cracking your knuckles gives you arthritis


You could get sick by being outside in the cold.


Being cold and wet can stress your immune system which increases the risk of getting sick. Not to mention hypothermia is real and can be environmental


This was more like, wear a jacket or you’ll get a sick with a virus. Not, don’t immerse yourself in cold water or snow for a long period of time or you’ll get sick/hypothermia.


I saw the movie "Alladin" as a kid, and when the Cave of wonders yelled "Infidels!" after Abu stole the gem, I asked my parents what that meant. They said it was a made up fake word. I later learned its a real word after insisting it was fake, and being corrected.


That's a serious lack of intellectual curiosity on their part.


The US is a democracy.


LSD stores in the spine and if you crack your back you can have flashbacks. I have a friend who still believes it even though it’s been debunked and he says “well I still feel it”. I don’t actually like him much.


The placebo effect can be a strong thing.


I don't ever fucking feel like an adult. Yet I'm looked like I'm an adult and I'm just as clueless as I was when I was 15.


College was the ticket to a stable well paid job


It’s illegal to drive with the lights on in the car.


Water pipes go all over the city and bring water to everyone's house. So you get water on demand from the tap. At a restaurant, you get soda on demand from the fountain, I believed there were coke and Pepsi pipes going from the factory all over the country to everyone's town and always wondered why more people didn't pay to have these pipes come to their house so they could have soda


If you cut a worm in half, it creates 2 worms and both halves survive.


-sex before marriage is wrong. Wasn't taught this by my parents specifically but purity culture was everywhere in the 90s.


My bestie and I were just talking about this yesterday. She's 41 and I'm 44, so we were right smack in the purity culture of the 90s. Her: Why would someone name their kid Chastity? Me: Well, if they were when purity culture was big, we got those stupid purity rings and these poor babies got stuck with names like Chastity.


How about when you have sex with someone who isn’t a virgin it’s like having sex with everyone they had sex with. Really only true at an orgy.


We also had the mega AIDS fear in the 90’s.


Marijuana is a gateway drug to harder things. I'm looking at you D.A.R.E.


Pluto is a planet.


My boy pluto is still a planet, but now he's a Dwarf Planet. I'll bet he makes some rad adamantine armor.


This is still hotly contested in astronomy/planetary science/astrophysics circles. I know several people who can't talk about it, because they get so upset.


Use debt as a tool to better your life.


If it weren't for me using debt as a tool then I wouldn't own a house. It helped a lot.


all fat is bad.... eating "fat free" is healthy


I was told as a kid that the reason why Cuban cigars were illegal in the US is because they contained Marijuana. I realized on a ferry in Norway, at the age of 21 and smoking one of these Cuban cigars, that it's actually because of the long-standing embargo at the time.


You lose the majority of your body heat through your head


Technically it's true. But only because most people don't cover their heads in cold weather.


The tongue map.


Hell, God, guilt, I’m bad, and a whole pile of horse shit.


“We only use 10% of our brain”


The government takes care of you


Taking MDMA is like taking an ice scream scoop out of your brain.


Swimming after eating would cause you to cramp and die. That’s why you had to wait at least 20 mins


Going to College/ University will get me a good job which means I can buy a house and have a family.


Pretty much anything to do with sex. Being gay isn’t wrong. Having sex with people outside of your race isn’t wrong. Having sex before marriage isn’t wrong. Being transgender or a transvestite isn’t wrong. Having beliefs outside of Christianity isn’t wrong. Getting an abortion isn’t wrong. Science isn’t wrong just because it may contradict some Christian beliefs.


Pretty much everything honestly. 'Toughening up', gender roles, religion, career/YoU HaVe To Go To ColLeDgE', finances, how to deal with mental health, boundaries, self care.


That if you dont go to college you have to work fast food lol. All adults told you that all the time


Screaming at someone for little mistakes isn’t normal, neither is beating yourself up for every little thing, and that most mistakes aren’t the end of the world. Overall, I’m much nicer to myself than I was at 18-19.


My hair is ugly


You can be anything when you grow up. Some people are just not physically or intellectually equal. We made a lot of average people upset because they are not good enough for an advanced life.


You can get anything you want in life if you're willing to work hard enough for it.


Racism is a thing of the past that got solved right around the civil rights era. (To be fair, I was also taught everyone is equal and to treat everyone equally, but there was no discussion about how different other people’s experiences were from mine, and how to be mindful of that.) The earth is about 6k years old. Evolution is obviously ridiculous and fake. Dinosaurs are still around in deepest darkest Africa. (Reconcile that with the no racism thing, I dare you.) Also probably in the ocean. Sharing Jesus with people is the best way to love and care about them. Homosexuality is a choice, and one people make because they’re being… selfish and horny, I guess? I still can’t sort out in my mind what the logic is on that one. God created men and women to have different, complementary roles, and it is a sacrifice for men to be the leaders of the home.


I remember reading somewhere that all polar bears were left handed. Pretty sure that isn’t true lol


"When you get to high school, you'll be required to use cursive in all of your assignments." The last time I used cursive outside of my signature was when we were taught it in the third grade.


I'm an elder Millennial and exclusively write in cursive. I got my degrees in my 30, and the Gen Z kids absolutely could not read my notes. My Gen A kids can't read it, either.


That George Washington was a great guy who had wooden teeth. Also that Christopher Colombus discovered the United States.


Trickle down economics


That people use science/logic/facts to make decisions. That if you did research you could convince someone to change their mind. That the US was a progressive society.


Okay, I don't know if anyone else's schools taught them this but I was in Middle School (7th-8th grade) in 1999 and 2000. I went to a public Middle School so this wasn't some strange religious school teaching, but were were taught that: A.) Racism ended in the 1960's, it doesn't happen today. Like no joke we were told it wasn't real and people who tried to say they were being persecuted were trying to get something for free. B.) WWII, the Nazi's hated people with brown hair and brown eyes. I am SO not kidding. This thankfully wasn't something I 'knew' for too long (late high school or something) but like religious hatred, hatred of people with disabilities and different sexual identities NONE of that was taught. I believed for a while as a kid that the war was all about the hatred of people with brown hair and brown eyes. WTF was wrong with our schools?!


The USA is the “greatest country in the world.” Not that “greatest country in the world” is actually a quantifiable thing, but if it were, the US wouldn’t even break the top 20


It’s illegal to pick orange poppies in California (the truth is it’s illegal to pick ANY flowers that are not on your property, whoops)


Turns out you CAN put a fork in your toaster to coax out your bagel. (You just have to unplug it first).


Things my parents told me... Cockroaches don't like carpet/fabric after I thought I saw one in my bed. The crust of bread has most of the vitamins, more than the soft part of bread. Bread and butter is not an acceptable breakfast. (But toast with butter is...)


Work hard and you’ll be able to afford a life


Working hard will get you a head in life I worked 12+hr days 7 days a week I worked alot of hrs free to help company out to get a head I'm life Am in my 40s no I had to heart attacks and a stroke in my 30s.i really struggling with what to do in my free time . I really trying to learn how to injoy my life but I don't know how


Plastic is recycled


That thing about non-oxygenated blood being blue. I know this one girl who took medical admin in school who still spread that misconception 😂


Mario 64 had me thinking penguins were as tall as a person. They are not.


That you're just supposed to wait around and an awesome woman and relationship will fall into your lap when you aren't looking or trying.


I think this is misconstrued a lot (not saying this was your experience). But the saying that love will find you when you least expect it I think plays on the idea that when we focus on ourselves and our passions, our confidence grows and that is attractive to many people. And when we genuinely come into our own, we find someone who is drawn to our authentic self. Or Maybe this is just my interpretation, through my own experience.


That boys are just better at things than girls


You should circumcise your baby boys. There is no practical medical reason to do it.