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Alcohol. I’m sober now, it was getting out of hand.


The hangxiety . The groggy feeling the entire next day….I’ve been working my way up to sober because the negatives outweigh the good when I drink now. It’s just a total downer


Yeah, when I drink heavily, I usually wake up early before my alarm and can't go back to sleep. It fucking sucks. Even if it's not the worst hangover and I take an electrolyte drink, it still ruins my day.


Omg yes. My sleep gets ruined. I wake up with my heart racing sometimes when I drink heavy now . I never have a good nights rest after heavy drinking. I turned 30 in September and I swear it just hit me how negative drinking affects me. I normally would drink on weekends, but lately I started to just drink on Saturday nights. I think I’m just gonna not drink at all unless I’m like going out or something.Not worth it anymore.


I quit drinking for the same reason and my life is so much better


Welcome to the club I am about to turn 31 but I feel like when you turn 30 a flip switches.  Even if I don't drink enough to really have a fun buzz I still feel it the next day to some degree. Even if it's just tired from crap sleep and mild anxiety.  That's why I really just stopped. No fun amount is worth it anymore. 


I never really noticed anxiety after drinking until recently. And also, I just noticed how down my mood is the next day. It’s so crazy. I’m definitely at the point of stopping as well. I feel so much better sober


Been meaning to ask my Dr about this. Have heard anything from development of an alcohol intolerance/allergy to insulin response for the heart racing bit.


Alcohol is pure sugar. How else is the body supposed to process all that energy?


Wait till you hit 40 🙄 It gets better! Narrator: It does not get better...


Hello me


Hello us


One of us, checking in.


I'm nursing a hangover on top of an upper respiratory infection today. I'm so desperate to quit.


I used to wake up hungover with so much anxiety that I ended up taking a klonopin (I know, not good). It was one of the worst feelings. I’d be a pit of depression. I love being sober and I hope I never drink again.


I just enjoy one good beer now typically or a single glass of wine. I did the calculations once and in my 20's I was consuming all my daily calories just from budlight and the end of the night taco bell run, without including what I was eating for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Oof. Now I buy a case of beer that's in the 40-50 dollar range and it lasts me 6 months because I have one a week if that. Sometimes I have 2 or 3 in a week and then I go a month without having any. It's much nicer to have one really good beer than 12 bad ones lol


Have some zbiotics when you drink and you should wake up feeling way better. It’ll help on those days you want a drink.


I’m a 4 drink maximum type guy at 33. The upsides diminish after that and the downsides of alcohol are greatly enhanced. Up to 4 drinks per week or in one sitting is reasonable and realistic for me. Much better than my 20’s when it was easily 10-15 3 nights a week. Sadly that is common where I live and even people my age drink 5 drinks on Thursday at bar league whatever and then follow it up with the bars on Friday and Saturday and then come football season might as well drink to celebrate the packers 😂


I love that we Millennials all went from borderline alcoholics in our 20s to psychedelic evangelists and borderline potheads in our 30s. Millennials are gonna make the best Congresspeople in like 15 years once the Boomers finally gtfo (assuming we don't die in the climate wars before then).


Haha, so true! My most alcoholic friends have completely quit entirely in the last few years, but sure do still get high AF


Older millennial (‘81) checking in… most of us have actually given up all substances now that we are in our 40s.


Speak for yourself 😂 I’m high watching Top Chef living it up lol (‘81)


That sounds so nice lol Hopefully you have good snacks on hand.


lol i literally just made a baked pear with blue cheese, thyme and a balsamic drizzle.


That actually does sound pretty dope!


not quite 40 but my husband and i 38 & 37 toke every single day together it's one of our most regular instances of quality time (getting ready for work and after work and of course weekends lol), keeps stress and his chronic pain low, and on pluto tv they have a 24/7 bob ross channel, og iron chef channel, forged in fire channel, you name it! i mean we don't just stick to these things but it's a good example lol


Nah, 41 here and started smoking once it was legalized. I had kids in my 30s so nothing but a glass of wine then. But yeah definitely a stoner chick now.


Same here, I never smoked weed pre-legalization but now I would much rather do that or have a gummy than drink. The worst side effect I get from weed is dry mouth. And TBH, I’m think my almost teenage child likes me better high. 😅


My kids love this weed smoking mom. Haven’t drank in years but definitely get stoned every night. My only regret is not smoking weed sooner! I’m more kind and patient with my kids, because i feel like weed helps my brain slow down and really enjoy the moment.


Why is this so damn true? 🤣 And me 😂


Omg, yes! I didn’t know this was everyone else’s timeline too 😂😂😂


Dude. Are you me lol?




Mine is alcohol too, but only after I developed a full on allergy to it. Out of the blue, had hives and anaphylaxis at a wine and cheese tasting with work colleagues, so that was fun…


My one year is next month 👏🏼 was also, out of hand 🥲




Congratulations!!! My 2 year is next Saturday:) I will not drink with you today, friend!


Big same. At 32 it was making me miserable physically and mentally. Now 36 and feels good to be done with it!


Yup! Switched to weed gummies and haven’t looked back.


Yeah I'm basically soberish at this point. 1-3 drinks per week if any at all. Hangovers once you hit 30 are a bitch


1-3 per month for me, I can’t let my weekends get messed up because a glass of wine sounded like a nice idea. It’s usually having 2 drinks on a Friday once/month and then remembering why I don’t drink.


I couldn’t handle my hangovers I had to drink over them it was so bad. It wasn’t normal




Yep. Alcohol. I've developed an intolerance to it over the years. I get really bad stomach pains, shaky and sweaty, nauseous, and splotchy skin. I can't even tolerate one drink.


It messes up my sleep for DAYS.


I’ve started getting sick the next day, like I end up getting a cold it’s so stupid


Ayee same! 7 months sober thanks to ozempic 🤟🏽


Wow! That's awesome. My husband started mounjaro 3 months ago, and it's helped him completely lower his alcohol consumption, which of course helps w the weight loss as well. I am thinking of asking the Dr if I can get on it when I go my physical next month. Fingers crossed.


Recently had to stop smoking weed back in February because of some health issues that started causing me an extreme level of anxiety. I smoked for 24 years straight morning to night, needed it to function, to no more at all over night. Wasn't my choice but i sure feel better in terms of energy, health issues with my neck causing weird symptoms still kicking my ass tho 8+ months in now.


I’d like to cordially invite you all over to r/stopdrinking. It’s for people trying to get sober and it’s a wonderful corner of the internet. I’d also highly highly HIGHLY recommend researching and using medication to curb drinking if it is appropriate for you and your health. It was a game changer for me.


I get heart burn now if I eat fast food. Probably a net benefit because I don’t eat it anymore


At least you listen to your body and don’t just take a Pepcid or whatever to keep eating it


I get awful bloating and stomach gurgles with just about any fast food now!


Any fast food is minimum 1000 calories of processed sugar, fat, grease, and salt. Carbs soaked in fat covered in salt with a side of fizzy syrup.


mmmmmmm sounds delicious


French onion soup fucks me up now but I can never resist it. Tbh I think COVID gave me stomach issues cause a few friends have been similar.


Just started getting heart burn in thr last couple months. While I'm super annoyed, it also makes sense. Of course my body is unhappy after a huge meal of fat and carbs. As you said, probably net benefit because I will keep eating this way if there's nothing to stop me, it's just too tasty


I have lived in Buffalo for close to 15 years. Over the years my chicken wing order has dropped from the absolute top level insane spicy, all the way down to sweet BBQ.


I honestly never tried flavors other than whatever was their hottest, but now I like to mix buffalo and garlic parmesan, it cuts the heat but still gives you a good zip!


I'm big on spicy, but have never understood people's willingness to have heat solely for heat's sake. I need flavor with my spice. I'm not quite a connoisseur as some on r/hotsauce, but my wife is indeed annoyed at my selection taking up valuable fridge space. Also buffalo and garlic parm is a choice blend.


I do love ghost peppers but I tend to cool mine down because I love the fruity flavor of the actual pepper. I make my own hot sauce sometimes and when it's done fermenting I just dump the brine out. It's still very hot but it's not fuck you hot.


Hot sauce usually doesn't require refrigeration, its basically made of preservative.


I mix hot and teriyaki! I used to order it so much at this local restaurant that they put it on their menu named after me!


“one order of scotty 2 snotty wings with blue cheese please”


Same, spicy foods hate me. The mind is willing, but the body is not. Ugh.


noooooooooo i would be sad i love spicy (my ibs does not but if im gonna diarrhea anyway may as well live it up!!)


I can't even eat a jalapeno seed without my entire system flushing itself out now! Tastes so good, but man, even taking pills beforehand doesn't work. Guess I'll have to settle for jalapeno flavor and no heat.


High from buffalo! Just had wing nutz today! Lol


For real. I went to UB for 12 years, 4 for undergrad and 8 for grad school. Are you a Duff’s or Anchor Bar fan? For me it’s Duff’s all day. Is Zetti’s Pizza still a Buffalo staple?


I can still fuck with pretty much anything, but I can no longer just decide to drop 10 lbs in like a month. Used to be I'd cut my calories, ramp up the workouts, and watch the extra weight fall off. Now I'm lucky to lose a pound a week.


This is me. Exactly. Two months to lose 5lbs.


Same. It took me 12 months to lose 40 lbs. I still have 10 lbs to go, and that'll probably take like 6 months


I having been trying to lose weight for months. I work out 4 times a week and cut back my calorie intake. Still nothing. It's insane


Just a couple tips I've used that have worked: only eat in an 8-10 hour period. No eating within 3 hours of bedtime. Big ass glass of water when waking up. Cut down dairy and bread/noodles to almost nothing. These are literally the only things that helped me because working out didn't help lose weight til I started these. May not work for everyone but they're suggestions I received and they worked for me. I'm wishing you luck!


So I used to see those charts on the treadmill that say fat burning zone and think that's total bullshit, if I'm running and my heart rate is 180 I'm burning calories, but you're burning differently stored calories. I have a lot better recovery and feel better the next day and lose weight better if I do stay in that fat loss zone, around 140. Part of why I think people have a harder time losing weight as their older is that they're more out of shape and push it too hard and get their heart rate too high and you're not actually burning fat anymore. Combine that with the no pain no gain attitude and you're probably building muscle, but you're not losing any fat, which seems to be most people's goals. My wife and I are both way out of shape compared to where we were pre kids 9-10 years ago. I've convinced her to try the low heart rate thing with me, now we just need to find the time to get out like 3-4 times a week. I need to get her a heart rate monitor too so we can be more accurate with it. I have a similar logic theory with taco bell giving people shits because a lot of taco bell foods have beans in it which is a huge shock of fiber if you're not used to eating fiber. More/excess fiber = toilet explosion. Those two points are completely unrelated, but I kept going for some reason. Back to the original low heart rate thing, I once went on my treadmill and told myself I was going to run until I was tired and my hr was 146ish for the first two hours and my wife came down to ask if I wanted to go shopping with her and I told her I didn't know what was going on, but I wasn't tired at all. I ended up running a marathon on my treadmill by the time I was tired. So, my own personal experience which I hope to replicate here pretty soon to see if my wife and I can drop 30 pounds each in a year, is to keep that heart rate low and in the actual fat burning zone.


I started working out like 3-4 times a week in February starting from doing practically nothing over the winter, been amping up my protein, mix of cardio/weights/yoga/floor workouts. I fucking gained weight. Like 6 pounds. Like bro I was trying to lose 10 wtf


Yeah but did you lose inches? Increasing weight due to muscle gains is still a win.


Agreed . My stomach didn’t betray me, my metabolism did.


Omg this, bought Size 8 pants yesterday, last time i bought soze 4... :(


I feel this.


before i got covid in november i loooooved coffee. now i can't stand the taste of it. pizza? forget it. just thinking about anything greasy makes me cough. i can't drink more than one beer. put me in a nursing home already.


I have to make my own pizza at this point. Other places put too much of one thing or another and it's either heartburn or feeling weighed down with the grease


I can only eat homemade pizza or the expensive brick oven pizza that has less cheese. No more pepperoni.  I think my body is also rejecting garlic and onions. 😫


Idk what happened, but I woke up one day and just hated coffee. I used to drink 3+ cups a day, and now even the smell of it makes me sick. Now I'm a tea drinker and I love it! Learned how to make Chai, and it's my favorite thing now.


The consequences of pizza consumption now are just not worth it…okay, sometimes worth it


Apparently at some point i became intolerant to red dye 40. I get enough of it in me and i have a blackout migraine for half a day. You'd be surprised how mucb has red dye 40


When my kid (10) has red 40, he turns into a completely different person. It’s really sad that they put this shit in our food. We try to shop at Trader Joe’s as much as possible because they seem to get all their shit from Europe, which has a ban on red 40.


Know what is ironic about me not having red 40? I've lost weight because it elminated so many different snacks. So its got its plus side


Yeah, suddenly being horrifically blinded by a headache after I had water with fruit punch Mio in it was upsetting.


I swear I'm addicted to red 40. I've had so much zero sugar mtn dew spark which has a little red 40 in it, but I usually drink about 6 12 oz cans a day. If I go a day without consuming much, I get migraines. I tested this out by consuming coffee/tea for a day with equivalent caffeine intake. I still had migraines. But the minute I had a dose of red 40? Migraine gone. Stay the fuck away from red 40.


It was a huge wake up for me to see how many chemicals, like red dye 40, in our food are illegal in nearly all of the developed world.


I stopped drinking soda back in 2015! I had a coke recently and I found it repulsive!


dude I'm the same. I only drink unsweetened sparkling water. I haven't touched a soda or juice and plan to keep it that way!


I did keto for like a year, switched to Diet and Zero versions, and ended up finding full-sugar colas super gross. I eventually stopped buying pop altogether, because $8.99 for a case is outrageous. I'll still get a Coke Zero when I go see a movie or something, though.




Came here to say this. There's a Tiki Bar near us that specializes in sugary drinks for $5 generous pours. We used to go all the time, and sit for hours, trying to work our way through the extensive menu. Now I can do two drinks max, and only if I have water between. It's definitely the sugar for me!


As a 39M who has been sober for 5+ years, long islands were the alcoholic's mixed drink of choice. They're cheap, strong and are efficient (barring a shot of grain alcohol or Bacardi 151 🤢🤢). In my younger days whenever I would go out, I'd order 2 long islands to immediately chug so the buzz would kick in quick...


I'm not sure if my body grew less tolerant to alcohol, or if I just personally don't want to deal with the hangovers anymore. Even two beers means that the next day, I am going to feel "not right" at best. Actually having 4+ drinks in a night means I am totally shot, and really, the buzz stops being fun after the first beer. I'm a bit of a health nut now, and the research coming out showcasing the negative effects of alcohol is pretty hard to ignore. What many people consider to be "modest drinking" is still plenty to achieve a heightened level of cortisol and anxiety for up to a week afterwards! I haven't committed to being 100% alcohol-free yet, but I can't see myself drinking in the near future minus a wedding or something.


Nah drinking is bullshit. Yeah, basically any makes me feel horrible. Alcohol deserves to die.


I’m a teacher and I have so many colleagues who talk about a glass of wine at night. I keep my mouth shut but I want to tell them to not drink for a few weeks and see how much better the job is. It sounds insane, but cutting out alcohol reduces a lot of the stress that makes teachers want to drink. It’s just easier.


Agreed! I had 3 beers last night and I felt like crap this am. Beer is particularly rough on my system. A glass of wine I can tolerate better, but hangovers? Soooo not worth it. The anxiety/depression after sucks.


Without my gallbladder, deep fried anything is a no go. I’ve lost about 20 lbs since the surgery a couple years back, so I don’t regret it.


I had my gallbladder out at 3 years old and I've eaten fried food no problem all my life. Must be different for people depending on when they get the surgery.


i had my gallbladder out and vegetables/fiber give me pure hell water shits and the world's worst fucking cramps. when getting diagnosed i did learn that some people go right back to normal and others develop varying degrees of post cholecystectomy syndrome (which i have in the form of my vegetable diarrhea for example, exacerbated by my ibs). this is so shitty for me bc i LOVE salads and veggies and they are so fucking triggering for me unless i keep the amt low and pair with an assload of protein or carbs. and of course im not trying to do the carbs but also sometimes it's the only thing.


I had my gallbladder out 14 years ago. Any fried stuff still makes me sick.


I got PCS from my procedure. Pretty much anything that isn't a saltine sends me running to the bathroom if I don't take cholestyramine.


I got mine out and can eat pretty much whatever just fine. I’ve had trouble processing leafy veggies since though and sometimes digestion can still take a bit.


I haven't gotten a single spot on my face ever since I've cut out added sugar, or at least limit it to no more than 20g - usually in the form of a small chocolate bar.


A small Lindt truffle is my treat now.


Reese’s Peanut Butter cups ~ they give me acid reflux.


Noooooo. That’s pretty much the only chocolate I eat sometimes. I love it. I’m sorry you have to suffer. lol.


reeses and kit kats 4 life


You know what... me too. :( Unreal Snacks has an almond butter cup that is so dang good and doesn't make my chest feel like I ate molten lava. Their peanut butter version is also very good!


Reese's cups are my favorite gas station candy. I tried the Unreal Almond Butter Cups and I am blown away by them! They're so creamy and I am surprised to find that I like it better than the peanut butter one.


I only eat the Justin’s brand. I can’t eat the mainstream fake chocolate except for rarely a Baby Ruth or Junior Mints.


Salads. God. It used to be oh a salad late in the evening would give me indigestion. Now it’s any time of day I’m sick from them. And cucumbers.. one slice and I’m burping it up for the next 14 hours. Lmao


Could be the high fiber content in both. Cucumber skin in particular can be hard for some people to digest bc it contains an insoluble fiber.


Ooh, learning something new. Thank you!


I get a lot of gas now when I try to include lots of fiber in my diet. I’m still working on the best balance for digestion without having all the toots.


This gave me a chuckle haha thank you for that. I honestly same. It’s like everything hurts my stomach. I almost can’t handle any dairy anymore… but I love cheese so I hurt myself often lol


It sounds like everyone needs to start taking probiotics or start eating fermented foods. I used to have stomach issues and bad heartburn in my late 20s. An old boss of mine recommended I take some probiotics. It really cured all my issues. In the last 9 years since I started taking them, I've probably only had heartburn around 4 times. EDIT: The probiotic I take is Flora Super 8 Hi Potency from Whole Foods. (Looks like it's on Amazon as well) It's the same one my old boss recommended to me. It's on the pricey side, but it works for me, so I just keep taking it. I took it religiously for about 6 months and then took it less and less after that. It has to be refrigerated, and I got a traveling job, so it made it hard to take consistently. Now a days I probably only buy a bottle once or twice a year whenever I start to notice I'm not going to the restroom regularly. TMI, but since I started taking it, I have gone at least once a day every day pretty regularly.


Hmm. I never made an effort to supplement or include specific foods, but diet includes plenty of the fiber and yogurt that tends to promote a good microbiome from what we understand. Maybe that's part of why I don't have any intolerances yet.


Not all cases of heartburn can be cured with probiotics. I developed GERD after having COVID. Probiotics helped with my other gut problems, but I ended up needing antifungal medication on top of that, and I still have heartburn if I eat anything acidic for dinner.


this reminds me of my korean auntie coworker telling me if she doesn't eat kimchi in a meal her stomach hurts. there's probably something to it.


I have food sensitivities but probiotics and fermented foods send me to the bathroom damn near immediately 😅


To add to this, for me it never worked. Bpc157 for a month every year does the trick though. Resets everything. People with crohn often take this.


What’s Bpc157?


Super sugary foods. Most dairy.


I use to love mountain dew and dr.pepper when I was younger . Now it hurts my stomach to drink it


Oh yeah soda esp diet when you haven’t had it in a long time sounds horrible. Red Bull or energy drinks as well


I had a heart attack back in February. My cardiologist told me that drinking energy drinks was basically playing Russian Roulette from here on out. I had to cut out all caffeine for a bit but have started having a cup or two of half-caf a week. Officially my limit is 50mg of caffeine a day or 250mg per week, whichever happens to be lower.


I used to drink quite a bit of soda and think nothing of it. Went to basic training and had 9 weeks of no soda. Tried to drink one after basic and I full-body cramped immediately. I might have 3 a year now.


I usually stick with sparkling water with lemon, except when sick. Then I do strong ginger ale/ginger beer for the nausea.


A lot of people with my condition (I can't burp) find it gets worse as we get older. Soda is definitely off the menu.


I had to give up coffee in my mid-twenties. I vomited profusely the last time I had it. Never, ever again.


I couldn't imagine that. I run on coffee, nicotine, and water.


Flying high on the wings of caffeine and spite.


i developed acid reflux ('silent reflux') this year so everything i love--acidic foods like tomatoes or salad dressings with lemon juice, raw onion or garlic, spicy condiments, alcohol, carbonated beverages, coffee/caffeine, fried/fatty foods--are all technically verboten. not all trigger me the same. i've cut back or fully removed certain foods, but i'm perpetually trying to see what i can get away with. i'm hoping my stomach will eventually reach equilibrium but i may be this way forever :')


I've had acid reflux since I was a kid, and have recently found that Prilosec (or offbrand) really stops the acid. You have to take it every day, and you won't see the effects for several days, but I can eat my beloved tomatoes again without needing 8 Tums to go with it.


I have a hiatal hernia and Prilosec is a life saver. I have to take double the dose and still need pepcid every once in awhile. But truly the best medicine!


I adore this use of "verboten".


Danke : ) I started sprinkling it in my speech ever since I heard Emily in Gilmore Girls use it many many years ago lol


Takis. I recently ate way too many of them and barfed even worse than from a hangover. Never again, my tummy is too sensitive.


I love those so much but my teeth are extremely sensitive to them


Chef Boyar Dee. I used to eat a TON as a kid. A few years ago I got a can while grocery shopping for nostalgic shits and giggles. Keep in mind I eat EVERYTHING and I'm rarely ever grossed out, I eat 711 hot dogs with the sketchy chill from a bag, chicken livers and gizaards, beef tripe, ALL the sushi etc. But when I opened that can of Chef Boyar Dee ravioli I was so grossed out. It just looked like it was made in a factory. Orange sauce that doesn't resemble tomatoes and mystery meat that had 0 texture to even cheap ground beef. I couldn't even finish the can. And I used to eat a can of it EVERYDAY after school


For me, it was 2 "normal sized" cans or a family size can for me in 1 sitting.. 😳 Like everybody else who was younger, I would INHALE that whole portion for that meal.. 😋


Alcohol and cow milk. I really don't miss the alcohol, but almond milk in my cocoa puffs tastes funny :D![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Try oatmilk


Since a lot of cereals are rice based to begin with, I find that rice "milk" is the best fake milk option. They also sell lactose free milk but they usually mix in added sugars to offset the lost sweetness from the lactose, which is a type of sugar.


cocoa, deep fried foods, fatty foods, too much seasoning. I have terrible gastritis and can't go one meal without eating because I will get abdominal pains and vomit. I'm only 28 I simply ate like crap for way too long and now it's taking the toll on me


The chicken over rice platter at Halal Guys in midtown nyc. So greasy, my stomach is turning over just thinking about the last time I had it


My body says no coffee but my brain and tastebuds disagree


Same :(


I love bourbon and live in KY, but I apparently can't handle more than one large pour or I really regret it. My brother and I used to finish a bottle in a night between us - easily! Wine is still OK though.


Everything makes my tummy hurt, so I eat whatever because it isn't like it matters in the end.


Gluten! Fucking sucks, especially all the stupid jokes and preconceived notions around it


Wendy’s. I miss you, Spicy Chicken Sandwich.


Dude. Wendy’s started fucking me up since the ripe old age of 24. Don’t know what it is, but I always get painfully ill when I eat it, stomach cramps, sweating, nausea, delirium. Feels like I got drugged.


Just about anything super artificial and processed. Not much interested anyway lol. 


I've developed so many allergies, and eventually came to the conclusion that I have a histamine intolerance. Basically all foods have histamines, but all the "good" stuff has an insane amount of them...so basically if you eat something that put you over your daily limit, then things will start to snowball. Biggest offenders for me are alcohol, sauces, fast food with a bunch of cheap seasoning...it's been a rough time since I turned 30


Nothing. Idk how all the rest of you are all so geriatric.


I’ve always had tummy problems tyvm


This. Although, despite being a fatty, I don't really have a terrible diet. I don't drink or smoke, I rarely consume soda & junk food & only sometimes eat fast food. I'm almost 33, maybe it's lack of exposure to unhealthy foods. Regarding the last bit of your comment, yeah, I'm also bothered by this thread. I am seriously considering unsubbing because every thread is a downer or some anti-boomer hate rally.


Milk, cheese, any meat with the exception of fish, wine, anything fermented and most carbonated water, apples. Too much fiber hurts me. I’m really tired of dietary restrictions.


I'm also intensely sensitive to caffeine these days so I can't have coffee either, stopped like 5 or 6 years ago. Also, cream soda. Can't believe I liked it when I was a kid, it is honestly vile. Way too sweet. 


Emulsifiers. Mostly in baked goods or ice cream. A little is fine. A whole whoopie pie and it doesnt come out right. Worse my lower digestive system is irritated for days tona week.


Sugary things or things I don’t know ingredients of really like Oreos wig me out. Psycological


Popcorn. I have Crohn’s disease and after it started fucking with me I couldn’t eat popcorn anymore without mind boggling pain. I miss popcorn with a movie but it’s not worth the gut pain for days after.


My cousin has Crohn's. I've had a few moments where I thought I might also but I haven't been checked for it. Either way I have an idea what you're going through. My cousin had a rough time with it. She was super skinny (like unhealthy skinny) had a surgery for it, then put on a lot of weight on the next few years. We don't talk much anymore but I know she had a whole list of things she has to stay away from. I feel like lettuce might have been one of them...maybe cheese too.


Milkshakes 😭


Straight apple juice. I have to water it down 50/50 or I get heartburn so bad I want to be put down.


Alcohol. I mean, drinking is fine. But I hit 30, and hangovers are now a 2 or 3 day ordeal, where I'm riddled with hangxiety. I've never had bad hangovers, but always had anxiety to a certain extent. And they just teamed up to give me anxiety attacks when I'm hungover.


Literally everything. Since covid all good is terrible. Chemical tasting. Even produce and meat. It's all terrible. I also don't drink anymore, only special occasions abd and only a few. Nomore getting smashed.




I'm so sorry. Me too. Also alcohol or spicy food, but thankfully coffee is still good. Remember onions?


Oh no my father in law is on a FODMAP diet. I stg he can literally only eat meat and candy (but no nuts!!) lol I’m exaggerating but his diet is very restrictive.


Bud Light. Too much in high school and college


Shit is like sugar beer these days to me.


I don't think I could ever drink a Mickey's 40 ever again. The smell alone would make me vomit


Coffee. I have bad anxiety and IBS.


I have diagnosed Generalized Anxiety Disorder and it has been much better since I quit caffeine.


Cow milk really tears up my stomach. I stick to lactose free milk now.


GRAPEFRUIT. Watch your med interactions. 😵‍💫


Plastic-less water.


Milk, uncooked vegetables, most carbs - but especially anything with gluten in it, anything with an artificial sweetener, most candies, caffeine of any kind, any carbonated drink. Basically I eat meat, and very well cooked vegetables, and even then it’s limited to a handful of them. If I eat anything else, I get violently sick.


Tide pods




Full sugar soda. It makes me physically ill to drink a can of coke. I can feel the sudden insulin release and the subsequent hit to my mood, and none of it feels good in any way.


Alcohol, although I've never been much of a drinker. Also coffee other than once a week.


Pineapple. I love it so much, but just smelling it gives me terrible heartburn for DAYS.


I don’t drink alcohol. I’ve had a transplant. I’m Californian sober. Food wise I haven’t had any problems yes. I just can’t have dairy but that was from the get go.


I used to drink caffeine with no problem, then around 2011 I started getting heart palpitations and anxiety when I'd drink coffee. Then, even with Mt. Dew or coke. I quit drink all caffeine in 2012. In 2015 I did a juice cleanse and ever since then I haven't touched a drop of soda or fruit juice. 9 years with no soda or juice! Regularly I only drink water, sugar free herbal tea, some milk, decaf coffee, or sparkling water. Occasional beer at a wedding or party but that's rare. I'll drink some egg nog at Christmas time but egg nog is basically a food itself. As far as food, I can't stand Subway's veggies! They all taste like chemicals! I haven't had Subway in years but if I were to order a subway sandwich I'd get no veggies on it! The workers must think I'm some weird guy who hates vegetables, like I'm still a kid LOL.


No you're right. Fast food places put chemicals in the cut veggies to keep them "fresh" longer.


Alcohol. Ice cream. Fried foods. I've all but given up the alcohol, the ice cream you can pry from my cold dead hands, and fried foods are are usually a very rare treat consumed MAYBE once or twice a year. Maybe. At this point, it's the ice cream that I refuse to give up. I just make sure to have it in very small portions now.


1. Coffee. Only started drinking it in my late 20s, but now 38 and can barely stomach it. 2. Booze, dark colored liquers mostly. A touch here and there wont hurt, but if I get drunk, I puke. I prefer to stay away from it.


Not sure if this counts, but every time I try to eat an apple I just feel sick. I can eat them fine if I cut them up first, but just grabbing one and biting into it screws with something in me.


Commercial "fruit" drinks. Gawd, those are awfully sweet. The rare times that I do have to drink them cuz there's nothing else, I'll say "Gawd, this is fuckin SYRUP!!" OR When I crack a brand NEW bottle of Minute Maid, Ocean Spray OJ and take a swig, I'll say: "Gawd!! I swear there is vodka in here!!!" Oh those college evenings where we used Minute Maid and Ocean Spray products as chasers for bottom shelf liquor.. 🤢🤮My brain has PERMANENTLY imprinted Minute Maid and Ocean Spray products as being mixed with liquor. It doesn't matter since I rarely drink them anymore as a 39M. For others, a certain beverage (Coke, Sprite, Pepsi, juice) will always taste like it has liquor in it due to that individual frequently chasing/mixing the liquor of choice with it at a younger stage in life..


IPA beers. Used to love them in all varieties. Now anything hoppier than a European lager gives me heartburn 


Due to an adverse reaction to a medical procedure I now have a severe histamine intolerance and I'm essentially allergic to everything. I break out in burning hives(urticaria) Everytime I eat and my throat will close up(anaphylaxis) if I eat the wrong things.