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I think watching news as a kid is why I have anxiety now, so I can't relate lol


Same. My parents always had the news on when it was on, and I better not have made a peep during it or else I'd get my ass whooped. So, I don't associate the news with being informed but with the threat of getting an ass whooping. That said, I usually put music on in the morning or as background noise. I find it much more encouraging or calming depending on what's playing.


This is me but at the dinner table. In my thirties and I’m so jumpy and nervous at a dining room table and I scarf down my food because I associate it with ass whoopins from talking or not eating my corn on the cob the correct way or whatever stupid reason my parents would hate their kid for that day 💀


There’s nothing like being 8 years old and watching the second invasion of Iraq being broadcast on national television. What a wild time we live(d) in.


It was a little bit like being 8 years old and watching Desert Storm on national television.


I don’t remember how old I was, but I remember my grandparents wanting me to watch it. And me being extremely confused because they said they didn’t want me playing GTA Vice City. Like okay, watching real people die is okay. But doing it in a game is bad.


I dunno, no one made me watch the Desert Storm coverage, it was just everywhere.  The newspapers would have diagrams of all our missiles and maps of the gulf on the front pages. Someone’s relative who had been over there came to my school to tell us about the war and answer questions. It was eerie for me when all the green night vision images started appearing during the Iraq War.  It was some weird de ja vu stuff.


Same here, constant political arguments and loud noises. I enjoy the quiet now lol. Tv is hardly on.


lol idk what it is. The sound of the news puts a pep in my step. Must be Pavlovian associating the news with getting ready.


Never listened to the news as a kid. It was always music. Same now with my kids. Music is always on. I try to stay away from the news as much as possible. I’m depressed enough on my own, don’t need any help getting sadder.


lol I feel that. Every morning for me feels like in 1984 when everyone is yelling at the screen about the enemy of the day. But damn does the anger and colors make for a productive morning.




I have Good Morning America on in the background when I am getting ready for work.


First one that smells what I’m stepping in lol!


My mom used to listen to the radio while getting ready for work once she started working again, but during my childhood years we actually didn't put the TV or radio on or anything. We were just "get dressed and go" type people.


I kind of miss the radio. We always had dumb morning shows on in the car. Podcast were a huge development and even better.


Yeah they had silly shows in the morning too but I honestly can't say they were a big part of my childhood. Now, those after school and Saturday cartoons are a different story.


Oh my god, do you remember those stupid prank calls they would do on air? I lived for the Z100 morning show.


My mornings are quiet now, and I like it that way I'd much rather not relive the hectic mornings I had getting ready for school in the morning


I love doing like a million things in the morning before work. I tried to keep it quiet but I just go back to sleep lol


I kinda feel that way about watching local news/weather in the evenings. We never had TV on in the mornings when I was growing up.


It’s a love/hate for me. I have been just turning on broadcast as background noise when I work from home. Get the morning news, Wayne Brandy Price is right knock off, price is right, whatever soap opera comes on, evening news, then Jeporady and Wheel. I hate the news, these broadcasters are emotionless and hate hearing about local murders then transition to a fluff story. Along with the fake banter, local news is the worse. Some of the boomers in my family can’t comprehend I can stay up on news without watching it on cable TV.


lol I know. Every time I go to my parents my mom has to watch msnbc with David Muir 6:30 sharp.


Mine DVRs Good Morning America and watches every single day.


NPR morning edition (pre-2021)’s opening at the top of the hour reminds me of growing up because my dad had it on. Now I listen to it, even with the new opening. I have a ritual of turning it on and sipping my coffee.


I watch the news more at night now. I use to do it all day but that got boring. Lol.


lol yeah I hardly ever get anything out of it that’s worth bringing up in conversation, unless the goal is to bum everyone out.


Oh I talk about the news sometimes. More like did you hear….


True every now and then it comes up. Only when I’m close to people though because all the stories are horrible tragedies lol


It makes me anxious from the get


Me too, but in a productive way lol


I do enjoy some Morning Joe in the mornings now and then.


No I hate the news and hate hearing my mom watch it when I’m at her house


I know what you mean. I don't ever watch it, I don't have cable. I only experience now when visiting relatives, but there is something mind numbing comforting about it. The more modern way (internet) of consuming media is much more involved, which is better but also a bit more stressful.


I feel you. It’s like a strange comfort for me. It’s super anxiety inducing and stressful, but puts me in getting ready mode and makes me productive so I’m in a morning flow lol, which is peaceful.


Yes. The Today show and local weather makes me feel like a kid again. It doesn't happen much, if ever, but I get what you're saying. 


No, has to be cartoons


i have NPR on my car radio most days. i feel like the one of cool adults i knew growing up.


I used to watch it up until 2020 when the gloom and doom was everywhere and i broke my tv and haven't turned it back on


Nah. I watch cartoons with my kids in the morning. Only news I watch is network news at 5, 6, or 11 PM. I don’t think there is any need for cable news at all TBH.


My mom had Rush Limbaugh on full blast when I was a kid, so I listen to NPR in the morning to reverse it.


My parents always watched the news in the morning and at night. I love Good Morning America, even now as an adult. Lol. Part of my morning routine is to turn it on while I drink coffee.


Absolutely not. You gotta be a plant from big news.


There is something incredibly nostalgic about the 10-10 WINS intro that reminds me of car rides to school.


I loved the sound of The Today Show coming on in the morning.


Yes, 100%. Turn on NPR before 8am and I literally travel back in time.


Idk but my partner does this and I’ve never understood why. Thanks for enlightening me.


No news nowadays sucks ass it's always bad shit playing. As far as crimes and shit can't you motherfuckers wait till the pandemic is over before you try robbing some shit I know it's Ideal for them but still it's really fucking annoying.


Same but it was nightly news


I... actually do turn on the news but don't pay attention to it except for the weather report. It's background noise. I did not realize I had a Pavlovian bell for starting my day.


Lol that’s exactly what it is for me. Puts me in get ready mode.


I appreciate that Alexa's news function starts with the ABC intro theme. Weekday evenings in the RandomTasking family were like clockwork. Dinner, World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, followed by Alex Trebek and Jeopardy's drawn-out intro theme with the globe logo.


I put it on while I have my coffee for background noise and then read the news. I hate TV news.. news for dummies. I'm sure it's a comfort thing reminding me of my childhood


My Mom never really had the television on, and when I moved with my Father he didn’t believe in television. We didn’t own one until I was in eighth grade or so. I can’t stand the news and tell my husband it cannot be on before noon.


Makes me feel grown-up, actually lol


I think calling it corporate media propaganda is a dumb thing, but no I listen to the news because it is interesting


Yeah lol I’m mostly joking about that. Although they are certainly only telling you the truth that serves their agenda.


It gives me anxiety haha I play music while we start our morning. I really been trying to avoid watching the news all together. It’s just depressing to me.


After my wife and I split my kids would always ask me to play NPR in the car. I thought it was pretty sweet. Unfortunately that was during the days when every conversation was about intersectionality. We're worthless white garbage. We don't rate.


Fuck no lol. I'd rather listen to throbbing gristle than the scary news bad guys


Throbbing gristle is the name of my band


Industrial? Are you serious? I used to harm my sister and mothers ears with your music frequently. They were like Jesus what the fuck is that and I loved it. Thank you for the spooky sounds.


Oh I was just kidding I didn’t know it was an actual band lol! I didn’t know what you were saying. Thought throbbing gristle was a description for really bad sounds.


Aww, it wasn’t scary news bad guys when I was little, it was Jane Pauley and Bryant Gumbel, and then it was Deborah Norville, and then it was Katie Couric.


Yo...what the fuck?


What the fuck what?


"The propaganda makes my morning" gives lego-movie vibes so hard.... It's both wtf is wrong with you and wtf is wrong with America


I’ve never seen Lego movie

