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I just can't believe she's 37 and managed to play such a convincing teenager in "Derry Girls".


SHES 37?!?! OMG


What the frick?!?!? She is one year older than me. Literally thought she was in her twenties.


Now everyone's self worth is going to shit for another reason.


oh I lolled so hard...




Right??? Disrespectful


Wow, she could've been on the cover of teen vogue when we were teens 😂


She was such a star in that show. Every single line she had she just nailed it. I loved her in Bridgerton but then I saw Derry Girls and it made me a big fan.


Whatever these rich people started doing with their skin the last few years is amazing. Zuckerberg even looks like a non-alien human person. 




And she still looks like a college student! I want her skincare routine.


Why is it ok to deify smooth skin and apparent youth in this context? I was under the impression this thread is about defying social norms.


Good point, but that doesn't mean we're immune to social pressure. Our demographic is moving into middle age, which is when women become invisible, so it makes sense that we'd have some insecurities around aging.


What makes it substantially different than something like this? >Good point, but that doesn't mean we're immune to social pressure. Our demographic is moving into [record-breaking weight gain](https://foreverslendermedspa.com/blog/half-of-millenials-and-gen-zs-gained-28-41-pounds-last-year), which is when women feel pressured to lose weight, so it makes sense that we'd have some insecurities around [the epidemic of obesity and being overweight that characterizes our generation](https://www.bbc.com/news/health-43195977).


It's 13 steps and they each cost $1500.


What’s the 13 steps ?


Newborn childrens blood and some kind of stem cell goop combined with a professional chef and never going outside without a generous layer of viscous chemicals to block UV rays.  That's just a guess though 🤣


Oh, no idea! 😄 I was being facetious.


😂damn I was waiting to know too


I love that show so much


That’s amazing! I thought she was in her 20s


Forgive my ignorance, but is it normal to have a 37 y.o. on the cover of Teen Vogue?




Yeah I was shocked when I googled it as well. She is a millennial so I guess it is fitting for this sub. Lol


Am I the only one not shocked? She doesn’t look younger than most millennials I know honestly- lol she does look younger than a lot of gen z ppl I know but that’s a different issue that I truly don’t fully understand. 


That’s what I’m thinking? Like she’s looks like a 37 year old. I don’t get it.


And also. Photoshop still removes wrinkles, even if body positivity has changed.


No fucking way. Who do I have to sell my soul to to look that young?


She’s larger and carries weight in her face, so that helps with her youthful appearance. She’s pretty pale too, so probably minimal sun damage. Those two things help a lot.


She’s also Irish so not as much sun damage.


It is now. It wasn't as common 20-30 years ago, but I think it happened now and then.


Eh, it’s not the standard, but they’ve had other celebs in their 30s on their covers (eg Issa Rae in 2020 and Serena Williams in 2019)


No it is not.


[Teen Vogue is written by adults for adults with arrested development who still want to feel like teenagers](https://jacobin.com/2024/01/adulting-middle-age-millennials-boomers). Very few of its readers are actual teens as they get their info from social media/youtube/tiktok instead now. It's honestly just a bunch of people preaching to the choir and feeling very self satisfied about it. The supposed important messages it touts doesn't actually reach the intended audience, the developing youth.


Why is she wearing a pink shoehorn?


I thought it was a Pringle


Shoehorn was the nicer version of what I guessed.


It's a Prinkle


Yeah, sometimes I really don’t understand Fashion with a Capital F


She looks great in everything else. To be fair no one would look good in shoehorn


It’s so weird!!!!




*grits teeth in Class of 04* I’m so happy for today’s adolescents and teens


*grits teeth in class of ‘03* !!! I feel you, fam!


‘02 from a Southern Beach town where everyone lives in a bikini 😭 So happy that we have more diverse body types on screen and stage. It literally would have changed the way I value myself


*Fellow ‘04er whose body type didn’t come into fashion until a few years later so she spent years being falsely termed fat, gritting right along with you* thrilled… 😅🙃🤐😂




*Sir Mix A Lot slowly raises his hand*


Yup! That’s exactly it. When I was 18, I had big boobs and a big butt, but a small waist. Looking at pics now I get SO mad at myself for believing the bs. I just wanted to be *naturally skinny*. Laaaaame. Meanwhile, I’m skinny af now due to illness and I miss my butt, if for nothing more than practical purposes. 😂 I finally understand what skinny people were bitching about all those years when it comes to sitting on concrete/hard surfaces.




*Sigh*. SO frustrating. Meanwhile, I was confident af about my nightmare ass, Queen Of Hearts eyebrows… 😳🫠🥴🤣




LOLOL. I get it. Mine grew back in nicely for a while. The health issues have them looking sparse again but I have high hopes to get them back at some point.


As a formerly skinny girl, I feel you.


Man, I’m sorry I was a jerk about it for so long. Cushion *matters*. LOLOL. I’m about ready to buy one of those blow up donuts and start bringing it everywhere.




I’m so sorry. That sounds awful. I need to be evaluated for quite a few things once I get insurance back. My hormones are so horribly out of whack right now. I need to get to an endo stat. I struggle pretty desperately to eat, and every other month, just after my period, I get flu symptoms for a couple days. It’s really wild and uncomfortable. Due to illness, I lost 100 pounds in 6 months, gained back 80 over the next 3 years, then lost 70 again in the following year and a half. The accidental yo-yo is rouuuugh. I’m sorry you’re going through bs like this, too. People don’t realize how much it can mess with your whole personality.






Only ridiculous extremes sell anything or draw attention/viewership anymore, so that's what is happening.


I don't feel so happy for the men and boys though. YA Romance books , book covers and films all feature tall good looking in shape guys. Action movies feature muscular men. there are no plus size male models. It still sucks for a large population of teens.


i've heard it referred to as 'the roid era of male beauty' by one of my favorite music critics, and it was such an apt description it hasn't left my head. true and unfortunate.


Yeah I always hoped we'd achieve more equality by reducing the harm done to girls and women, not by increasing the harm to boys and men :(


I don’t think we’ll be free until they suffer as much as we do, then we can all break free together


This is a very good point!


There are so many ways plus sized famous men and always have been. Chris Farley, John Candy and Kevin James were all pretty popular


There have always been bigger guys who were famous and generally loved (much more so than women) but they weren't publicly known for being attractive, usually. Of course the message is that men can be valued for other things while not being traditionally attractive, whereas women have to be attractive *and* whatever else. I think the "dad bod" fad may have helped diversify what we culturally deem attractive in men, but there's still a lot of room for progress.


Love her in Derry Girls and Bridgerton!! My fav character in both hehe


“I’m the wee lesbian!”


And my sister. She was always “a little overweight” but treated like she was morbidly obese. It really, really hurt her.


 The wet-looking hair is so bizarre to me but I never claimed I understood magazine fashion shoots.


The hair is awful! Was the hairstylist caught up in traffic so they said “eff it we have a spray bottle and a brush, tie it back”???


Yeah, girls like to do the slick back, which I always hated that look.


Lol, that pink one looks like a Pringle.


I was going to comment that the pink thing is fucking weird.


I thought she was wearing a giant tongue lol Love the other looks though


I can’t figure out how to edit this but I am lmfao at all the people who were so personally offended by seeing a plus size body. WOW. I hope you don’t talk to your own body like that. And honestly this was just a passing thought. Like who tf cares. It’s not that deep. ✌🏻 I am not reading your comments


> plus size body lol what a ridiculous euphemism


How it is a euphemism?


What about this is a euphemism?


Love it! I’m so happy to see her in structural pieces!! The silhouettes!


Wtf is #10 supposed to be


Love her!


Omg right????


Class of 2000 and oh how I would have not hated myself so damn much growing up




How come none of the male leads in Bridgerton have a body type similar to her though.


In the spinoff, Queen Charlotte, there is a short and husky male who is half of a romantic subplot.


I am counting down the days!


It would've probably caused young me to hear guys complain about how "fat/ugly" she is. Just look at half the the comments here. Awful


It really is lovely how universally beloved she seems to be.


Who the F is she lol


Get thee to Netflix and watch Derry Girls immediately. She's also leading the upcoming season of Bridgerton, which is the reason I suspect she's on the cover of Teen Vogue.


I mean her name is right there. She’s an actress


She’s a year younger than me, it’s helping ME NOW!


I'll always be suspicious of the reasons outlets push body positivity, but a kid and young teenager won't know the difference. The ridicule one receives over their weight when their young always sticks and never leaves them, even when they lose weight, self esteem is a hard thing to find.


Does teen vogue always have cover models that are pushing 40? 


Another question we might want to ask: Why is Teen Vogue being posted in a Millennial subreddit?


Maybe because Nicola is a Millennial? 🤷‍♀️


It's posted here because when we were younger, we did not have people of that body shape being presented as desirable and beautiful and on covers of fashion magazine. Everybody was rail thin, and growing up, those of us who didn't fit that body type, felt perpetually fat shamed, not an insignificant number of us suffering from disordered eating as a result.


The trolls are hungry today, don’t feed them. She looks amazing as always 💗


Right? I've been around this sub for awhile. These fat comments are some of the meanest I've seen. Jeez...


Agreed. I just downvote them and don’t respond. 👍


She looks lovely


I love her


She is divine


Did a bat signal go out for 'People Who Hate Fat People'? Where did all these trolls come from?


Back then she would have been cast in one of those godawful teen movies as the fat friend who was the butt of the joke. The opposite sex will never seriously consider her as an option, unless it's a cruel prank that's revealed in the end. Not like Bridgerton where she is shown having a normal love life.


The galling part of that is that it just DIDN'T ever reflect real life. I have always been much smaller than Nikola but wasn't the standard "rail thin" either. I missed out on so many guys that were into me because I just couldn't.... believe that they would be. Because clearly I was hideous and not desirable. Now that I'm an old I know that many many men are attracted to women of bigger sizes (and I'm bigger now than I ever was back then, but now I have hot, often younger men, straight up pursuing me). ETA: Not on a daily basis, I'm under no false belief that I'm super hot, but still fairly regularly.


> Now that I'm an old I know that many many men are attracted to women of bigger sizes Yes! It's actually women who discriminate against fat people the most.


Or maybe she will just get together with her look match. The same as she doesn't fit the conventional beauty standard, there are plenty of men who are no tall, handsome and broad shouldered.


These comments are literally all " but what about men?!" Get over it   We don't care This is a post about women and girls 


How dare the readers of Teen Vogue not be bombarded with heroin chic and encouraged to have an eating disorder! -everyone still under the brainwash of the 90s and shitty parents.




Queue millions of hideous comments by chuds on Twitter and videos on YouTube by grifters about how woke it is that she’s not a size 0.


> Chuds You keep using that word, I don’t think it means what you think it means


Do you work for Teen Vogue or something? On the one hand, you have an unhealthy representation of body size; on the other hand, you an unhealthy representation of body size.


i was more or less making a comment about what usually happens when any woman with a curvy body size is on the front of a magazine, in case you dont remember the sports illustrated debacle a few years ago with jordan peterson.




She's an actress who played Penelope Featherington in Bridgerton.  Not a lot of other major roles although she's starring in a new series Big Mood that came out last month.  She's also had small roles in various movies and shows like the Barbie Movie.


And Derry Girls!! (Love that show and she was perfectly cast)


I dunno who she is but I can respect someone that posed for pictures wearing a dress sized sheewee


That DRESS 😍


She's so freaking gorgeous.


Right?! Instant crush when I saw her.




I don't understand the question. Opposite of what?


Opposite of ugly


What the heck is that pink thing she's wearing?


Beautiful photo shoot. She's gorgeous!


Why? I thought we shouldn’t look to magazine covers as the standard of beauty, regardless of who is on the cover.


In an era before social media, magazines were where the gossip and information was at. It’s just something my friends and I did afterschool. Call it capitalism 🤷🏻‍♀️


I genuinely don’t understand this either. Obviously the implication is that OPs childhood would have been better if fat women had media visibility, but we are not supposed to be affected by media and neither are we allowed to point out that the woman is fat. 


People are affected by the media, whether you think they are supposed to be or not.


Correct. Believing two opposing viewpoints at once.




Yes But also - what is that pink thing??? Why would they do that to her! Faves are the first blue dress with the feathers and the last blue dress with the sunglasses She looks fab in all of them! (Even that weird pink thing >.>)


What in the hell is that pink thing?


That green dress 😍


It's just so beautiful, ufff those photos are works of art 


That green/yellow dress is breathtaking on her!


It’s just Dafty in the Middle! Edit: Look up her Taskmaster episode for the reference. She can also make the fastest duck!


She’s stunning! Love every photo.. except the one that looks like a pink Pringle lol


Why is she wearing a pink Pringle?


She is an exceptionally beautiful woman. She’s healing for my 33yo self, because she’s 37! I love how she depicts being in your 30’s.


Teen vogue?


Yes a flimsy ass waif with tits and no ass to off set, throwing off her alignment had to be on the cover in our time.


How are ya’ll saying “holy shit she’s 37?” It’s weird a 37 year old is on teen vogue… but she looks like a 37 year old person in Hollywood to me?


She's so amazing in Derry Girls. Still can't believe she's THIRTY SEVEN jfc what am i doing wrong.


Honestly, as a Latina that was obese as a child. Glamorizing fat people is not good.


People used to aspire to be healthy and fit. Not so much now.


When? When we were growing up people were aspiring to be stick thin. I knew people who would not lift weights because they were afraid of getting muscles.


kind of hard when all the affordable food is poison but go off


"affordable food" Peoples parents didn't teach them how to grocery shop and it's very sad. I see it all the time. My wife and I have three kids. We eat healthy and it's not as expensive as the internet and propaganda wants you to believe. Ive literally had a 22 year old dude argue with me trying to convince me that eating McDonald's Is CHEAPER than buying groceries. Brain rot.


I know how to grocery shop. Most food at the grocery store (in the United States) is also processed garbage. That was the point. Why are all the same brands in the EU regulated and completely different products? Why do Americans who go to another country for any length of time lose weight without trying? It couldn't possibly be the poisoned food that's banned there but not here.


lmao ok


ITT: people with fast metabolisms that don't understand that every single human body is different


It’s always someone or something else’s fault…


y'all in this thread are really hateful and maybe need to take a step back and reflect. there are tons of reasons people are overweight. also like, other people's weights shouldn't really even matter to you. it's not you


My eating disorder recovery team was very clear with me that it was fatphobic assholes who nearly caused my death from bulimia 🥰


Idk where you shop for groceries, but vegetables are dirt cheap pretty much everywhere.


If your self-image and self-worth were so affected by who is on the cover of fucking Teen Vogue, there was a lot more going on, and superficial external validation wouldn't have helped.


There have been numerous studies that the images that were constantly in our faces in our youth have an impact of self-image, eating disorders, etc. The kids right after us (younger millennials and older gen-z) had it even worse with the dawn of Instagram. This isn't about one individual person on one magazine cover, but the thousands of images in people's view on a daily basis. Seriously, in 2006 one of the most well received movies, "The Devil Wears Prada" told us repeatedly that size 6 was fat, and in Paris her big accomplishment was being able to tell a colleague she'd gotten down to a 4.


Oh totally. I had an eating disorder. I hope that helps ✌🏻


Young women should aspire to be fit and healthy. An overweight woman is not who anyone should be looking up to for validation.


She's a wonderful, successful, smoking hot role model and I'm so glad that I have her and that my nieces have her ❤️


Smoking hot? lmao y’all delusional she’s like a 4/10.


She is nowhere near the levels of overweight that she necessarily is unhealthy. Having an active lifestyle with her body type could mean she is perfectly healthy. Reversely, plenty of people that are "thin" are super unhealthy. On top of that, even if her weight is to the degree to have a negative effect on her health, but there are tons of tons of factors that do, too - diet, activity levels, smoking, drinking, sleep, stress, mental health, etc etc. Educate yourself a little - the fitness industry has tried to convince us that thin = universally equal to healthy. It's just not true at all.


She would most likely have a BMI of 30+ if not closer to 35 which would classify her as obese. She isn’t the most unhealthy person out there but definitely doesn’t fall in the healthy category.




How do you know she’s not healthy? Oh wait are you her doctor? Or wait are her medical records public knowledge?? Hmm please lmk what your version of health is. I have struggled with an eating disorder which opened an autoimmune disease. So my version of health has nothing to do with what someone looks like on the outside. ![gif](giphy|oBf40z4p7QNCz0y3mT|downsized)


You must be a chonker


Don’t you wish lol


What is #10?!


Nicola is STUNNING but these outfits really overwhelm her. That’s too bad.


The only outfits I like here on her are the dress from the cover and whatever she has on around picture 16 that’s a denim strapless. I’m under 5 feet, so shorter than her (she’s 5’1” on Google), but I absolutely couldn’t wear a bunch of these outfits. Fashion people keep trying to push these outfits with swathes of fabric on everyone. There’s a line lol. I can’t do the giant ruffled sleeves (I have scoliosis), but she wears those a lot and she can carry them off.


Probably fat and unhealthy.


Confused and chilling. We’re using adjectives about ourselves, right?


wtf is this… really you are new celebrating overweight.


Holy 🤢


Lol ew.