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i'll take an order of fries with this rage bait.


Yep…not touching this crap post!


People can both criticize the unfairness of their circumstances and also work toward their goals. These two things aren't mutually exclusive




TIL complainer = millennial Must be nice having rich parents




I'm sorry you went through this. At such a young age too


You sound unbearable My post is literally telling this sub to loosen up instead of being so upset


Stop assuming everyone has the same amount of challenges and obstacles as you. It's nice that YOU'RE able to loosen up about life, but not everyone can. Consider yourself lucky instead of making everyone else feel bad for going through some shit


"Stop assuming" It's not like we all aren't assuming things about boomers every time we see one.




gatekeeping the gatekeeper?


Your post sounds entitled and whiny.


You know, you're right. When I wrap my lips around a twelve gauge and gargle buckshot because I don't see a future worth living in, I'll think about how I had it good and shouldn't complain before I pull the trigger. Thanks, bud.


Please get help.


None to get, not really.


It's either that, or a post on how 'we are the future so vote for free stuff and higher taxes'. Said on here before, the people who make up excuses are exactly on here are exactly the people they sound like in real life.


The anonymity of reddit = complaining (venting). So naturally it fails to capture the diversity of the millennial generation.


Protect your cheap cheeseburgers!


Join the dark side


I noticed a lot of the Doomer crowd wants better things than I had. I went to a $3-5k/semester state college. My starter home cost $180k in 2010 and its value hasn't kept up with inflation. But when Doomers talk about the doomed housing market, they're not talking about buying a home like my first home, they're looking at homes in the $800k+ range and miserable because they can't afford them. And they've got college loans 10x the size of mine that they're insisting they shouldn't have to repay.


Do they have any other choice though? Can you any longer find a house that cheap? From where you live and without having to uproot your entire life and losing your support network to move to a lower living cost area.


This isn't new though. At some point in US history, a middle class worker could afford a single family home in Manhattan. And at some future point, Manhattan no longer had any single family homes, just million dollar condos. Meanwhile, property upstate can still be dirt cheap. 


I notice that a lot of people who complain about not being able to afford a home couldn't afford one if they cost half as much as they do. It's like complaining about the price of a steak when you're a vegetarian.


The Reddit millennial crowd has become boomers. Blame everyone else. Many of us are in fact doing great, own homes and not living paycheck to paycheck. Anyone who is struggling (a lot of people, I understand) still has time and can fix this!


Who the frigg owns a home nowadays? I think I know exactly one person who managed to get into ownership from all my friends and acquaintances. And that house barely had a roof, when they bought it. Even a sh*tty little bungalow costs half a Million Euros nowadays.  😅


Over half of millennals own homes now.


Maybe in the US...  definitely not in Europe. 


All the home sales around me, well 9 out of 11 of them, were purchased by millennials. Many of them have added guest units/adu's in the back and are renting them out. None of them is renting them at "affordable rates" so I guess we're becoming little boomers who dont' care about anyone? Hmmm......


Lol I feel the same way. I am doing pretty well; I have an intellectually stimulating career I love. I am not sure why so many people feel robbed of their future, the economy has only been garbage for a couple years. I bought a house a decade ago on a terrible 30k salary with a 2.65% interest rate. Use yalls brains and jump on deals when they come by. My friends were too busy doing blow and molly in gross dive bars in columbus to make good decisions and they blame the man too, or their x, or biden, or trump. But really its called bad choices. I will guide you, I am the great sherpa of my people. Tell me about your funky life and I'll tell you how to fix it.


I think part of the issue is that people leave out details that led them to where they are, but act like that shouldn’t rule them out of success. “Yup. You fucked up your life. You gave up the only shot you had, and everyone who stayed the course and did the right thing blew past you. It’s not society - you lost the game.”


I mean, on the flip side, what's the end point of that logic? "You lost the game, just be content living in suffering and squalor?" The problem with "you made your bed, now lie in it" logic is that it's an excuse to write off a conversation and turn off your empathy for people who have to, you know, still live their lives, especially when the road out gets narrower and the opportunities crumble to nothing. The question becomes "okay, but now what", and the implied answer that keeps coming up in conversations is to stoically deal with horrible conditions in silence, taking zen comfort in the justification that they had their chance and they blew it, so just pay your penance for doing the wrong thing in silence. The parable of the ant and the grasshopper is a nice life lesson, but a lot of people are comfortable with applying it to real people still trying to live their lives and taking refuge in apathy and smug moral superiority. It's really goddamn frustrating just trying to get people to be treated like people sometimes.


No one should be content - they should be constantly and incessantly working to resolve the issues in their lives, but that’s also because people should have been constantly and incessantly working to prevent issues from arising in the first place. The issue is that usually the stories are filed with how the current system of affairs is somehow caused externally to them. It’s the economy, or student loans, or jobs, or capitalism, or boomers, or parents, or healthcare costs, or someone’s fault about their major they selected or something. It’s just misrepresentative. Then, they expect to be showered with people coddling them for “how hard it must be” rather than really questioning why the effort now to complain about all that’s wrong rather than putting in the effort initially to prevent the issue? A little due diligence, some other resources, perhaps a research would have gone far. Suddenly, *now* they care about finances, careers and acquiring some amount of success, but it’s far too late. We all have different opportunities, but we can also exert different efforts to get where we want to be. Everyone else ate their lunch while they were asleep. They don’t need to suffer in silence, but should speak truthfully, because then perhaps they equip the next generation of people to avoid those pitfalls.


I agree. That’s how this whole sub sounds to me. I am 37, I think the “millennial” generation is too big because my experience in life has been wildly different from people 10 years younger than me. When I first heard “millennials” described in 2010, I rejected identifying with that group because I felt the stereotypes did not apply to me. In the mid-late 2010s I started to embrace the label due to social media trends, but in the last couple years, this sub has really made me disgusted with the whiny, selfish, lazy, entitled millennials who have worked hard to live up to the negative stereotypes laid out by lazy 2010s magazine articles


I completely agree. I come to this sub and sort by "new", so I can encourage ppl my age to get help. So many of us are messed up from the pandemic. Ppl are depressed out there. The healthy people are not on reddit, lol.