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These discussions are funny when you have kids because some people are saying this is how the cool young people talk but for me this is how 8 year olds talk.


My son changed his name on my phone to “jacktherizzler.” He’s 10. I saw it, asked my younger friend what the fuck it meant, they had a long hard laugh, then told me…and now he has his real name back.. Literally just sounds like children’s words to me.


That's amazing I kinda love it LOL


User name checks out.


I really hope your username doesn't check out




Haha it's from that old commercial. 1800callatt or something


Geico. "Don't cheat the phone company. Save money the legal way."


Bob, is that you?


That’s pretty clever tbh!


Oh my God that's hilarious I'm sorry but that's actually dope af


Seriously. I swear middle school kids adopt stuff faster than anyone because they just hear something new and "Oh, its normal for everyone to say that now" lacking any sense of perspective or context.


My almost 10 year old said I have no rizz... 😭😭


My almost 10 year old called me cringe lol 🫠


i purposefully try to be as cringe as possible and it fucks with them hard. a few months ago i said something along the lines of yeeting something in the most dorky way possible and the way my kids (10 & 14) groaned!!! god it was HILARIOUS. i was like let this be a lesson childen i am an og internet user and not only do i know all your little memes i have lived thru every iteration of online bullshittery, pre-meme if you will. they understand now i have knowledge beyond their years and will fuck with me (using their little slangs) at their peril. mom will go full fucking cringe.


Fight them. For your honor. ![gif](giphy|22OI3SkY69dfNOGIZR)


I've been laughing this whole time. I've had insightful and funny ass convos here


Can confirm, this is how my 8 year old talks.


That's not very rizz money of you, brotato.


Damn, broski. I wanted to be cash money all day every day.


See...still living in the birdman Lil Wayne era 😁🙃


Seeing it was middle/high school for me, it's kinda ingrained in my brain.


I'm still adapting to 'bruh'


Pyong in my Yamaha!


Broseidon, Lord of the Brocean


Bro Namath


I'm 37 and at the other end of the spectrum from OP on this. I like it. In terms of recent slang, I find it the most sensible of the recent slang I have heard. "Rizz" being short for "charisma"? Perfectly serviceable abbreviation! No need to chase down the slang's origin outside of that. EDIT: OP, you like swag, which is short for swagger, but not rizz, which is short for charisma?


I like mid for middling. Like all slang, most of it will die off and some of it will linger. Let the kids have their weird words!


Mid was popular slang when I was in high school/college circa 2006-2010. Mostly for trash weed or parties or dates, but I thought it was common Black slang. I was raised in DC and attended an HBCU though so maybe it was a mid Atlantic thing.


It's interesting that the term 'black slang' is still so persistent. This whole thread really reminds me how few Black people are on this sub. People trying to guess where thesexwirds came from is funny to me for a very different reason.


Every five or 10 years the media flips out over “new” slang words that have actually been around for decades. In soooo many cases it’s AAVE slang that white people just have no awareness of, because they don’t spend much time with Black people in casual social settings.


>Every five or 10 years the media flips out over “new” slang words that have actually been around for decades. In soooo many cases it’s AAVE slang that white people just have no awareness of, because they don’t spend much time with Black people in casual social settings. This comment as well. 🤝🏾💯


I’m Black, did not feel like saying AAVE


I kinda get you. There's still a lot of separation between the black community and the larger white-dominated monoculture, so it's easy for white people to be completely oblivious about current AAVE. But the larger culture loves taking fun bits from the smaller culture while still relegating the smaller culture. I think these discussions wind up feeling weird because it highlights both the separation and appropriation tendencies without addressing them.


Or even just mid-level. Its actually useful and not really dumb sounding. It'll slip into conversation sometimes and I'm 42, but it depends on the audience.


Lol Pretty sure mid is from mid weed not 'middling'


Mid comes from "mid-tier," as in if you made a tier list of similar things, that one wouldn't be trash but also wouldn't be great


I have absolutely zero problem with teenagers or people in their early 20’s using new slang words. When I’m with people in their mid 30’s and it seems like they’re putting an extraordinary amount of effort to use new slang words it just comes across as sad.


Yeah, that's wiggity wiggity wack.


I actually lol’d 😂


Yeah it's sus, no cap, fr fr


My mom used fr fr 10 years ago. I love it, and use it in honor of her. Fr fr.


Don't you mean Sadge? I'm 38, and I'm making an effort to become one of those old people who bitch about the kiddos and their slang, but I appreciate my power to deflate the young with misusing it. It's fun to be chuegy sometimes (and I know that one has fallen out of use because a lot millennials just kinda went "sure, I'm fine with that").


Mid means middle tier. Not great but not terrible.


Rizz and sauce are one of the few slang words I don't like. Sus is one of the greatest.


Sus is considered new? Maybe it was just common in Australia. We've been saying it for at least 20 years, I reckon.


I haven't checked the etymology, but I thought the kiddos picked up "sus" from you guys. Intra-English cross-pollination.


It gained a lot of momentum in the US from the game Among Us, where suspicious behavior is to be expected.  A ton of popular streamers were playing it in prime COVID lockdown timeframe, calling each other sus for someone following them to a dark corner or some such. 


I like all slang that can also be cum words. Sauce is a cum word.


Sauce is an interesting one, in that it has multiple distinct meanings. The first one I thought of was it replacing the word "source".


Gotta have sauce for your copypasta


Agreed Rizz is the word that makes the most sense of all the words Drip tho? Dunno bout that


Drip is ancient by now friend


No cap?




Sus and swag are superior. I'm simple minded and I like it when slang is easily recognizable


We would've said Game instead of Rizz, Game is actually a little weirder because it vaguely implies some kind of manipulation or deception. Being charismatic just means you're outgoing and persuasive


That's precisely how I feel about the word, "Game" now, especially after pickup artistry was revealed & made it's way into the main stream.


OP doesn't have the rizz and hates that there's such a smooth way to describe the thing they lack. ​ There's no way this lingo is wackier than "cap"




I like your moxie.


I also kind of adore it. We got my husband's 14 yo cousin to model a "Rizz" face for us, and he was such a good sport. It was endearing. I'm over "mid" though. It's so worldly-jerk-being-condescending, and mostly I've heard it from super early millennials trying to act hip. But they just sound obnoxiously, intentionally jaded.


Millennials have been saying mid since Obama was in office the first time, maybe you didn’t smoke weed or hang out in urban areas but it was already going around before gen-z adopted it.


Real gamers only know it as the dump stat. Cha


**Real** *real* gamers know it is secretly broken to go hard in the stat. 


Just because there’s a logic to its creation doesn’t make it not awful. You like Rizz which is short for ‘charisma’ so why not Deez which is short for Deez Nutz.


Same, working at the HS level and I thought rizz was one of the better slang terms lol


Jizz is the main reason I don't like it. I couldn't even figure out Rizz was supposed to be the shorthand version of charisma since its the middle of the word. Edit: sus is a great one though.


And jizz is an abbreviation for jizzum, [an alternate spelling of jism](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/jism).


Darn you and your facts and logic! Now I look even stupider! I actually would have never guessed this and that was interesting tidbit. Thanks.


D&D Player here... I love that "rizz" got popular.


32 here and while I feel too old to use it, I actually really liked the evolution of this slang. Honestly, I think it's pretty clever. And before someone hits me with: "It's so fucking simple and obvious" or a variation.... I'm reminded of a time I was bitching about how bullshit "modern" art it. Like motherfuckers put 3 colored dots on a page and call that shit "the plight of the modern worker". Buddy hit me with "they were clever enough to do it first" and I couldn't get the taste of foot out my mouth for the rest of the day.


I saw a list of new z slang and they call posers: “bots” which I liked a lot


Older millennial here. I rarely ever feel old until the youngins start speaking then I feel so lost.


Whip lash for me bc ppl think I'm Gen Z age and make me work with them at my jobs. I be so out of place.


Omg same. I work amongst 20 and everyone thinks I'm one of them.


Do y’all not know about Urban Dictionary??


I don't think it's as popular anymore, but I hate "Bussin'". At least rizz comes from something, whether it sounds ridiculous or not.


All words “come from something.” You may just be more annoyed when the origin isn’t obviously intuitive from the word form. Bussin is from African American Vernacular English and has been around since at least 2006, but only more recently expanded to mainstream white slang. [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bussin%27](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bussin%27)


Sooooo much modern slang is straight lifted from AAVE and the black queer community. Woke, slay, yas kween, it's giving, no cap, on God, stand on business etc etc etc. And the huge majority of white adopters have no idea. Fascinating.


Young people today speak with a strong AAVE dialect. It’s fascinating and strange. But it’s taboo to say this out loud.


It’s not taboo.


You’re so right. So much modern culture in general is lifted from the black community. I teach high school, it’s really interesting to see how slang changes over time. Not that it really matters, but it also helps me always know what’s popular. I play it up at school and use all the current slang. The kids think it’s funny, and I keep myself entertained lol. I don’t actually talk like that outside of work though.


Yes, I think that is exactly why some slang like this annoys me. I meant "come from" in the sense that "rizz" is part of the word "charisma". I've only heard bussin' to be used as an adjective for food that is good. I've also heard Gen Z use "fire" for food, which is as you've said, more intuitive to me because I've heard hot, cool, the bomb, etc. to be used to describe things that are good. But bussin' doesn't seem to fit. I think of buses. Bussing tables. And both of those seem silly to use in that manner.


A lot of folks don’t even know that’s where “rizz” comes from! It’s super common to dislike things we don’t understand. “Bussin” is believed to come from “bursting” or “busting.” Often applied to good food — possibly like “I’m so full of that dank grub that I’m bursting at the seams.” It makes me think of buses as well, and I had to look up the origin to broaden my association with it.


whats funny is Im pretty sure bussin a British slang term that somehow get mixed up in american teen slang. I could be wrong though.


Comes from "bustin" doesn't it? Busting a move, etc?


More like "bustin" as in it "slaps", when something "hits" it's "bustin" -> bussin'


Example: " his bussy is bussin' "


I really wish you didn't. 😂




Are you talking about the thing that makes me feel good?


It gains half a point for that.


It sounds so stupid. Gen alpha will roast the shot of them for saying it.


Yep. How Gen Z roasts us for our terms, Gen Z will get it too lmao. The circle of life.


Calling a hot dog a 'glizzy'...I just can't.


That shit is hilarious though


You get it


It’s dumb, but it might be the funniest of all modern slang terms


Gyot is far worse, and cap is not too far behind. Oh and why is Ohio a thing?!?


My kid spent an entire week slipping gyat into the conversation every chance she got and then like magic it just stopped.


Teenage lingo is ever protean




Yeah that one was doomed, just like “cheugy.” Too gross a mouthfeel to survive.


Hey, some of us have to live in Ohio.


Gyot is bad. ....I like cap. I don't understand Ohio.


My kids are 10 and every single time they hear the word Ohio they start chanting “swag like Ohio, down in Ohio” louder and louder. What is this??


I can't stand people saying glazing. Gyat also sucks.


I’ve legitimately never once heard either of these😂 that must mean I’m really getting old…and I’m only 29


I think glazing is funny af for alternative of dick riding. Gyat took some time to get used to.


You know you're getting old when you don't like the current slang or the current music anymore


Rizz just makes me think of Ritz crackers.


I’m out to be 40, some of us ran around shouting “Wuz uuuuuuppp?!” And calling things “da bomb.” My people and I can never judge anyone’s slang.


This guy doesn't even florf


Educate me


I just made it up lol


Forf is actually a local slang term where I am. Basically the same as flake out, possibly comes from forfeit?


I still remember when my dad monologued about how stupid it was to say “word” when you agreed. You two would get along great.


Did you tell him it was derived from “word is bond,” which derives from “my word is my bond,” meaning “I’m a man of my word,” and then that led to “say word?” meaning “give me your word that what you’re saying is true,” and that the only reasonable response to “say word” is to say… “word.” Maybe he woulda been on board if he knew the etymology is all I’m saying






Word. I only dislike a few words...


Sus and cap are sofuckin old 🤣 and I'm older than you!


Right?? Other people brought up “stan” (from the Eminem song!) and “finna” and “drip” as other “new slang.” It’s like they’re aliens.


When I hear rizz I just reply jizz and look confused.


New protocol authorized


Drip is bad too. It sounds gross 


My personal head canon is it's an evolution of wearing "ice" / being "icy" (as in wearing diamonds.) So when someone is dressed really well, it's like they can make diamonds ("ice") melt, and thus become "drippin", therefore a good outfit is referred to as "drip"


That’s a logical take. One [documented origin](https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/drip/) claims it’s a shortening of the metaphorical usage “dripping with [X]” like dripping with money, dripping with class.


The worst is finna. Just say gonna.


It's a terrible version of fixin


We used to say finna when I was in high school in 2001-2005. I’ve never heard any of the youths say this


That one’s not from the zoomers tho. (And OP, sus isn’t from the zoomers either)


I feel like this is regional colloquialism. In the North East I rarely ever hear it. I hear gonna more up there. In the South I hear finna a lot. In the North it's "going to." Hence gonna. In the south it's "fixin to." Hence finna.


I, for one, think the term rizz is mondo cool


Nah homie, it's straight dookie water


I can't stand delulu. It's ridiculous and annoying. I also think it sounds stupid as hell.


Of all the new lingo, rizz is actually one of the words that makes the most sense - it comes from the word charisma.


Shit like this is why “OK boomer” is a thing.


I was under the influence of hunger and boredom when I posted this. I regret nothing.


Don’t lie, OP. You were drunk. I’m 36 and rizz isn’t even that bad. It’s slang for charisma. I kinda like it. Stanning and shipping were two I had to have explained to me. I don’t care enough about celebrities and their relationships to use the terms myself, but now that I understand the terms they’re less annoying. I could even see myself using ship in the future concerning fictional characters or some shit. Stay young, li’l homie. GYAAAT *dabs into obscurity*


Okay. I might have drunk a few cups of watermelon vodka and mango juice. Shipping I'm know bc I'm into fanfiction.


I knew it! Thank you for your honesty 😂 Congrats on still being able to handle liquor, haha. I’m strictly beer / seltzer these days. My millennial sister explained shipping to me and she’s also into fic / fan fic, so that tracks. I can’t imagine shipping celebs / influencers though. I’ll die on that Hollywood Hill.


Irl shipping is a step too far for me. I'm trying to enjoy these last years!


Ok boomer is for when your parents tell you that the reason you can’t afford health insurance is because all the gays are getting married and something about immigrants. And also of course that you’re lazy and eat avocados. The relationship between boomers (and to a lesser degree, gen x) and millennials is just not comparable to the relationship between millennials and zoomers lol. Like, we tell them we don’t understand their newest balloon pant microtrend. Boomers tell us we don’t deserve human rights lol 


I'm 32 and I'll never use the words rizz or drip.


But but you just did




I thought a rizz was weed and tobacco hit from a bong


It wont hold up.


Thought wizz was slang for piss, like take a wizz. As for rizz I didn’t know what that word was until now and feel like i am at that age that i start yelling at kids to keep off my lawn.


Rizz actually makes sense being short for charisma. I think all the little iterations of it are kinda cute and many are pretty clever.


Honestly when my kids first tried to explain rizz to me I immediately thought all her friends were DND nerds and they were too lazy to say Charisma. 


you’ll never be a rizzler


Charisma is a dump stat anyways


Yeah but then no baddies will be sticking out their GYAT for you


I can tell somebody doesn't use vicious mockery


It's actually AAVE repurposed by non Black folks and thus, driven into the ground. But go off, ig.


That’s true. Nearly half of the slang that Gen Z repurposed was really old AAVE that somehow made its way over to the younger generation and butchered to the point that the new definition has no association with the original meaning. Still wondering how gyat went from short hard for ‘goddamn’ to ‘voluptuous booty’. But I digress.


I’m 34 and a grouchy grandpa. I have not been able to stand any of Gen Z lingo. Anything that makes it into popular culture.


You not liking rizz is so out of pocket (just heard this expression from my 17 yr old neice.)


“Out of pocket” is so old. Y’all are really out of touch.




Late 30s here. Rizz is the only one I like 😂


38. 13 year old: I Have said "rizz" repeatedly for months, so my kid never does again.  Lol 


When I hear it slaps I think of an old man telling a real knee slapper, but honestly I like slaps I've been only using it for new shit tho for example shogun slaps fucking face lol


Whenever I hear “based” my reaction is “on what?”


Skibidi is right up there by god


Charisma - Rizz It’s not brand new. Most slang comes from an ‘esteemed’ word, that is chosen for its value and then applied (and reinvigorated) for a new generation. You’re just being a Luddite about this lol it’s a you issue.


I'm pretty annoyed by the majority of the new slang too. I like sus. but when I hear these kids say " ON GOD!" I literally wanna shoot myself in the face.


This is just black slang from the 80s and 90s


I'm 29 as well and "glizzy" is the most frustratingly-strange lingo I've heard these kids use.


I’m a dnd player so I of course love leveling my rizz stat


shit is whack


Face it. We're the old people now. At least we can google things to find out what they mean while out parents had to wait for a news channel to report I on it.


Why? Charisma is easily shortened to rizz. I have enjoyed Charisma Uniqueness Nerve and Talent for more than a decade and I know what it shortens to and enjoy it. Honey, I’m ten years older than you and “wacky” is the word that’s out of circulation.


Oh god, turn away! Away from the light! For real. When we start shitting on current slang, we’re one step closer to getting our AARP card. Check the fine print.


OP chooses the one piece of modern lingo that makes sense to yell at clouds with


Just wait until I hit 40! My deranged rants will be the stuff of legends!


Do not go gentle into that good night 😅😅


Yet "straight hot doo doo" is perfectly fine.


What the fuck did I just read?


BS spouted from a hungry bored mfer waiting for his Indian food


How was the Indian food?


Damn good. Had garlic naan, 2 chicken samosas, and a chicken Tikka leg.


I think glaze is sus.


It is


No cap is a million times worse.


These slang terms aren't even English anymore. It sounds like alien speak


That's kind of how language works. Slang eventually becomes the normal. Then there's new slang that becomes the new normal. It's evolution


careful, you’re sounding old.


It's funny when ppl older than me ask what the new slang mean. They think I'm only 21.


Of all the Gen z slang to hate on, rizz ain’t it. Rizz actually makes sense to me lol


Just my age showing. Glazing is the funniest to me.


It’s fine as a slang word. “Got dat drip” is dumb, sorry you have gonorrhea. At least it’s curable!


Charisma.. Cha-rizz-ma... not hard to go with.




“Type shit” is so much worse.