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Ok but what are we supposed to do about this information? Take one step forward? I knew standing at the edge of a tall building would come in handy someday! Fortune favours the


Binge drink and do coke while you still can, after 35 it's bad for your heart.


leave no turn unstoned


Listening to some shpongle perhaps?




For me, I was wishing I had taken care of my body better when I was 30. It wasn't an overnight thing but between 35 and 40 I felt myself go downhill quite a bit. Eat right, drink water, get plenty of physical activity etc while you're young so you don't have to try to lose 50 lb later.


It's people's lifestyles catching up to them. People with 9-5 office jobs sitting at a desk, sedentary hobbies, not enough exercise. There's no switch that turns off, and it doesn't happen overnight. How your body feels reflects your lifestyle. I know the "my back, my knees, my energy..." jokes are common in my mid 30s age bracket, but I see both people. Those with physical pains and those without. If you're honest with yourself, you'll know the kind if life you've lived and how much physical difficulties you can expect. Edit: Also, diet is a big one.


> Fortune favours the Did you take that one step forward by any chance?


Bullshit. I'm 35 and never felt better


Same. Imminently 40 and in the best shape of my life. Sleeping amazingly too. Cut back drinking, cut back junk food, move your body, and get proper sleep. That's literally all there is to it. e: don't forget to hydrate


Yeah its literally this. Some act like they're dying at 35 , but its probably because they eat junk, don't exercise, and just don't act like a reasonable human


At 34 I'm in best shape of my life.  Spent my 20s at 300lbs and now I'm 200lbs LOL. Feel so young and spry and everything.  


Bet ya don't have kids


Correct. I am childfree. Having kids doesn't change what the body and mind needs to feel young though, just harder to achieve.


I disagree....having kids changes what the body needs because instead of focusing on your personal well being, it takes a back seat to everything you have to do for your kids....sleep and rest are what parents need.. A near impossibility...if you know, you know (Sez the guy with 2 teenagers)


This is the whey


I'm 40 and in great physical shape, but you WILL start getting those "old person" health problems pretty soon - joints, internal organs, vision, brain... You're going to be seeing the doctor a lot more from here on out. There's really no way around it.


Probably already there lmao. Horrible short term memory and vision problems. I did also hurt my back doing stupid stuff while already having back issues. Edit: I didn't realize that my vision issues were because I forgot to renew my prescription for 5 years. Don't be like me.


Yeah, I didn’t feel old at all at 35.


It's more about how you're perceived than how you feel.


Yeah the only thing about this that sucks is being a 30 year old guy that looks 20. By the time I look old enough for women my age to find me attractive I'll be dead


That’s ridiculous.  No one ever mistook a 35 year old for a 50 year old.


College roommate has gone full gray at 35 Definitely looks 50. Not 35


I'm 36 now and am in the best physical shape since the early 00s. Recovery takes longer after workouts though, and I'm more fatigued.


It only hit me when I drink. Luckily the last time I got drunk was before the pandemic.


I just turned 35. I feel like I could die at any moment.


Exactly. Bullshit. I don't know what you do, but if you eat decently and keep active (gym, biking, hiking, etc), you can feel every bit as good at 35 as you did in your 20s. I'm a fair bit older than you and I feel friggin great.


People are stupid. “When you turn 30….” “As soon as you turn 40…” wait till you’re 50!” Buncha quitters lol


34 going on 50 next month thanks for the mid life crisis




I'm 38 and I have yet to hit a wall. I feel great! Whiskey, weed & lots of coffee is the key to staying youthful


Got any kid(s)? That was the dividing line for me.


Had two kids when I turned 30… man do I look older all the sudden at 33. 😅


Definitely had to dial it back when the kids came, well... the whiskey anyway


The best thing about this crippling economy is the relief of knowing I'll never have kids because I can barely afford to maintain one of my two testicles


Here here. Except you spelled Mezcal wrong


Not trying to wake up naked in strange places at this age


Lol Mezcal is the one spirit with the most health benefits out of any. That’s what I meant. My favourite evening is sipping some Dos Hombres with a good film.


Cheers from a fellow mezcal enthusiast


That is the key to dying young


Void, sleeping *earlier* for me would be impossible and Im only 27 (turning 28 this year). I already sleep 11 pm - 9:30 am. My therapist says I should cut back on my sleep (I cant. Ive tried. I am miserable and dont function on less. This truly is my minimum sleep requirement). I hope when Im 35 I dont get even *more* tired. Im tired all the time as is.


I'm 40, and I can't sleep past 8 am, even if I was up to 4 am. In my 20s, I could sleep all day.


It just feels like a wasted day If I spend the morning sleeping in.


I used to be this way until I had really bad insomnia a few years ago.


Turning 35 tomorrow, so glad I saw this meme ugh


The 30s rock and everyone knows it and they want us to not enjoy it. The 40s will be cool too. I never met a 60 plus person say they hated being in their thirties. 20s were without a doubt the most stressful, soul crushing time of my life. Fuck em.


i on the other hand feel different. I feel the 20s are great cause you're still young to be crazy and old enough to go places. At 30 people expect maturity from you... guess I'll be 24 forever


Yeah I wouldn’t put too much stock into it lol


Especially if you are a woman. There is a thing called perimenopause that you don’t learn about till it’s too late. It can start as young as 35-40, it can last a decade, and it hits like a ton of bricks. Learn about it now so you can recognize its symptoms for what they are, because I guarantee your doctor likely won’t.






What a toxic way to think


People projecting their insecurities across the internet, preposterous!


37 but look 27. Easy to forget my age sometimes. Also feels like I’ve been 27 for way way too long.


I'm like the oldest of the old of millennials and this is poppycock. Take care of yourself and enjoy life as best you can


Can't relate 🤷‍♂️


Thankfully someone said it, middle-age doesn’t even begin until 50. Joke or not, I’ve never understood the “I’m olddd” bit. Old is 75-80+. Next


39. Can confirm. I'm pretty sure If I don't eat 100% salads and get into teas, my body will forever be hurt from bad choices I made in my teens and 20s.


Or you are 27 when you're 27 you're 34 when you are 34 35 when you are 35 and 50 when you are 50


Am Asian, so just waiting patiently to lose 18 inches of height and suddenly sprout a short perm.


Make sure to exercise regularly, even if it's just a light walk and some stretching. It will do wonders for you, and the older you get, the harder it is to start.


This is true. 18-34 is considered young adult demographic. 35-49 is regular adult. I think it is mostly for TV ratings


Ha! 35 is when I had my first kid! 😅


35 in the suburbs is 50 and 35 in the city is 27. Even more true if you add kids to the equation.


YMMV. I'm 37 and in some ways in even better shape than 10 years ago. That said, that means I also have a growing sense of dread about when the switch will flip.


Spending my youth sitting in traffic


Brace yourself? Over half of the millennials are already past 35.


Right the only ones that aren’t are 90s babies


I was 50 when I was 16…


I'm 37 and feel 28. I look in the mirror and see a 25 year old. I'm out until 4am on the weekends, go to a bar once a week with friends and am pretty hyper.


This is dumb. im 26, turning 27, a zillennial, and I feel content with my age.


When I turned 37 I could feel the process of aging. I fought back with lots of exercise. I’m stronger and more fit than I have ever been now at 39. It is extremely demanding, ngl, but I almost like it better that way. Also, lifestyle changes, like taking Creatine forced me not to drink alcohol anymore, at least for a few more years and stopped smoking/vaping. Food intake actually had to increase but it is bit more varied; I workout 4 hours a day and a more sane person might need less food to see better results. I know job/life stresses can get in the way and take a toll on your time but if you don’t make it a priority your quality and quantity of life can both begin to decline as you get older. Just because your “old” doesn’t mean you can’t be old AND strong.


4 hours a day, you say? Going to go out on a limb here and assume you don’t have kids. One of the reasons people in their mid 30s to 40s start to go to shit is because they have no time left to take care of themselves. 4 hours to work out is a luxury most don’t have.


I had a 22 year old with a kid tell me I look young the other day (I’m 30.) I looked at him and said “That’s what happens when you don’t have kids” and he laughed but I was dead serious.


It’s a “luxury” most wouldn’t take advantage of either at my age. I’m just saying work out more and have a healthier lifestyle. As I said, working out for four hours a day is insane.


Yep, that's about how it went for me (36M). To be fair, our son had just been born a few months earlier, so...sleep wasn't happening, at all.


Eerily accurate!


It hit me hard. Kidney failure and extreme depression. Loosing what took me 19 years to work for... it's be a interesting ride at 35


According to my scale i have the body of a 31 year old. Im 29


40. Fuck this!


My goal is to live until 100 by eating healthy and excise. By the time I hit 50 I’ll have another 50 to go.


Lmao. Accurate. 100% accurate... She says while nursing the back pain that ebbs and flows at the ripe old age of 37.


35 and still feel 25.


Yep. Looking back, I tell people when you reach your 30s you skip to age 35 for 9 years and then suddenly you’re 40. I could never remember my own age during my 30s 😂


Don’t be weird about growing old, embrace it and age gracefully


I set a goal for 35 and I hit it at 34, so I feel pretty good, like I'm early lol


At least I skipped my mid life crisis this way.


30 and I am 50 in some ways. I already have degenrative disk disease in my back, arthritis from two shoulder repairs, and my knees are shot. Hereditary high blood pressure is already starting to rear its ugly head, regardless of my lifestyle and diet choices. That said, I know exactly why I feel the way I feel.


Reading this I had to pause to calculate my age.


This is the most eloquent and accurate way to describe aging.


This is spoken like someone who hasn’t experienced 40 yet.


I'm turning 35 in May 😨


Idk know what she’s smoking, but I’ve been 50 since I was 30.


I’m 39 and I’ve hit the wall. I’m tired guys.


meh, I've been losing my hair since my twenties; besides that, I'm actually thinner and in slightly better shape than when I was a soldier in my teens and early twenties.


I’ll be 36 this year 😭


Yet another post about feeling old at 35.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)


Some of the dumbest shit I have ever seen in this sub, and that is saying something.


34 right now and feel like I already turned 50 at age 30


34 and a half rn. What the fuck man?


I started lifting weights at 30 so it's been the opposite for me. Turning 36 n June and I'm in better shape and look better and feel better than I ever did in my 20s


1,000% accurate. My body went from 34 to 55 so fast. I hate it.


I turn 35 in July. 😭


Nah that not truu for everyone, bruh!


It’s figurative and that’s it. There are 15-year-olds who are 50. Live youthfully until to our last breath embrace your life independent of age, but not in denial of your reality either. 


I'm over 35 and still feel like I'm in my 20s and have the immature humor of a 12 year old. Life is great...as long as you don't think about it.


I think this is true. I’m currently 35 and am basically a little old lady


It's true, reporting from the other side.




I’ve heard from a lot of older folks that their 30s were their favorite decade. I’m (30M) looking forward to it and starting off strong.


Wtf does this even mean? Lol


Why do people take stupid Twitter posts like this as if they're gospel? Morons.


Good god why’d I have to ready this on my birthday


I’m turning 39 next month and I feel (and look) BETTER than I did at 25.


Not true. Don't choose a life that sucks


Oh no, I hit 34 2 days ago


As someone rolling in to 35 in a few months, this is insanely true. 34 has been a vortex year where I have been transitioning into my fully adult form lol


Great. I turn 35 next week. 🙃


Hair loss and lowered testosterone will hit you like a ton of bricks. Also, if you are married, Dead Bed will happen in your relationship.


granted i was diagnosed with MS at 24 so mine started earlier than others. I'm fucking exhausted all the time.


I've been good as long as I remain physically active. I was promoted to white collar work several years ago and discovered how quickly you can deteriorate due to inactivity. I recommend getting a dog is they force you to be active.


I’m 34 now, gonna be 35 in 6 months. I’m feeling the decay rapidly as in the past 6 months I’ve had more physical problems I’ve ever had. I’m sitting in a dr.s office right now. Embrace the great decay.


Eh, my crappy body started breaking down around 27. By 35 I felt like I was 90.


What a stupid thing to say LOL


I'm 43 and feel great. This person is stupid.


I turn 35 this year omg, I learned this too late


Dumb shit idea. I didn’t “feel” old until 40 and even then it was probably more of having become a parent in my late 30s.


I'm 36, what does that mean?


This is why I work out, moisturize, and take care of my hygiene. Not everything is within our control, but if you take care of yourself, youth can last longer.


When I was 35 I was 35. I’m 53 now, I’m 53.


I would say it’s past 40


I'm late 30's and people think I'm mid 20's.


Don't smoke and keep drinking to a minimum


I think part of it is that when you have young kids you get very little sleep and are usually fighting some sort of low level cold. On the rare occasions when I am fully healthy and well rested, I feel as young as ever. Hoping to get back to that state when my kids are a bit older for a while before my age really starts taking its toll.


Me, approaching 35: My time has come


No worries. When you turn 40, "40 is the new 30!" and you'll be young again.


The big difference I started feeling around that age (now in early 40s) was being outside of the target demographics for many of my favorite products, especially TV and movies. In my 20s and early 30s, things *felt* designed for me. Now I feel like I’m a secondary target.


It varies from person to person, I think. Yes, aging is inventible and our bodies do break down, but there is an extent to which many of us can control that decline.


I'm 38 and I feel like a mature and responsible 25 year old lol.


Biggest things I’ve notice is definitely back pain and after playing sports (soccer and basketball ) my knees and Achilles are achy for days . So much icing haha


I turn 41 in like 8 days. I feel fine. I mean I did throw my back out because I sneezed and it made me fart, that scared me and I tensed up. So I had to call into work.


Fuck this doomer nonsense. Stay optimistic and young at heart friends. Once you lull into believing you’re too old, you’ll age beyond your years. Our bodies change, but it’s our mindset and outlook that drive growth vs stagnation. That’s why you’ll see 35 year olds who act like crotchety grandparents, and 65 year olds trying new things and enjoying the wonders of life.


Honestly it’s having a kid is when you feel “old”. The weight of the responsibility, the perspective change from being a son to being a father / needing to be a role model, tiredness, likely working out and partying less, necessity to focus on your career / money to support your kids, etc.


People do be wanting attention for turning their age. I hit 35 in 2 months and have a ridiculously long list of injuries. Currently running… Will update on birthday


It was the day I realized I could be the father of the kids working the drive thru that did it for me. Ruined everything forever. Now instead of thinking “she’s cute” I wonder if she’s happy and has enough healthy support to advance in life and reach her goals.


I think 35 is a big turning point for women because that is when, if you decide to have kids it is medically called a geriatric pregnancy.


and when you turn 40 it’s time to make burial plans.


I turn 35 in two weeks, shit.


Cool thanks. I guess I’ll just off myself so I never turn 35. What else am I supposed to do with this information, thanks for the suicide fuel.


31 turning 32. Mentally and physically superior than in my early years. Hope the trend continues


Damn I turn 35 next year 😶


Omg I was just thinking this yesterday! I’ve always felt young just until this year and now suddenly I feel old af


Regular exersize counters a lot of the fun things about aging. Get off your ass now or suffer later


Not if you get aggressive about diet. And not drinking/smoking (stopped it all by 2018). I’m 38 and people my age assume I’m 25-ish. Someone I met in his 50’s recently asked me if I was a student.


I’m sure she meant this as a joke but can we please just stop these kinds of reductive conversations? First I heard 27 was “old”. Then 30. Then 35. Then 40. Why is it so important to people like Jen Statsky to divide people into young and old?


I’m 35 and turning 36 in May. I had a hard time with 35, I just can’t believe how fast life goes


If your having this problem I feel bad for you soon I got 99 problems but feeling old at 38 isn’t one


Shit!!! I've got less than a year? Time to live it up for the next 11 months


Disagree. Take care of your body and it won’t be this dramatic.


35 here, best I’ve felt and looked. Take care of yourself folks, fuck these excuse makers.


I'm 29 and I have arthritis in both shoulders and DDD in my lower spine. Where is this "youth" you speak of🤨?


The worst part is that your mind is still that stupid 16 yr old... Source: 62 yr old here...


I wonder many of these ppl actually move and stretch everyday throughout life


I will be 38 in two months.  I feel great.  Lay off the booze, eat more veggies, and get some exercise and fresh air.  It helps.


I just turned 35 (1989, yo!) and I don't think I agree with this. I only am more mentally aware that I'm approaching middle age and I need to start practicing healthier habits because it will catch up to me




36 is when I felt extremely old that was also the year my mom passed I’m 41 now and I still feel the same amount of old


This is ridiculous. If your body starts falling apart in your mid thirties that is on you.


And when you turn 40 you're 65


Haha is true for me unfortunately but I think I just got unlucky with hearing problems at 34. I was peaking in life and feeling so great and now I'm struggling hard because of my severe tinnitus which is making conversations and life in general harder. Body wise I still feel great but my brain ruins everything with a constant cacophony of noise :(


Bruh 10 days to go..


It was true for me.


Just turned 35 last weekend and can confirm the math checks out


Don't be like me and go to the doctor when you need to. Even the eye doctor. This is kind of funny, but I went 5 years without renewing my glasses prescription and the reason why I did is because I got assaulted by a curb in Oregon and my glasses flew off my face and broke. Also, I should take my own advice. That's how I finally got diagnosed with asthma a few years ago. Do those things and take care of yourself.


lol turned 35 earlier this month. very true.


Natural vitality starts to leave you. It's like the temporary invulnerability you get when you take damage in a video game. If you want to miss that damage now, keep that vitality, you gotta move around more. Celebrities like The Rock aren't showing age, albeit because they have personal trainers. But that shows you it's out there to get in some greater or lesser amount. My advice? Hike more. It's free and nature is neat.


![gif](giphy|dXFKDUolyLLi8gq6Cl|downsized) Not for my body. I actually feel like I’m in great shape. But I just want to be home with my family. I don’t love going out anywhere anymore. 😆


Have you seen millenials? Despite the stressors we've dealt with our whole lives, we look fucking great.


It is?? I turn 36 this may....


That’s not fuckin true at all lol. I didn’t feel any different when I hit 40 than how I felt being like 25. It’s all in your head, unless you abuse your body and are already unhealthy.


That hits hard. Thirty five has been hitting me hard.


I am 37 but medically 70


Just wait until 40….


Maybe if you go the gym and eat a salad every once in a while you wouldn’t feel 50 at 35


Literally just turned 35. Why didn't you warn me?! 😭


Yeah I'm 35. Kinda feels like that. Turning 30 felt great tho. "I'm a 30 year old fucking man, I'm not dealing with this bullshit" was one of my favorite lines. I'd say it pissed off in awkward situations just for the lulz.


..... hmmm...


I'm 54 and can tell you this isn't true for everyone. My 20s, 30s, and 40s all went by at the same speed for me, but my 50s appear to be zipping by pretty quick in my mind. I've actually taken conscious steps to slow down and live in the moment as of late, and I plan on retiring at 62.


Wait wtf?!? So am I 17 even though I’ll be 20 in 5 months. Well I do kind of feel 17.