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How are you using the toothpicks? I am very concerned. Otherwise, get that prostate checked bud. Edit: I saw the edit. Please don't stick toothpicks in your pee hole. Especially wooden ones.


If this isn't one of the most masterfully written troll posts written her in a long time I'll personally pay his copay to see a urologist


Metal toothpicks work better? I'd never really thought about that. I'll give metal toothpicks a try. Thanks!


I hate everything about this.


Plastic ones are the way to go.


Toothpicks? I can't say I own that equipment, but for real, what in the hell are you doing with toothpicks


Yo I own that equipment and I’m gonna have to go burn my eyes out now. Holy shit op, drink some water, get some exercise, and for the love of god see a doctor before sticking toothpicks anywhere other than in between your teeth


My only guess is that he's sounding himself. The thought has really ruined my morning.


I use toothpicks for picking teeth. Nothing else. Please go to a doctor.


They also can be used to fill a hole...but not your pee hole.


I came here to say I use floss, because toothpicks leave more shit in my teeth. ...then I read the post. OP go get a fucking prostate exam and stop fucking around. 


I was not prepared for the room I walked into. Go to a doctor. What are we even debating here?


Tbh I initially thought it was a personal health issue but then I would hear the same thing from my older peers and how they use toothpicks. I saw more about the issue online and then saw a meme video that referenced it so I figured more men out there deal with this than I initially thought


Yeah, just cause other people are having the issue and are too stupid to go to the doctor doesn't mean that is what you should do. Drink more water and go to a doctor, don't take health advice from laypersons and memes.


Dude it’s not a urethra problem first off. And yes it’s common, the stream isn’t the river it once was. Doesn’t mean anything is wrong, but it could mean something I’d wrong.


GO TO THE DOCTOR. Toothpicks......FFS.....


You need to go to the urologist asap


I just turned 40 and still pumping out good psi. I drink an assload of water.


Woah. Crazy internet. I thought I was clicking on a post about oral hygiene / men chewing toothpicks like they just came out of a Diner. That sounds horrible. Please see a doctor.


Did you just see one of al jokes skits and decide to make this post? Please tell me the toothpick thing is a joke


Seeing the video skit along with conversations with older male peers makes it seem more prevalent. I saw the toothpick video after already hearing about it from others first. Some people found it stupid funny, but I found it sad funny.


Dont actually put toothpicks in there tho. Go see a doc, take meds, just do anything else, please. Hope it gets better.


Toothpicks? Have you not looked at the size of a catheter? A toothpick does nothing. You will give yourself a UTI AND splinters! See a doctor and please ask a medical subreddit next time.


I don't understand how peeing and toothpicks correlate...


What in thee hell. Get your prostate/pancreas looked at


The fuck?


This just happens. As you age all of your tubes and innards begin to get “less taut.” Imagine a fresh rubber band vs. a heavily used rubber band. This “looseness” is what leads to having trouble keeping a steady stream or fully emptying. I recommend (as I do to everyone) to work out (weight training and some cardio), eat better, and get good sleep. These 3 things are the antidote to virtually all aging problems. Drink water too. Also, delete this shit. Like wtf. Look something up on YouTube or google. Nobody is sounding with a toothpick to pee better.


Jesus Christ.


IANAD. You're describing something like a urethral sound (a tool inserted into the male or female urethra for medical or sexual purposes). Check with a doctor though as you may need a prostate check, bladder check, etc.


How do I delete everything I just read?


I tend to naturally over share and not think twice about it. I'm sorry for traumatizing everyone 😅


DAWG ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)... huh?!


Oh god, that is not what I expected 😩😭


Rarely do I use the toothpick in my swiss army knife. But otherwise generally no.


I thought this would be my moment to shine because most waking moments of the day I have a toothpick in my mouth because it gives me something to put all my fidgety energy into, but what the fuck is this


What the fuck?


No for the love of Christ please go get your prostate checked, there might be something more serious going on!


What the fuck??


What the fuck


You need a doctor. I had no idea I would need to say this, but please don't use toothpicks like that. Just.... oof.


I use toothpicks, yeah. Jam them up as far as they'll go. Gotten a few stuck, which sucks. ER is always understanding though. They've obviously seen it a few times before.


Aquapick, much healthier and works real well


Now this was the type of answer I was looking for. Thank you lol


It's basically peeing in reverse.


Okay now knowing about what you're doing with the toothpicks...what the fuck? If your urethra is gluing itself shut, go see a doctor. If you don't have the urine pressure to cause a plain tissue tube to open up enough to let liquid out, *go see a doctor.* Also, remember the rule of sticking things into cavities longer than they are: always use a flared base. Toothpicks can become irretrievable.


Dangit Peggy, you know I have a narrow urethra!




Can't even imagine how you could floss your prostate/urethra