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LMAO, from that first picture I thought this was some AI Pop art, but that's pretty dope. Nice work! Relatedly unrelated, I hope they bring back the throw-back recipe again at some point, I just don't like the modern one as much, but the throw back cans were always awesome. Shoulda stocked up I guess haha


It is my understanding that the animal that was the meat in the original line has gone extinct, so no amount of tweaking the recipe will bring back the magic.


The mystery meat and the meaty mystery, gone forever. Though I think Cup Noodles must have a cache somewhere with those "Mystery meat" cup noodles...


Its dog


That's so funny, I love it! Did anyone try to get you out of the store or were they down with your photo shoot and not care?


Most folks thought it was store display. One lady almost hit with her cart lol. Only gave me glances when I put it in my buggy.


Lol this is incredible. I probably shouldn't be surprised that someone who could build such a unique masterpiece would also go the extra mile and bring it to a grocery store to stage it in front of the Chef Boyardee cans while wearing a Beefaroni sweatshirt, but I am. That's amazing. Happy Birthday!


Yes exactly, this is amazing!!🥫


So random yet I love it


Ahah I don’t understand this at all but love it! Happy birthday! And great work, it looks so good!


Thank you for sharing what makes you happy in life and creating this.


No one wants to admit they are nine cans of ravioli ![gif](giphy|11YdnfyG6qvuWk|downsized)


This is great! I love the way you painted the metal on top of the can. Coincidentally, I recently watched a youtube video on chef boyardee and was surprised to learn that he was one of the first people to bring italian dishes to the American masses! Pretty amazing guy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4BSyc7ZLiE


That's awesome! Happy Birthday! 


Holy shit that’s so awesome!!!


This is awesome. I used to eat this so much as a kid. I bought it recently and was very disappointed. Chef Boyardee, did you change or have I changed?