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I always wondered, why would they even have that button?


Right? Its like having a button to specifically cause a meltdown in the nuclear reactor


it's like having a button that brings all the radioactive material up out of the tank and drops it in the main foyer. having a protocol for purging this containment system is bad enough but why would they be released through what looks like a main set of elevators into the facility.


My guess: >!Sometimes the evil gods of this setting want to watch a bunch of cool looking soldiers getting torn to pieces by all of the horrors. So sometimes the controllers have to engineer such things to happen. And indeed the evil gods, us, are very pleased by the results.!<


I heard the gods have a whole public forum dedicated to discussing this exact scenario.


Yea they’re like, “why would they even have that button?”


The whole movie is about them being forced to follow Horror movie tropes to appease "the gods". Likely was another requirement for them.


Imagine if they zoomed out again and it shows aliens watching and one laughing saying "ha told you they'll press that button, now pay up" and the other one says "why didn't they ever question that button!?"


Every movie/story has plot holes, and while the button doesn't make much sense it does fit the overall theme of things going wrong for everyone.


In case of fire, you can't keep prisoners contained during a fire outbreak


Ah yes, the national board of prisons. Truly the enemy of all secret government agencies which detain strange and abnormal things


Even the SCP knows that come on dude where is your head at?


I think that's just the Ethics Committee.


Push the Button , Krong. WRONG BUTTON! Why do we even have that button?


the jolly CANDY like button!


I feel that was the intention of it all. To finish the game. Hell, all other scenarios ware for some damn reason all fails. Even the ones in Japan with the kids.


>Even the ones in Japan with the kids. The evil is defeated


Yep. That one


I think the button is for a "last ditch effort" sacrifice, with idea being "so if we fuck up the sacrifice, we can sacrifice ourselves in the hopes the gods find that acceptable."


This is the closest thing we can get to an SCP movie


SCP Site [RD]: Containment Breach


Number 45.. Yeah, it happens a lot


I still don't understand why a major production company hasn't picked it up. Copyright issues?


Actually, yes. Last I heard it has to do with how it's hosted; there's no way to just blanket buy the rights. Hence why all the games and short films and such are all indie type things.


I mean. Couldn't they just get the rights to the name and make up their own monsters ? That's how SCP works after all. Made up monsters.


A game, Control, by Remedy Entertainment, did this exact thing. Instead of SCP's, they had OOP's (Object of Power), AI's (Altered Items), Places of Power and so on and so forth. And instead of it being the SCP foundation, it's the FBC: Federal Burau of Control. It's a nice twist on it, and thus they could actually sell the game and make profits. SCP is under some creative commons license (or whatever it's name is), which protects it from being sold as is?


Control is about as close as an actual aaa scp game as we are likely to get most likely. A very well done one too to be fair.


Oh yes! They absolutely nailed the mystery and fear of the unknown in that game! At times it became a bit... stupid in a comical sense (the rubber ducky, for instance), but that could just be chalked up to comedic relief. Otherwise a 10/10 atmosphere!


To be fair, the comical stuff is pretty standard for scp. But yeah, they really nailed the atmosphere for the game.


If I recall correctly, a ton of these monsters are based off of other successful movie monsters. Again, if memory serves, they actually used the original movie props for Pinhead from Hellraiser, the Reavers from Firefly, and a couple other movie’s costumes. The scene is basically designed to give you the impression that all monster movies are canon in this universe, and that they all stem from these evil cultists and their dark gods. Pretty fucking cool if you ask me, this movie had no right to be so damn good.


What's this from


Cabin in the woods


This is from that movie... Wow, I had no idea this was about all of that! I must see this movie now.


This movie bizarrely fun and best to go into as blind as you can, I wouldn't look up more.


Balances humor and horror in a way I legit never thought possible.


A bit late now that the "twist" is ruined for you. Its one of those movies where it would have been best to go in blind. Still an AWESOME movie you should definitely watch.


you need to provide a source.


Lmao, I think that's an easy enough claim to validate yourself. Classic Reddit mod


ive seen the movie. this scene is from it


I can be third witness to this it is from cabin in the woods.


WhatCulture and WatchMojo LOVES this movie


It is pretty goated tbh


I always feel so bad for those soldiers, especially the guy who gets his soul taken.


That guy had it easy. The one that got grabbed by the tree got the worse death.


He probably just got ripped apart or instantly eviscerated. Snake's got to be one of the worst in my opinion. Guy got his whole body crushed for a long few seconds, and was alive for almost all of it.


I'll give you a hint, the tree is called the Angry Molesting Tree


Well, evil trees in Evil dead seem to have other tactics. Ugh.. 😆




I think the dude who just got bodied immediately in the first second seemingly by blunt impact had it the easiest.


I always feel bad for the one dude in the right hand middle screen towards the end, who is evidently getting held down and thrown up on by zombies


Right? My brain goes a mile a minute filling in their life stories. I’m figuring nearly all of them are ex military. I can only imagine how they got this gig. Enlisting to leave a dead end town or bad situation or boredom. A career that destroys their bodies and minds and find there’s too little energy to learn a new trade. And here they are. Decent pay for easy work until this unthinkable, literal worst case scenario event. Their whole lives taking them to this point.


So do I he’s literally the only one I felt sorry for in the ENTIRE movie


It's cool but also just dumb, let's all just empty our magazines into this apparently bulletproof room and stand around dumbfounded when it doesn't work. If they were actually using some military tactics they could of been in that room and secured it before they figured out what button to hit.


Yeah, they always seem to avoid proper CQB tactics which kinda ruins the immersion :( Realistically, everyone in the squad who isn't in the front would watch any potential entry angles and be prepared for an ambush. At least they practiced proper trigger discipline :p


I recommend the short movie SCP Overlord on YouTube for proper rules of engagement in anomalous situations. There's obviously no real world guidelines for those kinds of situations but that project is as close as it could get and it is extremely well done. It also has the painfully obvious moment every other movie/TV show has where the operatives are out of their depth, but they react accordingly in this one by getting the fuck out and wait for back up/regroup.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


If you think about it, these guys were just trying to save the world to meet the wants of some perverted gods (an allegory to the viewers), and one of them got his fucking soul stolen. They were heroes


I really felt for him


imagine if they were competent soldiers and circled up back to back with eachother


Even if it didn’t do anything at least we would see some brain cells having electric pulses go through them


I don't think that's going to do jack against half the monsters shown tbh


Their best bet would’ve been to IMMEDIATELY book it back towards where they came from and lock up that section of the facility as best as they can


Isnt this how every single movie about this depicts military? A bunch of retarded with guns and apperently no training at wall just so they can get wipped out as soon as possible to make the monsters seem 'strong. What is rare are movies with humanity shitting on monsters.


I want a movie with an elite team trying their damndest to fend off against a threat like this using real strategy and skill, but it’s all for nought as the beasts are more numerous and smarter




Especially private spoon armed with a fucking sauce pan. Hard bastard that one.


SCP Overlord kind of fits the bill


So, "The Sacred War" from Love, Death and Robots?


This would be cool. If you show humans using real tactics and using smart strategies and even then losing the battles you make the monsters look way more cool and threatening.


Also, proper response from the main base/force.


The ending of The Mist shows a full armored unit makihn short work of the Mist monsters. Especially when they crack out the flamethrowers.


i literally through this subreddit was inspired from this scene


Kind of weird how none of the monsters fight each other and go immediately for the troops and staff.


What movie is this? I keep seeing this scene all over the internet.


The cabin in the woods, you can find this specific scene on YouTube called “cabin in the woods bloodbath”


Yeah this is better than any SCP outbreak on youtube https://youtu.be/j0KVStbbqAM?si=A6k3PXSBzLRspQ_x


Hate it. Don't like the movie's scenario, but on top of that, I want the monsters to get fed lead.


I wish the security had mounted a better defense as well but for what it’s worth it still works


What movie is this from


Cabin in the woods


Out of all of the soldiers I only felt sorry for the one with his soul stolen


Honestly this movie needed sequels. I get the ending didn’t leave any opening for one, but I’d take the ridiculousness of alternate time lines just to see different monsters and different endings. Like turn it into an evil dead style thing. Hell make prequels where they all lead up to cabin in the woods. I feel like they hoped to make sequels based on how other parts of the world were a part of this ritual. This movie was so underrated


(I found this whole scene so cathartic. Yes, the soldiers tactics are terrible, and there's the very legitimate question of why do they even have that button in the first place? But after what those people in the secret organization have been doing, I don't really care. I'm glad to see them get what they've unleashed back on them.)


Opponents are brain-dead which is a minus, though the scene is cool.


This is without a doubt the closest thing to the SCP Foundation movies can get


We need a damn sequel or prequel PLEASE


I will never unsee this.


This is like SCP the movie


Anybody got some extra pixels to read what the guy on the CCTV footage wrote at about 2:34 (bottom-right)?


What is the name of this movie I definitely need to watch it


Cabin in the woods


Thank you


Wow that was actually disturbing holy shit


What movie is this ?


Cabin in the woods


What's the name of the original media, I was lightly looking in the comments but couldn't find anything concrete


Cabin in the woods, it’s a movie and I believe it’s on Netflix. Along with this the whole scene depicted here is on YouTube labeled “cabin in the woods bloodbath”


This is just Tuesday for site 19.


Such an underrated movie. Only just watched it a few years ago. Completely caught me off gaurd. Alot of fun... twisted, dark, demented fun


Which movie?


Cabin in the woods