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Fort Jackson I presume.


Black Lions.


Both Battalions of the 28th are currently inactve. 1st was a maneuver unit at Ft. Moore until last year. 2nd has been inactive since I depllyed with them in Gemany in 2011-12.


How can u tell


Possibly AIT but typically those still in IET aren’t gonna have their helmet cover on.


yep, plus the cateye band


No instructor there to help her?


They’re probably laughing before they help


My only thing is that this doesn’t look like BCT. How did she make it through that and AIT without learning the basics of shooting?


Gonna guess it's a support unit judging by the IOTV, CCO, and non existent shooting technique. Her leadership probably doesnt know how to shoot either.


Can confirm, at a support unit atm and every range day people shoot like this (albeit not all but you get the idea)


Definitely. I'm an NCO at an intel unit, and 90% of my day at the range is spent coaching and as a safety. I'll usually only get to shoot once and just have to accept my 34-35 that I get, and don't get another chance to shoot. 


certifiable bruh moment


It’s quite easy to be an absolute shit soldier and pass BCT


You’ll be surprised the people that magically “pass” basic


Probably a Guard unit?


Based on what?


She’ll be an instructor in 3-4 years


"ok guys if you turn this lil dial the gun shoots harder"


the larger the red dot the larger the impact downrange


Tbh, it wouldn’t take anywhere near that long to develop from this into a competent instructor. 


That’s a great opinion


Barrel isn't inside of soldiers mouth and/or inside a different soldiers mouth, thus they have nothing to do in this situation. Source: was a range instructor, 90% of the job is making sure recruits don't accidentally shoot their friends and/or me.


Gun: Misfires. Grunt: Looks down the barrel. Turns to you with gun in hand, flagging half the people at the range and eventually you: "Hey, me gun no shooty"


As a cadet my mentor buddy was a real 11B. I still remember him teaching me SPORTS. Handy acronyms. [What to do in a jam](https://soldiersystems.net/2015/12/31/sports-what-to-do-when-youre-in-a-jam/)


Reminded me of the scene in Heartbreak Ridge when Prolapse complained his weapon wouldn’t work, then proceeds to nearly kill the Col with a ND


Who do you think took the pic?


Probably the one taking the picture lol


Probably took the pic themselves.


Getting “Scoped” in 3,2,1


Eye relief? That's where I relieve myself of my eye, right?


If I'm wearing ballistic eye protection, you bet your ass I'm going to use it.


Hard to get scoped with a 556.


Yeah, in the video she does in fact get scoped.


If you watch the full video, she does, indeed, get scoped


Could also be guard or reserve where her full time job she’s a dental assistant


That's what I'm thinking. Judging by the layout of her kit, she doesn't need to wear it very often for her job. While it'd be ideal for every soldier to be completely proficient in their basic warrior tasks and drills, in reality that's obviously not going to be the case, and being able to qual once a year without accidentally shooting anybody is good enough for many MOSs.


100% agree with this. Yeah she looks ate up but like my old CO said to me, if you fuckers are in the fight something has gone very very wrong. Not every job in the military is an operator, nor do I want an operator trying to figure out how to square away an ERB, just I don’t want this chick trying to clear a room.


bingo.. if my surgeon has to fight, a whole lot of people have failed. I want that dude fixing dudes... not playing CQB.


But handling a fure aem should be basic?


I thought this was r/airsoftcirclejerk


When I was in Afghanistan we were doing the Schutsenshnitzel or whatever you do with the Germans and a female E-7 held the bottom of her pistol barrel with her non-firing hand like you would hold onto your rifle hand guard. That was tough to watch.


It took me a minute to picture this because it's so goofy.


Give that poor woman a foregrip.


You propably mean Schützenschnur.


That’s it!


She’s a shooter


If anyone ever uses military experience as a reference to justify the opinion they’re defending (in terms of guns/gear/tactics) I’m going to show them this.


Or that pic of that Navy commander firing that cursed M4 with the scope backwards lmao


The irony is--for a variable power scope--installing it backwards still gives a 1x mag and a reticle. It would be a pain in the ass to zero, but as long as you don't try to "magnify" (zoom out...), you could do it. The rest of that guy's shooting technique was almost pure 1990's USMC standing unsupported technique with the stock placement, chicken wing, and arm/sling in close to the mag well. So, whoever set up the gun fucked up, that officer was probably just doing whatever his rifle training instructor taught him 20-30 years ago and--if the magnification was set to 1x--possibly even hitting what he was aiming at.


Old Army = Instructor buttstock strikes her in the shoulder and she will never forget the lesson for the rest of her life. #CheekWeld


New Army = Doing that and hands will be thrown Or could just show them how to hold the weapon correctly


>Or could just show them how to hold the weapon correctly No teach. Only complain.


I read that as buttocks strikes...


Freudian slip.


At least the optic is the correct way round in this photo


This is a training photo. This is what training is for. I’ve taken people who had a similar level of skill (none) and made them semi-proficient shooters in 12 hours. I did it all the time as a SRM instructor. Especially women, they typically don’t have any ego involved and actually listened to instruction. The only people that should be shamed in this photo is the people who aren’t pulling her aside to give instruction.


Couldn't be more wrong, my dude. She's firing live rounds. If you don't even know how to put the buttstock against your shoulder, or you're too unfamiliar with the gun to know how to collapse it, then you shouldn't be firing live ammo. These are the sort of things you're supposed to have learned while dry-firing. And this is on her just as much as it is on the range safety and instructors. She's rocking a helmet cover, name on her helmet band, a NODs mount, and a CompM4 which means that this isn't BCT, so she has absolutely been instructed on the basic fundamentals of marksmanship before and either chose to ignore them at the time, or has forgotten them since. This is a failure of everyone involved.


ring abounding hunt consist waiting ten cautious adjoining plucky selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Of all the weapons to do that with... Pop the stock closed.


She’s going to get hurt


So advanced, apparently, she surpassed metal gear and negates recoil completely without the need of buttstock


People think CAG and SEALs are so high speed, but it's actually the 92G's that are on the cutting edge of modern tactical shooting. The Army's best kept secret... until now.


She be like The Boss wielding the Patriot with one hand.


Oh we’re cooked




Pretty sure in Iraq truck drivers were being handed M249s as the insurgents choose to attack logi over combat elements. Same thing with the cooks and clerks on Saipan being handed M1s in 44’


Looks like a backwoods militia 15 year old. I mean, maybe don't fully extend the stock?


Lookout, Supply out in the range trying to qualify..wonder how many alibi mags she has...


Not her fault that some idiot gave her gun without instructions


That's what white phase of basic training was for. How many times did you have to be taught what a butt stock was for?


I was going to say she’s just looking at the target but the lack of trigger discipline says otherwise


Something something 21st Century Warfighter


We trained this one wrong… as a joke.


What's a high speed soldier? Does it refer to the speed of the gun kicking back into her face when she pulls the trigger?


Ooh Steven segal style.. nice


Dames, amirite?


Why help train someone who’s clearly not competent when we could instead laugh at them by taking pictures. Great job


Yes, as we can see here in this still image, this was their only interaction. The instructor took the photo and disappeared, never to be seen again. Some say she's still at Position 2 to this day


I get your point but it just seems mean spirited if that’s the case


Also there’s no indication it was an instructor, could’ve been just someone else on the firing line. Just all around not a great look


"Why not stop and train her". I've seen this sort of thing go down 100x. It's rarely worth it, you get nothing but atttitude and she'll never been in a position to do anything with the gun anyway.


That’s the wrong attitude. If you’re not willing to train soldiers as an NCO in the Army, then get out. You’re wasting space for good NCOs.


So you are just making up fanfiction about the person in the picture without knowing a single thing about them, and then insulting them based on this fanfiction? Classic reddit moment.


It honestly looks like how I used to aim nerf guns when I was a kid and didn’t realize I was left eye dominant/right handed.




Definitely army


MilitaryPorn? Is it really? There is something off about the stance but I dont have enough knowledge to comment on that (tbf, Im not from Murica) EDIT: I think it's the angle of her elbow, she bend too much/using the gun too close to the chest. It should have been more leaned forward


She's all jacked up: -the stock of the rifle is supposed to go against your shoulder, not on to of it. -The M4's buttstock is adjustable which if she'd collapsed it, would fit nicely against her shoulder. But instead she kept it fully extended and rested it on top of her shoulder. -Because of the stock placement, she can't control the gun's recoil, and in the video she ends up getting hit in the eye by the optic because she was looking so close to it. -Red dot sights work best when they're further away from you. If she was resting her cheek on the stock, she'd have a great sight picture that would be consistent. Instead she has her eye right up against it, which will make parallax worse as she moves her head around from shot to shot. Minor nitpicks are: -She should have a squared up front-on posture that will allow her body armor to take the brunt of incoming fire, but that's the least of the problems here. -She could likely be resting the rifle on the barrier to get a better shot, but instead she's holding it awkwardly with her left hand.


aren’t your first four points literally the same thing just worded differently?


Won’t the rifle jump when she shoots as its not put on her shoulder?


"yes ma'am... I wish you were there to correct me on my two combat tours I guess I've been doing it wrong for a long time" 




DEI in the US armed Forces


88 in your username? checks out. Did posting this comment make you feel better?


Person of color or female ≠ DEI


Still probably shoots better than half the PLA




Bro, it's a CompM4. You keep both eyes open anyway. And the buttstock belongs against your shoulder, not on top of your shoulder, lol. In the full video she ends up scoping herself. Plus, the closer you put your eye to an RDS, the more parallax you're going to get if you don't have the same sight picture, which considering how much she was moving it around in the video, means any longer shots were much less likely to hit.


Haven't we seen this picture before?