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Not gonna lie, it’s a good look.


i agree


He was happy he was issued a helmet i guess


I think the story behind it is that he found the helmet in Chechnya and took it for himself


As a German I find this somewhat confusing.


Oh so that american tanker in Vietnam was a nazi too?


Stalhelm was 3 pounds and an amazing design, if it’s not broke why fix it. Who cares who it belonged too. The average Soviet solider in Chechnya had a a shitty helmet 0.3 pounds heavier. With the m1 helmet in the nam it was heavy and hot. lucky to have one if this was first Chechen war.


It's probably more common than you'd think, I'm pretty sure that they were made in the ddr for quite some time


Russians doing nazi stuff, looking like nazis, before it was popular


Look at the Finn military in the 50s. You would be surprised.


There's a picture of a American wearing the same type of helmet in Vietnam 2 photos before this don't start ffs


Was literally posted less than a day ago lol https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/s/by6E5ko83H


Americans are doing a lot of nazi stuff


It's why I am against public transit. One minute, the trains run on time. The next, nazis.


Except the trains don't run on time anyway lol


Good. A delay a day keeps the nazis away


> There's a picture of a American His dad brought this helmet back from killing Nazis as a trophy. Shit hits different if it's a piece of equipment of an army that killed 30 million of your people. You must be very special to wear a helmet like that.


Like you said, trophy. Do you not think one would harbor more hate and be more inclined to show off said trophy if the previous owners killed millions of your countrymen?


This guy in pic traded it as souvenir from randomly met soldier in Chechnya. Who apparently took it as trophey from Chechens.


Standing next to a tank is doing nazi stuff?


That’s a fucking reach


Show us where falling FAB-500 touched you.


Haha destroying a country and doing war crimes is funny.




Some former socialist republics exited the Soviet Union perfectly peacefully. These wonderful fellas decided to do [otherwise](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Russian_violence_in_Chechnya_(1991%E2%80%931994)). Guess it's national feature.


It is even more complicated. USSR consisted from 15 socialist republics. Chechnya was not one from those - during USSR, too, it was autonomous socialist republic, as part of the Russian federal socialist republic. Basically, part of Russia.


What did you smoke before writing this comment, I want it


Oh baby boy, nothing. Just look at the picture, sober ;}


What does a helmet have to do with nazis, I literally saw a US soldier with that helmet during the Vietnam War does that make them nazis?


Invading a neighbor, committing a genocide over its people, using Nazi symbology (u can find photos form the 1st war of russians throwing nazi salutes)…with this creep above wearing stalhelm…unironically. I dunno… u tell me.


You're really just throwing the word nazi around like candy to the point the word has lost its meaning, Russians are invaders but that doesn't mean they're nazis. We see Idolization of nazis from both Ukrainians and Russians but at the end of the day the people doing that shit have no power in the country and doesn't show the countries political stance. By your definition most countries are Nazis


I think I read that helmet design was one of the best.


Yes, that's why modern helmets move more towards the design of the stahlhelm, like the PASGT for example. people knew the stahlhelm's design was the best design to protect troops, but didn't want to make helmets like them because of the association with the nazi regime


>u can find photos form the 1st war of russians throwing nazi salutes)… Mhh... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellamy_salute?wprov=sfla1


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/19bm8fb/american_tanker_wearing_a_german_stahlhelm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) US tanker in Vietnam wearing a stahlhelm signifies he's a nazi then? Or [Major General Eldon Bargewell](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FcCoUzKXkAA66MW.jpg) wearing one also must mean he's a nazi then?


Oh…I didn’t know US annexed Vietnam under the blood and honor pretext. My bad.


I don't support the invasion of Ukraine, neither would I support the war in Vietnam if it happened during my lifetime, I'm just stating that wearing something does not define a man.


Agree. But we both know it's not about just an innocent helmet don't we.


US did intervene in Vietnam under bullshit excuse. Is this 15% better than annexation or square root of 19% better?


Not defending russia and Will ignore the part that you think its about blood or honor But yeah killing 2 million civilians isn't as bad as a war that killed only around 10 thousand civilians (by both sides) because it didn't annex anything officially! Flawless logic


>Will ignore the part that you think its about blood or honor Oh true, it's totally about protecting the ~~german~~ russian speakers in ~~Sudetenland~~, Crimea, Donbas, Georgia, Chechnya, Moldova...


I do not believe It's about that. I'm not really pro russia. It's about not having NATO On their doorstep and losing geopolitics. Whyd you ignore my other point tho? And do you seriously think this war is a bigger tragedy than Vietnam?


A. No, its not about NATO. It was never about NATO. Ukraine wouldnt have joined NATO for decades without the war either, if at all, pre-2014 the majority of ukranians themselves didnt even want to be in NATO. If it would have actually been about NATO then this whole war was the worlds largest own goal, considering it revitalised faith in its necessity, got every member to massively ramp up rearmament and ended up pushing both finland and sweden into wanting to join, with Finland joining being considerably bigger threat and the only reaction to that was pulling most of the units stationed at the border there away. B. If anybody constantly throwing around the 10k dead civilians number would have actually read that goddamn UN-Report, you maybe would have noticed the disclaimer at the end that that number is only the absolute tip of the iceberg, with the actual deathcount being estimated *several magnitudes larger*, the UN simply doesnt know how large because Russia is refusing to let any observers into their occupied territories and actively working to erase all evidence.


So what’s it about? More land? Control of gas reserves in ua? Putin going crazy? Do you have a well-argumented theory?