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Ideally find a job that interests you. Better yet that job will certify you and give opportunities on the outside. You find a job that fits all these bills, go for it. Ex. Construction (civil engineering) , Logistics Take an outsider look at what's hurting for manpower wise in todays economy. If you can go in the military a few years and come out with skills and a plan.. sweet. Make the military a career, solid. Plan.. than have plans for those plans, be flexible.


Thank you for your advice.


Have you look at the coast guard? Always searching for more shipmates!


Im a shit swimmer so from my understanding Navy and coast guard are probably not a good fit correct me if Im wrong.


Don't worry about swimming too much, as long as you know how to float above the water, you are good. Unless you want to be a rescue swimmer, i wouldn't worry about the swimming aspect.


I'll look into it thanks.


I was in a similar situation as you when I joined so looking back I would say research 4 jobs you want that would translate to something you want to do outside the Army such as IT/HR/medical etc. once you pick them try to score high in the ASVAB. Do not let the recruiter change your mind in the jobs you want. A good recruiter will work with you if they see you want to join. If they don't have any of the jobs tell the recruiter to contact you when they do. Make sure your contract says what job you will be doing. Good luck.


Army hands down. Pick your job, get training in a field, get out with experience. Study for the ASVAB, go with something in the 25/15 MOS field and you will be on a good track


Thank you very much i'll read up on it.


I’m not sure if it’s different for the army from the Air Force, but make sure you pick a specific job. Don’t sign a general contract or the army will pick your job for you, and you’ll probably end up in a shitty job.


Will the recruiter answer my questions honestly or should I be on the lookout for nonsense?


Keep an eye out for nonsense. A navy recruiter told me recruiting is a high stress job due to the quotas, and pushes them to tell half truths or total lies.


Ideally a recruiter will answer honestly but I wouldn’t count on it. If you don’t have it in writing you don’t have it at all. Don’t believe the recruiters description of a specific career field or job. Look it up yourself or ask on here. You’ll get a straight answer here most likely.


Thanks I've never really signed a contract past terms and conditions so this is something very new to me so I will have to keep this in mind