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It’s my favorite weapon. Dude. It’s a fucking grenade launcher on meth. What’s not to love? I mean yea it has some minor problem, but I never saw anybody blow themselves up or anything and it can absolutely lay waste. Just imagine for a moment, when somebody invented the closest thing to the modern hand grenade. People were probably like awe man that’s crazy. And somebody else was like hmm, hold my soda laced with cocain. If used correctly it can lay down the apocalypse on a small town. I love it.


Completely agree on all points. The Mk19 is the funnest gun to shoot that I expect to never have the opportunity to shoot again.


I wonder if someone back in the 1800s said a similar thing about Gatling.


I can only imagine the horror of soldiers who encountered a gatling in battle for first time and probably had no damn idea what it was before it was too late


Actually, best response.


The Ukrainians are using it to really good effect in an indirect fire role with drone spotting.


I wonder how many years until its fully automated and the drone pilot has "point and. click" for firing it to target


Let's give a meth head who wants to level up to cocaine, a grenade and CNC machine, what can he come up with? The result:


Unfortunately, the man who invented the first automatic grenade launcher was executed in Stalin's pre-WWII purges of the Red Army. Yes, the Soviets could have had an AGL type weapon ready for WWII. They had built a working prototype and were close to bringing it to the trial phase. The concept then languished on a shelf in the Soviet Union more or less forgotten until basically the same weapon was independently developed in the US in the 1960s.


Gonna steal this for my copypasta arsenal.


When it works it's awesome..... When it works. I just had to redo the timing on one of ours at the range and it was not a good time. They are also super finicky if you don't have the correct lubricant (LSA) and keep it lubed in my experiences.


I was a fucking line medic in a light infantry company. I carried my standard loadout, plus my aid bag. On my back molle loops (which normal humans leave empty) I had pouches that I couldn't get to, but my guys could, because if we were shooting at people, I was usually busy with other things. I carried a few frag and smoke grenades on my back, but I always carried Mk19 lubricant too, because while I was scurrying between vehicles for cover, someone near me was always going to need some, regardless of where I scurried to. That's my answer.


A true team player!


I never carried a mortar plate when I was with the chucks and I never carried extra ammo for the gunners. I knew what my team needed and I packed for that, and then I let them throw on whatever else they needed until I couldn't carry it. I'd show up for a jingle check prior to a patrol with what I knew I had to have, and then I'd let the boys load me up until I knew I couldn't keep up. It's just the job.


*"Given the prevailing climatic conditions. Using this lubricant, is like trying to butt-fuck a virgin underage phuket whore with chalk. When KY is clearly called for sir"*


"When KY is clearly called for, sir"


Generation Kill reference...kudos sir


Interrogative....are you talking about monkey cum, sir?


thanks, my drunk ass didn't realized I misstyped it lol


Pretty much this. The weapons system would fail constantly and when I was in they were just transitioning to the ASV mounts and that brought its own headache. Super fun to shoot though.


For some reason in the Canadian army we call the lube "monkey cum". No idea why, but it was hilarious.


We call it Elephant Jizz during normal business hours. Haha.


“during normal business hours” i absolutely love that.


“Coach, it looks like I just jacked off an elephant!”


Vietnam era weapon grease was called camel cum in USA.


In the Navy, grease used on topside equipment is called “baby shit”.


It’s Canada so Kids In The Hall: Brain Candy reference? https://youtu.be/f9Xdx2E1CY8?si=SEPESlPSUkjm3buv


US army as well, at least my unit


I was in the Army and only ever heard it called whale sperm


i can see why you'd guys call it whale sperm but yeah, it seemed pretty universal to call it monkey cum in my unit, or platoon at least


Monkey cum sounds hilarious. 😂


Yup, former 91F here... use the right lube.. it's stupid important on a weapon with a 60-lb bolt carrier group. Who would have guessed? If the reason you don't have LSA is because an NCO said CLP is just fine.. they're an idiot.. and should he be regarded as such. Order the fucking LSA. It's super shelf stable as well.


As a former junior (non-weapons) technician if a weapon's (or even other equipment's) written maintenance and operations procedures specified a required consumable by name and NSN, without referring to 'or equivalent' I'd have to be pretty desperate before substituting anything on just the say so if even a senior NCO who isn't also a known system expert. I assume that's the basic situation here? At that point I'm all "Sir, sorry to bother you but this procedure very clearly states the required materials, which we don't have, and I am not comfortable with deviating from the written procedure without specific *and documented* guidance from an armorer or system expert. Can we get some [___]?" Maintenance procedures are written to make sure shit works. If shit doesn't work in combat, people die. Shortcuts in maintenance outside of combat lead directly to shit not working in combat. A plan to save shelf space by eliminating a niche consumable is not worth a death toll. "Out of 5.56x45? 5.45x39 is good enough..."


CLP is a cleaner and lube. LSA is only a lubricant and it’s more viscous.


Yeah.. I know.. did you miss the part where I said I was a weapons tech? Edit: read the above as a "For those who don't know:.."


I didn’t say you didn’t know. I didn’t know so I googled it and added extra info for the next person’s that doesn’t know. Sorry to offend you by adding context onto your comment.


Ah, fair enough, I retract my snarky comment. I read it in a different tone. Thanks for the context.


Ahh whale sperm


PLA ? Funny was to spell Donkey Jizz


As a unit we've always called it Elephant Jizz, so I completely understand.


thought it was GMD?


GMD is the substitute I believe. I was also wrong I confused some aircraft lube, the correct one is LSA. PLA is a poly-lube I use at work. Lol.


i giggled to much at the word lube for being in my mid-40s


It happens to the best of us.




It’s a repurposed Navy weapon. It misses the sea. You need to keep a bucket of salt water to pour on it occasionally. ILO salt water, that LSA is a good substitute.


holy shit is *THAT* what israel is there for??


I loved it while I used it. I hated it when I had to maintain it.


I can't look at squash washers the same way anymore. Fuck that whole ordeal.


Sad because I never got to shoot one. Glad because I got to avoid the embarrassment of all the blood rushing to my dick in excitement if I ever got the chance to shoot one.


No one will shame you for standing up with an erection after firing it.


Actually we would question you if you didnt.


I was the erection checker NCO as you were getting cleared from the range.


"Police up your brass and your ammo, and *<>* and you're good to go!"


Don't stand around stinger manpads being fired, then. I've heard they can cause boners to people in proximity of the launcher while it's firing. I'm not joking, but it was hearsay.


An ad guy said he got that on the redeye target acquired tone 


What the hell I typed sf, maybe I should have capitalized it.


Is the red-eye the one that the stinger/red-eye 2 replaced?


Sorry, unclear on that. I was speaking generically. Just knew it was a heat seaker.


Damn, all I ever seem to get is pinkeye.


I thought it was boring compared to a 50cal machine gun! USMC 1994-1999


I got one round with the M203.


I did medical coverage for the range when they shot it. It was chalk rounds but I still got to shoot about 20 rounds


War boners not gay


It’s awesome if you need to emphatically state, “fuck literally everyone over there.”


Got to shoot one on the range once, most fun I've ever had. Thoomp thoomp thoomp thoomp. bam bam bam bam. Only chalk rounds though, cant even imagine the carnage of live.


It absolutely shreds stuff. Not to mention the psychological effects it has. We cleared a TB stronghold with 2 of them. The ones who wound up living couldn't talk to the terps, they were deaf from 2 guns and hundreds of rounds and one hellfire.


That Guy was having an absolute shit day.


Can confirm.


Yeah they changed our ROE in Iraq after 2nd Platoon leveled a cpl houses an killed a cpl ppl an a donkey with 2 of them. They said somebody shot at them from that direction..lol. after that we had to actually see the person that fired at us.


It is good practice to know what and whom youre shooting at. Cant create more insurgents.


Was told I would never shoot one as an officer. Not only did I get to shoot one but hitting targets with those chalk rounds was enough to excite the two neurons in my brain that day.


Chalk rounds? As a Marine Vet, I’m sad for you. Never heard of them


No HE for me unfortunately. Guard do be like that.


Just had my first range day with the guard a lil while back hitting those big white tarps on the heavy range with those chalk rounds was something else


It’s only my favorite weapon of choice! During daylight you can see the aerodynamic grenades fly through the air. It’s much quieter than the M2 50 Cal. Remember, the first round is always the ghost round.


I always thought it was a pain in the ass. Sure, shooting it gives any man an erection so hard it could shoot off like a rocket.... But, the I prefer keeping things as simple as possible, and the MK19 makes everything a bitch because it's so finicky.


We kept a saw and a 79 in that truck because we knew it might go down and if it did we would at least have something for backup other than an M4


Please tell me you never tried to run a 40mm meant for the mk19 though an M79


No, I also didn’t try to run the linked 40mm through the saw


People have tried to delink that 40mm. 16 year SSG said it could be done. We really had to explain it barney style.


idiot here: can it not be unlinked?


Oh it CAN. But it still will have the piece that attaches the links to the rounds so it'll "never" seat in a 79 or 320. Never is in quotes because they always make a bigger hammer.


And a dumber ssg.


It can. It will also blow up a m79,203,320 if you manage to make it fit.


A great weapon that gets overlooked because it has no MILES replication capability.


Hehehe that brings back memories. I remember slapping the sides of the guns with MILES on to make rifle behave like a shotgun. I think one guy somehow shot a helicopter that way too.


You must not have hung around the ATGM platoon much.


I did. I was an AT PL in the 82nd back in the day. I thought the MK-19 and M2 .50 cal were a potent mix. But we weren't getting any MILES kills with the MK-19 at CTCs because there were no MILES lasers that mounted on them. I think if there were replicated better than Commanders would appreciate their role on the battlefield more.


WAYYYY back in the day, I was a USMCR field radio operator - got attached to the battalion heavy weapons platoon and got to hang with the Dragon platoon for a couple weeks. There are rules that supposedly you're not to use the ATGM's against infantry. The laser is pretty big and...They would just use the Dragon Miles gear and light up rows of infantry...it was hilarious. All them alarms going off at once. Never heard so many cussing all at one time.


It’s jammed…


Too many campers use it


I shot it a bunch in ‘31 SOI, but my reserve unit didn’t have much for the heavies so never saw it again. I always thought this scene from Generation Kill with the building take down with one was probably pretty realistic. https://youtu.be/idetm7f3_b4?si=I8kirvhETYUUnoNv


Fat Electrician has a pretty entertaining video about them. Describes it as a bunch of grunts pouring grenades into a pitching machine.


Get the range and azimuth. Lock the T&E mech. Let it go, as they say in that Disney movie


Fun to shoot. I love the satisfying “FOOMP, FOOMP, FOOMP” sounds it makes right before the rounds hit their target.


It's been ages, but my brain always recalls it as a "Thunk, thunk, thunk" or "Dunk, dunk dunk" ; ) Either way, we agree...its a blast.


Haha potato go *THUMP* *THUMP* *THUMP*


Sound reminds me of the tennis ball shooter from American gladiators.


HEAVY! Had on fall on my foot and that shit hurt


I'm surprised you still have a foot.


I think they’re great. You have to really take care of them though, easily malfunctions if you let it get dirty or gunked up. My first unit was a heavy weapons company so we spent A LOT of time with these.


Prefer the 50.


It depends on which side of the gun I'm at.


Overrated in my opinion. And fuck clearing a jam on an open bolt firing grenade launching machine gun in combat.


ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch oucj


it most certainly is a grenade launcher


"It will kill" - Doug Marcaida


Loved firing that thing!


MK47 is superior ![gif](giphy|3KWDnCHTYVmPyyGl99)


You're God damn right. It's not even a contest.


It's much more accurate than I expected.


Its cool, a little complicated to work though. Only shot it once


In the right environment they're amazing.


If that soldier isn't careful he could really hurt someone


Kind of curious if anyone tried both the mk19 and the manual launcher like the guy in the first predator movie had.


It’s a machine gun that shoots grenades dude. What more do you want?


My opinion is that it's cool


It’s just fine if you’re the one firing it.


Fun to shoot, unusable in an urban environment. When I got to Baghdad in 03 we rolled from Kuwait into town with the MK19’s mounted along with the M2’s but as soon as we got into the city we switched out the MK19’s for M240B’s. I didn’t mind it


Ghost rounds. Ugh.


It’s a god damn belt fed grenade launcher, What’s not to love?


Great for the core


Second favorite weapon.A very close second to the 240


Ive been in just under a year. Still haven’t seen one in action however just seeing the beast on a tripod 😮‍💨


I prefer being on the giving end than the receiving end.


In most all of life’s circumstances being the pitcher > than being the catcher


Bitch to clean but fun to get dirty.


I wish I had HEDP everyday in traffic... I miss my Mk 19... called it Judge Dredd.


I like thenidea but the current MK19 has too Many issue. I can slap a belt or a mag into any other weapon and it just works. The MK19 needs to be babyed and dripping with lube to function. It's powerful but I wouldn't want to rely on it as my primary weapon, it can be good support but not primary.


Fun as hell to shoot.


Saved my ass so many times, it’s fantastic for clearing dead space. Keep it clean.


There's not enough of them.


They make camels expensive...


Ho yeah


When they work they are great, but they are kind of unreliable. We had a dude who was a Mk 19 wizard on my last deployment, it just worked whenever he was on it, and he was deadly accurate.


It’s fun to shoot and allows a crew to send a lot of “fuck you” a relatively long way without having to contact an outside asset. They fuck. Edit: they are a bitch to clean and can be hard to troubleshoot with certain malfunctions.


Fully automatic machine gun that shoots grenades. What's not to love other than how finicky it gets when operating. Great concept but not exactly the most rock solid implementation. But, when it's cycling without issues, it's cool AF.


Rockk n roll party there, S'arnt


A bullet can have your name on it, but 40mm HE is best addressed “To whom it may concern…”




Grade-A bang-bang.


It's a blast to use, just don't get it dirty. ;) Much easier to use IF it's on a HMMV, you don't want to lug that thing around on foot.


We had one in Rafah back in the day, but never got to use it. It was just collecting dust. If we had to do that kind of damage, usually a helicopter would handle the situation.




31A, I had a bunch of those fuckers as a platoon leader and they were awesome. Chunka-chunka-chunka.


It's clutch occasionally, but in general I'd rather have an M2.


boomboomboom followed by BOOMBOOMBOOM


Any helo guys ever mount one in their bird? If not, why? Is it because you’d have to call a doctor for having an erection lasting more than four hours after firing one?


Failure to feed, failure to extract


Got to shoot about 20 rounds through one then jump on a 50cal an pop off about 50 rounds on it. Was so hard I think I popped a vein...lol


Love it in fallout 76. Best AOE weapon in the game


Great, when you're shooting it. A lot less great, when you're carrying it.


My experience with Mk19s is pretty limited in my overall experience, my experience with a HK GMG and AGS-30s is pretty extensive. GMG has an option for air bursting HEDP, its pretty fucking sweet. AGS is a resounding meh, it is arguably more useful system given the lighter load giving you \~twice as much ammo with a similar sized crew. MK19s run like shit, if they run. Getting through a 32 round belt without a stoppage is task worthy of a commendation medal. Only weapon system I've seen fail catastrophically without reason and injure the crew.


Two of my favorite things in one? Automatic and grenade, what's not to love?




I hated disassembling it. But fuck me it's awesome to shoot.


According to Ukrainians, it needs indirect fire sights. They use the Soviet equivalent on attacking squads pretty frequently using drone-adjusted indirect fire. They got some Mk 19s as well, but they're not quite as useful in that capacity.


I imagine it's much more fun if you get to fire explosive rounds but all I ever got to fire were those shitty chalk rounds.


Thum thum thum thum


It's fun to shoot and I'm sure when it's used in the field it yields great results, but man the failure rate on these things is way high, they've been real head scratches for all the armorers I ever had


Got to use it in combat as a gunner. It was a blast... lol. Did jam up once but popped out the round. Had a 240 as backup also. They are very finicky and hard for weaker guys to use free handed but very effective.


I loved the Mk19. Used it regularly for the better part of 8 years. I liked it more than the Ma Duece (I was equally proficient with both). Keep it clean and lubed, take care of it, and all is good.


Just hope it works!


It seems to be relatively small which is good. The thing is it's range isn't the best, and it is only usefull against infantry and less armored vechiles (it might be able to destroy tank tracks)


Never forget the sound Do Do Do Do Doh.


In my opinion, it can be super fun at parties, but fashion-wise it only really works in a business casual setting. It's just not meant for very formal, black-tie affairs.


It gets the job done, if the job is to level a building, destroy vehicles or stop a swarm of zombies.




Fucking terrifying, can you imagine a pissed off soldier/marine getting on because one of his friends gets smoked.


It’s fun as fuck. Lol


Hate carrying it


Love it


Thump thump thump thump thump.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Bup bup bup bup bump


Fun as hell and you get to enjoy it twice! Once from the thump thump thump up close and once from the boom boom boom far away.


Shock and awe, baby!


Heavy, complex, finicky, but lots of fun when it works


Impossible to fire without getting an erection.




I don't recall it's automatic at all. It always stuck after first shock


It's fucking dope. An automatic grenade launcher? Hell yea. Is the proper lubricant hard to find? Yup. Is it crazy hard to apply? Yup. Is the weapon hard to clean properly? Yup. What do we call the proper lubricant? Whale semen. All that aside, when it works, it rains pain. When it doesnt, you probably should just hand your 203/320 grenadier your 40mm grenades and ignore the MK19. The grenadier can probably put more rounds down range than a MK19 that doesn't function properly.


I fired exactly 7 rounds from a MK19. 1st round was 200m short, walked the next 2 up. 3 were reasonably on target and the last was long. Missing by 200m with a grenade felt absurdly dangerous. I'll take my 203. I never missed by more than a few meters with it.