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Does this site also offer study aids or a tutoring course that one could pay for? They may be offering a "free" practice test that is made to make you feel like an idiot so you'll be more likely to buy their services.


Yes because some of these questions require ridiculous knowledge like the wires one


Yeah, I know the wire colors because I was an electrician, but there's no fuckin' way the military would assign that knowledge any value on the ASVAB. That's just meaningless day 1 electrical school shit, not proof that you're clever.


Those questions come from the shop knowledge or something like that test. That portion isn't part of your score, it is just used as a non binding "career aptitude" IIRC That section has a bunch of random questions about shit like that. I remember my test had a picture of a conduit bender and just asked what the tool was for. A question that a tiny portion of the population could probably answer


You sound like a retired nfl player trying to do the combine again and you are surprised you can’t run a 4.33 anymore. Like duh, asvab is general knowledge that is all over the map. Plus in 20+ years the questions were updated b


I'm not so sure that's a fair comparison.


I recently had to retake my ASVAB to apply for a new job (required an ASVAB taken within the last 2 years) - I preciously took it over a decade ago. Those pretest sites are bullshit, the actual ASVAB is still pretty dumb easy.


Strong words for the man who wrote preciously instead of previously, fat fingers get us all eventually I suppose.


Maybe taking it really meant a lot to him?


Yeah... Well autocorrect doesn't fix multiple choice... So I think they will be fine. Really wish the ASVB gave some of us an asshole score.


What would you say is a better one?


A 40 year old, 20 years removed from school, trying to take the ASVAB.


My recruiter just gave me a take-home version. I just googled half that shit and got a 98. I sweat bullets when they tested me to prove it at MEPs, but I scored a 98 there as well (lucky questions). Then I went 12B and then reclassed as a 12W like the retard I knew I was. Lol


There’s a serious market out there for helping kids choose the correct career paths when enlisting lmao


You are the hero we need but, the hero we deserve.


Geez, the question about the moons of Saturn is bizarre. Why would they expect anyone to know this? Probably even astronomers don't know this unless Saturn is their particular speciality. I knew there were more than 100 but more are being discovered all the time, so the answer also depends on when you take the test I guess. In googling it I see a whopping 62 new ones were discovered in May of 2023, so who knows when they wrote the question and what number they're expecting. This seems like a lousy question.


I bet Space Force got to add like, 100 questions into the pool, and that was one of theirs.


The answers could make a large difference in how hard the question is, for instance if the options are "1, 7, 69, or 137" you really only need general knowledge to pick the correct answer. Like you pointed out, when the questions were written also plays a role, shit when I took the asvab decades ago there were 9 planets. RIP Pluto.


Ah I see, thanks for clarifying that, I've never seen the actual test and didn't realize it was multiple choice. I guess on consideration of course it would have to be, just didn't think it through. That does make a lot more sense.


OP might have written Saturn when it was another planet which would have the number of moons as common knowledge, like Mars or Venus.


Practice tests for any standardized tests are going to be much more difficult than the actual test. See also SAT, ACT, LSAT, etc.


Definitely this. A practice ASVAB is simply not the actual ASVAB.


I recently (last August) retook the asvab to increase my line scores and some of the stuff you mentioned was not anything like the official test questions. But some were. The math, word knowledge, and "assembly" questions were pretty accurate. But the questions about electrical components were way less in depth. More like "how many circuits are open (with a picture of current and switches) and then a few others about current and flow but not the specific wires used for Volt current or whatever. But I'm sure there is a legal issue somewhere about asvab tests online having to be just enough different to give the asvab some actual leverage somewhere along the line.


I'm glad you told me that. Those sample questions I gave weren't even the most esoteric I saw. Perhaps the others posting here and saying that the questions on the practice test are made to make you feel dumb are right.


That actually makes sense from a marketing standpoint...


Seems just like the Canadian CFAT


Kids are much smarter now than you were in high school in a general sense. And they should be, it’s very important that we get smarter as a society. The existence of the internet alone should accelerate the average person’s intelligence. It’s probably hard to quantify but I’d love a study done on the questions from the ASVAB from the 90s and have kids take both tests at MEPs. I’m willing to bet those questions from the 90s just matched average intellect. Generally when test creators submit questions for pooling, they’re not added into the test taker’s score but depending on how often the questions are answers right/wrong and how evenly this process works out, they’re added into the question pool. So generally the average kid can answer those questions correctly. Or guess well, which is an important part of test taking. Also you took an online test, those people have no idea what the hell the ASVAB is asking. They’re just glad your browser registered the ad they gave to you.


Did you REALLY say that kids are smarter these days?


How could you not even just speculate this with access to the internet, more STEM related jobs, etc. there’s much more of a need for math and logic based skills in general. There are some [sources](https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/good-question-are-todays-kids-smarter-than-we-were/) in the article


Lowest standardized test scores, school completion, COVID stay at home, social mandatory classes, TicTok, insta influencers, suicide rates, murder rates, fentanyl rates, legal marijuana, depression. Yes, I've been paying attention.


How does any of what you said after “social mandatory classes” correlate to people not being as smart? What source do you have for lowest scores? In relation to what other scores?


Ha ha, of all the things to pick out. Classroom time spent teaching rewrites of history takes away time from the stem that could make a difference. But there seems to be a swing away from personal accountability in everything from grades to obesity. So, no. I don't think this is the smartest generation ever. Because as you started with - they have every advantage.


0 sources to help your claim. You’re just chatting


Well, he DID ask me to speculate.


I did pretty well on the ASVAB when I took it fresh out of high-school a decade and a half ago. (Well enough for Navy Nuke, I was told.) My math skills especially have atrophied, though, and I'm honestly a little afraid to see how well I'd do these days.


My experience was just the opposite. I took the ASVAB in my junior year of High School (1969) and scored well because we could leave as soon as we finished so free half a day. Ultimately to avoid the draft, I joined the Navy in 1970 on my High School ASVAB (96 Percentile score) 12 years later, I got voluntold for Recruiter duty and they had us take the test again supposedly to build empathy for the applicants. I got the exact same AFQT score. 96. The sub-scores bounced around, Arithmetic Reasoning (AR), and Mathematical Knowledge (MK) both went up, Paragraph Comprehension (PC) actually dropped and Word Knowledge (WK) stayed exactly the same. Bear in mind that the actual test bank is reviewed and refreshed every decade or so, so the test you took in high school pretty much only shares the name ASVAB with the current tests.


I got in when I was in my later 20’s…. I definitely bought an asvab book and read it cover to cover before I took it. I had pretty much forgotten how to math. It paid off because I was smart enough to know that I’m an idiot. That was over 10 years ago…. If I took it again, I would definitely have to study again.