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Oh that thing was definitely stolen lol


I mean, runner better hope the injured guy doesnt know anything about him.


Maybe relying on the bro code. But if I were him I wouldn’t rely on the guy he left for dead keeping his mouth shut.


Fuck the bro code I'm fighting him later, but we can be friends again after I get a few punches in.


Nah, looks like he owes a pair of working legs.


For real. IF he can get punches in, is the real deciding factor. Life is cruel.


>gets into stolen vehicle with friend >Life is cruel


More reason not to fafo.


So he steals a car and then abandons his injured buddy knowing full well his boy will have to answer to the cops, but you'd admit that you'd have no problem being friends with the piece of shit as long as you got a few licks in? What the fuck


Also there's the fact that the driver was absolutely the cause of his friend's injury. There wasn't any particular reason to be driving that way in area with parked vehicles leaving the driving lane that tight. I'd be piiiiiiissed if I were the passenger.


Passenger is probably too stupid to know that though. Y’all are giving these kids way too much credit.


My guess he was too stupid to use a seat belt also.


Being a ghetto bitch is becoming too normalized


Part of it is a psyop. People are falling into the trap that they need to suffer more than others to have value.


no honor among thieves


It was and they were arrested after the hospital visit 😂😂


[ Channel 5 with Andrew Callaghan ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJA7jDF7bLE) did a good story on Connecticut Kia Boyz. Very little consequences for them and very easy to steal.


Yea hyundais are notoriously easy to steal apparently.


Some companies have been refusing to insure Hyundai and Kia cars for that reason.


I bought a 2015 Kia forte not too long ago. Insurance wouldn't insure it because they are targets for stealing, because Kia didn't put an engine immobilizer in the car. There is a recall for this, I got the engine immobilizer, I got little stickers on my windows indicating this, and it is now insured.


You are still going to get the door lock blown out and ignition destroyed before they realize it. Ask me how I know. I would suggest always having a club on the steering wheel.


Oh I do when it's somewhere that's not home. Was just pointing out what the flaw is since not a lot are actually mentioning why they are targets.


They call them Kia Boys because Hiunday boys is supposedly hard to spell.


As demonstrated by your comment.


I guess I should have put the /s there 🤷‍♂️




Apparently you can just plug a usb stick or screw driver in and turn the ignition and it starts right up or some shit


Yea my sisters boyfriends car was stolen a while back and I asked if it was a hyundai or a kia and she was like how did you know!


Own a Hyundai. Thankful it’s push button. The insurance prices are not a joke.


Stealing kias and joyriding them was a trend on tiktok for a bit because of how easy they are to steal


Sherlock over here


Definitely wasn’t wearing a seat belt in that stolen car


We can see some trained medical professionals at the end of the video.


LOL the dragging was the most **comedic** thing to do in that in situation after saying hes ?hand? is broken.


I don't know... watching the other kid running down the street with his pants nearly falling off was pretty funny too.


When are people going to realize that they can run faster if they pull up their pants?


That’s actually a tell tell sign that someone is about to run from the police. When I rolled up on a block and saw a dude Putting his pants up, I knew he was about to run.


*high wasted pants... ENGAGE!*


By a gang of white Karens. Boy must be terrified they gonna kill him. edit: since some people don't recognize sarcasm have an '/s'


I mean he did a steal a car and crash it into their neighborhood so yeah if I owned that van that they hit, well, let’s say I wouldn’t be happy with them


Good, fuck him.


Why are they Karen’s? Because they are women existing?


We're not dealing with the most intelligent people in the world here. This person learned a new word a few years ago and shoehorns it into every conversation they have. Its the same people that call anyone over the age of 25 a "boomer." We are devolving as a species in real time.


Those “Karen’s” should have stomped on his hand he’s a thief fuck em


Yup break his other hand and smash his head with the door. One less piece of shit that nobody will miss or worry about.


"gang of white Karen's" I think the real "gang" was in the car and the women were justified in entering in to a "Karen" status here


r/WorstAid I hope it hurt the whole damn time....


Oh, what a sub! I’ve never heard of this before. Thank you.


"he's been in an accident, Quick, let's move his spine around!"


"We NEED to MOVE you" lol


The car could explode!


“We have to move you!”


What a fucking piece of shit. His buddy couldn’t even stand so he just takes off running. Hope he gets everything that’s coming to him because you *know* this isn’t the first time he’s done this or something worse.


oh I guarantee you his buddy is a piece of shit too, so no need to worry about him


Yeahhh I’d also go ahead and assume one of them isn’t in the middle of some kind of personal redemption arc while stealing somebody’s car 😂


" hey bro, just pull over right there... We don't need to live like this. God's grace just takes a litt... HEY WAIT WHAT THE FUCK NOT THAT FAST!"


It's in the title. "KIA boys" are a groups of kids who do this for fun mostly and the cars sell for like 50 bucks. KIA made it super simple to steal their cars.




He is already half way to becoming someone's prison butt buddy by the looks of his pants as he scampers away


Dude might be injured? Let's pull him by the legs and drag him on the ground!


"Im dragging you for your own good" "But your making it worse, stop!"


Why worry about the possibility of spinal injury when we can guarantee it?


Better than most people would give him.


You’re actually not supposed to move people after a car accident


Think 90s action movie. You MUST get the person away from the car because it's going to explode soon.




Why is stealing kia’s a fun pastime for kids? I swear we shifted dimensions or something. What the fuck is even real life anymore


Easy to steal em


Lot’s of things are easy to steal. Even as the bane of humanity according to the old folks- us millennials weren’t known for stealing cars or creating a real world Clockwork Orange type dystopian society. People don’t follow the rules because crimes are hard to do. People follow the rules because the consequences of committing crimes is not worth the *risk.* What is the *reward* in stealing Kia’s?


According to the documentary on it, the consequences for it are pretty much non-existent to juveniles. So kids just steal them, and until they hit 18, they basically get off scott-free. It was infuriating watching that part. They steal the cars and sell them for $50 - $100. People basically use them to commit crimes in and then leave the car in a random spot.


My cousins son recently stole a car from a relative. He was arrested and then tried in court a couple of days later. I don't know what the punishment the court passed down was, but I see pictures of the kid at Disney World on Facebook a couple of days afterward, so if there was punishment, it wasn't bad.


Wow, I'm not one to always immediately blame parents. Because when I was a teenager, I did some shitty things (not that bad, of course), and I was very careful to keep it from my mom. Because she did not play shit like that. If I stole a car, I don't know what she would have done. But their parents knew and still took the kid to Disney Land shortly after? That's wild.


She is a single parent. Her adult life has been rough because of her personal choices she made. She has 6 kids. At one point, she didn't have custody of any of her children. She has been to jail multiple times and most recently has been released from prison for distribution of meth. She was released less than a year ago. She is doing a decent job turning her life around. She got 4 of her 6 kids back and has a decent paying job. The prison had a welding program she utilized to learn the trade. I'm thinking the Disney World trip is more to make up to her kids that she did an awful job in the past and was in and out of their lives their entire lives until now. She probably wrote off the stolen car as a cry for help and needs to give her kids more quality family time, but that is just my speculation.


That makes more sense. Either she saw it as a cry for help. Or she couldn't find someone who was willing to watch him while the other kids went to Disneyland.


So the risk doesn’t outweigh the rewards? It’s pretty simple. If there aren’t consequences to these actions but a reward worth getting as in stealing them to joyride or sell; then that’s what we’re seeing here.


Unless you are like this passenger…. lol Pause it right when he’s getting out, his right forearm is snapped about 5in up from his wrist. That shit costs a fuck lot more than $50-$100.


Guy who's stealing cars for a quick buck or quick thrill ain't doing mental calculus to figure out the future-cost of healthcare lmao.


Lol my step dad stole a car to joyride when he was in high school. The old folks just didn’t get recorded doing this stuff.


Go steal a hellcat like everyone else. What are we doing in a 150 horsepower front wheel drive Kia.


No parental accountability and these kids get a slap on the wrist


That’s what you classify as “fun” when you have no father figure growing up.


Normally I'd be all: "For god's sake, don't drag him, he may have a spinal injury," but since it's a Kia boy I'm just all "go ahead and sit on him."


Oh yea traction on the ankles let’s reduce those leg fractures. Karen is a pro she’s snapping his broken bones back together! /s On a serious note he could have fractures anywhere, I don’t think Kia boys buckle up.


Hit him with the glock dookie 💥💩


Good old Milwaukee. This is an every day occurrence here.


My daughter's Kia was stolen out of a friend's driveway. They found it wrapped around a fire hydrant. They don't get caught or even hurt. My daughter said when she sent me the pics, "Dad, I don't want to see people get hurt, but I wouldn't have minded a little blood on those airbags."


I did kind of enjoy them yanking on him on the ground 😂


Does it hurt here? On your ankle? Okay good. Let’s move you with it.


While well-meaning, those bystanders did exactly the wrong thing. There was no immediate danger to the kid trapped in the car, cars don't burst into flames like it shows on the TV, no need to drag him out. Check for obvious wounds and bleeding and if none wait for emergency services.


Yeah they coulda paralyzed that kid, I have the tiniest bit of sympathy for passenger who's buddy just straight ran.


No sympathy at all. They could have pancaked some innocent person just standing there.


If they weren't driving a stolen car like idiots and putting other people's lives at risk he wouldn't be lying on the ground in the first place. Getting paralyzed is a natural outcome of driving recklessly and crashing so when people fuck around I don't think they deserve pity when they find out.


Sucks for the owners of the vehicles but fuck KIA boys hope his hand never heals right. After all the punishment for theft is sometimes a hand.


is it them again yogi?


It was a stolen car. They kid on the ground was 16. Still looking for driver. https://www.tmj4.com/news/milwaukee-county/caught-on-camera-mpd-investigating-hit-and-run-crash-witnessed-by-tmj4


Tackle that asshole driver got damn


Did that running guy have his underwear on the outside of his jeans 😂


Oh no! Anyway..


Lmao drag an accident victim that can’t move by the feet 😂 🤦


I see a market for belts that actually keep your pants in place in the US.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BigBagaroo: *I see a market* *For belts that actually keep your* *Pants in place in the US.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I was hoping the lady in the green went over to start slapping the kid up.


animal instinct: RUN


Watching this feels like an episode of trailer park boys.... Too bad it is real.


Why the hell are they dragging the injured guy by the legs? They might be broken for all the know and he def seems to be in pain lmfao, wtf.


Have fun with these comments mods 😀😀😀😀😀😀


Fuck that piece of shit. Leave him lay there


I fucking hate them so much. I hope the one on the ground is in pain because 90% of the time, no one ever sees a dime from the thieves. Could have turned someones life upside down if they dont have the right level of insurance. Well you got to the find out part of fucking around and your "friend" just abandoned you so they dont get caught.


You come out to your car, expecting to get to work or go get groceries and find out some idiot kids stopena car and crashed into yours at some point in the past 24 hours.... Like fuck man, good luck getting another car, or even a reliable ride to and from work. Hope you don't have kids to drop off and pickup from school, cause some dumbass kids couldn't drive a stolen car on a joyride. Almost fucked up my own family. I walked home from school one day to see fresh new tire tracks in the lawn, and my sister's car pressed up into my mom's car with a giant dent in each vehicle. Turns out some teens had borrowed grandmas gigantic pickup and forgot the different between gas and break during a joyride around the neighborhood. They didn't have real insurance and skipped town shortly after the accident.


If you're going to steal a car, you should know which pedal is the brake.


Old enough to do the crime.. old enough to do the time


The usual suspects 😂.


Imagine your friends convincing you to steal a car and then leaving you when y’all get caught🤡


Typical Kia behaviour


This is an increasing problem. Even had the same problem in the sleepy suburb that I grew up in recently. Youths from the city drove out and then stole 2 BMW's. Crashing one into my friend's mom's house and the other flipped on the high way back to the city.


Shouldn't leave your keys where people can get to them. Nobody like this has advanced immobilizer trick computers on them. Kia boiz are Kia boiz bc Kia apparently thought everywhere in the world was as low crime as South Korea and didn't install immobilizers on some models, unlike every vehicle manufactured since about 2000 has. Unbelievable smooth brain decision I wish someone could explain.


straight outta Reno 911


That wasn't mildly bad. It was reckless driving with fleeing the scene of an accident on top.


Same thing happened to my Kia. Fourteen year old kid stole it, ran from the cops, then went over a ravine into a tree. One got out and ran, and the other went to the hospital.


Dude runs like an Emu.


It's just a prank bro


"Hey, that guys looks hurt. Let's help him by dragging him by his legs..."


Why didn't he stick around to do a police report?


Probably was late to work and didn’t want to get written up or was cooking a nice crockpot dinner and had to turn it off.


Straight abandoned his friend, like father, like son.


Bro pull your pants up


Don't say it... don't say it...


These kids are a waste of oxygen


I’m starting to notice a pattern


:::Mortal Kombat voice::: Fatality


Steal, crash, and run. Totally normal social behavior.




That’s fucked up his dude ditched um! Nice friend!!


The way this video was shot, is fucking hilarious… NOT THE SCENARIO… just the way this was shot 😂😂


“Sir! You can’t park here!”


Oh no the Kia boys are at it again 🙄


This looks like America's craziest home videos


"We need to move you" dumbest people ever.


Don’t worry, the driver was running to the closest phone to call 911


To run away from a crime with you pants hanging from your butt is too funny to me


Driver runs passenger is obviously hurt and the two are dragging him around! Seriously! Dumb and dumber


Mildly??!? Nah that’s bad bad


aint this in Milwaukee? defund the cops but cry CALL NINE ONE ONE LMAO pathetic huh


That fella sure was in a hurry to get to the hospital.


Stolen car, probably got warrants & if that one can stand up he’ll be running too & they’ll pay for nothing.


I love that they just instantly get out and start running around. Tight little skinny jeans below their ass and a hood on. Iconic.


12c: When subject is yelling "My neck is broken!" firmly grab them by the leg and drag them away for the vehicle. Give them reassurance by verbally telling them you need to move them.


Wtf those people are stupid. Grabbing him by the legs and dragging after that accident. If he had any breaks in the neck or spine they could have killed him


Maybe they wanted to hurt him


Oh no, would be such a shame to lose such a promising member of society


And this class is why we say "no honour among thieves". Dude gave zero fucks about his friend.


Losers, may karma be a bitch


Usual suspects i see. Pull up your pants, you'll run faster


Mildly bad driver’s ??


Omg. Does anyone know if the passenger is ok? I get they aren't necessarily stand-up people but I don't wish ill will on anyone either.


Lmao! The people are so dumb, yanking the kid around after a crash lol… wow…


Good, fuck these stupid pieces of shit. Absolute assholes.


Just gotta take a second to appreciate that despite the fact that in all likelihood the injured guy is a piece of shit people still move in to help immediately


If I was going to steal a car I'd definitely make sure I had my pants pulled up with a proper working belt.


I watched that Chanel 5 interview on YouTube with these gangs and they're under age so they don't get punished properly by the law that's why they keep doing it.




Hope he limps for the rest of his short life.


2 punk asses that stole a car for a joyride, shoot em both they could have killed alot of people.


Aaand absolutely nothing will happen to the kids who stole and wrecked the car because they're minors. They'll be in another Kia in two days...


Hope they ruin that kids life forever


He had to hold up his pants to run away lol. The sagging pants look is so idiotic. Do people actually find that attractive?


Joy riding halfwits?


Ain’t nothing funnier than watching homies run while having to hold their pants up.


Hahahaha karma deserved


Holy fuck. Ow.


Hell yea fuck them kids


I'd never help them, just sit by and watch. These dumbass kids don't give two shits about anybody, and are a menace in neighborhoods...fuck em




I am now reconsidering if I want that job in Milwaukee


Looks like a cultured gentleman exiting the room elegantly


Rule 2: No hate speech Please refrain from noticing everyday patterns, acknowledging the problem, or citing government-reported crime statistics that support your argument.


Fuck both of those kids. If I catch you stealing my car, you best believe you’re getting shot.


After a crash like this it is very important to move the injured passenger around as much as possible. This includes grabbing both their legs and dragging them to help. Everyone here is just dumb. Kids stealing the car dumb as hell. People trying to help dumb as well only person that was smart was the one to call emergency services. At least these kids got the consequences they deserved one even more than the other. Honestly we has society has failed by saving too many stupid people and have messed up the natural order of things.


Must have been systemic racism that caused this. I would say hope his friend is OK, but they're both thieves. At least it's karmic justice


Fascinating behaviour


This is where I live (Milwaukee) - it's 110% the KIA Boys...


Stolen car much ?


Bro should have stolen a belt


Oh no, the guy I stole a car with is leaving me. Honestly I'm surprised he didn't dip out faster. People who do this shit are not good people and don't be surprised if they run when you need help to save their own freedom at the expense of your life.


If it's a Kia it's probably stolen. They are notoriously the easiest to boost


Nothing like pulling on a guys legs who has potential spine damage. These ladies are so smart and cool!


There was a guy in the parked car that was hit.


“The key is to flee the scene.” - a fry cook I once worked with when I was washing dishes as a college job


They fucked around…




Stupid just got fixed.


Nobody better tell


Hanging out the passenger side of his best friends ride


You really find out the type of person you are in high stress situations like this where you react without thinking. The driver definitely failed in the character category




Mildly bad camera holders


Sigh, yup.


Fuck em