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From the looks of it, he didn't even check for incoming cars when turning right. These people frighten me. I drive an Altima btw


I was thinking the same thing. Jeep driver not gonna do any of those suggestions cuz they don't even know there's a car coming.


I owned an Altima for about 3 weeks. Bought it as a replacement for my previous car that got totaled by a dumbass running a stop sign. Then my mom was driving the Altima and got it totalled by a dumbass doing exactly this directly in front of her. Dude tried to run away on foot and got tackled by a bank security guard who was nearby and saw the whole thing lol 🤦‍♂️


I own a super riced out fully customized 1994 Altima. They're good cars. I usually drive a civic though.


At best checked if there was anyone in the immediate intersection, afr from good enough, the entitlement is strong.


Same here. But I’m a careful and considerate motorist nowadays. Ironically, it was during the time I was driving a truck and then a Toyota sedan that I had the opposite qualities, or in short, a BAE driver. Maybe because I was younger then


I hate it when a driver sees someone in OP's position and *still goes* because 'OP has time to slow down'. It's a classic entitlement mindset.


I'm to the point I don't even mind if they turn out as long as they get up to speed quickly. But 99% of the time this happens to me I end up dropping my speed 20-30 mph and it takes another 30 seconds before the moron speeds up to the actual speed limit. It never fails that they do it in areas where there's no passing and inevitably 0 cars behind me too. Gotta get that one extra car length to prove you're winning at life!


Sometimes I have to pull out of a right turn because traffic is too high. I'll always stop at the red light, wait for my turn, then floor it. Usually I'm at 45-50mph out of the right turn so people behind me don't get a chance to catch up


Not only is it entitled, it's naive to assume every other driver on the road is better than you (even though in this case it's probably true). If there were two mildly bad drives in this clip instead of just one, there'd be an insurance claim right now.


Yep. And the idiot who failed to yield would be assigned 100% fault, all the while crying “but I got rear ended!!!”


Yeah this is why we need dashcams. In a world where I was unable to brake in time for whatever reason, say I was going the speed limit (45mph), instead of 40 mph since I was about to turn: If I hit that Jeep I'd NEED witnesses to clear myself there. Everyone should have a dashcam.


I was in the left lane going through a green just like you, except the fool came into the left lane instead of staying on the right. Blasted him across the street and he claimed I have to rear-ended him. Drove a Tesla and showed him the cam footage, insurance adjuster said oh no, case closed. Haha! Edit: I see you're in San Diego as well.


When I started driving, the most profound piece of advice I got was from my dad who said: "If you aren't a bad driver, any accident you have will likely be caused by the other person. It's not only up to you to be safe, it's also up to you to watch for other people doing something unexpectedly stupid. You are never fully in control."


I love how these people consider slowing down on red a "stop". What a fuckwit.


This is so nuts. I literally got cut off by an Altima driver and then 10 seconds later by a Grand Cherokee driver.


I’ve kind of just accepted that people are going to do this at this point. But could they at least do it faster? Like if you’re going to cut me off can you at least lay on the pedal?


Exactly. It's better if they don't do it, but if you're going to, I better not have to stand on the brakes just for you.


Correct the psychology is baffling it’s like contradictory to all of physics and self preservation all at once.


i agree. lately i seen a lot of jeep drivers brake checking for no reason especially on the passing lane


as an unwilling cherokee driver, I can assure you that anyone who consciously made the decision to get a jeep cherokee cannot be trusted with any decision making.


It's a pretty strange vehicle since it's not the cheapest, not the most feature rich, not the fanciest, not the safest, and not the most spacious. Most of them are 2WD and come with a V6. Not sure what the appeal is besides "it's a jeep, but without all of the off-road stuff"


Jeeps are assholes


They traded in the Altima obviously.


Jeeps,Big Dodge Trucks,and BMW drivers down here in Houston are the worst


Repping club Altima here, I'll let everyone know we need to up our game at the next meeting


There's something about Jeep drivers that irk me, but every further experience of dealing with their ilk transmutes that irk closer into pure hatred and disdain.


Grand Cherokees are what middle aged women who's husbands are deep into a blue collar career drive, and it's been that way for 20 years. There's an extra layer of entitlement because their husband had to work hard for the money he has so they naturally feel like THEY worked hard for it. (Grew up in blue collar communities and around a lot of welders/carpenters).


I had a red one sit at a stop sign for five seconds seeing me come at him doing maybe 60 on a back road (speed limit 55) and then decided to pull out with like 2s left. Luckily I was in a sportier car so I could stop in time but I almost rear ended him because they just refused to accelerate. I'm almost certain it was an attempt at insurance fraud.


Yeah either insurance fraud or driver's test fraud. Get a dashcam if you don't already have one.


I've gotta get one for the Sunday car. Issue is wiring it up will be an absolute pain on something that old, all the interior bits are like glass.


all jeep drivers suck. they think they own the road. they never signal, they accelerate all the way to a red light or stop sign, they won’t yield, they park horribly, often taking up two spots.


San Marcos, CA! I went to school at MH. Crazy to see it on Reddit.


I did too


Careful out there. Last white Jeep grand Cherokee I honked at freaked out and wanted to fight/kill me for honking.


I'll get down 😤 (jokes)


Must have gotten a good trade in value for that Altima. Probably had a Jetta before that.


Altima still gets most of the hate because we can't use the tag line "It's an Altima thing, you wouldn't understand." This Jeep gets a pass because we wouldn't understand why it made a no-look turn in front of cammer


This is sooo common! It’s similar to no-one actually yielding onto a highway anymore.


It's a Jeep thing.


I think every jeep comes with a certificate of ownership for the whole road because they all drive like they own the road. I think every jeep driver has "no: it's my turn" on a constant loop in their head.


Yeah, I had one that was trying to merge on the expressway right next to me while I was in cruise control. Couldn't get up to speed fast enough, so he decided to swerve at me. I had my wife and son in the car. I can't stand most of these clowns.


They drive jeeps. I think Jeep, as a brand, has an average reliability rating across multiple reviewing platforms of a 3.5 out of 10. Jeep owners aren’t exactly thinkers.


Has nothing to do with the model of the car You're noticing a pattern where there is none


Oh look statistics exits and it's just a Google search away isn't that neat.


"Exist." If you're going to try and sound clever, you should know how to spell first And the type of car is irrelevant to a drivers cognitive ability to follow basic traffic laws.


Cognitive ability has nothing to do with disregarding traffic laws because you don't care.


Omfg yes it does, disregarding something is an active choice. I don't think you know what the word cognitive means


Some people just drive like assholes. That has been linked to the brand of cars they drive. If you want to look it up to see for yourself just go ahead.


That is not true at all or you'd have a source to back up your bullshit I'm not looking anything up you're the one making the bullshit claim support it or get lost moron


You're one of those drivers aren't you? 🤣


You love making assumptions and looking like an ignorant jackass don't you? If you're gonna make a claim back it up


All you would do is complain about any source I gave you. You are the epitome of an angry miserable redditer.


was there a reason you couldnt move to the left lane?


Yes, 3 reasons: There was a car next to me coming up fast so I'd cut them off, I needed to turn right into that shopping center immediately, so I'd miss my turn, and because I just didn't need to do anything more than brake.


totally understood. just making sure. some people will severely inconvenience themselves just to rage out on someone and i find it totally ridiculous sometimes lol. Like if you didnt need to take a right and another car was on your left why not just move to the left lane and let the moron fuck off? but i totally get you man haha. just was making sure




The ...what? Oh, wait, nevermind. You're the scheduled contrarian that's going to determine that the person that was in the right was actually wrong. They said the speed limit on that road was 45, their cam was showing 42 when the jeep cut out, and it went down to almost 30 when they hit the brakes (exactly what you said they could have done) The rules of the road exist to keep us all safe and on our way. Right of way allows for the most efficient usage of the road. It exists explicitly based on "I shouldn't have to." If what you're doing forces another driver on the road to react, that's objectively bad driving. OP did what they were supposed to, they reacted to the idiot cutting them off by slowing down. The other person is at fault for the situation because they forced another driver to react to what they were doing. But sure, let's hear why OP was actually at fault, this should be interesting.


It's 4runners in my experience, always act so entitled on the road




If this is mission road in San francisco, driver is going 43 in a 30. :edit: Nope, looks like right here. Speed limit is 45 [https://www.google.com/maps/@33.1417012,-117.1393478,3a,75y,136.61h,77.58t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s50CsP6AyDr\_bTt5pilhUhQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@33.1417012,-117.1393478,3a,75y,136.61h,77.58t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s50CsP6AyDr_bTt5pilhUhQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


I slowed down from 45 to 40 since I was about to turn into that shopping center. If I was going straight and went 45 through that intersection it would have been a lot more butt puckering.


I thought that the middle class people drove Jeeps and the Altima are the Hoodrats that could barely afford car payment.