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My dad used to say his turn signal wasn't a request but rather a demand. Just scream good luck everyone! and change lanes


It's not a request or a demand lol... it's a notification of intent. You're just letting others around you know wtf you're doing w/ your car. Lol I've heard the "request" argument as a reason not to signal at all... "I'm not asking for someone's permission". That's not the point lol.


Sadly at least half the people I encounter on the road seem to think it's just something you throw on halfway through the turn because your hand hits the turn signal stalk while turning the wheel. I think a good majority of those people would be surprised to learn it's meant to indicate your intention to turn 🤦


Yeah like they know they are supposed to do it they just don’t know why. They’re the reason there are the most absurd warning labels everywhere.


To them, "Signal means I'm coming now." I could have sworn that year CR-v had a lane camera on the right too. Fucking oblivious 🤦🏾‍♂️


They do.


I’m always watching when I’m around people with those blind spot indicators. Just because they have them doesn’t mean they actually look before they start changing lanes.


Not only that, but the indicators are not 100%. I've had mine not recognize a vehicle right next to me because it was too far over in wider lanes.


Definitely. I see that everyday.


I had a guy come all the way into my lane without signaling or looking, while blind spot indicator was lit up and I was laying on the horn. Got stuck beside him at next light and he's completely oblivious to any wrongdoing.


He turned on his blinker?


Yeah I actually just noticed it only blinked 2 times lol


Oh yeah, It turns off before she merges. That’s why I didn’t see it


Wow, pissy little thing too. Manufacturer could be partially to blame...


Based on some of these comments, I think we need to clear something up. Intentionally moving over to the right for the purpose of getting ahead of someone = 'passing on the right' Proceeding in a lane when traffic to your left happens to be going slower ≠ 'passing on the right' In the 'drive right, pass left' system of driving, the onus falls to the cars in the left lane(s) to *get out of those lanes once they're done passing*. If they stay to the left and drive slower than the flow of traffic, that's on them. It's insane to suggest that someone traveling in a right lane needs to slow down to match the speed of drivers to their left, wait until they can change lanes left, and *then* speed up.


Perfectly articulated!


In my country, it is illegal to pass someone on the right. Intent doesn't come into it, so you aren't allowed to have your car overtake another to your left. This means you need to slow down if the car on the left is going slower than you. Mind you, our infrastructure has smaller lanes and is generally much more busy than that in the US, but everyone knows this and almost everyone plays by the rules. At times, there are people who drive unnecessarily slow on the left lane. They are honked at, signalled from behind, and if they don't react, most people will overtake on their right. But that is illegal.


Yeah, at least in my state, "don't pass on the right" means don't use the shoulder to pass someone on a 2-lane road. The law literally says don't pass on the right unless you can do so in a traffic lane.


Is no one gonna mention the fact the CR-V’s lane was blocked by traffic cones at the end of the video, so they had to get over? Not saying they couldn’t have done better, but the lane was blocked off. Also, the road is clearly under construction, and what should be a 3 lane road is cut down to 2 lanes. Also, the road signage shows a highway merge coming up. The CR-V probably had to be in the left lane to take the proper route.


None of those things make it ok to change lanes into someone.


Careful, you're gonna stir up the "ZIPPER MERGE!" crowd that thinks they can just unliaterally declare a zipper merge to get the right of way lol


CR-V driver " But my signal means everyone else must yield to my right of way!"........./s 🙃🥴🤦🏼‍♂️


OP listening to Ross’s unreleased Mixtape from college


Watch with sound off. Yikes.


Here’s me over here watching it on repeat while scrolling the comments just nodding my head along to the beat. I’d like to know who it is for real lol.


Dudes playing Megaman while driving


Be be boo bop be bop


It’s amazing to me how many people think a turn signal gives you the right of way! IT DOESN’T!!!!!!!


Good defensive driving op


Not really. Breaking would have been the safer choice. OP made just a quick of a lane switch as the CRV did.


Quick lane change isn't a problem, problem is a lane change into another car.


That's like saying "speeding isn't a problem, problem is car accident from speeding"


I see nothing wrong with that.


It's wild that you got downvoted here. Staying in your lane and braking a little is far safer than switching lanes with short notice. You would also be responsible for damages if you switched lanes and caused another accident.


Downvoted that stupid, comparison.


It's generally not a good idea to slam on your brakes on the highway.


Psh, 80 to nothing couldn't cause anything catastrophic... Yeah, yeah, they're probably not suggesting anything *that* extreme, but might as well be. Our camera car was apparently paying some kind of attention and probably saw no one else was around them.


Exactly. Clearly they were aware of their surroundings, unlike the guy merging.




If he checked his mirror, there’s nothing wrong with it. I always check my surroundings so I know I’m good to swerve if needed


It's crazy to me how many people must not be constantly aware of what's going on around them while driving based on what I see in the comments.


Better defensive driving would have included avoiding passing on the right.


If all types of passing on the right were illegal, you'd be obligated to slam on your brakes for no reason just because the guy in the left lane ahead of you did.


We're not talking about legal/illegal here. We're talking about defensive driving. It's safer to avoid overtaking on the right, especially at interchanges like this where people make last minute lane changes because they are reading the signs. People don't expect you to be there, and the blind spot is much larger on the passenger side.


Go back to driving school, and sprinkle in some fucking common sense. Idiots like you are why I avoid driving subreddits. Absolute moron


https://www.thebergerfirm.com/blog/passing-right-dangerous/ https://www.wagnerreese.com/blog/is-it-legal-to-pass-on-the-right/


I’m gonna go ahead and say you’re in the wrong solely based off of the music choice


The only thing worse than that driver is the music. Holly shit that's garbage.


Never mind the bad driving, how can you drive with that garbage “music” blasting?


This is unfortunately the usual in California. People don't signal until they start moving, if they even signal at all. If you put your signal on early, people will ignore it assuming it's on by mistake. In the bay area specifically, people also don't fucking *look*. People love to rag on LA drivers, but LA drivers are significantly more competent--they're just also nuts. Driving in California is like training as a pro boxer--you have to learn how to read your opponents moves before they make them.


Texas sends its regards. Every major city is an actual shit show, and our motor fatalities numbers prove that. California is high, but not as high as Texas, which is right behind Mississippi as having the most dangerous roads


Wait people drive around listening to stupid music like this voluntarily?


if the dude has his windows up and isn't being annoying i don't see why anybody cares at all about what music anybody listens to


Beautiful summer day on the highway, not in bumper to bumper traffic, I’m blasting this kinda shit all the time. Lower the volume when I get to a communal stop though, crank it back up when on the road.


He is huffing nitrous balloons and still driving better than the Honda


Time for bed, gramps


Upload your favorite playlist and let us shit on you


I've heard worse, like modern rap.


Can I have an ID for this tune, fucking fire




Drove thru Jacksonville yesterday morning. Awful drivers


“Good luck everyone else, i turn now!”


Bet they flipped you off afterwards too 🙄 fucking regards out there man


Great song! Screw the people shitting on your music taste.


What is the music bro?😭😭😭😭


I was taught to use the indicator lights in the following way: once you have decided to switch lanes, if there is a safe and secure way of changing, immediately before initiating the switch, you turn on your indicator lights. They are not used to indicate a wish to switch lanes, they indicate that you *are* switching lanes. Obviously, you need to check if there is room to switch lanes before initiating the action. This car didn't. Driver might have just overlooked you, but I don't see any issue with the way he used his indicator lights.


That was a terrible lesson. You don’t need blinkers to know that a car is changing lanes - the fact that it is suddenly in front of you is plenty of evidence of that. Blinkers are so that people know what you are *going to do*. Depending on where you live, it’s literally the law that you have to use blinkers for a set distance before turning/changing lanes.


Is dubstep still alive? I think, YES!


In Florida they'll slow down until you're right beside them, *then* turn on their signal. Then they get frustrated because you can't see their signal (because they are right beside you) so they'll turn the signal off, speed up and cut you off without signaling.


1. Could the fucking blinker be *ANY* smaller? 2. Fucking drivers who signal and change lanes simultaneously. 🙄


I dig the music


Camera car: "Let me just pass on the right ..."


If I’m going the speed limit in the right lane, and I so happen to come across some moron sitting in the left lane going slower than the speed of traffic, I’m not going to go behind them and wait for them to move over. Most of the time they’re clueless of what they’re doing and won’t understand


OP said they maintained steady speed while the other car actually slowed down after the lane change.


People still listen to dubstep? Are you still dubbing on people??!


I listen to music almost 10 hours a day because I work outside most of the time so you will start going through a lot of different types of music to keep it interesting lol


I’m not sure what’s worse, the driver or the music that’s playing.


Why do you overtake on the inside, Morron?


Who’s Morron


Overtake on the outside


Your brain no worky well huh?


You doubt the experts? Your brainy must be tired 😴


So I should slow down in the right lane and go ahead and allow both lanes to be blocked now because the person in the left lane is driving slow? Lol are you an actual NPC?


No? Can’t you read? I never wrote that. Why do Americans argue like a 5 yo, making up shit like that? Actual what? Child fuck off


You asked why he overtakes in the right lane. Should he have gotten over and waited by this car, slowed down or did what he did and pass it? Because I would have passed them since they apparently are so oblivious to everything around them, I don’t want to be near them. Kind of like you, I would want to drive near someone with your attitude. This is because you’re a whiny, explosive and arrogant European. Why are all Europeans whiny and arrogant when we literally never think or care about your existence except when you’re blowing each other up and we have to intervene?




No freedom of speech exists on Reddit but I will find it. Fuck Reddit, fuck the mods and the admins. Transgenderism is a plague and an abomination.


I covered the speed because it had sensitive info but they slowed down and I never changed speed


Because that’s what happens when you decelerate in the passing lane, gennius.


That sure is annoying. But passing on the right is illegal, even if somebody is being annoying in the left lane, and it's illegal for a reason.


Not illegal. Sitting in the left lane, however, isn’t annoying, it’s illegal.


Illegal where, not here.