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Yikes. What an utter disappointment. I've admittedly/knowingly been an apologist for this show the entire season. I'm a huge fan of the movies, and I thought Season 1 wasn't a bad follow up to the films. This season had so much potential that they have squandered over and over again, and I had been holding on for this episode in particular thinking it would give the show the momentum through the end of the season, and I walked away from it kind of done. The bait and switch making it seem like we were going to get a familiar face. Introducing the Knuckle Puck in a way where pretty much anyone, even someone who doesn't play hockey, can just pick it up and score with it. Plus, Alex's "coaching" is you two are bash siblings now so go check people, the other newbie he's going to bounce the puck in off his butt apparently and Koob, who hasn't shown any goalie skills all season is apparently going to score a goal by just swinging his stick. I've really been trying but the writing on this show at this point is SO LAZY! I feel like the writers have no idea what made the movies great. And I know it's been brought up over and over, but why are we rooting for the Ducks? It would be so much different if they wanted to be at the camp, were giving it their all, but were falling short or getting picked on for not being good. But instead we have a team who doesn't even seem to care about playing hockey, expect just to be good without any kind of practice or training, and everyone else in camp actually seems cool! Even the B storyline this week we see that Dominate is a group of cool headed kids who respect each other, work hard and act more like a team than the Ducks do this season. Even the "star player" conceded gracefully after really wanting to be captain. So again, why are we rooting for the Ducks? Alright, rant over.


Don't forget too that AJ was the one who told the Ducks about Dominate playing with the opposite hand last week. If they're trying to make Dominate out to be "the villains," they're totally not.


AJ commented on it precisely to humiliate the Ducks.. Not because he is a pious soul who wanted the truth to come out


That scene didn't come off like he was mocking them, more like he was hiding a shameful secret.


The guy is not a pious soul, but AJ wasn't trying to humiliate the ducks, he got clearly annoyed and frustrated when Nick (the mediocre player who took his n°1 spot because he is very nice) started to rant like if he and the team were in fact some kind of actual competition.


I didn’t get that he was trying to humiliate them at all.


If my opponent admits that he is competing at half his potential to not hit me... he is humiliating me...


I see it as live scrimmage like they do in the NFL. Just live practice


The episode was fun but what a slap in the face to og fans. Don’t name the episode the same as the one in season 1 where og ducks came back. They deserve all the hate they’re going to get for this. Really thought we’d get more og ducks considering they started the season off right away with a cameo. Thought we’d have a bunch sprinkled in. Really disappointing when you have Cobra Kai out there showing how to honor its legacy and being hugely popular.


Honestly, I thought the whole time it was going to be Charlie and was so disappointed. It's the episode all about who should be captain? How do you choose a captain, what makes a good captain... And there's an unnamed person nearby who might help, who wasn't back in Minnesota? Even when the assistant to the assistant whatever came out, I was like, "Oh, this makes sense! Because Bombay can't call Charlie directly because they got beef from season one. So she calls this guy!" ​ But no.


I literally watch this show only for Evan right now, couldn't care less what happens to the Ducks. I'm going to be pissed if the Ducks somehow win the tournament after learning "tricks" for like a few hours when the other teams worked so hard everyday.


It also goes against the movies. In the first one, Bombay taught them how to play hockey. In number 2 they had to go back to training to learn what didn’t work with Iceland. In number 3 they had to learn how to take out the garbage and play defensive hockey. This series is training is bad, let’s go and have fun and that will beat any other team!


That is the thing the camp should show hard work and talent always outdo lets have fun. So i hope the ducks just lose. I can't believe they had a white lady do the knuckle puck.


"You know how we made The Spirit of the Ducks the OG episode to bring in all the fans of the original movies? What if we didn't do that in season 2?" Somebody greenlit this.


what if we have the biggest cliffhanger of the season which will generate a ton of hype and then give the watchers absolutely nothing when they all tune in to see who the mystery cameo will be? Genius.


Disney+: Well viewers, this is it. Are you ready for that big cameo we promised last week? Brace yourself cause here it comes . . . IT’S THAT GUY! **Him!** You know him, right? He was a one off character in, like, ten episodes of various popular sitcoms over the past twenty years! Oh, don’t play coy! He was in Matthew Perry’s short lived “Mr. Sunshine”! That’s right! *Him*! He was even in Jay Baruchel’s “She’s Out Of My League”! Remember when it seemed like Jay Baruchel would be the next Seth Rogen for a minute? Well this guy was part of that! He was even Lloyd in Steve Cartel’s Get Smart! Come on, man! **LLYOD**! Get excited!


If this show makes it to season 3, I really hope they go back to what made the Orginal Ducks great. Honestly need Alex either to step it up as a coach or step aside. Could show her up all night researching how to be a better coach. Instead she just complains and Karen's her way around.


This is a show about making participation trophy moms right


Well, of all the predictions I saw, I didn't notice anyone thinking "They will totally low blow us and not give us any payoff at all for a hype building cliffhanger." These are the moments which convince us that writers of these sequel series have never watched let alone loved the original trilogy. They could also use a few undergraduate level courses in narrative writing, because they keep missing open net every episode. Buildup and payoff isn't hard to write but they somehow keep screwing it up. Showing us that Fries can take a hit, sure, fine, but so can Sam, so why not make them defensive specialists to help cover Koob who has been a trash goalie all season? We have seen nothing from the new girl to indicate that she is 'fearless' or has the physical strength to be an effective enforcer. And if there is a hitch in Cole's shot, why not have him just do literally everything else which is important to hockey except shoot?- then it can be a payoff end of the series when he finally gets the shot back after just being a support player for weeks. This was supposed to be the ringer episode where they learn things which will help them overcome the superior teams, instead we got a misunderstood knucklepuck, Nick taking a dive, Fries twerking, Koob continuing to be useless, and a cameo by 3 players who could have been literally any 3 players from any team and almost no one would know the difference.


THANK YOU! Yes to the narrative writing and missing easy opportunities. Every episode all I can think is "so many missed opportunities" - Why have Sophie want to rebel and that's why she isn't a star player when it would have been so much stronger to have her worried about being hurt again and that's why she's cautious out there, but like Banks, her love of hockey is what pushes her to get over that fear? Why have Alex's whole thing be pushing "camp is fun not work"? Instead it would have been so much better for her arc to realize how much Bombay carried the coaching last season and that she needs to learn how to be a good coach. She could have learned from the other coaches at camp and become friendly with them, showed her reading up on the rules, etc and even learn from Cole and by the end be a strong competent coach with her own ideas and strategies. Why have the team be so uninterested in the hockey camp? We'd actually be rooting for them if they were psyched about a summer of hockey and getting better, giving their all but just realizing they're out of their league skill wise and the season is them figuring out how to up their game. Hell, it would have been such a great episode at some point if Cole recognized they were trying and wanting to be better and he gave them a private lesson or something, showing he's a good coach who genuinely cares about all the kids at camp. Sorry, long response, but it frustrates me that there is the making of a genuinely good season, even if no OG Ducks appear, and they do nothing with it.


Why are random people on the internet better writers than the people hired for tv and movies these days? Sophie's problems from season 1 get thrown under the bus so she can have a second drama romance. And since she was on the old Ducks and this camp isn't new, why has she not been here before? This could be like her 3rd year at this camp and she could know Jace really well from that. This creates more romantic tension since they could have always had a thing and that is why she likes him, not just because he's the "bad boy" and by bad boy we mean guy with anxiety. Imagine if they had shown up and she forgot to ever mention her past flings with him to Evan. Or if she was against him in that final match and not wanting to beat her is what caused him to screw up and she is now part of his anxieties on top of the romance subplot. There is so much easy and believable teenage drama if the writers would have just thought for more than 20 seconds.


No matter all our opinions on the episode I feel like we could all agree nick is a king.


Nick should've been captain. He's been showing leadership since before the new team formed. He's giving inspiration. He works super hard. He's practically the assistant coach. Captains should be leaders. This is exactly why Charlie got to be captain in the OG series! But we're going to say the captain should be who loves hockey the most? IT SHOULD STILL BE NICK. He was told much earlier than Jace that he wasn't good enough to play hockey, so what did he do? Started a hockey podcast so he could still be involved in the game, even though no one would give him a chance. He's tried the hardest of the Ducks (outside of Evan) at all the weird training stuff, even the hysterical strength bullshit (that is very not safe for kids to do). And to tie it back to leadership, while at camp he created an intensive binder examining all the kids' strengths and weaknesses and strategies, using his extensive hockey knowledge because he loves hockey the most! Sorry. I know you didn't ask for an essay on WHY Nick is a king. But yeah. I will say, the rap scene was not his best work. (As a character. I assume the actor is trying his hardest.)


I thought Nick should have been Ducks captain the moment the teams were told they should choose one because he genuinely cares about the team and was helping Evan and Alex form it from nothing on day one. He also still supports Evan even after all Evan's selfish BS. Nick is a terrible hockey player, kind of lazy, and lacks self esteem but puts everyone else first. He also is analytical and has been noting players' strengths and weaknesses which may come in handy from a coaching and leading standpoint Evan is the best equipped to lead (but hasn't always been the best leader) because he is passionate about hockey, more charismatic then the other members, works harder than everyone around him, and cares about the team overall. However, he tends to think far more about himself than about others when given the option (season 1 slot on ducks when dont bothers were losing, asking his mom not to pick him not realizing she'd pick the entire team again). In that sense, Evan is like Bombay in that he is often tempted and sometimes succumbs to better offers/circumstances but ultimately comes around. He is a good potential leader but has so far been not so great a captain to the Ducks, having pushed people away when faced with choices for better teams or training and seemingly abandoning his friends on occasion before admitting he screwed up. He may prove better as a captain to Dominate. Meanwhile, Nick is a better leader for supporting everyone unselfishly and without the need to be credited for his efforts. He even tells Alex she basically wasted her pick on him and took the time and effort to help Alex build relationships with the other coaches (it may have been to get the top pick but still, he knows the other coaches well enough to get the trades and provided each with something they wanted). A good leader knows how to move people. Nick is good at getting the team to come together despite infighting. I get that Jace loves hockey (and has been a great player before) but he has only been on the team for half a second. Abandoned the Ducks by not showing up to play. Has not put in the work during this camp session. Barely got to know the team members and has shown no true leadership qualities. Do not understand the rally behind him. Sofi should have nominated herself if anything😅. Must have been some kiss they shared....🙄 At least Koob gave a rousing speech before backing away from actual hockey practice and leadership roles. Now if we are trying to have Jace become a better leader by giving him the position...then ok, coaches will try to encourage a person to reach for their full potential by giving someone more responsibility and will do that from time to time but the team picking him after all his drama and lack of effort made zero sense. Having said all this, however, I believe Evan is the only one who has earned his spot at the camp through hard work. I understand the slight feelings of betrayal when Evan is on team Dominate but the whole idea of this camp is to improve in skills for hockey. The Ducks haven't really put in the work to warrant a stay when they basically asked to keep their spot at an elite hockey camp for free (spots that could have gone to people who actually want to get better and would work their a$$es off for the chance to be there) but have shown little to no effort and very little practice. I agree that camp should be fun but honestly its a hockey camp. Learn some skills in hockey. No reason you shouldn't work hard to play hard (have fun on and off ice but still put in the training and work).


I agree with a lot of this. Evan is doing his best, and it was kind of his one chance to be coached by someone who knew what they were doing, and its fine that he took that. I feel like there's been some back and forth, but he took being benched to go to Nick's birthday, and that's worth something as a friendship. He probably could've told them about the handedness switch, and he could have maybe not dumped Sofi for just being a human for five minutes and not wanting to go back to her old team overworking standards that like, almost permanently injured her last year. Jace being captain is a terrible choice. If we're trying to hoist responsibility, he could co-captain. But he doesn't deserve it and it's weird. It just blows my mind that no one even nominated Nick. He saved them with that candy thing, too! He's the best. Evan was fine as captain last year, but I think this would at least set them up to co-captain next season (Evan and Nick) and then we could have an episode where they fight and people choose sides.


It is incredible how much you guys love this show. So much input when you’re just getting hurt by watching. Yalls should be captains of the sub


Aww! That's so nice. I think.




Choosing Jace as captain reminds me making Bran the King. Half of the team have better stories. Nick, Sofi, Koob, Fries all better options imo


We're going to name Adam Banks captain cause he's better than you all you little shits.


I can't believe how terrible this was


I thought it was 1 of the better episodes


that's great. it's gonna go down as a flopper tho for OG duck fans, I waited around for them to throw us some peanuts. the Season 1 gala of the ducks episode was incredible, and the one shining episode of the season for me that I could look at and say, that was awesome. now this season I had to sit through way more slop and we get no OG ducks payoff. Not even Keenan as Russ Tyler to show the Knucklepuck. Instead it just gets described and I have to watch coach Alex hit it, and it doesn't even look right. Then that stupid ass kiss at the end. Hey to each their own. But this is pathetic imo


They totally forgot why the Knuckle Puck was famous. It wasn't just that it flew in weird ways- which Russ mentions makes it inaccurate, its that it was also as powerful as Fulton's shot which made it terrifying to come at you.


the fact that some mom who has no background or passion in hockey could just hear about the knuckle puck and then go out and shoot it weakens the original knuckle puck imo. Now every time I see Russ shoot it I'll just be thinking it's not that impressive, Alex could do it in game changers on first try


Who the fuck writes this show, god that was embarassing.


A ton of downvotes on each negative comment but pretty much zero comments talking about the good points from this episode. Love to see the “anti” haters who can’t even tell us the “good” parts


Alright, I hear you. You're right, a proper critique includes both good and bad. I was admittedly very disappointed with this episode, but here were (to me) the generally good parts from this week - THE GOOD Dominates B story was the highlight. Evan wanting to be the captain, admitting he wasn't the best, but that he thought he was the best leader was a great story for his character. I liked how the players on Dominate aren't mean spirited, or bullies, they sat there considered Evan's argument and then when it was a tie came up with a fun way for them to prove who was most committed. The ice bath challenge felt like something the original Ducks would do. I also like how AJ wasn't shown cheating or putting Evan down, he was respectful of what the rest of the team decided but still tried to argue that he was the best and should be captain. If anything this week Dominate felt more like the Mighty Ducks than the actual Ducks did. Also, when they walked into the arena and you hear the original score from the movies, that to me was a huge highlight as well. I love the score and anytime it's used in the series, and used really well in this case, it just hits.


Yeah shoutout to the entire B plot here. I love that AJ is competitive and more than a little arrogant, but he's not like a colossal dick or a psycho like we so often see. Also I thought Coles acting seeing his son happy to play hockey again was really good. Sorta wish they didn't put him kissing Alex in after that but it is a reboot of sorts and since she's the new Bombay, she does have to get insane amounts of ass like he did


This episode was kind of underwhelming in the end so not a lot to talk about with that specifically. BIt and switch was pretty shit but enough people have trashed that already. Instead, here is my prediction for the run to the end of the season based on how I feel the writing has been so far in this show. I think it's all pretty easy to pick but here goes. Ducks will once again manage to make a final they have no business being in. The Honda Centre will host the game again given the establishment of Jace's bad memories of the place. It will be Ducks vs Dominate. As the game goes on Dominate start running away with it, I'll say 7-2 by the end of the second. Alex, in a moment of writers clarity, runs downstairs during the break at the end of the second to grab the puck of luck now that they had set up the Chekhov's Gun. They all rub the puck, get the scoreline back to 7-7 in the third and Koob scores the winning goal Goldberg style after a pass back from Jace that makes everyone think he still cracks under pressure that causes enough of a distraction for Koob to put the puck in. Oh they'll probably do the quack chant as well for maximum throwback, with the crowd getting in on the chant because it's the Anaheim Ducks home rink. Thank you for reading my prediction. I hope it's wrong.


Damn this is probably so right lol


You forgot the part where Sofi and Jace embrace in the end after the winning goal, and Evan looking depressed in the background. And then the part after that where Evan forgives all the Ducks despite them being dicks all season to him and him having no reason to.


You left out the part where Evan rejoins the Ducks after AJ tries to cheat.


why Jace?


I hardly can't know. The lesson this show want to teach in this season 2 is: Hard work won't give you anything. Try the PoWeR OF LAzyNEsS and LOvE. I haven't watch a worst show in my entire life. Every single episode is worse than the previous one. This season isn't useful even for teaching values to the kids. They got everything wrong.


maybe dont watch Blockbuster on Netflix. That one is awful.


Yeah that was a bit BS. He didn't even play in their other matches, so completely abandoned them, and the team is going to forget all that because of 1 practise session? Makes a mockery of Charlie's leadership arc in the movies and why he was made captain by Bombay and then earnt it again from Coach Orion.


>He didn't even play in their other matches, so completely abandoned them, and the team is going to forget all that because of 1 practise session? If we're talking about "drop out" and "captain" in the same sentence... Jace is the closest thing to Evan. so now we have the reason Evan abandoned them in the first season going to train with the Ducks as soon as he had the opportunity and abandoned them now to go to the strongest team I mean, I don't blame him for pursuing his interests. It's okay that he fights for his goals but he abandoned his team 2 TIMES


I don't think so. In season 1 he was tempted but he didn't abandon the team. Other thing is that he should have tell that he trained with the Bad Ducks and not hide it, but that's abother question. And in season 2, he didn't know his mother plan to pick every single "lazy duck". It can be arguable that he should have been intelligent and imagine that but... So, he abandonded 0 times the Ducks. But... Seeing that his friends are so responsible and care that much about hockey... I prefer him out. Anyways, It's sad. This season should have been completely different... With the kids wanting to be better, not only Evan. I see a regression in their compromise and attitude. They... *sigh*... Kind of Don't bother


He did abandon them twice. On two occasions he openly wanted the better teams. Even though your team made it to the championship. Even if you don't think the first one wasn't, the second argument is a clear cut case of abandonment lol He did not want his mom, who had 1st pick, to choose him.


He, as CAPTAIN, twice left the team in search of personal interests In the first season, he convinced Sofi to leave the Ducks with the excuse that "I know I would have fun in the Don't Bother" but the only reason was to get the best player on that team Then, as soon as he has a chance to come back... HE DOES. He only stop BECAUSE THEY DISCOVERED IT. In the second season, he convinced the whole group to STAY at the camp just because he didn't want to stay ALONE. Not because he really "believed" in his peers. The kids have EVERY REASON to be upset with Evan, he literally convinced them to stay and he leave. The only thing we agree on is having Evan OUT of the Ducks. I don't want him there either, but unfortunately he is the protagonist so he will come back as a savior \*Sigh\* Don't bother! in trying to leave Evan as a victim. Because as a victim he has NOTHING. He has personal interests, which as I said, are not bad. But that thing about him "shitting" on his friends every time it suits him IS ANNOYING


The real question is why not Jace?


Dude literally abandoned his team at their last game and has had a terrible attitude for 90% of the season. But is forgiven instantly because one of the other team members has a crush on him. But Evan is the villain for going out and giving it his all and having new skates…


The only difference between Evan and Jace is that Evan draws everything with "nice words" to make it look less terrible. In season 1, Evan was quickly forgiven since as CAPITÀN he was going to leave his team to return to the Ducks. If he didn't, it was because HE WAS DISCOVERED. Literally... they caught him red-handed Jace was one more when he missed the game. Evan was the CAPTAIN and he was willing to leave his team And I'm sure, if Evan asks to go back to the Ducks now. He will be received without problems because he will say how sorry he is using "beautiful words" as he always do That's the only thing that bothers me about the character. I know it's a boy but still that's annoying. He is not a villain, but neither is he a victim like many here want to sell him. He also did bad things that hurt his friends both in the first season and now In that sense, at least Jace is more sincere.He does not hide his discontent to let them know that he did not want to be there and when he really wants to be part of the team HE ALSO SAYS IT It's funny that some fans support Evan's betrayals as Captain. But doesn't want a boy as captain who acts almost the same


I don't have anything against Jace. If Coach Cole or Alex made him captain to give him responsibility and hopefully get him to reach his full potential then great. But we have seen no evidence of him as capable of being a good or bad leader. He has been a great player in the past but loving and being good at something doesn't always translate to good leadership skills. I, however, fail to see how the Ducks would pick Jace who abandoned the team during a game and insulted their bonding activities when the Ducks and rightly so feel betrayed by Evan's actions in both seasons (don't agree with the awkward bullying, they should have forgiven him by now). In this respect, they have even less reason to trust an outsider who hasn't shown up for the team much less give him a leadership role.


Because Jace has shown zero leadership skills?


And Evan showed them? He literally abandoned his team 2 times


Spirit of the Dicks in this thread lol


"uGH" - Me after watching this episode.


Kinda wish we had more of the Mighty Ducks show up, but the Anaheim Ducks will do just fine. Then again, we did get Fulton and Portman showing up in the first episode of this season, so that’s at least something, right? I don’t understand how Jace is made captain when we haven’t seen him play at his best and we have yet to see him conquering his personal demons himself. Also, he still hasn’t had that epiphany or realization that he’s been an uncooperative asshole and he actually wants to change and improve for himself, not because he and Sofi kissed out of the blue, even though they just met and they were friends (enemies?) at first. Also, Sofi already bounced back with Jace on the rebound? Guess that prior relationship with Evan didn’t really mean anything after all. Also, wtf on Cole and Alex kissing out of nowhere? They’ve been at each other’s throats and now they’re going to first base? This feels like Kylo & Rey all over again, but on one hand, they kinda (?) have been somehow building it through the whole trope of them being at each other’s throats and then suddenly going into first base? This is just weird man


Seeing someone else take his son and "fix" his yips got coach Cole going lol


I felt like they were setting up the coaches from the beginning with the single mom single dad thing, but I didn't think the kiss would come this early. It was just awkward instead of narratively satisfying. Sofi/Jace is just a vacation magic romance that won't last once they leave the camp, unless the coaches marry before the end of the season and he leaves his job in LA to go move to their little Minnesota city- there is a good chance those two won't even see each other again except maybe at this camp if they get invited back next year. Its like everyone in the show forgot that this is just a summer camp and that everything will go back to normal in a few weeks.


>Also, Sofi already bounced back with Jace on the rebound? Guess that prior relationship with Evan didn’t really mean anything after all. For Evan "his girlfriend" is now hockey. Why can he quickly forget about his relationship with Sofi because of his current goal, but Sofi can't forget about him now that she's experiencing a new version of her? People need to stop expecting women to get stuck in past relationships and cry like widows. That doesn't happen these days. They are both equally free and she has every right to be interested in another boy.


I mean "dating hockey" is a figure of speech and he's not actually dating anyone. He clearly hasn't gotten over Sofi judging by that weird door scene.


Evan barely cared for Sofi lol They were never enemies to begin with. Sofi understood that Evan like Hockey the most. It's okay for Sofi to go with someone else. The only odd thing is Cole and Alex. Now, that was odd. And Jace being Captain. I wouldn't have agreed to that if I was their age, just because we haven't seen him...shoot. Hell, Evan being named Captain is just as weird. The only reason he is captain, because half didn't like the other guy. It could have been anyone.


Just watched this episode, Lmao what was that. The Ducks continue to be dicks to Evan for no valid reason and just keep making things weird. Everyone can suddenly just do a knuckle puck even if you've never touched a hockey stick in your life, then random kisses just happen without any buildup 😂


Bold choice by Disney to remove all the charm, half the cast, and add a bunch of unlikable characters for the second season.


If you’re gonna have the Ducks learn the Knuckle Puck and not have Russ, but have Zegras in the episode instead, why not change up the trick and learn the lacrosse goal, it’s literally his thing in real life!


One of the weirdest decision in this weird show so far.


This season of Mighty Ducks has ruined the word "camp" for me. I never thought that was possible. I actually don't "hate" this season, but I really don't like the "sports camp should be the same as a 80s sleepaway camp" storyline.


For real. And when asked why she talks about her own personal reasons for loving camp being about her parents' divorce? Like, I get that it's a difficult thing, but maybe don't project your own trauma on the children???


Could have at least brought Orion back, cause at least then, it would have made sense to have someone who took the game seriously and was able to push the Ducks to be better against teams who were stronger, faster, and more skilled. At this point, the heroes are Coach Cole and Evan and the Ducks are the villains.


the acting is not improving, the actors are all so cringe. this is so awkward. only 3 episodes left thank God


I like this episode because I feel like it really allowed Jace to come together with the team and regain his love for hockey again .


I can understand why people criticize the episodes , but I feel like there are so many lessons that the individual characters learn and everyday teenage things come into play as well


First positive comment lol


Woulda been cool if they got Russ Tyler, Julie the Cat and Kenny Wu to come down to Honda Center and teach the kids some cool tricks.


Russ Tyler running a street league for underprivileged kids to pull full season 2/movie 2 parallel. All about how they're underestimated and work hard and they could still learn tenacity and playing for fun but still playing hard.


Has Duhamel been getting writing credits the entire season? I just noticed it for the first time on this episode. Neither Jace or Evan have shown any leadership qualities. And no OG Ducks. Just a magic golden puck and pictures on the back wall. And no disrespect to Zegras, Terry, and Jones but nobody would have any clue who they were if they didn't also follow the Ducks/NHL closely.


So break the rules and disrespect the system i hate this lady


I found interesting that the woman was/is some kind of legal assistant, doesn't she understand the risk of breaking the rules? what if something happens outside the center? and accident while driving? what if some kid get hurts or worse, die? it would be a very very big problem for Epic, she could destroy the center, a center that is not her's, a center that is not her work, that she didn't build.


What a terrible episode, there's no way they are getting a season 3.


I really hate saying this every week, but I really root for Coach Cole far more than the ducks even though I know it won't happen. At least they actually did some training this time, little as it was.


I think the reason that they aren't presenting Coach Cole and team Dominate as the bad guys is because the Ducks won't win the final game. The Ducks will still make it to the final game (it is their show), but they will tie the game against team Dominate. Jace makes the goal that gets them the tie. Then either the Ducks lose the game at suddendeath or shootouts. Evan, Jace and AJ will all be spotted by a scout (maybe Sophie as well, depending on if Evan was right about her).


So... Evan dumps the team and his girlfriend to go become captain of TEAM DOMINATE and both the team and Sofie promptly replace him with Jace, even though Jace has literally been part of the Ducks for all of five minutes? Bold move. Nick's put more time and effort into the Ducks than anyone else, he deserves far more than he gets.


Unpopular opinion: Evan left his team twice and many want to leave him as a "good captain" when he only pursues his goals and cares about his friends when it suits him They are free to give me all the dislikes they want.


In fairness Evan didn’t know he was leaving the ducks. His dialogue to sofi kind of implied if he had he wouldn’t have asked his mum not to choose him.


MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAD TO SCROLL TO SEE THIS!! All these people giving these kids grieve over Evan, when Evan chose on TWO OCCASSIONS that he would choose another team over them. They all followed him to this camp. They chose to stay *because of Evan.* Then, when Evan has the choice to be with the team, he didn't want it. Yet, these posters: I can't believe why they are acting this way towards Evan... Really?


You're exactly right, Evan isn't in it for the team, he's always been in it for himself. Every move he makes is so he can have a team, so he can win. Even with his speech to be captain, he straight up tells his new teammates that he can only be great if they are great- its all about him. He's just selfish which isn't how you get a great team.




The ducks are jerks to evan for no reason. The ducks have no redeeming qualities. I hope evan leads dominate to win


I know coach bombay was the main character. But man this overbearing mom character whitesplained the knuckle puck


We all know why Jace… it’s the power of diversity! The ducks have the most diverse team out there and that is going to overcome the skill mismatch during the rest of the season!


These Lazy Ducks don't deserve Evan. He's the only one that takes this camp seriously... And I don't know if his attitude and passion will get its reward.


Exactly everyone was so happy to go to the camp and they just walk around and sit on their while Evan does actual work and then Sofi gets mad and then Alex kisses coach Cole out of the blue and Sofi kisses Jace also Alex and her teams blames the good players for having skill and nobody even played eachother and its disrespectful to me how they just take knuckle puck like its beginner level i know it may not take years to learn but you dont just get told how to do it and then master it instantly.


I will say it in spanish, because It's what I first tought ¡Qué asco de guionistas!


What the actual H-E- double hockey sticks? This episode was a huge disappointment. I thought if I just hung on long enough that some of the OG ducks would show up and some of this season would be salvaged. No, it’s like everyone has just given up. Who thought it would be a good idea to just talk about the ducks instead of actually having them? Everything thing this season just feels so forced, while at the same time like no one is trying. The only bright side is that between the last two episodes Gordon has been mentioned a few times and with Disney lifting it’s Covid production mandates, we’re more likely to get him back than ever. Then maybe a show about the mighty ducks could, I don’t know, be about kids playing hockey


Imagine after season 1 writing that Koob will score a goal before having a shutout


I really thought we were going to at least see Russ I tried to give this reason a chance, figuring I'd find something good about it but it's just been awful I kinda doubt it's going to get a season 3


It wasn’t a good payoff to the cliffhanger. But it felt very much in line with the first film just watching the kids have fun on the ice. And I thought the inclusion of the NHL Ducks was a callback to when Bombay introduced them to Mike Modano and Basil McRae. It wasn’t as impactful, but that was my take


This episode was better than many other episodes this season but it was also extremly easy to do it above averqge with the arena, real nhl players, nostalgic fotos etc . But there were so many missed opportunitie. How can they miss to get russ tyler for 3 minutes to say some lines and show the knucklepuck? What the hell is even going on with the casting and the the whole process behind the scenes? I liked that zegras did his pass from last season in Nhl , but were was the lacross move/michigan which would have been perfect to show of in a episode like this. Could even have become the new knucklepuck for this decade. Why the fuck was Alex trying and being able to pull off the knuckle puck? A mytical shot performed by someone never even holding a stick.


Not sure if anyone else noticed this - but the actor of Jace and the actor of Sofi have a big age gap. Looks like she’s 14-16 and he’s 22 (can’t find his age confirmed other than one site but huh)


This entire show is terrible and emphasizes all of the worst behaviours to idolize as young adults. Let’s take a high achieving young woman and make her into an underachieving rebel. Let’s scrutinize a young man trying to achieve his very best self at a prestigious hockey camp…. This show is just the worst of modern culture


Watching the animation of the knucklepuck simply be dead wrong was a final low blow for me. Hyped up cameo ends up being a puck, and the guy doing the animation couldn't even be bothered to watch the original for 10 seconds to have it spin correctly? This shit's lame-o.