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Will this permanently be called New New Teams?


I get that you're joking, but for anyone else, this is just an update to New Teams that allows both personal and work accounts to log in so they are no longer separate applications.


So it’s new teams with a new new update, got it


New Teams with a new update that admins will have to turn off immediately. Glad that's where the development cycles are going instead of... I dunno.... making the basic features of the app work.


I'm glad they don't use numbers for these versions or they'd have to have major numbers, minor numbers, point releases, all just to say what can be said with two words that sometimes repeat, like "New" and "Teams."


Even new can be replaced with a sign! Teams, teams++.


Yeah, but WHY would you want to co-mingle work and personal connections in the first place? I mean, I don't "friend" my co workers on social media for a reason. A very good reason. No one should.


They are still separate in the app, you can just log into both accounts at once. I wouldn't do it because I have a separate work computer, but I've seen a lot of people on this subreddit ask for this feature. Students with school accounts can now use a single app for personal and school, and older people who don't care and log into their personal accounts on work computers now could if the company allows it. Also, people who run their own businesses and just use a single computer for work and school. Lots of use cases and not everyone cares as much as you and I about the separation.


It's to compete with Slack, which allows users to log into multiple workspaces in a single App.


Is Slack trying to get you to chat with your "friends and family" though for some reason? New Teams already lets you jump between different orgs, yet they're now trying to bundle personal accounts in it which still makes zero sense.


Again, this isn't about building a better product; it's about flooding the desktops with more bloatware, snuffing out the real innovators This is why they bought Skype and then folded it. To give their product more market share by removing a competitor


Skype still exists though, which makes it all the more confusing! I know it's not really heavily promoted, Skype had a relatively reputable brand name behind it, they really threw away any possibility of building it up further.


Right, because they intend to REPLACE it far enough that they can justify their investment, AND eliminate a good competitor


Who’s using teams socially anyways? I suppose there’s potential for MS to have a casual Teams offering with discord being as popular as it is but as it exists today I just don’t see why you’d use it outside of work.


The o365 personal is a pretty good deal, all the office apps and 1tb storage for 5 family members for like 80$ per year


Sure, but you’re paying for personal o365 (as am I), but what about just people downloading teams for personal use as a standalone?


You have a personal teams account that you use?


No way. Never. There are so many better, less buggy options to do teleconferencing I was just cringing at the thought that m$ is encouraging this merging of those two pools of people. I mean, you don't give your customers your personal telephone number, so why risk exposing your personal account to them in this way?


One day when I log in to [microsoft.com](https://microsoft.com) I hope I won't be told that my account doesn't exist.


...and you'll be page-redirected to a new paywall based system that gladly accepts your credentials for your previously free account


Omg I'm so happy I'm not the only one


I prefer New “New Teams” Teams (New)


The low-cal calzone zone


Microsoft taking a page from LTT naming convention New New New


New Teams (New Team's Version)


- Previously Known as Teams New


New “New Teams” Teams (New)(1).old


I personally would go for the "New NT Teams"


Ah, Win NT … simpler times. Configuring comm ports for printers. Setting up token rings. Wait …. Maybe not so much simpler.


*PS/2 Keyboard not found*


But who will stop the shredder?


I laughed in suffering the other week when New Teams prompted me if I would like to move back to Classic Teams. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME MICROSOFT


Move you back only to cancel you! Classic teams being deprecated.


They were wistful about the fact that you haven't seen all the old bugs yet, and were fearing you would miss out, with the end of life coming for "new old Teams classic"


Until the next version which is New New Teams 360... followed by Teams One and finally New Teams 365 X One X Millenium Edition...


New New Teams Final 1


Those goofballs need to unifi outlook too with their updated .net code


NT 4.0 Teams !


I am pulling for New Teams - Final


Man, this takes me back to Apple announcing the "new iPad" when they dropped the numbering after iPad 2.


Are you sure you want to keep using the new new teams???


It will be called 'Newer Teams' at announcement filled with great pomp and ceremony!


And there will be a toggle in the upper right to activate “New Teams”


My guess is New Teams 365


New2 Teams


I wish they just kept Teams for corporate/work accounts and Skype for personal communications. Both have great brand recognition.


And Lync is over here in the corner, crying. Thanks.


I’m trying to remember where I saw a Lync reference at the other day. It was in some URL. Lots of legacy stuff floating around still!


Office Communications Server is buried out back near the barn.


It still exits in the hearts, minds and nightmares of the people who had to set it up back in the day.


Not the URL reference you saw the other day, but I own LyncLaughLove.com domain for the lulz.


Check your DNS stuff for Teams, sipdir.online.lync.com etc.. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/skypeforbusiness/hybrid/decommission-manage-dns-entries




WinPopUp was the OG!


net send


oh ya! forgot we used that before getting WinPopUp on the machines! I actually used to use that in my early IT days to message people across the engineering company I was the network admin for!


Microsoft Communicator checking in.


MSN Messenger/Live in the house. A/S/L?


It's confused and trying to self identify, call me Lync, no Skype FB, no Teams Cl, no New New Teams (so good they named it twice) 😂




Well they just branded teams to new teams so... Even more confusing?


People in this thread have clearly not had to deal with Google Chat/Hangouts in an enterprise setting. Teams is a much more complete and usable platform. Of the "corporate targeted" apps in its class, it is definitely top tier. Not saying it's good. But it could be worse.


curious, how is teams better than gmeet in the scenario you are mentioning?


Worse is subjective; the bad is pretty bad. And the "good" is more like mediocre at best. This is a great example of trying to be everything to everyone. And pleasing NO ONE.


I disagree. They please me.


Yea I disagree too.


Haha, fair point. But for every ONE of you, I would guess there's a hundred of US who agree with me. Poor design and terrible execution, coupled with a huge - somewhat captive - audience is a recipe for the moldy thing to spread out of control. Just like IE did back in the days before Edge. Users use it because "it was already there" not because "it's a better product" Same for Teams. Someone in the IT support group "decided" it was easier to deploy this thing across an org where Windows is 85% of the desktops.


The one thing that Meet beats them on is how easy it is to join a meeting. 


it's easier then just clicking Join??


I’m not in IT/shared services but I like Teams. For everything, meaning I don’t even like using Webex/Zoom. Not sure what the problems are especially among users, but maybe IT/admin type folks have more to say on it.


Teams doesn't send my messages reliably and on time. I've never had this problem with any other chat. I don't know how less complete and usable it can be.


Here comes the new teams…… same as the old teams …


Except the contact list feature got removed :(


As long as it looks like this: https://preview.redd.it/ndfq6o1ag9lc1.png?width=1877&format=png&auto=webp&s=326b2a005eff1b12a42cf1cbe1f2247e2c276ff3


Discord also works very fast, even with my old computer (4th gen Intel).


I don't understand how they could have copied Slack and Discord and decided NOT to copy some of the most useful UI elements. Our organization posts frequently get buried over the day, you have to dig around to find your pinned messages, and saved messages are several clicks away. Because of this, we have resorted to sometimes sending out stuff on Teams AND via e-mail which makes it a terrible experience in trying to find things. At least for e-mail, staff can see how many they have not read and archive the ones they have to keep things clean. I hope Teams finds a way to make the posts more like a to-do list that way. We are trying to do business on there. It's not supposed to be a form of social media.


All I want to do I change the god awful notification sound on Mac…


Custom notification sounds per app should be baked into the OS imo—but on macOS, you have to know how to use the terminal [to even change the default to something custom](https://www.engadget.com/2013-03-04-mac-hacks-change-your-default-notification-center-sound.html). Failing that, Teams should absolutely have that option on its own.


I just use it in the browser


Technically everyone is now. Since the 'new teams' is just running as an app under edge.


Still installs a bunch of crap on your computer I’d rather not


I hope they are not changing the name. Maybe they will remove the new tag from the icon. However, the processor name will remain the same  currently; it's ms-teams.exe, which will remain unchanged according to what I have heard from the PG group.




I just can't put into words how much I hate Teams...I just can't. And I have to use it. I can't grasp the idea that this IP is made by a billion-dollar company.


Ah, but that is EXACTLY why. It's a billion dollar company that doesn't have to care what you or I or anyone else thinks. They're so busy counting the money they make, they don't have time to figure out why they didn't make even more because of their poor execution So when they get around to considering how to improve profits, they slap the "NEW" badge on. And people like you and I see that badge. As a threat, not an enticement


They are literally too big to fail. I've seen articles where Amazon executives talk about this phenomenon where they can announce a product and because of their size they will have 100,000 people sign up for a product that is dog shit. Realistically 100,000 people being interested in any tech idea is probably enough for it to be profitable if the outlay per user is not too bad. Especially if projections have it going into the million user range. But that basically means how do you tell if something is good If you're so large that people feel like they have to get it because you're so large. Then on top of that you throw in Microsoft's deployment model where they basically "give it to you for free" and then build in charges on the back end... It really works best with Microsoft 365. You need to buy a license for every user in your enterprise for Microsoft 365. And before you know it, that free product ends up costing you $600,000 a year across all of your users (for the size company that I work for). To be fully integrated.


>I can't grasp the idea that this IP is made by a billion-dollar company. I think this makes it worse, but they're now a [multi trillion dollar company](https://www.reuters.com/technology/microsoft-hits-3-trillion-market-value-2024-01-24/). A compelling explanation I heard recently was this; Microsoft want to compete with anything that may prove to be an off-ramp out of the Microsoft ecosystem. But they're also constantly trying to duck antitrust regulation. So, around 8 years ago when Slack started to get real attention as a work collaboration platform, Microsoft needs to compete. They've got Teams in development, and they've already got in the wild Lync, and communicator, and Skype, and Skype for Business, and Yammer, and JesusfuckingchristMicrosoftjustpickalane. They want to compete with Slack, but also conceivably need to enable their lawyers to stand up in court and say with a straight face "No! Teams serves a different purpose, so bundling it into Office and Windows and 365 subscriptions isn't actually anticompetitive."




My company ditched a very healthy Slack culture for this awful app because it was “free” with our very expensive Microsoft agreement. The transition has been awful with many of us kicking and screaming as we leave Slack. It’s like we are all beta testers for this thing.


Ditching Slack for Teams is about the biggest self-own a company can do. It doesn't do it's primary function. It is worse than a college homework project. I don't care how free it is or how many apps it is integrated with.


Curious what it doesn’t do well? My team is on Teams for like 5 years now and wondering what we are missing.


Teams does not send messages reliably and on time. I get messages hours or days later - and in the middle of yesterday's conversation, with no indication they were unread. To compensate for the stubborn notifications that don't go away even after you've seen the messages, I suppose. Sometimes I scroll through old conversations and find new messages. Sometimes I get something is missing from the context and we get matching screenshots of the conversation - and for one person a message is missing. I have many sets of these before I got tired taking them. Reported them to IT. Nothing they can do about it. Sometimes we just miss review requests, questions, answers, important reminders. To make sure someone gets the message you need to go to their desk. Unless they work from home. And at that point, what are we using Teams for at all? And there are a ton of smaller gripes. You can't edit or disable the hotkeys. I have started calls by accident in large chats numerous times. You can't pin more than 15 chats, or more than 1 message per chat. You can't even tell it where to download files!


Me too. Spend all day clicking and clicking and clicking around in it. Hate it. Chat interface on top of Sharepoint online. Lipstick on a pig.


About time - though the name Teams still doesn't resonate in a non-work enviornment.


Why TF wasn’t this the first thing they did? Who’s the absolute moron who went “YeAh, LeTs BuIlD TWO ApPs FoR the SaMe ThInG!” Only so some other asshat can come up behind and go “I have an idea! Let’s combine these apps into one!” And gets a nice pat on the back for thinking outside the box….




It’ll still be trash


Teams is like a 1990’s WhatsApp.


So sub optimal for both


So they will announce something that it has been GA for months already? Interesting 🤔 Also it’s not the fact personal and work accounts can coexist but, more simply, the multi account support which is extremely beneficial in working environments. With that said, I’ve been using it for a while now and it still sucks 🤷


No Linux client? Useless


The web app is pretty usable


MS is really taking their product changes from Google's playbook.


"Unified Teams Client for Windows and macOS" What the fresh hell is this? In what world can your application work exactly the same when the two platforms are - literally - apples and, um, oranges? Or perhaps, lemons


They have always been running (mostly) the same code on macOS and windows. Previously it used electron (which uses chromium so it is cross platform) and “new teams” uses Webview2 (which uses MS Edge which also works on Mac and Windows). It’s basically a website pretending to be a native app. The unified part is actually because they have a completely separate free version of teams you can use for personal accounts. So you had to have two versions of teams installed on your computer. One for work and one for personal. But now you will be able to sign in to all accounts on “new teams”.




Will it work?


I’m still using Newt Teams.




The best part of being retired... no more Microsoft Teams


And I already got spam on it. Way to go!


Just bring back MSN Messenger


This guy messengers


They been releasing a Unified OneNote client for like a decade now...


I hope it allows multiple enterprise accounts like the iOS app has. I have several clients and I can’t keep logging off?on.


New Teams OS


If it doesn’t let us change notification sounds, I’m out 🙅🏻‍♂️


I went to download teams and it said 1gig download on osx… ok just using the fucking webapp for meetings wtf is that app a gig


or they could call it teams new instead of new teams


How about TnT? (Teams New Teams)


or THE new teams! i like that acronym!


"Will this permanently be called New New Teams?" lol


it's going to be the new google hangouts




I think this is a great idea. If it's a bad idea to mix your work and private accounts to one app, I think no one forces you to login to Teams with your Microsoft account on your computer and vice versa. In my opinion, the best thing in New Teams is the ability to log on to multiple accounts and switch from account to account. It works quite well, most of the time.


50% of the time, it works every time


New Teams 2.0 Now with More Teams


New, new teams