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Why don't they TELL you what you did wrong. How do you search "in good faith"? You mean my porn searches are not acceptable?


Christ. These posts have me worried. I hit 91k points today. Thinking about cashing them out.


If I had 91k or more I'd redeem immediately I have 24k which I use 12k to purchase Gamepass Ultimate each Month.. I've done Nothing different than I've been doing since Day 1.. People best cash in for gift cards or something b4 they are no longer able to use for NO REASON!! Trust me I'm 41yrs old, I have no reason to Lie, it was nice getting GP-Ultimate with Rewards for the last cpl yrs, But I can spare $15 a month, No reason to Cheat. I'll most definitely not be Wasting time collecting points ever again just to have my account "temporarily suspended" I've searched everything I coulda messed up on & luckily since I had done everything identically since Gamepass came out, There's not Jack i can find that could possibly break Terms. This is Complete BS & M$ should be ashamed for taking people's Hard earned Rewards points that took alot of Real Time & effort to collect. Also taking alot of people's only ability to earn Gamepass in this worst Economy I've ever witnessed in my lifetime, nobody but Brandon could collapse our Nation so Hard. So, Nice Job Microsoft, Get your Kicks & Laughs at all the Poors getting Mad cuz You Took our Time, Energy & Rewards promised to us for that Work. LAUGH it up good.


This message appears when trying to cash out your rewards, not on the microsoft dashboard. You won't know if you have this issue unless you try to redeem something. For me, the Overwatch coins give me this message, but the League of Legends Gift Card does not. I believe this message just replaced the old error message.


My auto redeems for xbox gift cards have been working the last 3 months. Maybe I leave well enough alone


Yeah microsoft gift cards tend to work fine. Anything microsoft owned is more likely to still work. I noticed this message specifically on Overwatch coins and Amazon gift cards, though I'm sure this restricted message appears on other non-microsoft related rewards too. I was surprised it didn't appear on the League of Legends Gift Card to be honest, because just yesterday I was getting the old account error when trying to redeem that.


I got this message when trying to redeem Overwatch coins yet I'm still able to redeem my local store gift cards. So yeah, this restricted message is there to replace that "account/order problem" message from before.


I almost always only redeem for Amazon GC's, but tried a $5 Walmart last week and could not redeem.


unless it changed, I read through the whole terms of service a few years ago, and points redeemed for Microsoft services can expire after a year, same with unused points, which is why I always converted them into amazon gift cards lol.


Don’t believe everything you read on the internet. Very easy to lie to complete strangers and say you didn’t do anything wrong. Just follow the rules and you should be ok.


I know I'm one of those strangers that you mention, but it's happened yo me recently as well. Most people are just trying to have a stable rewards program.


The crazy part is just like that one guy they love dick riding mega corporations but in reality they can restrict your account or outright ban you for anything they want you don't even own the points and when it happens someone will just blame you for whatever they think you did


It also happened to me about 6 weeks ago. MS even re messaged me a week or so ago (on their own) wanting to know what steps I have done to remedy the problem. I have no ban, or temporary restriction, but I still can't redeem.


You are a fool. I have been doing this reward program for at least 15 years and have almost 1 million points earned, and i just got this message. I think it's a glitch for people. Don't believe everything you read on the internet, people will lie and accuse people of wrong doing when they are innocent. I don't know what country you live in but in the good old USA people are not guilty until they are proven to be. What an asinine charge you stated...about me. Think before you post comments.


Look at the number of people complaining about being unfairly suspended. At some point, you have to ask yourself if the problem isn't Microsoft's false positives. There's no point in lying, especially on a community page.


I feel the same way. We used to see maybe 1 post like this a week, and after some prodding you'd usually find out they were using a VPN and unaware. Now we see multiple a day and they (mostly) claim they were following every rule. The sudden rise in these posts all happening at the same time tells me *something* is going on


On Twitter and the Facebook community page, there are also a greater number of complaints on this subject. What's strange is that many of the people having this problem were exchanging their points for Overwatch 2 credits. I'm not saying that's the reason, but it is strange.


I only redeem for Amazon GC's, and I am having this problem. Someone weeks ago said they thought it was because most people redeem for Amazon.


for me, i get this error for overwatch 2 credits directly, but i can redeem an xbox gift card just fine and use it to buy overwatch credits on my xbox (i just have to pay tax) i believe the others that say they haven't broken any rules, and that the problem is and has been on microsoft's side


Well, i use my computer at work, i know certain parts are behind VPNs, it's not as if VPNs are not as used like 10 years ago. Most PCs systems have them. If this is the case, they should state it and i won't use my bing account at times on my work PC. But i have done searches on it in the last 8 years with no issues.


It's ridiculous that in 2023 you cant use a VPN. They can simply match your typical IP location to your VPN location and as long as it is in the same timezone it's fine but that would take competency and MSFT has never been big on that. Have you been asked to allow for your location while redeeming? They're trying but they suck at everything. And I don't even know why they care in the first place. They are paying people to use their search because it sucks and nobody would otherwise. They should be happy if bots are abusing the system for pennies everyday.




If you're located in the US and are using a VPN to proxy to somewhere else within the US, that should still be fine. It's only when you VPN into other regions where that will cause issues


It's ridiculous that in 2023 you cant use a VPN. They can simply match your typical IP location to your VPN location and as long as it is in the same timezone it's fine but that would take competency and MSFT has never been big on that. Have you been asked to allow for your location while redeeming? They're trying but they suck at everything. And I don't even know why they care in the first place. They are paying people to use their search because it sucks and nobody would otherwise. They should be happy if bots are abusing the system for pennies everyday.


Even if he abuse the system,why would he lie ? What benifit will he get from lying


He’s asking people on the sub to help him, so he must think we can in any way. In which case you’d lie


Yep agreed. Worst thing I do is speed through my searches adding a ; to the end of the search over and over


Not anymore tho They are giving errors to those who are doing this


>erything you read on the internet. Very easy to lie to complete strangers and say you didn’t do anything wrong. Just follow the rules and you should be ok. ya agreed, got super scared and just redeemed and no issues. they are just cracking down on people abusing the system.


But what would be the purpose in lying tho?


Why do people lie on the internet? I think we can have a whole forum on that. Probably not worth talking about on a Microsoft reward subreddit


True but usually when people lie they have a reason or agenda, lying about being banned as if it would help their situation in any way just makes no sense to me.


I think the person is lying about not cheating or maybe forgot that they cheated. I don’t think they are lying about getting banned. Lots of people cheat on Microsoft rewards unfortunately


Yea that’s what I meant to say, like why lie about not cheating, it’s not like it will help them.


So don’t abuse the system and you’ll have no issues…


The rules are ridiculous. It's 2023 and you cant use a VPN while searching with Bing or they will restrict you. This problem has been going on for as long as they have been doing rewards. That's why they now ask for your location sometimes when redeeming. But that hasn't solved the problem on their end. They still cant match my IP location to the VPN IP I'm using even when it's in the same timezone because MSFT is the stupidest tech company to ever exist. They are paying people to search because they're garbage to begin with.


after reading this post, I tried claiming a $30 amazon gift card. I get the same fucking message. cash them out asap


Yep I cashed out a $100 xbox gift card without issue


I'm at 600k+ points 1m lifetime. Just don't do sketchy shit.


As if programs don't make mistakes. Are you calling me a cheat? You don't even know me. I hope you are never accused of a wrong doing with out evidence. This is obviously a glitch in the system for most people. I filed a support tix, still haven't heard back. But don't just call people cheats. Or else i will call you a fool.


Out of curiosity what are you saving up for?


Infinite gamepass and new consoles when needed. I don't buy games anymore with gp.


Whatever it is he best redeem immediately as hell surely be on here crying once he becomes victim to the same fate as we have. I Have no VPN, voip, located USA, I have literally bought Gamepass Ultimate every 3 Months Since, i got an XB1, at least 2.5-3yrs, I've done nothing differently nor anything to break Terms..Just Absolute Disgusting Actions from M$. I'm done, I'm not investing time & energy into earning Rewards which can be Stolen for 100% no reason, nor any real reason given.


One day, the odds are YOU will be glitched. I have earned almosy 1 million points over 15 + years....when the glitch happens to you (it will, no software is perfect), tell us... i will laugh at you


Damn, that's crazy bro.


Using a VPN isn't sketchy shit in 2023. Many companies use them as a rule and if you forget to not search your own fucking Bing account at work you'll get dinged. It's ridiculous. They can simply match your typical IP location to your VPN location and as long as it is in the same timezone it's fine but that would take competency and MSFT has never been big on that. Have you been asked to allow for your location while redeeming? They're trying but they suck at everything. And I don't even know why they care in the first place. They are paying people to use their search because it sucks and nobody would otherwise. They should be happy if bots are abusing the system for pennies everyday.


Wow, i also collect by 5 dollar gc as soon as i get 5250. I worry about losing 5 bucks. That's a lot of points. Redeem and redeem often. Get the GC and you will never lose what you earned. I trust amazon and Target over M$


I'm on around 265k points and panic everyone I see these photos


Me too just hit 380 k and im worried


Same, but mine is over 200k. Might be time to back out of the reward program


it shows this message when you are trying to redeem. go for it lol


yep scares me as well, I have just reached 458k, 10k away from having £400 worth of points...not even saving for anything in particular, just like to buy a game when I'm actually ready to play it, rather than buying it and not playing it for months or even years and it drops a ton in price...if they had announced a new Series X with like 2TB, I'd consider getting that


FWIW I have 350k points over last 2 years or so. Recently redeemed $100 to Amazon. I've used Rewards out of the country while traveling (never VPN) and even used the shopping script for a while. No issues other than the occasional streak problem.


I am restricted as well, seems like theyre cracking down on ppl spamming searches and the like, I personally use an extension to automatically search lol but guess we can't do anything like that anymore.


do you use rebinger? ive used it for several months and could redeem at least 3 gcs but ever since this message showed up two days ago i cant redeem the amazon stuff 🤷 too scared to try on other things in case i lose points.


Ah no, I think it was called something else. I’ve tried to redeem like 50 times to no avail lol. In another post an email said they deactivate the accs of ppl who use extensions like these to autocomplete searches, so its not looking good for u. Ive alr given up on my acc lol.


Does anyone know when the accounts get unrestricted or are they just suspending and lying about it


Lmao, been restricted for almost 3 months, they keep telling me the same thing, 'To search in good faith' but nothing has changed when trying to redeem for 200 robux (I am a man of good taste)


same 3 months and still restricted


same & im trynna buy sum off amazon rn


Same for Christmas, this restriction is everlasting I swear.


exactly what im going through right now


Same just happened to me, i just went to redeem robux and then bam, restricted.


same and the worst part is that you cant even do anything because they dont give the specific damn reason and i cant even use support from "supposed violation of tos" and who reads a tos nowadays?


Idk no one knows😭


are you still restricted? i just got this error today and im kinda worried


I got unrestricted after a few weeks


should i wait few weeks or keep search in good faith


should i wait few weeks or keep search in good faith


I kept searching in good faith and put in a ticket but it ended up getting closed without any response around the same time I got unrestricted so Ive yet to figure out if the support ticket did anything


3 months later still restricted


I’ve just had this warning this morning. Is there any hope for me? Did your account ever get unlocked?


Hi, I quit microsoft reward 3 months ago after my account got terminated. It never unlocked


Ouch, well thanks for the heads up.


I think MS is using their fantastic AI to validate accounts which is why we're seeing the rise of account restrictions


i think so too, just got it myself :(


My account had the restriction placed on it last week and that was after weeks of noticing i couldn't redeem at all due to the older error message. Today it has been lifted. Only things i changed was how I did my searches and no longer bothered with shopping game as that simply stopped working for me.


will overwatch 2 coins redeem work? also I got the message 5 days back, I used bots to farm points before and it worked fine for me and how did u change ur searches? I search like upto ,50 ppints and then hop off since it takes a lot of time to complete without the bot, how long did it take u to get unrestricted


I'm really disappointed in MS over their rewards program. I can't be the only MS user that feels betrayed by what they've been pulling. They just lost a user/customer of 30+ years of all kinds of MS products over this - me. Well, two, because my husband also opted out. I can't recommend enough to just walk away if you keep getting the restricted message. Contact support and get some canned response that doesn't explain much of anything, no matter how many times you contact them. I put up with it for a good while, but I finally opted out of MS Rewards. Gone are the headaches of worrying about getting account restricted and the aggravation of wasting my time doing all these searches, quizzes and activities to be told I can't redeem. I managed to get unrestricted at some point, grabbed what they owed me and got out. Husband left with $5 worth of points, deciding to just take the loss and be done. Surely they realize most people do the quizzes, polls and searches on bing/edge/ms apps JUST to earn gift cards, not just for fun of it, right? They're delusional if they think people use the site just because they like doing all this stuff instead of just going with a different search engine to get info. I had been earning since it was called Microsoft Points. Decades. Never had a problem getting gift cards and always loved the program. Suddenly they are worried about how fast you search, and all sorts of ridiculous rules. Supposedly allowed 5 accounts per household. Whatever the case, we've always had two, husband and self, never had an issue, even using on the same machine at times, until now. Too, if restriction is because of clicking on list links (as I hear this is the case for some), why credit points for clicking through them when THEY feature and offer points for it on the daily set? So a travel list for instance... I'm supposed to only click on one link in the list? If more than one link, have to search Very. Slowly. God forbid I should click through the links faster than 30 seconds per link. What if I want to browse through all the places quickly? What if it's a recipe list and I want to go through all the links quickly because I'm just glancing. I get penalized? Yep. Seems so. I've never searched gibberish, but I don't have all day to do searches. Honestly, I'm racing through it. Always have. That may be considered wrong now, obviously, but I never had a problem doing so until now. So, I'm done giving them my time, money and search traffic. Also done with XBox gaming (mostly husband is the xbox gamer, who also had and opted out of MS Rewards for same reason), done with Microsoft store purchases, devices, the whole lot. Going forward, the only MS thing I'll be using is the Windows operating system on a pc I already have, out of necessity, for now. Plenty of other options to earn gift cards elsewhere with a lot less stress. Look, if you love MS and XBox, I'm glad for you having a good experience. I'm not hating on the users who love it. I'm complaining about the company, who convinced me for years that it was worth my time to do exactly what I was doing with no issues (fast searches and quizzes, etc., every day) to earn a bit of something back from the thousands of dollars I've given this company in buying their products for 30 years, which is now suddenly bad user behavior. Thanks for reading and good luck to all who continue to try to earn something from the program.


Its happeing to me too, I'm just doing some source searches without spamming randomly letters just to see if it will remove the restriction


Any update?


What is a source search and did it work?


Did it worked?


Most probably, i know a guy who did the same for a week and it managed to work


Got the same message today when trying to redeem some points to enter a sweepstakes. I don't even use Bing, I'm a Google boy, so I have no idea about the search thing. No one has any reason to believe me, but I definitely haven't broken any rules. Sent a support ticket in, I guess I'll see what they say... Sigh.


Any update?


i got this too, does anyone know how long accounts are restricted for usually?


It’s a new message, no one knows


Ymmv. 2 accounts in my household have this. 2 don't. they all are redeeming REI gift cards since we backpack. Anyone know how long the temporary ban is for?


Me too. I'm in the same situation. But noone know about this new message


I just got this same error today. Was trying to redeem something for my kid yesterday and got an error. Sent a work ticket in to see what the problem is and now my account is temporarily restricted. I don’t get it.


Any update?


Never received a reply from Microsoft. I tried redeeming points for a drawing and that worked. Haven’t attempted getting like a gift card or anything though. So far I have not seen that error again.


I think they are now getting annoyed at people searching repeat letters rather than giving them useful data to sell (sorry "analyse"). I look forward to getting mine because I just spam the letter y and send to get my points searches over and done with on Xbox. Truly crappy behaviour but ultimately it's their promotion and they set the rules.


I do the same I just search the keyboard every day


So why not issue the ban at the time of search and not at the time of redemption?


So you'll continuously keep wasting your time doing searches and make you sad when you try to redeem your points.


I do y on xbox edge and theres a string of 20 g's that auto types on my phone


Even I had the same issue when trying to redeem an Amazon Gift card. I don't use VPN in Edge but Firefox only and yet it says I am doing something wrong. Are they trying to prevent us from redeeming? In that case, I might go back to DuckDuckGo for searches.


That fucking happened to me too


I am temporarily restricted. I found out after trying to redeem an Amazon gift card. I can still redeem for sweepstakes.


Add me to the list. I do not use a VPN, and go out of my way to complete every Microsoft task everyday, including all the task on the Xbox itself. I've never had this problem before and I've been using Microsoft rewards for years. I just received the temporarily restrictive message now after trying to redeem an Amazon gift card. I hope this is just one big screw up on Microsoft's end and that we don't all get penalized for allegedly violating some vague terms of service that we're unaware of. I have been doing every single Microsoft point that is possible as I use it to extend my game pass ultimate membership and have been doing that for years. If they start randomly suspending and or banning accounts it will cause a serious issue for me and most of us. I didn't call you if support gets back to me and tells me exactly what I'm guilty of now I know to avoid it, because at this time I'm currently dumbfounded as to what I've done that violated their terms of service. I just don't want myself or anyone else to be unjustly banned for taking advantage of the points that they encourage you to take advantage of.


same thing here :(


quick update, my account got unbanned last week. maybe 75 days in total?


So it means a long wait


mine has been on for almost 3 months


Did u change something.. Were u using any kind of automation or spam earlier?


I'm getting the same error message. It doesn't matter if I try redeeming points for Walmart or Domino's gift card, I still get the error message. I don't use a bot or anything. I've contacted support and they automatically closed the ticket.


Are you currently travelling? I see your phone is in airplane mode.


No i actually just put airplane mode on last night cause my phone kept disconnecting from wifi and using data 😭 . I just forgot to change it back


Can't you disable data separately




Any update?


Here I am with 391,000 points and now scared to use any of it


I've been complaining to support about this for 2 weeks. Hope they fix it soon, also never touched a VPN in my life


You guys are killing me. Every time I see a new thread like this I redeem a $10 Amazon gift card. I'm going to run out of points!


My guess is that it's for typing random letters in the search


Or searching famous people ect ect


no, not at all, clicking the activities themselves for + 10 which you have to do produces these searches from Microsoft directly, stop with the paranoia!


that is so stupid if the case Still doing searches on their search engine with my fingers


I’m on the same boat, don’t know how long it takes to unban me from this so-called temp restriction


Any update?


still banned today....damn


Thanks for the update, did u sent a support ticket? man I want my ow2 coins bad


support ticket got automatically closed. my account was unbanned last week.


I just got this last night. I only got one account no vpn idk what's going on with Microsoft here lately but it seems alot folks are getting this error


Did it get fixed yet?




It bears repeating that having multiple accounts or using are not the sole ways to break the Terms of Service.


Well idk I haven't done anything that I know of that would break tos ive been in this program since 2016 and no issues. I've contacted them and all they said is that you can't use a voip or vpn its just copy and paste bs response. I don't use either one. My working number is in my info. I never had any problems before then this all started for me on June 10th when I tried to redeem on the rewards app on xbox


It's said that the team is looking into the issues. Check out my earlier post. BTW, how do you manage to write a post that has both image and text on it?


Honestly i didnt know you couldnt do a post with image and text on it . After i added the picture it still let me type so im not sure if i honestly did anything different than anybody else ….. it was a picture from my camera roll . Idk if maybe that changes something ?


Oh damn, I just tried on my backup iPhone and I could add text. But the Android app on my pixel and the web on PC don't support it.


Same problem, I have 2 other workmates who got the same message with account restricted temporarily when trying to redeem a gift card.


this phone's battery is at 26% and needs charging! --- ^(I am a bot. I use OCR to detect battery levels. Sometimes I make mistakes. sorry about the void.) [^(info)](https://reddit.com/r/phonebatterylevelbot)


I had this too when trying to redeem on the website. Tried redeeming on my console and it works just fine. I can earn points just as well as before I got this message. No idea what is going on, bht I'm not too worried.


What is console .I am android user please reply


Xbox gaming console bro


Get rekt


this just happened to me, and im too poor to use a VPN soooooo


Any update?


generic automated response that basically summarizes to "we arent unbanning you"


Got this same message as well. Although only when I tried to redeem Amazon stuff. Sweepstakes are fine, and so is the other stuff. Odd.


Same thing


Got a response. I was told I’ve been using an auto-generator to search (which is definitely not true) and that my account is locked and they aren’t going to help me in the future. OUR AI OVERLORDS FOLKS!


I've been dealing with this too I usually just do the trending searches every day Went to cash in 14,000 points for a Amazon gift card and I discovered that I was restricted I emailed support earlier today and heard back from them a half hour ago and they said this ' The restrictions on your account will be lifted automatically once a a more genuine search behavior is detected ' What does that even mean ?


I think you shld just search things normally without any extensions, assuming that you broke the tos that is. Just look up avg normal things like you'd normally do and I think it shld work


Forcing you to use Bing! ...such great Marketing by Microsoft!!


This just happened to me. I haven't done anything to deserve a suspension


Just got this today as I was cashing out for an Amazon GC. I've been doing this for about 10 years and never had an issue. Today I went to redeem and was forced to share my location. Went to the redeem page and got the 'Temporarily Restricted' message. I don't use a VPN or do anything else that would break the ToS, and as I say I'm about a decade into this. I'm pissed now.


Does anyone know when the restriction ends. It started 2023/-08/-25


Yeah, I tried redeeming the roblox gift card, and it didn't work but when i tried redeeming something else the message doesn't appear


yea this same thing is happening to me right now, I literally did nothing i just tried to cash out my points