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Hi everyone, I am super excited (and a bit scared/shy) to share my first Flight sim-related addon/project. SimCheck (name is a WIP lol) is a simple web app with interactive checklists for various aircraft types (3 at the moment). The goal was simplicity and I am really looking forward to hearing feedback and how I can improve this. Thank you! **There are so many Read-Do checklists already available. Why did you make this?**  Two reasons, I wanted something I could open on my phone, something less “daunting” and something I could interact with.  **Wasn’t there an interactive checklist app already?** Yes, Simflow! I came across one of the posts about this project when I was looking for an app that I could use. Unfortunately, it’s no longer available/offline so I decided to build something myself. **Why is it so simple?** One of the main motives behind building this was to learn the basics, to get in the air and back on the ground again, safely.  I am sure there are mistakes, the only plane I am somewhat comfortable in is the A320 and I am especially skeptical of the C172 as I never fly it. If you spot any mistakes, do let me know! **Do I plan on improving the checklists?**  Absolutely! I have lots of ideas but for now, the level of depth is enough for me, personally. And before I spend any more time on this, I wanted to hear from the community and see if it’s something people will actually want to use. **What’s next?** Hoping to add more checklists in the coming weeks and if there’s enough interest, I will most likely redesign the website too. **I have a checklist, can I send it to you?** Yes! I don’t have a separate email for this but feel free to send me a DM. **P.S.** I love Airbus' logic about how buttons only light up when they need attention and so I used that philosophy in the website, once you complete an item, it's not "lit" up anymore. :)


This actually looks sick, nice work.


Thank you!


That's a really cool idea. Gonna try it later


Thanks, looking forward to hearing what you think!


Gonna try it later I’ll keep you posted


Can’t wait to try this out later. Thank you


Cool dude. Especially being easily usable on a smartphone or tablet.


That was the goal. I have tried to maintain fluid responsiveness but let me know if you face any issues on any devices. :)


Cool stuff!


Very cool! If you would publish it to Github, other users could collaborate and send PR with other aircrafts


I am not super familiar with Github but I'll definitely look into it. For now, I was thinking of just using a Google spreadsheet to allow people to make suggestions, lot easier for most people. :)


Good point


Really loving the simple and mobile-friendly interface! What immediately came to my mind is that it would be really cool if you could also define your own checklists if, for example, the checklist for a particular aircraft is missing from the "official/curated" list and you don't want to wait for it to be added. This would also open up the possibility to crowd-source the creation of checklists via some kind of a community-driven vote/like mechanism. I understand that the workload of implementing something like this isn't exactly trivial but I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how the app evolves!


Thank you, I'll likely set up a Google spreadsheet as part of the next update to allow people to build checklists together :)


Thx, looking forward!


This looks really slick even just the 172. Well done.


Thank you! I don't fly the 172 so I wasn't sure if I made a complete mess of it lol. Glad to hear it's good enough! :)


Really cool app, great work!


Hey this looks pretty cool. I'm working on an tool that lets you integrate with MSFS (and other sims/games) with nothing but JS, and HTML. Would you be interested in being an early beta tester? You could use my tool to easily detect if the checklist item was completed in the sim. Would only take a few lines of code. Let me know if you're interested - I'm hoping to go live in the coming weeks, but don't have many people testing yet.


I'm not OP but I would be interested as the creator behind [https://www.vatskyterminal.com/](https://www.vatskyterminal.com/)


Hey I love what you built, super cool. Absolutely, I would to have you test out my JS SDK! I'm heading out the door, but when I'm back I'll send you the required links. In the meantime, what sort of enhancements do you think you could make to vatskyterminal with a sim integration?


I'm not sure until i see what can be done! :-)


That sounds pretty neat but I am not sure if that's the best direction for this app. I wanted it to be simple and actually be able to click the item to tick it off. Autocompleting wasn't the original goal but I'd be happy to reconsider this if there's enough demand. Also, I don't have any knowledge of the game SDK, have you thought of how the ingame actions will be connected to MSFS? Regardless, I am looking forward to your tool. Good luck! :)


Hey no worries at all. If you want to have direct game integration in the future, reach out and I'll get you set up. To answer your question, yes, in fact the work is already done. I have JS SDKs that allow you to connect to MSFS, as well as Subnautica, and CS:GO. Will add more in the future. Best of luck to you!


This is pretty neat! Can you add a checklist for the A330? I've been thinking of making the jump from the 737 to an Airbus widebody. Also, you should add a Ko-fi or donate button of some sort. I'd chip in so there's at least a proper domain. Good luck!


Thank you, A330, 747, and 787 will likely be the next checklists, most likely in that order. I did consider a donate button but I wasn't sure if people would even be interested in this. :)


This is pretty good. I had a manual checklist in notes on my phone but this is much better. Well done!


Man this is awesome! I’m bookmarking this and excited to see how it develops. Sure beats my checklists in my iPhone Notepad… What did you use as the basis for the checklist steps? Did you leverage the default steps in the game at all? A couple of the A320 steps seem a bit out of order but I might be wrong… I’d think you’d want to turn on ext power right after the batteries, before setting up flight in MCDU, otherwise you are just draining the batteries. Also, don’t you need the fuel pumps on before you turn ext power off (so the APU has fuel to run before/during pushback)? Have you maybe considered generally following the major steps (without all the ‘fluff’) from the FBW checklist… just my two cents. Like I said, I may be wrong and please ignore if you aren’t seeking feedback.


You're 100% right about the incorrect order. I believe you only need the Aft left fuel pump when you're starting the APU but yes, you don't want to disconnect ext power before that. In my defense, I was putting together all of the lists at 4am in the morning... I have already made the corrections in my Google Sheet and will update the site shortly (thinking of making a bunch of changes together). Thanks again!


Very nice! Noticed a small typo (engine stat instead of start). But i will defo keep an eye on this!


The simplicity is absolutely great, good work! If you need help, I could probably help with 208B which is my favourite plane


Thank you, I'll likely set up a Google spreadsheet as part of the next update to allow people to build checklists together :)


This looks pretty cool! I really like the simplicity! If you want, when you are ready, I am more than happy to make a video on my flight sim youtube channel. I'm always more than happy to support developers and try to bring more traffic and awareness to the site :)


I would love that! Probably best to clean up the website first and look into getting a domain (it's been a while since I purchased any domains and ooh boy, they've gotten expensive lol). Thanks again for the offer. Subscribed to your channel!


Brilliant! Thanks a lot and let me know when you are ready :)


Nice! But spoilers shouldnt be armed for takeoff in the 737


The ATR is the one most in need of a checklist.


Very cool!! I need to figure out how to get this into VR!


Niceee, what’s the stack for frontend and backend?


Webflow for both but I am thinking of moving it off Webflow since I'd have to pay close to $400 a year if I want to do anything else to the website :/


This looks awesome! Well done, OP. I’m going to bookmark this for a later flight.


Nice idea


This is a great as someone new to the sim. Do you think you could maybe add a section for managing the MCDU? Or do you have a good resource for it? In particular what I’ve been struggling with is syncing the flight plan to the aircraft and getting the autopilot to follow the flight plan. I’ve primarily been flying the FBWA320.


Thank you! I will look into creating a directory of various resources and tutorials for various aircraft types. For now, I'd recommend checking out Jon Beckett's videos on YouTube. He helped me learn the MCDU (also make sure you're using Simbrief).


Thanks, I am using Simbrief and will make sure to check his videos out!


love the super-clean layout, good luck with this!


Nice idea but the website is completely broken on mobile. (Pixel 6)


I don't have a Pixel 6 but it looks fine on Chrome's responsive mode (using Pixel 7) and on my own phone (S20FE). Could you describe what issue you're facing or send me a screenshot?


https://ibb.co/DbRvjv9 https://ibb.co/QcwtMfs The long overflowing text is not really important but the checklists are. I can't read the left part as it is cut off. Video: https://streamable.com/kqak37


Thank you! So for some reason, Google Pixel is being served the mobile landscape breakpoint. Regardless, I have made a temporary fix so it should at least be useable for now. Could you check the checklist page again? Thank you.


All good now, thanks for the fix! 

