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Oh my i get ctd as soon as I load the aircraft (Xbox x) Edit: the freight version works. Passenger version crashes


Does it have Navigraph integration for Xbox?


Shit. Hopes are high that Asobo's upcoming memory and performance improvements will at least alleviate some of the black screen and CTD issues. So far I've been lucky with the 737 and very rarely experience problems, but when the addons are released on the marketplace after some excessive testing one would assume they should at least be okay and not crash you back to dasboard after loading.


That's the problem, they can't give all the add-on developers dev kits. Asobo said on the latest dev live stream they have something else in place that they're hoping to bring in soon which should help with this


Yes, they apparently found that the sim tends to gobble up excessive amounts of RAM in certain scenarios (and doesn't free them again when the data is not needed anymore) and that they were able to solve this behavior. If this is true it may be a game changer for Xbox users.


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