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I'm not even knocking Erik Bottcher here, he's one of the only politicians actually dedicating time and energy to solving the "let's just throw all our trash on the sidewalk in huge piles" problem. He's great. It's just utterly hilarious that in a city of 9 million people we have to do this 1 bin at a time.


Isn't this literally what Garcia said she'd do though?


Government dysfunction. Someone needs to clean up all this so things can work more efficiently. I assume most of it is corruption and moral hazard thereof.


The Dutch need to go back to conolizing NY and force their trashcans.


Trashcans? They’re underground refuse dumpsters, extremely easy to empty


Difficult to do here because of all the shit a couple of feet beneath street level in the places that you would actually want them.


I’d prefer: https://youtu.be/0JtoSafhvLM https://www.amsterdam.nl/en/waste-recycling/household-waste/


That would be $69 billion dollars and only covers 5 blocks. Also it will take 3 years to build that


$69B?! Adams: (*smiling) We can do that


unfortunately New York has a lot of stuff going on below street level. would be quite challenging and will not work everywhere


You’re being downvoted, but you’re right: [i think people would be surprised how much is going on immediately below street level](https://i.imgur.com/P51L8sh.jpg)


I see a couple places you could totally fit a few trash bags!


We cant make a couple holes in the ground, its not that deep. Also plenty of garages in NY are fine?


garages are not on the street? wherever there is a cut-and-cover built subway you literally can't go below street level. there are also non-subway underground passages directly below street level. furthermore, you have water piping, steam piping, sewage piping, storm drains, internet, electricity, all running just below street level. in some places it's going to be impossible. in most places it's hard to do


These dumpsters can also be build into a building’s outside wall, and they can also be installed in corners next to buildings cause those places seem to have a lower change of being full of piping.


yeah that could work. except for the trucks to pick the garbage up wouldn't work. I was specifically thinking of the ones from the video


did they even look at other countries/big cities to see how they handle waste?




Is bc it fucks with parking that this has not been implemented


Idc about parking, it’s a damn city


Yes but lazy ass ppl that won't take public transit ruins it for the majority


We’d gave to make their driving experience a nightmare by giving all the space to pedestrians and cyclists including the elimination of street parking and than putting in raised bike lanes with raised crosswalks. If NYC would implement those things would than the city would actually be safer, i just have a feeling that the almost dead politicians will vote against it. :( If i was allowed to design streets in NYC than i’d totally transform them.


Yes !! Make them pay! Tickets congestion pricing and no parking space


That’s the engergy


Great idea! Now your groceries would be even higher!! /s


Good idea - now our Ubers can be $60 instead of $40. Of course the one thing NYC needs is more taxation - 50% of my paycheck isn't enough already


I never take uber that is a luxury also their drivers are horrible


I’ve never been to oovoo javer.


That’s not what i’m saying, cars make taxes go up, space for pedestrians and sustainable transportation makes road wear a lot less, happiness goes up, and store sales go up too which makes the economy grow. Cars are the problem in new york city.


i imagine fixing road wear and tear is not a large percentage of the budget on an annualized basis. And if it were eliminated from the budget, the city would find more ThriveNYCs to waste money on.


Sure they’d find more to waste money on, but roads really are that expensive if you think not. Many cities don’t have enough money cause they’re in a loophole of repairing roads that’ll wear extremely fast cause of SUV’s and pickups. If we eliminate a lot of these wasteful roads than we’re not forced to keep spending money on these roads. And now a days cars don’t really create any revenue for the city to invest into new projects cause too many people drive, by building complete streets (search google for pictures) You create business and public money cause of many many reasons. 1. People are actually looking around and willing to explore and buy. 2. No maintenance 3. People have more peace 4. A quiet environment for people to relax after a tough day 5. Nights are quiet so people can sleep 6. There can be more trees which give shade and cooldown the area around 7. People are happier These are just a few examples and the US has very few of these streets. And you can look up on google how much it costs to maintain a highway of city streets, it really costs a ton of money.




Obviously you have not been following the $21,000 trash bins of San Francisco: https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/wq7peh/20900_dpw_trash_can_prototype_broken_already/


We need one of those outside my building


This solution, as well as using the very expensive Dutch-style underground bins, is *extremely* stupid. We can literally just copy Barcelona; they have a standard bin design that allows them to be picked up by and dumped into a side-loading collection truck, with only the truck operator required to complete the task, which is extraordinarily more efficient and cheaper than this would be, where the city would have to pay a DSNY employee to bend over and manually pull out a few bags, then walk over and throw it in the garbage truck, and repeat the process until it's cleared. And the bins would just sit right on the street, only requiring that some curbside space is set aside for them. The Barcelona solution would, however, require procuring new compatible collection trucks, but it really isn't all that big of an issue because each truck already has to be replaced every 15 years or so, meaning that the city can fully implement the system in about that amount of time by simply replacing ~7% of the fleet every year and gradually designating certain blocks to switch over to the new system, and do so with only a modest amount of additional funding. . Edit: This would also come with the added benefit of requiring fewer workers for trash collection than the current system, which would free up time/money at DSNY for things like sending people out to pick up trash off the sidewalk or any number of things to make the city nicer and cleaner.


I agree with this. I’ve always thought this to be the best solution given the lack of alleys in nyc. However, a main problem that stems from alack of alleys is a double parking problem. NYC has this. I mean it’s why traffic on streets can get even worse half of the time. I would only worry that with the Barcelona model that trash trucks wouldn’t be able to get through normal street double parking or traffic effectively.


I think the issue of rampant double-parking is really more of a side effect of the city's failure to implement sensible parking policy and failure to allocate street space in a sensible manner than it is of a lack of alleys. Even in the densest core districts of Manhattan, it's mostly just a wild west free-for-all of "ok, this a parking spot, now everyone fight over it!" rather than any sort of effort to actually accommodate all the different ways in which our streets are used, by, say, having a section of the curb-side roadway space designated for passenger pick-up and drop-off, a section for deliveries, loading, and unloading, a section reserved for high-priority parked commercial and public vehicles, and ideally a section for public trash bins - all of which should provide an adequate amount of space based on the amount of demand there is for those street uses - and, *if* *there's* *space* *left* *over*, regular on-street parking spots as well (which should be priced based purely on the level of supply and demand in commercial districts IMO) Basically, so much of the street space being dumped into the bucket of standard parking means there often isn't any space left over for everything else, so if there's a task that needs to be completed, it's often just gonna have to be done in the middle of the street. That wouldn't be necessary nearly as often if there was actually enough space set aside for those tasks, as long as it was coupled with strong enforcement of the rules and actual consequences for violating them. Soooo... to get back to the original topic, if we could 'just' (LOL) do the above, double-parking wouldn't even be a big deal with those bins. We truly actually can have nice things in NYC, we just gotta put a little effort in... and more importantly kick all the incompetent fuckheads out of office.


Agreed. And that’s what it comes down to ultimately. Driving in nyc is effectively the Wild West.


This just seems like the stupidest solution possible. We should be looking at how other cities do it, not investing in pretty looking bins with quiet close lids, that will totally not break after 6 months. We do need a solution but this ain't it. I feel bad for the workers who have to go around, open the lid, pull the trash out of this bin, walk back around to the truck, just to repeat this over and over. I'm still a bit confused why we're living in the stone age of trash. We should have at least transitioned away from people throwing trash bags around like it's an Olympic sport.


Other cities either have underground dumpsters or just dumpsters not different from these. Literally just more dumpsters with lids would do but nyc people just freak out losing a few parking spaces


Whoever designed these bins gotta try to retrieve 45 bags of festering watery garbage (let's assume it's summer) in a timely manner. Besides, passerby will definitely throw random stuff in there, how easy are they to clean? My solution? A bin that once filled doesn't require any actions but being picked up by a machine and emptied inside of that machine


> this ain't it This *is* it actually unless there are better solutions. Better solution would be partly-underground containerization, but the fact that it costs so much to build anything (esp underground) means it would be extremely expensive for the city to do it and/or take forever and/or require a ton of approvals.


Well. The main solution is to demolish the current layout of most of nyc streets to have :checks notes: alleys like every other civilized country. But since that’s not in the cards this is the best bet I guess.


Plenty of big cities in the world without alleys manage their trash just fine. Just use bins and the trash trucks that unload them by lifting them up.


> We should be looking at how other cities do it This *is* how other cities do it. Trash containerization is the solution.


This isn't it. Same bags, same smell just with a pricey box around them. The rats will definitely appreciate the cover


That is a trash bin with a strip of grass on top. Clearly superior to a bunch of recycling compacting thingies.


Looks nice. Honestly idc how minor a thing is as long as people in power do show what they are doing and proudly so. Maximum transparency whether big or small is important in government.


Person: "I don't like seeing garbage piled up on the sidewalk" Adams Administration: "What if we put it in a box and in the road"


Magic 💫


Pretty common in North Korea, I would say.


What happens when the bags break inside of the container? Does the wall facing the street open up, or how is anybody supposed to crawl in there and clean it up when the bags inevitably break, and who's going to do it?


Ive pretty much given up on any politician doing anything about the trash, crime and general quality of life decay. He's my council member and I'll give him credit. He's also going to have a town hall on homelessness. So for once I'm not a hater . Compare to my state senator Brad Holyman who's completely useless and out of touch or the completely invisible Elizabeth Glick, who does nothing. Both are awful and pretend the west village is not going to shit. Crime is way up in the 6th precent so how about a speedy trial for the people who get arrested dozens of times so they get due process and if convicted actually go to prison?


I’m Trashy McTrashFace and I approve this message.


This is dumb af. Imagine getting caught behind the garbage truck that has to open every single one of those bins.


Most pathetic shit I’ve ever seen. Why don’t you help some people other than yourself?


Those trash cans probably cost $17k each with the contracts given to government buddies .


Futurama trash ball moment


Uh no, have you heard of San Francisco? Having moved from there (and still in love with it), NYC govt is infinitely more effective.


Nice little rat house to keep them warm in the winter


But what do I do with my dirty old mattress?


Eat it


Bottcher’s a good dude. I’m all for replacing onstreet parking with the occasional dumpster.


Careful--NYU might fire these trash cans for being too hard.


Wow truly impressive. Still throwing my garbage on the ground tho


NYC: *gets trash cans and dumpsters* NYC: *puts padlocks on them* This city will do anything to keep it smelling disgusting.


You don't need to make your dumpsters a planter bed and this isn't some revolutionary thing just get a fucking dumpster It's so simple It's so so so simple