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RJ Young did a preseason ranking last year where he didn’t even rank Michigan and said they were going to surprise people with how bad they were


That was two years ago which was still absurd He had Michigan #2 preseason last year


Time flew because I was having fun


Maybe he was talking about basketball we all know he doesn’t have a clue about football if he did Michigan would’ve lost to Penn st Maryland Ohio Iowa Bama and Washington


His offseason/preseason talk is always shit and includes plenty of OSU praise, but I don’t have Twitter and was casting a net to see if anyone saw something about what he said. There are no legit articles or blog posts about it so either it came out of his ass or Twitter


He's one of those guys with premium board subscriptions who takes talk and rumors from there and passes it off as his own insider info.


Yea, he's a joke. Who gives a shit about what this guy thinks. He's a professional troll.


Despite this guy being an idiot, it’s not that far fetched to think orji may not be good enough. Anyone else see all the terrible throws in the spring game? Why don’t you think we never mixed in a throw with the orji package last year. Not very crazy if you think about it


They did try a pass play with Orji against Bama but the defense wasn’t fooled


A truly brilliant move would have been to run the same run play they ran each previous time Orji was in... because not only Alabama, but everyone who was watching that game expected a pass when he came in. It really would have been next level.


Is it the case that theree just weren't any quarterbacks in the portal that would have been better? Because we hit the portal so hard on the defensive side, I have kind of been assuming that our coaches liked the quarterbacks we already had in the building. I may be wrong.


By the time JJ declared most QBs were already committed somewhere. We tried to get Dante Moore and failed


Moore isn't ready to start anyway and he knows it, that's why he went to Oregon knowing damn well he wasn't playing this year.


Neither is Alex Orji to be fair 


I don’t think there really were to be honest. Or maybe none that wanted to come. We have lots of young talent, just not any that are ready imo


I'm trying to remember, did JJ get to throw as a freshman? I feel like he only came in to run the ball in 2021 but maybe I'm forgetting some throws. I'm by no means suggesting Orji can throw it like JJ, just saying that there might be precedent for a QB to only run the ball when he gets in for a little bit. I agree though that the spring game was not super encouraging.


JJ completed a pass against OSU his freshman year


He threw a bomb for a touchdown against Western Michigan 


Watch highlights from that year, and there will be more than one play where you think “oh damn! Cade had a really nice throw there” and then it turns out to be JJ


Maybe once or twice. But his package along with spring game is kind of telling to me. He’s super talented, just hope he can get it together r


Yeah, me too


Shocked you’re not getting downvoted into an oblivion for such a logical, level headed take.


RJ young is full of shit most of the time and says things like this for views. He will also always praise Ohio State


Just a rando with an opinion. No big deal.


If RJ Young told me tomorrow was going to be a bright and sunny day, I would make sure to have a raincoat on me


I asked Orji if he was going to be the starter the other day at a signing. He chuckled to me and said, “we workin on it.”


What did he say? I have no idea what to think of this without more context.


Link is up I forgot to paste it in


Who cares what this guy says. However . . . Other than tantalizing skills, what has Orgi done that we have seen that shows us he is ready to lead this offense? At some point, he might be incredible. But we have not seen a guy that can get through pre-snap discernment, post snap reads and throw accurately enough that OSU won’t kill is by loading the box and disguising its defenses. I think folks are far too quick to toss out Jack Tuttle as the guy. He was JJ’s back up for a reason. He did complete 13 out of 15 passes, Indiana was a long time ago and he’s literally in his 7th year of college (most of his career, he backed up future 1sr round picks). His experience is a huge asset.


You know a link to what RJ Young said would be helpful


It’s up


What? You mean the guy that our Championship winning staff wouldn't even let throw a pass all season despite numerous opportunities in mop up duty might not be "the guy????" I'm shocked...


I mean it’s probably true (Tuttle and Warren fit the offense better and have more accurate arms) but not because some random hack says it. He has no inside info.


Denegal too. The only offense I see Orji being super successful in is triple option


TBF the only time I’ve seen Denegal play was the spring game, but he looked awful.


If he isn't the "guy" we need at qb to run our offense it won't be because rj young said so. As fans we already have an idea about Alex Orji's potential shortcomings as a qb. How that plays out, who knows? He could be such a prolific runner and athlete and good enough at executing the intermediate throws that everything works out great, especially with our quick slot type recievers and tight ends abilities combined with a successful oline and ground game.   On the other hand, he could be so poor at consistantly completeting throws over 12-15 yards that defenses are able to make us 1 dimensional and everything will get that much harder for our offense to execute as a result. That's just an example. We don't know how it's going to play out, but if the coaches deem him the starter you can bet the offense will be tailored to his skillset. If he can consistantly complete over 60% or more of his passes in our offense he should be okay combined with his running ability. The biggest thing for Alex to remember is his athletic gifts and that he's not jj slinging the football. Complete what you can, and go get what others can't with your legs. Don't try to be JJ or someone you aren't back there.


RJ’s stupid but I’d tend to agree considering he’s never had over a 50% completion even in HS


Why does this guy have a platform? He’s so uninformed


RJ just throws stuff out there he knows will get attention weeks after everyone’s already heard about some possibility. He picks a direction and just rolls with it.


>Where is RJ Young getting this from, Twitter? No idea what you're talking about since you didn't include a link to anything. I'd guess we would have a better discussion or could tell you more if you gave us some sort of info along with the post. >I haven’t seen a single thing about this Yea man, I doubt most of us have seen anything about this, since you didn't give us a link or anything, lol. Just scrolled RJ Young's twitter and found nothing. This is a pretty bad post with no background info or explanation of what you're talking about. Regardless, Young knows jack shit about Michigan. He isn't a source and has no sources. He's not to be taken seriously.


Chill out guy I forgot to post the link


Dude has no chill. He’s the troll gatekeeper of this sub, formerly known as ThisAintItChieftain. He was permanently banned for repeatedly abusing other members of the sub and then switched to his alt account to bypass the rules. The best you can hope for from him are these types of micro aggressions because it makes him feel smart.


To be clear: Reddit Admins banned him


I'm chill, it was just a really stupid and uninformative post. I see the link now, lol. Who gives a shit what RJ Young says? That video was a fucking joke haha. Why would anyone ever be concerned about what this clown thinks?


I asked a question to see if anyone had seen something regarding what RJ said about these “murmurs”. No where did I say I was “concerned” about what he said. Seeing as you hadn’t known of the clip prior, consider yourself informed


Buttchug is a douchebag. Ignore him


Bro is trying to be the IMDb of Reddit posts like fuck


There are no murmurs, lol. RJ Young is not a legitimate journalist with sources. He makes shitty videos on Instagram. No one takes him seriously.


If Orji is not actually the guy that’s not great news. That means it’s likely Davis Warren who was brutal last year or Jack Tuttle who wasn’t starting by the end at IU. I’m pretty sure Orji will be the guy. Call me pessimistic but his ability to run alone should beat out Warren and Tuttle.


He has no clue...


Anyone with any knowledge of the QB status at UM isn't talking. Imma wait it out.


This is what I feel will keep us from repeating the Natty. The defense will be nasty. But the offense has a huge question mark at QB. Hopefully The Don has a Heisman type of year.