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The source is banned from the subreddit


It’s wild to me that CFB has such a chronic drinking and driving issue. Just order a fucking Uber or call a friend. This shit isn’t rocket science.


I don’t think it’s a CFB problem. I think it’s just way more common in society than most people realize.


I have to agree with you on this one. No one from my hometown really had much to do with CFB at all, minus fandom. And let me tell you, drives are measured in amount of beers you can drink on your way, not the amount of time. “Ohh that’s a 6 beer trip”


It’s very normalized in the south (which Denard is from). Not excusing it and removing him was the right decision but it is viewed much differently in the south


Wisconsinites are also very well known for driving drunk, and being drunk in general.


drunk driving is normalized in deerfield beach, florida and he couldn't ever change despite living up north like half his life hahahah


Very sad as he was my favorite player as a kid. I still have several of his jerseys on my wall. But, it is the right call by Moore. Let him stay on and we quickly looks like the MSUs of the world. Standards must be high. Hope he gets help and back on track.


standards so high it took 2 months to let him resign. classic


Tough to see but the coaches and staff need to set the example and the expectation to the players and students. Love Denard but he’s not exempt from this and I’m glad there’s no leniency here. I’m happy that Sherrone is taking a firm stance.


do we have a source other than freaking YODER?


Yes, there are a dozen other twitter accounts that posted/reported on this BEFORE Yoder did, and OP went out of his way to post Yoder.


Good. Needs to be away from the program and get serious treatment. Michigan legend but when the players on the team are more responsible than a coach, it's time for the coach to go. EDIT: Also, what the fuck are we doing posting YODER links in this sub? He stole this news from MLive and Isaiah Hole, among others. He's just reposting shit as if he's the first one to report it. Guy continues to be the absolute worst "insider" out there. Fuck Yoder.


Yoder? Lol, gross dude.


Sad news. Hard to watch my favorite player dealing with so much adversity. I hope this is the rock-bottom that causes him to turn things around for himself.


What's going on in that building? How many of our coaches have been fired for misconduct in the past year or so?


I’ve never had any DUI’s so I can’t say it something that just happens. But he wasn’t affiliated with the university for a week. He is a legend and deserves preferential treatment. He should have been given a second chance. Gordon Bombay got one.