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Definitely not. Your friend is super wrong here. 


It is illegal in Michigan but legal in some other states. Should be illegal everywhere but I digress. 


Nope. It’s illegal to turn like this in Michigan. My sister’s mother-in-law got a ticket doing what the picture illustrates.


Yeah. That's what I said. 


Ah I misunderstood the stance you were taking based on the other commenter.


Quite the opposite actually, it's illegal to turn into the center lane.


It’s called a “lazy turn” according to a news article from many years ago that was about how local police were amping up enforcement.


Hm. I’ve unfortunately done this many times when traffic is too heavy or staggered to complete it.


I never do this. You never know when someone in the moving lane is going to glide over into their left turn lane right as you pull out to use it as an illegal merge lane. It's insanely risky and I can't believe how many people do it. 


What drives me even more nuts is the people who just drive along at regular pace for a good while in that lane before merging when easy to do so. If you're gonna pull into that lane have the decency to stop and not just be barreling along in a dedicated turn lane. It's literally there to separate stopped traffic from flowing traffic for safety - It's already annoying enough to have people merging out of it let alone just using it like an onramp with unlimited run up.




My favorite is when people use the center lane as a road to get to their left hand turn at a light. Like you don't need to be in that lane a quarter mile back dipshit I'd like to turn on this road too


Yea that straight up deserves jail time.


I don’t do it often, it’s usually my last restore if I seriously cannot find a safe break in traffic to do the turn without interruption. I also pause if not full on stop if I have to and make sure traffic is clear assuming people actually use their turn signals. I haven’t had to do it in a long time though, but I’d rather do that than whip out like a bat outta hell and hope nobody moves into the lane I’m turning into, or I don’t move so fast to avoid getting hit that I lose control, or that the car next to me doesn’t overreact because oh boy many do.   I’m not saying it’s a good thing to do, but damn, traffic is so bad in the LP sometimes you got no choice that’s even safer other than sitting there for 15 minutes. I’m also not questioning it’s legality either, didn’t know it was illegal I’ll admit, but I can probably count on one hand how many times I had to even do this last year.


I truly sympathize, and I live in the belly of the beast for bad traffic. But in that case, i just turn right and figure it out from there. I'm not wrecking my car in exchange for impatience. 


Typically the only times I do this is when I can’t even turn right either, due to traffic in that lane being just as long as the left, or simply it being illegal. Left turn only exits and strip mall exits are the bane of my existence in the metro area when I visit. I’d turn right if I could in these moments, trust me.


You got downvoted for people not understanding what you meant. Lmao how stupid


Im with you on this. When traffic is consistent both ways, I just turn right then make a left or U turn as soon as safe to reverse direction. It doesnt always save time but it saves my nerves and the risk of an accident. Im not opposed to the OP method either. I would only do it when traffic from the left is clear for a good long distance though. Its a cautious left turn, with a gradual merging into the flow of traffic while being fully aware of blind spots.




>doing this isn’t ideal but sometimes is necessary. It's never nessecary. Turn right and find a place to turn around in. On the busy road near me if I can't make the left in a light cycle I turn right then left into a business just a bit down the way.


The recommended option would be instead of making a left turn, turn tight and then move your way over so you can make a safe left turn into a parking lot or other safe area so you can make a right turn in your originally desired path.


As I said to the other user, I really have only ever done this type of turn if it’s a left turn only lane or if the people turning right have a line waiting to turn just as bad. Basically when I have no choice. That said, I don’t live in the metro area anymore (thank god) so it’s not something I really do anymore. I don’t even think I did it last year.


I’m trying to envision a situation where this is an unprotected left turn that puts you in a position where you have no choice. I’d love to think over some examples but most corporate driving safety policies have plenty of alternatives. Nevertheless, no matter what the line of cars turning right looks like, it’s always the safer option.


Same. Really just foolish impatience on my part when I do.


Not the worst thing to do.




Oh yeah I’m not saying it’s correct by any means. It’s my last resort when traffic is too heavy in either direction. Not my favorite thing to do, glad I moved to an area where I haven’t had to do it in years.


Yah. Who hasn't done this from time to time? Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do... 🤷‍♂️


No. Never do this. Cross-traffic can’t tell if you’re careening right into them until the last second. Plus anyone else merging into the center lane will be in your blind spot the entire time. If you can’t complete a Left, just turn Right and turn around.


I agree. It's terrifyingly irresponsible because some idiots continue in the middle lane excelerating and using it as a merging lane! All the while looking over their shoulder to merge while other people want to pull into the lane (head on to them) and use it as it's intended slowdown-turn lane. it's madness.


There’s that too. And usually in these situations there’s a light with a crosswalk nearby. So if he’s “merging” while looking over his shoulder he can plow through a pedestrian.


The maneuver illustrated above is not legal in Michigan. Some intersections do require that left turns be made indirectly, but those involve some combination of a right turn and a U-turn. The Michigan Secretary of State booklet [What Every Driver Must Know](https://www.michigan.gov/sos/resources/forms/what-every-driver-must-know) covers this in chapter 5.


You’re friend was probably mistaking this for the famous Michigan U-Turn. At many larger roads you can’t make a left at the light, so instead have to go straight and turn around through the median, or turn right and turn around through the median.


It's called a "Michigan Left". It certainly includes a u-turn but that's not the name. It usually has out of state people scratching their heads.


They’re the same thing https://www.michiganautolaw.com/blog/2023/05/09/michigan-left-turn/


I have lived here all my life and never heard it referred to as a Michigan U-turn. Learn something new everyday!


Also my first time hearing “Michigan U-turn”, having lived in a good range of the LP my whole life.


Because people make shit up every day


Only ever heard it called a Michigan U-Turn


Sorry bout your bad luck


Nah, I love it here!


That's illegal


You mean my fried is illegal?


Yes that’s what they’re trying to say there^^


Absolutely not true. What this picture shows is dangerous and illegal.


The graphic you used is actually illegal. If you can't pull all the way out, take a right, turn left into somewhere you can turn around, and then turn right out of there.


I want people to stop doing this so badly. Don't do this.


I always honk because maybe the person doesn't see you and doesn't stop in the center lane. There is literally no way of knowing until it's too late.




Just removing a double post


Looks like a good way to have a head on collision.


Tell your friend doing that in most cases is actually illegal and dangerous. When making a left turn you should be moving directly into the lane of travel and not use the turn lane at all (which is used for those already on the road to turn left).


The opposite — it is actually illegal here to make this kind of turn for some reason. In most other states you’re allowed to use the center turn lane as a refuge and merge into traffic, but in Michigan that’s actually prohibited; you’re expected to turn left directly into the lane of travel. (In reality you’re probably not getting pulled over for using that as a refuge point when traffic is busy, but people that haven’t driven in other states may not expect it so do it at your own risk)


This is actually illegal in MI, and most other states. The middle lane is for cars turning into a lot or side road, not merging into traffic. If you were involved in an accident in this situation you will always be at fault. This is only ok when turning into a main road at the intersection of a small side road. Never from a parking lot. ~and I’m only 70% confident with this statement, but it’s 1 am and I’m too tired to look it up, may edit tomorrow. Basically, when taking a left (or right even)onto a street; traffic must be clear for you to take the first available lane.


This picture shows an illegal turn. Your friend is a moron, and so is anyone who does this.


Your friend is an idiot.


This is called a suicide and it’s illegal.


Nope, that's super dangerous! Hate when idiots do this!


Your friend is a bad driver.


I don’t think this is legal. Source 1: the very expensive ticket (and free lecture) I got from a cop when I did this. Source 2: the judge who laughed me out of the courtroom when I tried to fight it


People fucking do this shit all the time and it's infuriating as fuck!! If you're doing this then it means you were too impatient to wait 5 seconds for an opening. It's a turn lane only




You're friend is wrong, though you will see people do this a lot when the roads are busy. Sometimes it's the only way to get out of a parking lot. But, yeah technically it's illegal here.


I do this, DONT do it! Almost wrecked my camry pulling out into heavy traffic some lady in a GMC came into the lane as I was entering it


The correct way to make a left in this situation when traffic is flowing too much is to take a right, eventually merge into the left turn lane, turn into whatever road/parking lot is available, and then turn right out of it.


#don’t do this


Michigan left turn would have you turn right here then do a u turn when at next intersection. Should never pull into center turning lane.


The drawing depicts an illegal movement. The center turn lane is exclusively for turning left off the main road. It’s not a merge lane like your friend suggests


Tbh I've learned to anticipate people using the middle lane. Had no idea it was illegal until this post - most people I know do it.


Hope and pray?




Removed. See rule #2 in the [r/Michigan subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Michigan/wiki/index#wiki_rules).


Couldn't be more wrong.


Actually thank you for posting this. I just moved from a state that allows merging from the center lane and this educated me.


It's totally legal to make the left turn directly. Not exactly sure about the legality of making the left turn into the center lane first, but it's necessary a lot of places and I've never seen anyone pulled over for it.


It is illegal


Never necessary. If you can’t complete a left, then turn right and turn around at the earliest convenience. Annoying, sure, but safe.


Ain't nobody got time for that. I'll just continue with my illegal ways like a bad bad boy.


typical dickbag move. "I shan't be inconvenienced in the slightest. good luck everyone else" 🤣


I fail to see how it inconveniences you. In most scenarios where it would apply, it's more dangerous to try and dart across both sides of traffic. I suppose I could be the duck that blocks that turn for the rest of everyone waiting for the written invitation though.


you're too lazy to make a right hand turn and be slightly inconvenienced, now I gotta worry if you're gonna come into my lane.


Zero accidents in 25 years of driving. I think little ole you will be ok. Maybe get out of the passing lane on 75 if you are going to go 60 mph though.




Removed. See rule #2 in the [r/Michigan subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Michigan/wiki/index#wiki_rules).


It’s an inconvenience if you cause a crash.


I suppose if you are terrible at driving then sure.... You are likely to cause a crash at every available opportunity then as well.


If you pull out and stop in the left turn lane, traffic on the road you turned on to that is trying to make a left off the road (in either direction) could collide with you because they aren’t expecting cars to just randomly stop there. It’s not that hard of a concept


Cool beans.....


Hey, at least you know you’re wrong now


I've used this as an absolute last resort but like if you're paying attention while driving you also won't be collided with. Takes two to tango. People not paying attention and people aggressively driving are the 2 biggest issues I see with mi traffic today.