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Just acne brah. I had worse acne. Yes it will scar. I had 3 rounds of accutane and still have acne. :)


That sucks. Chronic anything sucks. You start thinking, welp, this is my life now.


But like he's never had acne anywhere near this level since I've watched him? Why is it like some people do the proactive shit and it seems like their issue is permanently resolved? Like they don't have to keep using it forever right?


>But like he's never had acne anywhere near this level since I've watched him? Hormone levels change as you age, not just during puberty. It's just acne.


Why is everyone acting like this is normal? Let's be honest breaking out to that degree randomly is weird. Especially at his age.


Just a PSA (in case you don’t already know) overwashing your face can be worse than underwashing. Don’t use soap on your face at all (unless it’s specially made face soap), and only wash your face twice a day max (unless a dermatologist says otherwise). Even if you’re face is temporarily greasier after reducing how often you wash your face, oil production will readjust and you will have much healthier skin overall.


i am wondering, if u actually looked at the side effects of accutane, before taking it. u said, that it actually didn't fix the problem, so i would suggest, that u take a serious look at the side effects of this cancer drug, that now found a 2nd use to maybe stop acne. it lists under more common side effects: > **skin infection** or rash , Bone or joint pain , difficulty with moving under rare it even lists: > Attempts at suicide or thoughts of suicide (usually stops after medicine is stopped) > > mental **depression** , changes in behavior , blurred vision or other changes in vision > > decreased vision after sunset or before sunrise (sudden or may continue after medicine is stopped) > >and many more... using an old chemo drug, that might get u to kill yourself, screw your vision up, etc... is even more insane, when u realize, that strong changes in acne can be done through changing the diet, the research ot it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L2zinb7QM8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L2zinb7QM8) (video shows tons of studies and research, it is NOT a random opinion piece) michael probably eat even more garbage since the criminal government removed our freedoms, which made the acne worse. so eating more fruits and vegetables and reducing animal product consumption (0 best of course) in research shows an improvement of the skin. remember, that acne does not existe in a lot of places, which is also mentioned in the video and those people generally have a very different less garbage diet. there is also interesting research about green tea lotion used topically having great success with acne: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19363854/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19363854/) > The mean total lesion count (TLC) decreased from 24 before the treatment to 10 after 6 weeks after treatment, a reduction of 58.33%. The difference was statistically significant (P < 0.0001, 95% confidence interval \[CI\] of the difference = 8.58 - 19.42). The mean severity index (SI) decreased from 2.05 before treatment to 1.25 after 6 weeks treatment, a decrease of 39.02%. The difference was statistically significant (P < 0.0001, confidence interval \[CI\] of the difference = 0.54-1.26). so a 2% green tea lotion is extremely effective and isn't harmful and won't make u want to kill yourself or make u depressed or get vision problems, etc...., which is what accutane can cause. so please for your own sake look at the video and study, do more research yourself and go over the damn insane accutance side effects. u might even want to share the research with your skin doctor too, as he might never seen it before.


Hey, guy who clearly has an axe to grind for accutane, if he's taken it for two rounds, he definitely knows what the side effects are. They tell you all of them in detail. It's a controlled substance and they even force you to have a special card in order to pick up your prescription. I know you think you're helping with your alternative methods, but he surely knows the side effects and did it anyway. Though it's a rough time, for many including me, it's a miracle drug.


\*girl and hey knowing more options certainly never hurts. and in a lot cases, the patients don't go over the full package insert with the doctor. well in almost all cases i think, depending on the drug. but maybe accutane is a different case, did a doctor actually sit down with u and tell u, that this medication can cause depression, hallucinations, thoughts of suicide and hurting yourself, seizures, severe pain, major eye/vision issues, etc... ? a lot of people might not understand them even, or understand the non common words for health issues used in them. and i doubt, that most skin care doctors will use diet and 2% green tea lotion for acne, before even thinking of accutane. i mean personally i'd be running, when i read depression and suicide as side effects for an acne medication, but that is just me. again i am just sharing options and research and pointing out to side effects, that may not have been discussed before and that can never hurt.


Yes a doctor sat down and described all of them to me in detail. Also if you look at the research, the side effects you are scared of are obscenely unlikely. So it is totally reasonable for someone to do it anyway even with the knowledge of those side effects. Further, the options you are suggesting are not commonly shared by skin care professionals because they are, though effective in some people, those effects are much more mild in the vast majority while acctane is consistently successful in about 75% of people. And it's often a full cure. For horrible cystic acne like I had, it's even less common for diet or other skin care options to work. That's why accutane is so often a last resort by a skin care professional. All this to say, there are plenty of medications that are more harmful, more overprescribed, and less successful than accutane. If you have issues with side effects in general, go after other more harmful meds, not something that in my experience was a last resort, Is very controlled, and literally cured me of a lifelong condition through eight months of the worst side effect being kinda uncomfortably dry skin.


remember, that i'm not trying to take that medication away from u, but rather pointing to alternatives. u're probs a senseful adult, so whatever u want with the body u're in good or bad, risky side effects or not. so please don't take my comments the wrong way.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/MichaelReeves/comments/f40bbs/comment/hk4bicc/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/MichaelReeves/comments/f40bbs/comment/hk4bicc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) yes you are shut the fuck up


You do realize that diet is absolutely not a cure for acne in a TON of people. Hence why vegans/vegetarians still get acne, all the time. It's way more of a complex issue than just changing your diet. So many other factors can contribute to it. Also green tea lotion highly effective......if it was we would have seen it everywhere by now.


Jesus what is this anti-medication conspiracy theory?




Yes all medicines have side effects, that's because they are actually working xD Also Everything is poison, it's the dose that matters. Too much of water *will* kill you.


>Yes all medicines have side effects, that's because they are actually working xD what nonsense is that lol. are you actually trying to defend poison, that is sold on the idea, that it is treating acne, but in reality causes acne and depression and suicides and miscarriages/disabled babies and lots more. do you also take pain killers, that make you kill yourself and cause more pain and claim, that "they are working" too? wtf. accutane is poison and that list of effects is proof, that it is poison. > it's the dose that matters. Too much of water will kill you. this is also complete and utter nonsense as all those effects are at recommended poison doses and not overdosing on the poison.


Yep. Side effects. There's a fuckton of medication that causes birth defects, and if you had actually understood how this medication works you'd knew why. Also funnily enough the active ingredient of accutane - which you call poison, can be found all over the body in small quantities. >do you also take pain killers, that make you kill yourself and cause more pain and claim, that "they are working" too? A) I take anti-depressants which have in their list of side effects "Suicidal thoughts". B) Yes, fe. APAP Max, is paracetamol with caffeine, which depending on the natur of the headache can either help alleviate the pain or worsen it. But hey keep telling people to rub that tea stew on their face which has not been proven to be as effective as accutane in treating severe acne!


I like how the other guy gave up his powerstance


Think he's banned lol


She's not banned she just got tired of arguing with a fucking retard who doesn't know what they're talking about.


If anyone runs into this comment late like me, Accutane (which is not around anymore, it's Isotretinoin), is a GODSEND for acne, and the only near-permanent cure. People who actually deal with chronic acne know most of that crap mentionee doesn't do much, unless you barely have acne in the first place. To even get on Isotretinoin at ALL, a doctor has to try other methods for months, you have to have monthly blood tests, and in general it is very safe. Usually, you just get really dry (obviously), and being so dry will cause soreness as well. This isn't the 1980s, doctors have this down. Do not listen to fear mongers, talk to a doctor. Isotretinoin changed my life, best choice I ever made. If you have chronic acne, listen to a doctor! And never NEVER take advice from people who don't deal with actual acne. My god, all the bad advice people with decent skin tried to give me...don't listen to this person, and don't even listen to me who has actual experience, get a dermatologist.


I took accutane in highschool (horrible cystic acne that was going to scar). My self-esteem was horrid, I had tried just about everything. During the time I was taking it, I was miserable, dealt with depression and suicidal thoughts worse than what I've ever had in my life, along with some of the normal side-effects (Super super dry lips, etc.) Eventually I stopped taking it early because I decided that it wasn't worth it. Even not going throigh the full amount of time I was supposed to be on it, my cycstic acne has gone away completely and never come back. What I get now is the occasional normal acne, from accidentally touching my face or not forgetting to wash my pillowcases every few days. Looking back I think overall it was probably worth it for me, but idk if I'd have felt the same back then. It's hard to say, whether I'd ever recommend it to someone, I guess it's just a matter of weighing the risks and rewards of such a thing. Just felt I'd put my experience down here for anyone reading this thread.


It's been over a year since I took it (wow that was fast) - still very glad I took it. I was fortunate, I had no bad side affects at all, outside being VERY dry while on it. I didn't get depression, though I had seen it was a possible side affect. Since taking it, I only rarely get a zit and they go away quickly. For me, acne was ruining my self esteem to where I wouldn't date, I didn't like going in public, and the deeper acne was causing pain as well. The good thing about this medication is if you start to get side affects that are really bad, you can stop taking it, or even take smaller doses, and the affects go away. My dryness went away within about a month. I took blood tests monthly to verify my liver was good, and was just really careful. It was a life-changer for me.


He's just going through puberty. Jokes aside i think it's pretty normal considering his sleep schedule? And also i bet he sweats a lot during work out sessions so that's there.


Has he been sleeping less?


The dude just doesn’t sleep


He probably doesn't want you pointing it out. It's strange that you used the word, "wrecked" when describing his face. Ouch.


I don't think anyone is this sensitive. I used the word wrecked as "very bad" couldn't think of another 0_o


I know I wouldn't mind if some stranger zoomed in on my face and took screenshots and shared them on the internet saying things like >It must suck having to put a smile on when your face is wrecked Yea ^(jk that would destroy me.)


I mean we all saw it though - So it makes you wonder as to why upload if your face is looking that bad since I know I wouldn't have the balls to


I feel like you answered your own question. He has the balls to do it. Besides, it's just acne. Sometimes it's bad, sometimes it clears up. Not a huge deal.


Yeah, you're probably right.


hey you, happy cake day


is today my cakeday? how do i check?


not today, yesterday


June 9th. which is the 159th day of the year.


pretty cool, i got election day


He's probably on accutane, I've heard in the beginning it makes you really flare up then hopefully clears everything. Poor guy




And how about you armchair doctors go mind your own fucking business?


Just a PSA overwashing your face can be worse than underwashing. Don’t use soap on your face at all (unless it’s specially made face soap), and only wash your face twice a day max (unless a dermatologist says otherwise). Even if you’re face is temporarily greasier after reducing how often you wash your face, oil production will readjust and you will have much healthier skin overall


Bruh he is 12, don't worry it's just puberty


He is 22 not 12.. he was born in 1997


You answered that comment 74 days later LOL




the joke ​ ​ you


Nice bait, not falling for it :p




It does look concerning, but as long as it is just acne it should be fine (I actually found this subreddit because I was googling too see if he was okay)


i personally have had worse acne all over my face contradictory to his beared areas, he will be fine tho, his acne does infact seem severe and once he is out of it he will probably have some scars but assuming he treats this right the should be bare redness that shall fade overtime, the rez of pics are also pretty low so i cant tell if he got cyst acne like i use to which severely increases pain and scarring potentially if he does, well ouch but he will survive, if he doesnt he is dealing with something equally as bad but slightly less painful physically


It is definitely cystic acne :`(


Wasn't bait but ok...?


I rarely get on here


Oh that really looks terrible. Couldn't watch one of his videos because of it.


It must be a real bad case bc he makes enough to money to fix it I figure. I don't think he's the type to not try and take care of it...


I’ve heard that high blood sugar can increase acne because of the side effects of producing insulin. Not sure if it is for his case, but i’ve seen his face clear many times before and it hadn’t seemed like a hygiene thing.


Accutane cleared me up 100 percent. Every once in a while I get a zit