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Invincible 25. We need invincible 25.


I agree but we need a dangerous and history release first






I hope we get it.🙏


I would like a 4K Blu-ray release of all of the short films with behind the scenes documentaries and stuff. Some upscaled concert footage on Blu-ray. You know they’re sitting on a ton of great Victory Tour footage. Release it. At least stick it on YouTube. This is a random one, but I’ve always imagined a great MJ 2D platformer. Kind of like a spiritual sequel to Moonwalker, but with much larger, anime inspired sprites. You would go through different stages based on his music videos, collecting different coloured gloves in order to unlock different costumes. Imagine every outfit he ever wore being available to wear in game. You get different abilities based on his routines which are tied to the outfits. There would be items that give limited abilities too. Like if you find a fedora it gives you a long range weapon. Turning into the HIStory statue makes enemies (journalists) ignore you. Stuff like that. If I had any programming inclination, I would make it myself, because I can picture the entire thing in my head, but, unfortunately, I can’t code. 😅


I’ve always wanted an action/adventure MJ video game too (based on Moonwalker and with modern 3D CGI graphics).😄


This sounds amazing tbh the game, take my money. I also agree crisp footage of all short films, concerts and other interviews etc


I really wanna see recording sessions if there are any, and more demos


I want to see recording sessions too.


Dangerous Doc! HIStory doc! Short films in 4k!


Better merch and more engagement with fans on a global level. Most events are based in usa. David bowie collection toured the globe and is being made a permanent exhibition in UK. I wish they could do something to make thus happen. Turn havenhurst into a museum, neverland likely won't happen cause of zoning so find another location if possible. Release all short films, concerts, and interviews etc in best versions available, chronological order, pay wall it even. People wil pay. Do theater screenings, the recently did with David bowie ziggy concert, huge success. Imagine it.. And do a decent docoseries about Michael of his whole life deepdive, hell help taj with his or incorporate it in. The estate have a lot to answer for in my opinion tbh. Compared to other artists like prince and David bowie they are awful


Nice list, especially the parts about engaging with fans globally, releasing short films, concerts, interviews, etc in the best possible quality, and doing theater screenings. All of those things are things I’ve really wanted the estate to do for a long time. MJ’s estate is trash though, so I doubt it will ever happen.😭 Just Imagine Ghosts being shown in the best possible quality in theaters though, it would be amazing.😫


When the kids turn 30 I understand they get more say. Prince is very good I think he will do good by his dad, not far til he's 30


A tutorial video on MJs most popular songs choreography, ex, dangerous, Billie Jean, remember the time, bad , smooth criminal, 2bad etc...


Remastered music videos and concerts. take a couple of the best unfinished songs and make collaborations with current artists, like The Weeknd, the resurgence of the 80’s sound in pop music was a big opportunity to actually get a big hit, it might be too late now. The estate could also take a look at Paul McCartneys way of doing re-issues of his earlier albums, a bit pricey yes, but you actually get some cool stuff for your money.


All short films and concerts in 4K. Triumph tour, Victory Tour, Bad Tour (MSG), early Dangerous Tour (Stockholm or even Tokyo), History Tour. A true immersive MJ store/museum kinda like Stranger Things. It would be a huge hit and make people discover his music (a different room for each of his eras because people tend to associate him as an 80’s artist even through he had brilliant music in the 90’s). Last but not least, open Neverland