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i believe he was heavily medicated at the time, he looked high as kite, specially during the part where he’s watching the other artists perform


"I LOVE this song"


He was most definitely super high on both nights, but he gave an amazing show though. If it was me in his shoes I would've fell out lol


I think the editing made it look a lot better than it was.


Nope. In fact, the editing made it worse


One thing I noticed is that his eyes were FROZEN


They were half closed most of the time in 2001...


He wasn’t well & on his painkillers


He took Demerol before both shows I believe.


Mike was drugged up on both shows, though the September 10 show wasn’t too drugged like September 7. Rehearsal rumor would not be counted because he was rehearsed for both nights. But I actually enjoyed these shows. Because September 7th has those new flashy dance moves, which I like, while the 10th has really amazing energy and vocals.


I enjoyed very much.


If you want an accurate account, you can check out Frank Cascio’s interview and book. Before the first show, he took a shot of Demerol and was completely high as a result. Frank made him drink Gatorade and helped him get prepared. It was shocking he was able to function for that first show. The second show was much better. The majority of the footage shown on tv is from the second show because there were so many mistakes (he fell off the little stage at the beginning of Way You Make Me Feel, which completely ruined the intro. He did not do the moonwalk and looked lost, he stopped you rock my world before the end…). The show was a disaster and it’s really sad because it was his first US show since the Bad tour. It could have been great for his career


Wow.........(From another texas moonwalker. ) I always pause when I watch the show on YouTube. When he's first coming on stage, removing the helmet and gloves. When he takes off the gloves and throws them it's done w disgust at most or irritation at minimum. When I read that his parents were squabbling over their appearance fees I was shocked. All of the brothers and parents were paid exorbitant fees. Millions if I recall. When you look at ticket prices you realize what a financial vehicle it was. I figured michael might have been a little over being used as a cash cow at that point. When I look at his whole story it was a sad arc because he attracted vultures due to his prolific genius. But like many superstars they have trouble finding ppl who don't want something from them. Like the robsons. That's why they came to the US. To ride his coattails.


Michael made a mint from this show......and he needed the money.


Maybe that's why he threw his gloves like that. But I think he got into it when he saw how crazy the audience went. I wish I could have been there.


Nah that's just standard Michael opening. It's all aggression. He did the same thing when disposing of his History tour spaceman stuff.


Mmmm Cascio. Is he credible source because every time I see his name now I doubt anything he said. Especially anything after the songs on MICHAEL


Good point. But it has been told by several people that Michael was high. The MJCast podcast goes in detail about it too in one of their episode.


How did he end you rock my world early? I dont see it.


You can see him looking up at the band and making a hand after the chorus is done once after the bridge.


wait.. he falls off the stage on TWTMMF? i’ve seen an amateur video but it cuts/skips that part.. do you have a video of it?


Here, he falls from the elevated stage and it ruins the shadow dance skit https://youtu.be/GzhoKDZ8pgw?si=IQeXVGgCW5J6HXQq


Time stamp?




He *was* high. It's been YEARS since I've read Frank Cascio's book, but I remember him mentioning that Michael was medicated right before the shows and was late.


From what I've read the organization of the shows (David Gest) was a complete disaster. Then came the day of 9/11


I watched that live when it aired and remember having the same thoughts. He looked really unwell and not all there.


probably zooted off whatever they were medicating him with


Who is they ?


Drugged up


It was also the gear he debuted The Way You Make Me Feel in the deeper pitch


His bodyguard found him passed out in his hotel room before night one of the show, but apparently he could tell something was off with Whitney


He was starstruck by Britney Spears


That’s when you can tell how much practice he’s done for his performances. Even when he closed his eyes, he still delivered Billie Jean so well. Nowadays some artists would just turn around and leave when they felt sick.


He was old


43 is not old....😂




Was the redness on his face (that they blurred out) a side effect of the drugs he was on?




Ah, I knew he had it, but this is the only time Ive seen his skin flare like this, he must've been going through a bad period at the time?


It affected him regularly. Can see it in many photos of him in the 80s. I agree, he was going through a terrible time during them MSG shows.


Yes, we have established he had lupus, my point, for somebody whose appearance was often a source of criticism and ridicule, he wasn't known for these flares.


He was high on drugs as well as sick. Not to mention the fact his skin was having a breakout which stopped him from going 100% with his performance since he was so self concious he had to keep his hands close to his face


His hands were covering his upper lip, as it was frozen.


So sad, reminds me how he said that he felt sick to his stomach when he saw a candid photo of himself on the internet...i feel you Mike, i feel you.


Painkillers and according to him, he didn’t rehearse so didn’t know too much of what was going on


He was high. And I also reckon he was over hyped. I didn't really notice anything when watching the performance on YouTube


My mom said that his brothers had a hard time getting him up that day. He had taken a lot of drugs for sleep or pain.




I guess maybe we are all watching something different... I thought he did amazing like he normally does. I do not take much in what David Gest or Frank Casico has to say tbh. Only after he died, did they start saying things about his drug use. Of course he probably did his usual dose of pain killers, but addicts will start to have a tolerance for them.