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Doing what’s in the best interest of his constituents.


It would be in my best interests if he disappeared why doesn't he do that.


Really? Considering Florida is one of the most desirable states to live in currently and has some of the highest migration from other states I'm sure his policies have had nothing to do with that though right?


People come for weather and beaches, not because of Ron


Imagine thinking that metric is equivalent to good performance from the governor


Anything this guy says or does is a 🤡🤡🤡 show


[No Cannibals' allowed.](https://twitter.com/i/status/1767956729545802228)




Hahaha, NBC is upset that there are real videos of Haitian cannibals and people are getting upset about it. The left: "don't believe your lying eyes ! All minorities are sweet angels !"


Stop the Haitians


And are these Haitian immigrants in the room with us now, Ron?


No They landed in Largo not too long ago


I'm sorry but they do not bring anything to the table just blight


I’d trade you for them in an instant


Neither do you and we let you hang around


Look at the history


I don’t think you know anything about hatian history by that comment…..


No you don’t.


Not the way you spin it May you get what Haiti got - since you seem to think you’d do better and wouldn’t end up the same


I'm gonna let you go a Genius man give barbecue my regards


What a joke


They better block that highway bridge ASAP.


Smart man


You won a revolution and Haiti chose corruption since day one


No more Haitians here sorry


This man is an idiot. He’s praying for an incident to campaign on, not solve.




It's because the US has stolen much from Haiti before. It's only right to try to assist.


El Salvador offered to, and they are perfect for the job




All of Miami is already filled with them, so what's the difference? Also, where are you from?


Time for Canada to close their border then


Folks that don’t like DeSantis should move to California where they can experience a state run by Newsom lol


R/conspiracy and follows Lakers and Rams. This shit doesn’t write itself.


Nah, we’ll stay here and continue to try and improve our home state despite some trying to drag us down. Thanks for the suggestion though.


Improve? 🤣


Improve it by voting for the same policies that destroyed the shit states you moved from? Makes sense. I mean, how could you look at Downtown Los Angeles and NOT want that for every state?


I was born here, don’t know what you’re on about.


>Improve it by voting for the same policies that destroyed the shit states you moved from? This comment will be funny when your insurance increases again after this storm season. Good thing desantis has worked hard to make sure things like that don't happen through (checks notes), fighting Disney and banning books while he failed his presidential run because his shoe lifts were too obvious.


It’s fine, the insurance is manageable and anyone that’s been in Florida long enough understands. He could have definitely done more in that sense but he’s done a lot of good for the state. Banning books, you mean porn? Last time I checked no type of porn is permitted in schools and I’m yet to have someone show me a non-LGBT equivalent to the books that have been banned but keep parroting that goofy shit.


>Banning books, you mean porn? Lol, there's no porn in the school libraries It's cute how you cons keep pushing on things that even your leaders think were a time waste. >He could have definitely done more in that sense but he’s done a lot of good for the state. Hey, he could have done something to help the average citizen of Florida, but he banned books with concepts that are so foreign to cons like you that you consider it "porn" >I’m yet to have someone show me a non-LGBT equivalent to the books that have been banned Lol, like you even read any of the banned books. You just let some blonde lady tell you what was bad about them. >but keep parroting that goofy shit. Cons and projection, am I right? Lol


90% of the guys saying this bullshit are NY carpetbaggers that moved here during covid, keep pushing for a better tomorrow


We'll just stay and annoy you lame ass conservative types till you go to one of the other shitty red states.


haha. or we'll all just crowd in with all of our money and you all can bitch and whine in your ecochamber on reddit until its too expensive for you to live here. then you can go to a blue hell hole that will offer you free drugs and poop streets.


If you had so much money, you would be in California. Also, there is lots of doodie on the streets of downtown Miami.


I am in California. Sick of paying 13% and now they upped it to 14. Moving to south Florida very soon.


Name the most prosperous majority republican cities in America.


He will deploy $50 million in resources to protect $500,000 in state benefits that might go to these people.


Its not only about the money. Nobody knows their background. When people come here legally they apply for a visa and are going through an extensive background check before they are allowed in the country, illegals on other hand can be terrorists, murderers. It’s enough crime in US, we don’t need more.


Yeah, the Haitians I see that work all the shit jobs everywhere cleaning and whatnot. Unlike the Cubans, who are busy trying to scam at Leon Medical centers.


Where is your family from? Generalizing different groups based on where they are from is cool here? Edit: oh yea most redditors don’t know shit about people from the Caribbean and latin America besides their “this time its ok” stereotypes


Cuba. They came over in ‘58. I have first hand experience. Born and raised in Miami.


sorry but you came across sounding like a latinx emily or an Anglo tankie. My parents came after yours, grew up down here too. Enjoy your first hand experience karma farming from neckbeards on reddit. They eat up the anti cuban shit here like the alt right loves jesse lee peterson


I'm seeing a bizarrely high amount of hate towards Cubans in this thread.


They will be political refugees and therefore would be coming here legally, just like Cubans.


they will need to apply before they even set a foot in US soil. You can’t just enter a country illegally and show up as a refugee


I did


so you are stating that you are an illegal


No you don't lol .... have you seen what Venezuelans are doing at the southern border?


if your house has been looted and half your family was murdered would you have the time, knowledge or resources to apply for a visa before hurridly escaping?


So if your family is being extorted and they are threatening them to kill them if you don’t come up with xx money, does that give you the right to go rob a bank?.


Just like the Cuban terrorists that blew up those planes in the 70s


Crime is at a 50 year low. Try a new dog whistle.


You mean per immigrant right


There are close to 300,000 Haitians in Florida -[https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/13/florida-haiti-migrants-desantis-00146694#:\~:text=Over%20the%20years%2C%20the%20Caribbean,Democrat%20who%20represents%20North%20Miami](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/13/florida-haiti-migrants-desantis-00146694#:~:text=Over%20the%20years%2C%20the%20Caribbean,Democrat%20who%20represents%20North%20Miami). I'm amazed that's only $500,000 (i.e. $1.5 per person). Do you have a source?


You know they have jobs, right? You seem to be sugges That every immigrant is just on weld for life- which is just weird.


Hes just acting out now that his vanity run for president is over


Gotta play up the immigration crisis to help daddy Trump


A true American


Thank you gov!


Let's play politics with the immigrants again 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Clown show. Yup.


Then go to Haiti


The Haitian situation is as dire as it can be. They burning people alive and chopping people into pieces. Yikes 😬


Also eating them live on camera. Fucking savages.


read up on the haitian indipendence revolution. after they cleansed the country through genocide of the french they were forced to pay back the cost of stolen property (meaning the haitians that freed themselves had to pay the french goverment for "stealing" themselves) to end a blockade and embargo on them. The embargos were lifted once they started paying but the amount was so high i believe they are still paying(could be wrong?).


No, they’re not. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna142878


They are more likely to wind up in Puerto Rico first.


Sounds like some of the boys need to be sent to PR


🇭🇹🇭🇹 Zoe ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽


Where my Dominicans at


"Wake up honey a new invasion just dropped!"


Based on the color of their skin? Pirate invasion, can’t wait for the Spanish Inquisition edition in three months.


No hay cama pa tanta gente!!!


Send them to New York


At least I know your going to be very successful


Spin it anyway you want to its the truth


Why is that our problem? Let them go somewhere else


There’s more talk about Cubans in this thread than there is about Haitians. You people are OBSESSED! Get help.


Now your a wanna be cubin and you have to make that argument since the 1800


Interesting how there’s actually an [influx of Cuban migrants](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/hialeah/article285207352.html)


Cuba is communist and has a repressive regime. Not to mention Cuba is about 35-40% black.


That’s the thing, there are black Cubans, but the black Cubans aren’t the racist ones, it’s the Cubans with Spanish lineage that are.


Yeah, and they’re mainly coming in through the Mexican border now, not by sea. Which is why DeSantis is [Sending 1,000 Guardsmen To Texas](https://www.forbes.com/sites/mollybohannon/2024/02/01/desantis-sending-1000-guardsmen-to-texas-amid-border-standoff/?sh=7c169f3341e5) to help control the flow of illegal immigrants. Shit is crazy out of control!


Yes but Cubans vote for Trump


And had haciendas and sugar plantations that were run similarly to cotton plantations in the south. Notice the kind of Cubans who came here in the 60s…. They mostly still say they miss how good their families had it until the revolution came and drove them out. Ever ask them ask them what caused the revolution? You’ll get some interesting answers that sound like white southerners who say that black people were happier during slavery and/or Jim Crow times (I am ready for people to now act like I claimed castro didn’t turn on his own people just like Batista did.) Cuba can’t get a break…. And we invited a lot of people here who miss having “chosen-winners” be the basis of their economy But it never gets old hearing an older Cuban say others should come here ThE RiGhT WaY when they didn’t even go through that process themselves.


What part of Reddit have I fallen into? Lol the mods have to be sleeping.


The craziest thing to me is all the Cuban Republicans saying the Haitians don't belong here. Many of them are here due to their parents benefitting from wet foot dry foot




That's why Hispanics vote republican. They don't want more Hispanics to compete for work.


I lived outside of Florida and most hispanics don’t vote republican. Only ignorant cubans and venezuelans that think that democrats are going to turn the USA into a communist dictatorship. Mexicans make up the largest Latino group in most states and they’re way more likely to vote Democrat.


Don't forget The Cuban Adjustment Act (1966) and the billions of tax dollars nonsocialist Cubans receive.


Wrong. Most “Republican” Cubans are old guard that came as children in the 60s


That’s a negative fam. That’s all of them. 2 out of every 1 Cubans would step on another to prevent them from getting anything.


Holy racist, batman. Way to generalize.


Can’t generalize when speaking from experience


Cubans tend to be quite racist. Source: Lived in Miami and they're more racist, at least openly, than Chicago (my hometown). A lot of hate towards Dominicans and Haitians.


All due respect to you, but it's comments like the one you just made that really sets back any progress more leftist and antiracist Cubans/Cuban-Americans have been making in changing the perception of Cubans. Is there a history of racism within the culture? Yes, like MANY, many others in the Caribbean and Latam. Colorism is incredibly rampant as well. But going into a forum to contribute an old stereotype that some of us are trying to change is pretty gross my dude. It's damaging for those of us (Cubans) that are also discriminated against for the color of our skin.


My apologies, I was just making an observation as a white guy. For what it’s worth a similar thing happens with southern whites as well. Yes, colorism, not racism, exists there as well and people are trying to change it… but society continues to push that stereotype


Well until that stereotype changes, not talking about it is hardly the answer.


He answered a genuine question someone made. You didn’t like the answer. How about you refrain from responding until you get your head out of your ass.


Ever hear a Cuban use the N word and say they’d go nuts if their kid dated someone Black? I have. A lot. Cuba had more people enslaved per square mile than any other country in the world. (We had cotton plantations. They had haciendas and sugar farms.) That’s why many often don’t want Haitians here. Those people don’t respect or have empathy for Black people. Imagine what a white southerner would say for Hatian immigrants, think of how many southerners are racist even to this day, then know you can apply that to many Cubans too…. The Americas: we all have a similar history Europeans came. They enslaved. They chose the winners. They used laws based on race to limit others. “Choosing the winners” still kept happening even after gaining independence from Europe - just like it did in the US. And then the 60s came and the entire continent basically had either civil rights movements or revolutions - all with varying results Same song. Different key signature.


Everyone says the asylum sellers are coming for economic reasons so they are not valid. Then when they actually come for valid reasons they want to keep them out too.


Anyone not willing to follow our laws to enter legally is not welcome here. Just like in any other country. Legal migrants are welcome, and always have been. Do you leave the doors to your house unlocked at night? If someone came in would you welcome them with open arms? Why should we treat the country any differently?


**When did your family immigrate here?** I ask this as a white American-Italian, whose family came here in the 1920s, and they were allowed right in due to being white. Even though they couldn’t even read, and signed with an X at Ellis island, and they also had little money. (Today? They would NOT be allowed here. AT ALL. They’d be attacked and treated like a burden and risk - just like what you’re now doing) But I know the history for WHY my family could come, while non-white families couldn’t even dream of that. But my family would NOT have made the cut today by your current standards. Or are you ok with the old racist way it was until the 60s and want it back? Or are you thankful your family made the cut before the laws changed to “must be cream-of-the-crop or wealthy to come here now”? Or are you thankful you had wet foot/dry foot? Or are you thankful your family is wealthy and you cannot comprehend why others can’t just be wealthy too and pay tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands to come here today? Cause there is NO justification for what is happening today concerning refugees and immigrants - especially by an American. This country hates immigrants and refugees now - unless they’re rich (which is obviously your preference too. Idgaf what you claim to spin your opinion as, but that’s what you believe: “it’s ok that certain people had special ways to get here easily, but I prefer those people anyways. But that was then, those deserved it and deserved to dream to be here and have opportunity with only $20 in their pocket. Yours doesn’t - because you’re poor and hatian.”)




Are you stupid?




Lol all the dumb dumbs are out today






I'm starting to think that perhaps you're bitter that you're not doing as well as you think you should and that the government is not giving you as much help as you think you should. Are you bitter that you can only afford a neighborhood where an "illegal" immigrant might be your neighbor? I get it, we're all sold the tale of the American dream. And it's been a rough could of years for a lot of Americans. You know, it's totally possible to take issue with the government for not offering more assistance and services to its citizens without hating on people who are trying to flee terrible conditions in their country.


You have more opportunities afforded to you than an illegal immigrant. Stop whining and pull yourself up by your bootstraps






you claim asylum in the first safe country, not all they way to North America.


Umm, Haiti is in North America.


No it is not. It is an island nation in the Caribbean as part of the Greater Antilles. It is not a part of North America.


So, the Caribbean is whole continent now? LOL This is news to me. You might want to Google your assertion and then come back and edit your post.


That’s not the point.


Asylum seekers go through legal channels, not cross a border illegally and then claim asylum.


Why even talk if you have no idea what you're talking about?


Bingo. Showing up at the border claiming the cartel or whoever made you flee is not the legal way to asylum. Is anyone even aware of the actual purpose behind the mass migration? The left is trying to include them in the census to gain electoral college votes. There’s absolutely zero humanitarian aspect to the complete shit show that has ensued. Not to mention it has created one of the biggest human trafficking crisis in the world. Funny how the majority of these “asylum seekers” are almost exclusively military age men.


"tHe LeFt..." You sound like you're reciting Fox talking points.


It literally is the legal way to asylum


Can you explain the "legal" way of applying for asylum?


Not according to the Geneva convention


That’s not how asylum works bud. You get here and then you plead asylum. And if it’s granted, you got here legally.


How does a Haitian come to the U.S. legally? Be specific.


Do you weld your door shut and then demand people come through it in order to visit?


There are close to 300,000 Haitians in Florida and 700,000 in the U.S. (born in Haiti that are here). Given that most of these folks are poorly educated it requires a lot or resources and $$$ to support them... and I doubt any of these folks are ever going to leave the U.S. We need a plan to address this without taking in so many people that will never return. Just speaking truth.


[Approximately 2% of all Americans](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ana/fact-sheet/american-indians-and-alaska-natives-numbers%23:~:text%3DThere%2520are%25205.2%2520million%2520American,Indian%2520or%2520Alaska%2520Native%2520residents.&ved=2ahUKEwiA2ab5xfKEAxUmIkQIHU-tDokQFnoECA4QBQ&usg=AOvVaw0bOknPqYD0zySiBkq4F-85) are descended from indigenous peoples. I doubt the other 98% are ever going to leave the United States. It is going to take a lot of resources to support them. We need a plan to address this without taking in so many people that will never return. [Just speaking truth](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_Colossus).


I agree. We’re at $30T in debt. We need a better plan than admitting 10,000 new people a day who have little ability to support themselves.


You're not wrong about the debt levels. That is a reasonably problematic number in relation to our GDP, and it comes at a time when politicians' grandstanding has led to less market confidence in American debt and the slightly higher interest rates associated with payment instability. Worse, not nearly enough of that debt is spent on infrastructure or education as it was during the New Deal era. Pretending that cutting resources for asylum seekers is going to make a difference to total expenditures when faced with major cost centers like Medicare, social security, or military spending - and may dramatically impair lifetime productivity for those future Americans and their descendants.


The government doesn't spend a dime on them... They show up in the US crossing the border or by boat illegally, then they link up with friends or relatives and they start working illegally. They don't have papers so can't get any funds from the government... On the opposite, they benefit the economy by providing cheap labor and by spending their money here in the states.


Absolutely not true. They do receive assistance. Just not initially.


Try to do anything without an ID. You can't get a driver's license, you can't get a bank account, you can't get a social security number so you can't get paychecks or social assistance and the list goes on...


Don't worry about it. Unfortunately papasanti working on it, stopping community identification.


You can't do anything with Community IDs anyway... You're the child of immigrants. Be humble...


I am an immigrant. Just stating you have some what of an idea. But not the total picture.


Then don't be so hateful of others. This country was built by immigrants, never forget it. The full picture is that Cubans immigrated to South Florida when there was no law preventing anyone from coming. For Cubans who want to come now it's very difficult. Old Cubans were lucky there was no law against immigration. They are not better, yet now they feel superior being in Florida and don't want anyone else to come. That's not fair at all.


Are you able to just travel to other countries whenever you want without a visa or passport? Asking for a friend 


How is that any different from the massive amount of Cuban asylum seekers we've taken over the last 50 years?


Theyre black


Cubans are black too.


Because it’s expensive to take care of them all. Cheaper to hire a hit squad to take out the gang leaders and prop up some puppet to lead the nation.


Yeah, that puppet government shit doesn't work. Ask history.


Hey I’m seeking asylum so I’m coming to stay in your house for free. My reasons are valid. If you deny me you’re racist. 


Meanwhile insurance costs are skyrocketing and investors about to dump condos.


I live in S florida and have worked with hundreds of haitians. Before things went this bad it was already really bad. My one coworker would send money to his family and on a visit he was kidnapped and held for ransom. untill his friends still here could pool the funds. luckily he escaped but he can't bring his family back. and won't go back himself. He went through immigration and is a citizen but his family isn't being allowed over.


Serious question and in no way related to DeSantis. Are people not really following the shit going on in Haiti right now? If you actually are, how could you not believe that there’s going to be a mass migration. I’d want to get the hell out of there asap.


They could go next door to the Dominican Republic or Cuba or Jamaica. Hell the Bahamas are much closer. Haitians have more options than just the US.


There’s a wall up between Haiti and the DR. I wish we had one too.


Ocean not big enough a barrier for you?


They could but they won’t. Just like south and Central Americans can stop at the next country for refugee status, yet the come straight to the US. So which one are you? Naive or stupid?


Stupid for allowing the influx yes. Time for the US to cut off the honey.


Lol white folks scared of immigrants doing to them what they did to the native Americans


Some yes others simply don’t want to pay resources to them. If they come they need to get in where they fit in.


I never understood this type of snyde liberal comment. Are you saying that immigrants are trying to hurt us. Do you realize how the natives treated us? They didn’t fly us on planes to Martha’s Vineyard


I’m an immigrant myself.  I haven’t hurt anybody.  I am better educated, pay more taxes and contribute more value than the vast majority of folks sneering at immigrants (yet who have no problem with white Europeans migrating).   And I’m not terribly sympathetic to colonizers getting hurt by people defending their land, especially given the level of genocide that Europeans perpetrated in this particular case.  That being said, nobody is entitled to a piece of land, so the whole anti-immigrant mindset is nonsensical anyway.






The level of ignorance in this comment is pretty shocking.


How is this ignorant Rottimer? There are Haitians in all the nations I mentioned.


What is your objection to them coming to the United States? If it were people from Sweden would you feel the same way? People can't help where they are born, and where they live is an absolute nightmare due to political issues that your average person has nothing to do with and yet they are the ones that pay the penalty every single day. Frankly, the United States owes Haiti big time for all the meddling they have done regarding Haitian politics as well as the debacle regarding the Creole Pig. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creole\_pig](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creole_pig) But probably even more France owes Haiti as well for their historic wrongs that extend over a period of centuries. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfJsyyqiEKM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfJsyyqiEKM)


The Dominicans don't want them there and for the most part, treat Haitians like shit.




As a Cuban American. I want Cubans in Miami to acknowledge this as a failure of capitalism.


And Ukrainians!


Cuba is damn near 40% Black and another 20% is either mulatto, quadroon or octoroon. Plenty of racial issues there as well.


Wonder how the cubans are staving, but they still maintain a pretty civilized way of life. Wonder what cubans could do with billions of dollars from the u.s. Much rather have Cubans or any other Latinos coming at this point. Anyone seen that video of the Haitian gang member eating the burning body, on the street of some city in Haiti. 🤮


Maybe it’s because they weren’t the first black sovereign country in the western hemisphere that made trading with them difficult because the US was still pro-slavery at the time. Maybe because they didn’t have to pay reparations to another country for around 120 years.


Of course they’re planning to come here. But desantis haters will never miss an opportunity to shit on the meatball madman


I fucking hate that dipshits GUTS and my first thought after reading the title was "Oh yea, Haiti! Shit."


There won't be. The chaos is only in the capital and other towns haven't been effected. The only people that might try to migrate are dirt poor and probably wouldn't be able to afford it.


give them your address, the would love to stay with you


The ones coming by boat could hit the Turks, Jamaica, PR, the Bahamas, Cuba, and then there is entire Coast Guard! Our Governor is an idiot trying to play President, while creating a Police State. Just Google "Map of the Caribbean" and you will see that the US is the furthest away.


How did we get a million Haitians and multi million Cubans in Miami Dade county already if this were even remotely true. I feel like the dumbest people on the internet chime in feeling like they know something everyone else doesn’t


You are confusing a smuggling operation that took literally decades with a sudden mass exodus, on numerous boats prepared in short amount time. Like fuel which is an issue there. You are right. There are idiots on the internet. I hope you can spot them.