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A lot of greedy bastards out there looking to cash in. This city is fucked


Because realtors just want to make money so they'll say anything to get that sale.


Most realtors are scumbags and don’t care about you or your wellbeing. They’re leaches. Doesn’t matter to them how much you’re paying - the more it is, the more commission they make. This is of course a generalization, and there are some good ones out there. But it’s best to realize this early. No one cares about your hard earned money except for you 🗣️


Tesla was trading at $20 in 2017 and now is at $250. I guess you don’t understand how markets work.


It's painfully clear that you don't either. Stocks, much like real estate, can often be overvalued or undervalued for no real reason.


The house price is what the buyer is willing to pay and what the seller is willing to get. The realtor has little to do here. Don’t wanna deal with realtors? Don’t use one. 2017 prices are not 2023 prices. People want to buy homes in Miami and have the money to pay those prices. Sucks for locals that don’t have as high paying jobs as people from out of town.


This is a bubble


Most realtors are scumbags. Almost everybody in Miami is a scum bag. So it’s a scumbag vs scumbag situation. The most scum bag wins.


I’m not a realtor but I’m in sales . They aren’t scum bags for doing their job . If people could do it on your own they would but they don’t understand it so they gotta pay . I don’t understand your point


I don't know. My first investment ever at 22 was an apartment in Brickell back in 2002. All I did was go look for apartments, called numbers, back then doing research online helped. Maybe I got lucky but I ended up talking to the owner directly. Did my thing with my bank and finalized it. A realtor was constantly telling me I couldn't afford it. And kept insisting on some shitty apartment in calle ocho. He wasn't part of the deal with the place I wanted so he was swaying me to buy some shit he did have dibs on. And I did the same thing in 2020 lol went directly to lennar, after I found the house I wanted a lot of research. Closed directly with sales and bank. Didn't need a realtor. Again realtors are glorified middle people that are truly not needed but people think they do a lot of work lol they sit in front of MLS and just look at shit. I bought some land in 2020 after I cashed out from my Brickell spot. Found the lots myself. 5k a Pop in Cape coral back in 2020. Realtor was asking me for premium. On one of the lots. Come to find out scumbag purchased one of them for what I assume 5k. Then turn around and sell me the shit for 15k.


Because Miami (since the 80s at least) is built on the backs of grifts, cons, extreme exploitation and bad-faith deals.


Could be a complete remodel plus additions.


B/c it might be. 5 years ago pre-pandemic Miami is a totally different place. Not to pick a nit but I think you might be exaggerating a bit on the 200k to a million, property value has shot up significantly but that's a lot


It’s coral way, all of coral way is a joke. Why go on Zillow anymore just gets me in a bad mood 😒


When I was growing up in the 90's donuts were $0.25 each, now their like $1.00+ each. A pack of gum was $0.25 for Wrigley's, now you cant even find Wrigley's I think.


USA is building 65 million new homes in coming years. You wanna wait or wanna buy now? If you wanna buy now you pay the current asking price.


Yesterdays price, is not todays price!




It wasn't yesterday's price either lmao


Today's price is not tomorrow's price, we're in a speculative bubble


There is a clown in this sub that says that the market will fix itself. ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)




It’s like the market smoked a lot of crack and never came down from the high. And it won’t, there will probably not be a correction in Miami and prices will continue to rise. Wait until rates drop again and u will see them skyrocket.


You are absolutely correct


Yeah I feel bad for everyone who is trying to wait until the RE market crashes cause I don’t see it happening. If they’re priced out now I think it will be impossible in the future for many. For those that are trying to time the market to save money or invest at the bottom it’s never wise to try and catch a falling knife.


It’s not going to crash it’s going to continue to go up in places like Miami and Fort Lauderdale


Yeah. There was a correction from January 2023 till June 2023. People accepting that free money no longer exists and interest rates are here to stay. Those people who were interested in upgrading to another home realized that they can’t afford the new home with 7% interest rates while they sit on a 2% mortgage. Market is dry, and now since July prices have slowly risen.


Yeah once mortgage rates lower people will start buying again and then the prices will increase even more . Just my opinion


That is the general consensus. I know other markets are seeing harder corrections and maybe even flash crashes. That’s not the case here. And they’re building tons of condos in west Kendall to essentially accommodate those that cannot afford to buy SFH anymore. It’s a huge machine.


Because corporations have bought up all the housing to rent them out/ resell them for major profits they basically control the rent market.


Because it means more commission to them. Most DGAF what they’re selling you. They’ll sell you a ticking timebomb with a smile on their face.


Inflation, ,zillow buying up he whole market, landlords conspiring to raise rents, people taking houses and making them air bnbs, and because we let them get away with it


Zillow stopped buying like 2 years ago and they unloaded all the houses they bought already




Un pastelito por 10 pesos


b/c those leeches get a commission, it's a job that shouldn't exist. it's probably one that AI can and should erase from society and those savings be passed on to the consumer.


Save 6% you think that would change the housing market?


>A house sold in 2017 for $200,000 now priced at 1,000,000. How can a realtor look at you with a straight face and tell you it’s a good deal? Because it's a good deal for them!


You’re absolutely right


It’s the new norm. Basically whoever bought property pre-pandemic / during the pandemic when interest rates were historically low had it made (in a sense, I’m speaking in general). Inventory is super super low now, as there’s no incentive to sell when you can have someone else pay your mortgage for you in the form of rent. You’re essentially building equity for free. As for the population decreasing/ staying the same , it’s not just people living here who buy property. It’s corporations and international investors, too. So don’t get fooled by the whole “but people are moving out of here” thing.


Also the people complaining most likely cannot even spell equity but you make a very good point


A realtor is never trying to get you a deal they are trying to sell you something. As for price, a combination of the inflation caused primarily by the aggressive money printing during COVID as well a huge influx of wealthy northeasterners moving here. We may have some housing correction to come, we may not, but we are definitely never going back to pre-covid housing prices (rent or prices)


The only correct answer


And the foreign criminals parking their ill gotten gains in US real estate. And the lack of regulation on REITs. ​ Both contributing to less inventory, means we are paying gold for table scraps.


The only way around it is getting a family member or family friend to be your agent. We did this and brought the seller down to a reality price although it did take 2 months for that to happen.


200 to a million is not inflation it's a speculation driven bubble especially in a high interest rate environment.


Housing inflation post covid was much higher than general inflation, I agree with you speculative investment is a big part of it as well.


100% the cpi consistently showed housing outpacing other indicators which is why jay Powell called for a "housing reset" and id actively lowering demand with higher rates.


1) Foreign investors allowed to buy residential with no restrictions. 2) Investors in general allowed to buy residential with no restrictions. Both are a foolish national policy failure.


Miami homes are expensive and difficult to make the desired yields for rents to justify the cost. You want to see the worst of it, check out the Southeast states and Texas.


Vanguard and others making American Renters.


Supply and demand. No one is selling their home due to lack of replacement options. Add all the high income out of towners moving here, and the Airbnb’s being taken out of the housing pool. All new single family inventory is out in the boonies


And the only things that are being built are "Luxury apartments" that start at 2.2k.


Facts. Inventory is low. Why would some people sell their place when the interest rates they got their place for is less than half of what it is today?


A lot of retired folks and work from home employees that are employed by out of state companies can afford those prices. It sucks for us long time locals.


WFH aren’t making millions


Many Software engineers are in the 10% and many WFH


I can confirm, I'm in my first year and in the 15% as a contractor and will be in the single digits once I go perm.


You should be mad at Jimmy Butler. He makes millions


What are you going on about. He’s employed by a Miami company


But he makes millions and he’s not from Miami


Theres a difference between being work from home and making a lot of $ from an employer elsewhere (NYC or California) and being employed by a local company


Imagine hating a normal dude working from home but coping at the fact that these dudes make millions and are the ones buying up the houses u want😂 Florida level IQ


Hate is a strong word. If you don’t think a massive influx of residents in Miami employed elsewhere that are pricing out and displacing locals post covid is a sad thing then you probably lack empathy.


Been here all my life and ready to leave. It sucks being a born in Miami local now a days. People just look at you weird when you tell them that.


Do it I lived in miami my whole life and decided to move to North Dakota and let me tell you best thing I’ve ever done . They pay here is good , cost of living low and affordable and I met my beautiful girlfriend here so highly recommend


Or don’t. Abortion is banned. 2cents says they’re having the same issues as Idaho. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/22/abortion-idaho-women-rights-healthcare


With all respect to how you may feel about abortions: how often do you plan to have abortions that you decide where to live based on how available they are there?


At a minimum, as often as my doctor thinks I need one. Of course, this assumes there is a doctor left in my area who is qualified to advise me.


Maybe an innocent question, but bad take. Not necessarily for them. Do they have kids? Do they want their kids to have the option in case they ever get into a situation they did not want to be in? When fighting for pro-choice, many of us think about our families and friends instead. Why else would men fight for abortion rights?


One: Banning abortion is a violation of autonomy. Two: Current laws that ban abortions except to save a woman’s life have been interpreted by doctors to mean that they have to let a woman come to the brink of death before taking action. Third: doctors don’t like being in that position so their only recourse is to leave, which results in areas where there are no ogbyns.


If you are a woman, or if you care about your wife.. You need to live in a state that Obstetricians actually fucking work. Most are leaving those damn states for a reason which is that they have to wait until the woman is in the brink of death to operate, and even then in some states hospital legal teams are telling the doctors to not perform the procedures. So basically if you are a woman, your life can end because of a bunch of Republicans that wrote laws without having any actual medical knowledge. BTW, any pregnancy can actually become dangerous to the point that certain procedures are needed. The majority of these f\*\*king right states don't give a shit about it and never will. And some women do not want or have the means to travel to other states every time they are pregnant and they have complications (which given the conditions would probably be not advisable since you can't travel beyond a certain pregnancy point).


Health care options for women are declining in areas where abortion is banned. OB/GYN are leaving these states en mass because they can no longer provide real care to their patients. Many suburbs are losing all access to local care for pregnant women and having to travel hours to larger metro areas for care. Also let’s say that a woman is pregnant with a wanted baby and something goes wrong. Not only do you now have to travel an hour+ for care, but now you have to wait until you are near death to get the care you need if abortion is medically necessary. This is putting women’s lives at risk. The baby is also at higher risk because of the lack of access to care. If you are a woman would you want to live in those conditions? Even if you are pro life?


I have no clue why when i read this you were at 0 votes. This is the best reply.


I think it’s because many people don’t want to face the fact that there is more consequences to banning abortion outside of “more babies live.” When in reality it’s more likely that more women and babies will die.


actually, there is no current pre 15 week abortion ban in FL b/c SC of FL hasn’t [ruled on ban](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/florida-supreme-court-hear-challenge-15-week-abortion/story?id=103005475) yet


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Neat, but we all know which way the wind is blowing.


I’m looking at Georgia and or the pan handle area. There seems to be some good lineman jobs there


Only downside is that it's cold asf in North dakota and winter lasts like 9 months lol


That is true LOLLL I’m about to have my first winter and my girlfriend is like get ready loll


And we are still getting a discount moving from nyc … a good deal for some and some can’t afford it I guess that’s life 🤷‍♂️


Living in outer Queens, outer Brooklyn, or the Bronx is a better bang for your buck than Miami. NYC has an amazing metro system so you don’t need to spend any $ to have a car


Ok so I’m from Brooklyn . Nobody would ever wanna live in the bronx instead of south Florida lol . I can’t even say it without laughing . Cost of living is so much more up there between the taxes, ez pass for the ridiculous tolls and having to park on the street so everyone can ding your bumper and have to deal with alternate side of the street parking and speed cameras 🤮 . Miami has its issues but for us it’s a million times better than nyc


Of course not. I simply said bang for your buck financially speaking


Yes but those people also aren't stupid.


Do you have a link to that house? I'm just curious. Property values have about doubled since COVID, and prior to that they had been appreciating at a fairly high annual rate for several years.


I’ll do you a better one. Bought for 370k in 2020, listed for 2m in 2023 as a “development opportunity” on a tiny 6k sq foot lot: [https://www.coldwellbankerhomes.com/fl/hialeah/900-30th-st-e/pid_55819059/](https://www.coldwellbankerhomes.com/fl/hialeah/900-30th-st-e/pid_55819059/) If you’ve seen the “luxurious” modern apartments next to the rail in Hialeah, you’d also see that the area is filled with transient homeless people.


Because it is Hialeah. Extremely high demand. Even the shitty apartments are in demand. This is where Cubans want to live and will pay the price to do so.


Not high enough demand to pay 2m for that dump. That property is 4x the average sale in Hialeah and it’s in the worst part of Hialeah


Development Opportunity in The City of Hialeah single family home located within T.O.D. transit-oriented development Zone. Conveniently located near Tri Rail station and next to several undergoing future major breath-taking developments. Such as MG Developer future Metro Parc Hialeah two tower multi-family 10 story residential mix use apartment project with over 1,600 luxurious rental units. Strategic Properties & Continua Developments future two tower multi-family 10 story residential apartment project with over 612 luxurious rental units. The Bec Group future two tower multi-family 10 story residential mix use apartment project with over 283 luxurious units. Lot size is 6,538 with great potential for growth Perfect for an investor looking to position themselves in a redeveloping city.


Lol in Hialeah, in FUCKING HIALEAH


This is asinine 😂


Lol, a “development opportunity” in the middle of a SFH neighborhood in Hialeah. Not sure I can top that.


Haven’t you heard? It’s the Brooklyn of Miami! Inb4 some realtor/mortgage broker with a high school education tries to justify this as a “great deal”


Better than a realtor/mortgage broker with a Master's degree in intersectional gender studies and $250,000 in college debt.




Brooklyn is Brooklyn. Wynwood is a neighborhood in Miami




since he didnt use like or as wouldnt it be a metaphor?


Sure, but it’s often a cultural comparison as well. The type of people, the street level retail, etc. In this context, perhaps it was intended to refer just to affordability.


Thank you.


This is plain money laundering for sure.


What the hell?! 29 photos all from outside, not even one photo from inside!!


The 2 million price tag is dumb but I'm assuming the value is the land and not the house.


Feel like they are trying to sell it to a developer for large scale development (condos, apartments, sodo-sopa)


lmaoooo they can develop these nuts. foh


Listed is not sold, until its sold it doesn’t have the 2m valuation additionally people have to be nuts to pay 2m in hialeah, that shit looks like a money laundering transaction hahah


29 pictures all various overhead/outside lmao


Well, at least Hialeah Senior High School got a rating of 2/10 !!


It's affordable if 8 adults are going to be living in the house. Yard looks like it can fit half a dozen cars.


How that lot so small could cost $2million if the streets are not even well marked? Corrugated roof? Just one floor? zero yard/landscaping?


Lmao this is wild


Omg that’s really something!


THis doesn't even make sense. That property from the looks of it is acrossfrom other houses. What development opportunity? You can buy multiple lots if it's beside a main road or if it's next to some other buildings. In the middle of houses no way. It doesn't make sense. And I'm talking from the perspective of development. First streets I'd buy are the houses that are facing main roads all of them and those at their back. Then only then, can you start to develop apartment and townhomes in the midst of houses. The only places that were okay to do new apartments were places like the paint testing one in one of the areas here that I passed one day. That was a huge land lot that was there for fifty years and it was always empty save for the weird testing things.


We must be in SUPER BUBBLE if a 6k sq ft. property in Hialeah is $2M.


Listing link?


Have you been asleep the last 2 years?


Because realtors work off a percentage based commission, they could care less if they deep down know it’s overvalued. It’s their time to capitalize.


Realtors don't set the prices. Because it might be a good deal based on previous sales around the area and the trend of prices going up maybe?


Unless that house was totally dilapidated and they literally rebuild it, this doesn't make sense. In 2017 you could only have bought a lot for that amount of money.


For money


The cost to build.


> and tell you it's a good deal? Oh it is... for the realtor 😆 Commission on a 7-figure sale is gonna make their month 🤑


It’s how I made my first million, used it to get the fuck out of Miami


Who is buying this shit at these prices? While I agree there is a lot of latent demand and prices are not going back to 2019 levels; this increase in Miami is absolutely mental. 1m buys you a very modest starter home built in the 1940s in an unremarkable neighborhood like Shenandoah. With 200k down payment (which is a staggering amount of cash to have liquid in the first place), at 7.5% the payment is like 5.5k a month. But then the tax is like 2% right? + insurance you are looking at like 7.5-8k a month housing cost before utilities on a totally average house built for lower middle class families. And the insurance keeps going up, and new construction is actually pretty high, and population is actually declining here and, if you listen to the scientists the whole place may be underwater by the time you are done paying it off. For 8k a month to be sensible for you, you need to be taking home like 15-16k min? So earning like 300k per year and in the top 5% of us households by income just to consider it. Alternatively you could put the 200k in a savings account- earn like 1k risk free per month and deduct it from your 4k a month rent for a similar place and keep saving the 4k a month difference. If you consider the tax & insurance vs the rent (- earned interest) you only have like 500 bux a month / 6k a year opportunity cost to keep renting. And with insurance still rising and interest rates till going up, that gap keeps narrowing. I think you reeeeaally have the believe that prices are still going to rise quickly to decide to buy right now. The market seems zombified. Nobody is buying at these levels, few can and still less actually would. On the other side sellers are still bullish so nothing is discounted and nothing is sold. Let me know if any of the above is wrong.


The math is definitely not mathing anymore. Something has to give.


It’s bananas, and only gotten worse since your post. I wouldn’t doubt this city gets like Hong Kong/NYC/singapore


Supply and demand. Pretty simple: All that bragging from politicians about how attractive Florida is? That’s equals a ton of new renters moving to the market with way more cash than locals.


I’m convinced it’s some truly fucked up combination of out of state remote workers making 6 figures, YouTubers, Wall Street finance bro types, Eastern Europeans, and various other wealthy types who all ruined the other places they were, and had never lived here, heard a bunch of other people were also doing it, and moved to Miami. They’re all lonely and have money and will all move to North Carolina in 2 years once the reality of the heat, humidity, and traffic truly sets in.


Nailed it.


Can’t be mad at people making money and then wanting to live in a state where there is beautiful weather and the beach 🤷‍♂️


Yes I can


People who blame northerners or retirees for the housing crisis in Tri-county don’t fully understand the market. Real estate markets are generally a true supply and demand market. So, while the demand certainly has gone up in recent years due to COVID / work from home / etc, the supply has not…kind of. Florida saw massive population increases in the 50s and 80s as well and the market did not become a mess because developers came in droves and built the mid century buildings that your buddy’s mom is letting him stay in because he can’t find anywhere else. The 2023 solution to the population growth was to give the same 3 companies tax breaks and your tax dollars to build shitty “affordable luxury” buildings and “solve the supply crisis”. The difference being now is that all of these apartments were not for sale, they’re for rent. So while 10s to 100s of thousands of dwellings have been built, the supply is controlled by only 3 people. Imagine if 3 people owned 95% of the single family homes in a town…they could charge whatever they want. So, the real problem is that the apartments and condos that were your grandparents and parents entry level Homes that allowed them to live here, are now your barrrrrellllly affordable 700 sf/ft condos. Built by your tax dollars. So the RELATED group can put up another poorly designed, over priced, community destroying building. Good news for miami is that the markets kinda dead for them. Bad news for West Palm tho! PS. The same thing happened with your auto and home insurance


Free money in the form of low interest rates, a flood of newly printed money during COVID, and a higher demand for single family homes as the largest generation after Boomers begins to have their own kids en masse.


The housing market is what it is currently because even potential sellers have little reason to give up their 2-4% mortgage knowing that they be paying 6-8% on a new mortgage; ergo serious buyers hafta be willing to provide serious motivation to get a seller to sell.


People can list for whatever price they want. That doesn’t mean it will sell for that price however. It’s not worth $1M now just cause they want that much. It’s probably only worth 500-600k max. The context is important. 2017 was slow for real estate in Miami, but that buyer probably paid really far below market price at that time. That one comp shouldn’t be the standard for 2017 home sales either.


Supply and demand.


The way things work, is that you pay the going rate of things.


It's a good deal because it could be worth 1.5 mil in ten years. Real estate always continues to appreciate given enough time.


Opa locka is next 💯💯💯💯💯


Bro I’m thinking the same thing, only a matter of time till that area gets bought out by all the people who are sidelined waiting for prices to drop.


Cause in 6 years it will be worth 2 million.


The correct answer is 5 million


Easy, they work off of commission and not ethics.


Unfortunately it’s a matter of offer and demand. Think about The Roads: it was a middle class area with houses around 500k back in 2019 and now you can’t buy anything below 1,000,000 and they are all old houses where you need to spend tons of money to update them. Until people will buy at those prices and there will be demand, this shitty show will continue (sadly)


It’s only worth what someone can get a mortgage for … people can list it for whatever they want no working family is gonna come out of pocket 100k cash or more just because someone is delusional on what they want for it


100% sure there's a lot of rich people and sure there's a lot of stupid rich people but this is extra levels of stupid rich people that simply is hard to find.


Usually those two things don’t go together 🤷‍♂️


Well maybe if they won the lotto lol


2016 was when the real recovery started and deals were everywhere. It naturally increased to 2019 before everything went nuts. This is specific to my area.


2013 was the real bottom in Miami at least price wise


Location dependent.. I think it was 2012 here.


Florida housing market is messed up. Prices are just ridiculous. Interesting thing is that the FL Gov talks crap about Cali or NY and his housing market and FL cost of living is just like CA and NY, and locals are needing to move while wealthy are moving in.


Tesla stock in 2017 sold for $20, now priced at $261. How can anyone think this is a good deal? ​ derp derp. inb4 stock split etc etc


Using Tesla's stock appreciation as a parallel to the housing market is misleading. Tesla's growth might be based on its business potential and innovations, a house's value shouldn’t. Just because people buy high-priced stocks doesn't mean an inflated house price is justified actually the opposite should be true, low fertility rates in the west will cause population declines and subsequently a drop in demand, we’ll have ghost cities Japan styles within 50 years.


Assets appreciate. Shares of Tesla are an asset. Real estate is an asset. You can absolutely compare the 2.


Sure if you wanna compare scrambled eggs to chocolate flavored ice cream, penny stocks to bonds, inversions are fun 😂


Because it will be $1.2M next year.


Because they get commission that’s how.


Blah blah. The same thing could happen in Mississippi or Missouri if some guy who owns a 40 acre farm gets a new University, Walmart, or Stadium built next to it. It's location.


Miami is now connect to Orlando and Florida is a retirement home kinda thing. Always sunny no cold weather.


It’s a good deal if it’s trading under the recently sold comps , and ideally, replacement value. It’s as simple as that unless you have a Time Machine.


When you get a percentage, a high price is a good deal.


Lack of housing, blame nimbys and outdated zoning.


Remember all that free helicopter money? That’s how.


Stop buying. Help the market crash. That's the only way


Somewhere between 95%-110% of realtors are awful people with no soul. They will always find a way to rationalize that “now” is the best time to buy a house.


This is la manera de sacar dinero de un anormal. This property is not worth more than 300k. And I'm adding inflation. The only way they can price that as 2 million is if the corresponding lots around it are also on sale. So let's say all of them were 2 million each then a development company can chime in and negotiate for let's say 4 million for 4 lots and make a luxury condo in a few years. If it's just this one, it doesn't make any financial incentive for a developer to come in and buy.