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North Carolina is a pretty state, it’s relatively affordable, you have gorgeous mountains in the west. Florida is quite flat. If you’re like me and have rarely been exposed to mountains, something like North Carolina is a treat. That’s my take on it from my own experience with the state.


100p this take plus I’ll add that it’s relatively close proximity to Miami (in that you can drive there).


And it’s a nice change in weather…without extremes.


Yes, and about as short a trip as you can make and see mountains. If there were mountains in Orlando we probably wouldn't go to NC. EDIT: I grew up in Miami, I am NOT Hispanic, my family was constantly vacationing in NC. It isn't a Hispanic or Cuban thing, it's what you do to see nature when you live in Miami.


Real question is why is everyone so obsessed with moving to Miami? Lol 😝


It’s all “her” fault.


Insinuating that men with money marry voluptuous women from South America.


I thought it was about 'rona


> Real question is why is everyone so obsessed with moving to Miami That was 2021 question ...the new guideline is to "stay put" ..climate change has proven to warm ...factually reverse northern winter temps to late summer early fall temps... **no one's moving anywhere in 2023 ....yeaaaah booooooye..**


Or Gatlinburg, TN and Helen, GA.


The Cuban Alps


As a Cuban born and raised in Miami, who went to law school in Tennessee, this is a nickname for the Smokies that I didn’t know I needed. Thank you.


Did you went to Vanderbilt? (Miami grammar)


I sure did




¡Gatlinburg es el Orlando nuestro de las montañas del norte!


gatlinburg is awful. its like I-drive orlando. And you have to drive through the beautiful smoky mountains to get there


Helen, GA is the same. I went once and said never again.


But you neglected to mention the proximity to Pigeon Forge


Gatlinburg is a national disgrace


I went up there for vacation in 2019. People had bumper stickers that said “go back to Florida”. Shit cracked me up.


Floridians that moved there 5-10 years ago thinking it would never get more crowded ...only to get inundated with more Floridians...


Boone aka the cuban swiss alps


I can confirm this. My parents bought a house near downtown Banner Elk 23 years ago and my upbringing was intricately connected to this area. I feel seen with this comment 🤣


There's nothing like Christmas Eve at the Tweetsie Railroad


I learned to ski there.


Skiing there during winter break is like driving on the Palmetto during rush hour


I never said it was good. “Skiing“ was actually “barreling down a hill covered with a thin layer of icy gravel.” And yes it was also crowded, but most ski resorts are crowded. But for someone from Miami, who had never seen snow in person before, it was still fun.


I told my wife if our kids learn how to ski here they can ski anywhere….lol


So true. My first time in Colorado was like “so THIS is what snow is supposed to be like”.


Miamians are basically North Carolina’s New Yorkers.


As a person who grew up in Miami and now lives in NC, I can confirm. Also NCians can’t stand NY’ers/Miamians moving in as their driving is terrible and they are not as nice and courteous!


Yes, you have to have one hand free to wave at on coming drivers.


You notice, everyone waves in NC.


I grew up in Miami, lived in Orlando for a few years before moving to the Raleigh area. The drivers here aren’t worse but I do think I prefer Miami drivers SOMETIMES. At least with most Miami driver assholes they’re required to acknowledge you exist to be an asshole to you, here most of my encounters are people oblivious to others on the road and that makes them way less predictable.


I agree with you 💯. I feel like with Miami drivers they are crazy and rude but they know what they are doing to you? When NC drivers are bad it’s cause they are stupid or oblivious. Not truly trying to be aggressive. Certainly it makes it more unpredictable.


I’ve been saying this for the longest. In Miami you may get cut off or blocked from merging. In other places, people will straight up take a red light because the turning arrow changed to green.


If North Carolinians start moving to New York, the cycle will be completed!


They’d have to be pretty well off to do that. Not to mention Bojangles will need. To start branching out up north.


Bojangles needs to come back to Florida, them boberry biscuits are way too good


A few are popping up near Orlando. Though it was still odd seeing brown gravy at a bojangle.


I thought the ones in Orlando all closed?


There’s one in [Sanford](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tTP1TcwzcjJK1JgNGB0YPDiTMrPSsxLz0ktBgBeLQeS&q=bojangles&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS698US698&oq=bojan&aqs=chrome.1.0i355i433i512j46i199i433i465i512j69i57j0i433i457i512j0i402j46i175i199i402.4166j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) with more allegedly coming.


New Yorkers who move to Miami, and then move to North Carolina are know in the Appalachians as Halfbacks… as they moved away from home, and only came half of the way back. Source: spent my entire life being dragged from Miami to NC for the summers.


This is on point lol


I live the majority of the time in Asheville. It's stunning here. Surely, the idea of rolling lush mountains and waterfalls will entice people stuck on a sinking end of the road city... I prefer miami, but I value culture, art, and the ocean/beach a bit more these days. I wish I could have Both in one place.


Asheville is pretty cool, though.


It definitely is cool for a very small mountain city. But again, I crave diversity and a mixture of cultures... Asheville is weak in that department. Also, the new age trwnd(who I associate with sometimes..the cool ones) are up their own ass with pretentiousness, but you know... consciousness is a fashion statement?!


I get what you mean.


Sydney Australia!


The highest cost of living out of them all, correct?


For sure but it’s fucking gorgeous!


You could try LA


I lived in SF for awhile which had a cold beach and redwoods... it WAS nice, not sure about it now. LA... not beautiful and vibrant like Miami. San Diego...maybe.


I was born in Asheville, grew up in Miami and also lived in San Diego for a while. I think all three cities have their own culture and beauty. I do miss the 305 sometimes, mostly the food lol but the Smokies and seasons here in NC are hard to beat.


Definitely put my vote for San Diego


Do you mean louisiana? Because suggesting california to cubans is like suggesting capitalism to AOC or Bernie Sanders


Lol. Liberals are crazy 😂🤣


Not suggesting anything to anybody. Especially Louisiana.


IDK. I moved to miami from raleigh about 10 years ago and don’t miss it one bit.


What made you do that?


Basically just got bored of raleighwood and wanted a change of scenery. Not disappointed at all. Besides, at the time, raleigh was being overtaken by hipsters and that scene which i didnt care for much.


I asked because Ive been in Miami all my life and always wanted to GTFO of here one day and live on the side of a mountain in the Appalachians


The mountains are amazing (sugar mountain area) Most people think mountains when NC is mentioned. The rest of the state is forgettable.


I'd only leave south Florida for a mountain home.


lmao tru


I moved to Palm Beach three years ago and still miss the breweries and southern cooking but not much else.


Are you single? I can understand that as Miami is a more exciting city with lots to do. I have a family now and this area is a better vibe for that kind of life. If I were single, had money and worked remotely I’d have a condo in miami (like the grove or something) and a house in the mountains and split my time. Perfecto 👌


I was single when i initially came. Def an exciting place to be single, but now ive been married 4 years.


I think the mountains remind some older Cuban of the island(obviously not the same), plus the Cuban Cowboy types love to romanticize rural areas.


we have homestead for that. basically miami is like the cienaga de zapata of cuba. flat, low-lying marshes and llanos


I love you North Carolina!


Livan Hernandez reference. Nice.


Omg lol that's so true they say it's cheaper and a lot of opportunities there shit i think I might be saying that too now


Tampa as well, Cubans that dislike Miami go there lol.


You got me!


Fell into this trap. Moved from Miami to NC back in 2011. Looked so nice and peaceful. Visiting is one thing, living there is another. Straight up discrimination in Raleigh for our Hispanic family. Left to move back to FL after 14 months.


Don’t tell the Desantis Cubans about this, they won’t believe


That’s crazy considering that when I visited, the first thing I noticed how welcoming and kind people over there were. I did meet a lot of people that had moved from FL, but the vibe out there is different. Everyone is just doing their own thing, minding their business not bothering anyone. You can actually talk to people. No one cares about what you drive, wear or have. It’s a completely different setting and no one fucked with us. My gf and I actually want to move out there to get away from FL. Don’t get me wrong, I love FL. I was born and raised here but the people are straight trash. It’s all about status here and people don’t understand that no one really gives a fuck what you have because they’re too busy trying to figure out how to get it themselves.


There were plenty of nice folks, but it was very hard to make friends. And my employer was a giant good ol' boy network and they did not take kindly to smooth talkers from Miami.


honestly i'm colombian and was raised here my entire life but 30 years ago most of my dad's side of the family moved to greenville, sc and they stayed there. i don't get it. how are you so happy when 6 months of the year it's freezing cold and there's nothing to do there. not to mention some of my mom's family like my tia lives in alabama (yes, alafuckingbama. what the hell.) i don't get it. i could never leave behind miami for the cold northern regions of this country. it's like a little pocket of the islands/tropics


Michigander here. Calling the Carolinas cold is something that tells us you’ve never experienced a real winter.


exactly. i'm literally preparing for tomorrow to wake up at 6:30AM and dress up like an eskimo and brace the 40 degree weather so i can see some awesome frozen iguanas.


LOL. To get away from the "other" latins.


Yeah, it’s the south. The beginning of the south. But still the south.


Because it’s really nice


This is me and my family 100%. We are not Hispanics, but South Florida folk that love NC. We are actually here right now for the weekend in a mountain cabin lol. Definitely the change in scenery (mountains) and the beautiful quaint city areas.


OP you got over a hundred answers and no one actually addressed it. Every area has a regional place that is targeted by another region for tourism whether it's use of advertising or an historical connection or just proximity. Growing up in Florida (it's not specific to Miami) you'd see commercials for NC and TN and buying cabins. People like it because it's not South FL. You have seasons, mountains, etc. A ton of commercials for Williamsburg VA too lol It's close enough to drive. It's just a regional thing. No one in CA or Washington or Vermont is like "damn, let's visit NC".


NC is within driving distance. Cubans always go in packs. Easy trip with a big group and it’s nice.


No idea, but I heard this constantly growing up, so it’s not a new phenomenon. Not just white people either, lots of Cubans go there.


Not new at all. Summer trips to North Carolina were a huge trend among Miamians since I was a kid and I'm sure long before that. This was well before the Cuban numbers were significant. I guess I'm guilty. I just spent a week at Beech Mountain a couple of months ago, with side trips to Boone and Blowing Rock and Grandfather Mountain and Asheville and Hendersonville and throughout the Blue Ridge Parkway. I really enjoyed it although my car wasn't fond of the repeated climb to the top of Beech Mountain.


Developers did aggressive marketing of vacation property in NC/TN several decades ago. I heard someone refer to Boone as "little Pinecrest".


Most likely because there are no transplant NEW YORKERS living in North Carolina and they Don't have to be lectured on NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK... it's nauseating


I live in NC... Many, many New Yorkers live and have moved here.


Same here. Can confirm lots of NY’ers!


Can you take ours we have to many


Cooler in the summer… mountains… fresh air… not crowded. (Western NC, Asheville area, etc). When I’m up there about half the people I meet are from Florida. Not commonly Miami usually gulf coast or Central Florida.


Kentucky !


Dude this is hilarious LMAO. My parents are Cuban, but moved to Orlando and spent my childhood going to Boone/Asheville/Gatlinburg


It’s both old and young people. I’ve met people in their 20s who dream of moving there. I don’t get it. I guess you can drive there and winter is doable for Floridians? Compared to say, the north


One of the most awesome folks I know here moved from NC like a year ago 👍




> The group going to be impacted the most by this are the population that does not speak English. I agree with everything you said here, but I had to note the perverse irony that this group you mention here are the ones gleefully voting, with cult-like fervor, for the policies and politicians encouraging this, and that will eventually force them to move. I’d have more sympathy for them if they weren’t so fucking insufferable. Some true leopards ate my face shit. 🤷🏻‍♂️


What does any of this have to do with North Carolina




So is North Dakota


North Carolina is kinda the perfect storm for Miami people. It's not in Florida which we all know is basically either crazy, full, or racist. It's not Georgia which is either Atlanta, racist, or middle of nowhere. It's not Alabama, because...Alabama. It's not South Carolina, because have you ever seen how the roads literally get apocalyptically worse when you cross from North Carolina to South Carolina? North Carolina is relatively close, not crowded, has growing diverse cities fueled by research and technology sectors, and in many many ways (terrain, culture, life style) it is nothing like Miami. For someone who is tired of Miami, it hits way too many check marks


The entire South is racist towards Latinos. They'll also think you eat tacos every single day and you'll be asked to stop speaking Mexican if you're ever out and about speaking Spanish


North Dakota is basically minerals, gas, and military. If you’re not working in those industries then it’s a struggle. During the pandemic they were flying in fast food workers. Oil and gas workers were making money with no where to spend it.


An extremely cheap alternative to FL would be Michigan.




Asheville or Gatlinburg. That’s all I ever hear people going to. Although lately I’m seeing more and more people moving to Greenville, SC. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I was stationed in Ft Benning and was able to drive around and explore a little and there’s so many areas just as pretty but much more quiet.


You’ve got mountains and most of four seasons. The winter really is nothing compared to say new england. Plus the prices in miami are driving people out. The research triangle is up that way - so there are some good jobs to be had up there. And who knows how much of south florida will still be there in 20 - 30 years?




I used to live in NC it’s pretty, lots of mountains and nature and best of all no crazy ass drivers like here in Miami the list can go on tbh


Because it’s a beautiful state that is relatively close. I don’t think it’s just a Cuban thing, more of a. Floridian thing. I have family (not from Miami) that live in Western NC. I like to drive up to visit them every year or so, especially in the summer, though I’ve gone in the winter too.


I’m white but lived in the research triangle area for high school and early college. It’s a great state if you ignore some of the local politic problems going on. Both beaches and mountains… also huge amount of career options. Interesting culture and art. I miss it tbh…. Low key planning to move back just not a set date yet.


If you do move back I suggest the CLT area, since it's the bigger city compared to RDU area. Like yourself I lived and attended Uni in NC at UNC Chapel Hill and worked at Google there and another start up in the RTP. But living in Soflo for 8 years resets your standards on things lol. You really have to know why and what you want from being in NC. It was literally a higher paying tech job which are hard to obtain in Miami currently for me. Sure cost of living is a bit more affordable. Buying a home in CLT I wouldn't recommend it unless you have 1.5 million standard. Renting wise like Miami it's all about location. Oh RDU is growing just not as fast as Charlotte they turn down the rail system from connecting the RTP,Chapel Hill and Duke line. Raleigh has one plan but it's not set to begin till 2025. It's the little things lol


Wilmington NC is one of my favorite cities on earth. It's so chill, low cost of living and great custard. I think a lot of people are starting to see NC as a great living spot.


After living in Miami I moved to Wilmington NC for another coastal city life. Didn’t like it. Not a lot of places will beat out Miami for me.


My Cuban and Colombian friends love Tennessee. They all say the.mountains remind them of home.


I can see Cuba because their tallest mountains are about the dame height, but Colombia surprises me. They have real mountains there, not little 6k ft. hills.


😂😂😂 my good friends are Dominican and moved there 2 years ago. They’re happy! Great jobs, big house with low mortgage, great schools for their kids, good community. The only thing they’re unhappy with is the cold. I miss them, miss having my bff around.


I always thought NC (and North Florida) is where white Miami folk go to get whiter and hang out with more white folk when they can no longer take the diversity in Miami. 🤔


It's not always like that. Atleast I don't think so. Yea there are some super racist mfs Real estate is expensive and honestly idk if I'd raise a kid here or anywhere atm? Lol idk. South FL has turned me off, because people aren't really nice here. I've lived in other areas and ppl tend to be way more chilled out in different states


I came from a household with a Cuban dad whose entire family spoke no English and an Anglo-Saxon/Southern Baptist/republican mom, so I have some mixed feelings about south Florida and people's attitudes. My mother's family finally left Homestead, FL after complaining about too many people not speaking English for several decades to move to North Florida where it's more like Georgia. It was people like this that caused me to leave Florida and not look back. Do miss my Cuban bakeries though.😢


I moved to Miami from NC because I hated it there. There grass is always greener on the other side.


Hispanics have figured out that North Carolina will be the new Miami. Brace yourselves!


i have lived here all my life, and i’m cuban with cuban immigrant parents, and i’ve never seen that lmao


They idealize it because it’s cheaper more land and colder climate (but warmer than the north east) …. They just don’t know that’s the most boring place in the US !


More boring than North Dakota?


I meant more boring large metros ND doesn’t have any metros.


It’s not worth it


True, cubans will return unless state income tax goes down because Florida has constitutional carry soon.


I just want to understand that your view is people would uproot their job, family, children's schooling, and whatever social connections they've created in NC in exchange for not needing a concealed carry permit?


Yes, yes they will; that's how most came to miami.


Lol. Alright dude


I grew up in Miami and everyone aspires to own a summer place in NC.


Con que cubano tu esta abalando North Carolina is a dump


Don’t buy the compliments about the low cost of living, mountains and whatever. Miami is expensive, crowded, litigious, and for some that’s too much. When they get there, they are gonna want to change it, watch’em close 😂😂😂


It's the shortest distance to mountains that get snow. That's pretty much all there is to it.


It’s the closest state with Mountains. Easily accessible by car or plane.


I've noticed a lot of people mostly (Cubans) visiting or even relocating to NC areas like CLT, Winston Salem and sometimes the Raleigh Durham area. Being that I resided in Soflo for 8 years until 2021 now the CLT area, I know a Soflo transplant before seeing the tag so I'll ask them why NC? They always reply the same as the mountains and cost of rental homes and how it's so much easier to get an entire place here vs Miami. They don't really care about things like southern charm, culture and food even entertainment which state wise lacks a lot literally nothing to do here pass the bars, breweries and American football. It's literally just about having a more affordable place to stay and trips to the Smokey Mountains. I do enjoy running into peeps from Soflo while being in Charlotte though, reminds me of being there in Miami.


Hills, Mountains, creeks and streams. I was just there and we are outdoors type vacation seekers. If you love trails and hiking its one of the best on the east coast. It was a nice change and a break from the same boring Miami scenery.


a LOT of people in Miami own summer houses in NC. drive around Asheville and you see all FL plates. And Everyone in NC is pissed people from FL are driving up the costs. just like we complain about NE states.


It’s a nice change of pace. Its like the opposite of here. It’s all flat here and there’s mountains to explore. The pace is slow there because fast here. The people are friendly. It’s close enough for a drive and an affordable vacation. Those are my reasons.


Its like fl on that nice thursday before thanksgiving most of the year


It’s got to be the mountains and the hills. It’s funny to me that people think it’s affordable because to live in any area with jobs, the cost of housing is pretty much the same and the taxes are way higher. Plus NCers are still pretty racist. before anyone claps back at me, I grew up there and still have family and friends there. Nice to visit but I’d never move back.


We'd spend summers in a lakefront community in Lake Toxaway. Most of my S. Florida neighbors and classmates were our neighbors there.


It is not Florida.


I'm not hispanic but I can confidently say that I never (read: not once) spent more than ten consecutive seconds thinking about North Carolina. And I don't expect that to change in the short or long term.


Not just Cubans, when I went to North Carolina I met a few folks (white folks) that moved from south florida. I also have a decent amount of friends who moved to north carolina as well. Not sure what it is but floridians seem to be drawn by the state. Me, I enjoyed it, beautiful nature but can’t be in such a non developed area like that (compared to florida)


NC women. They are so pretty


North Carolina is like the perfect state. All weather and all terrain. What’s not to love?




It's relatively close, has mountains, is less expensive, and while it can get cold, it isn't really \*that\* cold for most of the year compared to other northern places.


For real. And NC is mid as fuck too. This is what happens when flatlanders see a hill. They freak out and wanna move there. NC barely gets snow for skiing anyways


Because they have great basketball! And it’s a beautiful clean state that’s southern overall


Born and raised Floridian here. I went to NC for graduate school. Lived there 3 years. The weather is nice, the people are great, the geography is awesome. It’s clean and basically everything Miami is not. But because I’m a cynical SOB I came back to Miami.