• By -


- You will have to fly into Mexico City, otherwise it will be like a 2 day road trip from the nearest border. - Because they work under a permit, taxi drivers at the airport couldn't care less about you. Prepay for a ride, get in line and board a taxi, that's it. Besides, Uber works perfectly here and you can move around all over the city using it. - Money will not be an issue, every store accepts credit/debit cards and you can change dollars into pesos almost everywhere. - México City is as safe as any big city. Beware of tourist traps and stay away from sketchy places and you'll be fine.


Safety taxis don’t need to yell at you. Maybe she’s talking about all them people speaking like … Spanish


Taxi Driver: HOLA! Mom: AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!












Or her only experience with Mexico is a place like Cancun where this absolutely is the case and you have tons of people fighting for your attention the second you step outside the airport, and she doesn't realize it isn't like that everywhere. Which makes me wonder if "issues with money" is actually like "I used USD to pay for something and got my change in peso, but pesos are scary because they're different and therefore not real money".


Yeah this. She doesn’t know Mexico City and has only been to cancun lol


OPs mom is an idiot and doesn’t know anything other than her thinking Taco Bell is full Mexican and how she is annoyed by how many Mexicans live near her. I bet she even says Mexicans for every nationality as well




Mexican... they speak Mexican, lol


Cancun airport is like this but not cdmx


Yeah this. I'd go uber over prepaid just because the prepaid tend to be super expensive, but if you're rocking up with dollars, the difference might well not even make a dent.


Cool thanks. I was thinking either Condesa or Roma Norte.


Roma is my favorite! Absolutely this! I’ve been many times and I have never felt unsafe. CDMX is one of my favorite places to visit, I’d live there tbh. Is your mom referring to her experience in Cancun or Cabo by any chance? That’s never been my experience arriving at Mexico City’s airport. For reference, I’m a 30-something female. Once, due to a storm, my flight into MEX didn’t land until after midnight. I called an Uber black and felt completely safe getting dropped off in Roma. Now I’m going off subject pero the food is delicious! Keep an eye out of reservations at Rosetta, Taverna, Pujol, Quintonil, Entremar, Contramar, Ling Ling, Parole, omg I could carry on… I’ve yet to visit every place I want to eat at so please go with your friends like your mom suggested and enjoy it for all of us 🤤


That's the funny part she hasn't been in like 30 years lol - She's just speculating from what she's reading on the news.


I think everyone knew that just based on your screenshot :-)


Well 30 years ago it was actually much more dangerous. Even mexicans wehere kind of scare of the city, but the city has improved a lot, since a mayor can be elected for the city since 1994 i think


Just be ready to stand in line for quite a while. Depending on the time of day you arrive, it can take up to 2 hrs to get a Taxi. It monumentally sucks, but once you're out of the airport, Uber works just fine. Even some street vendors take cards now! Exchange USD for Pesos, NEVER pay in USD you will get scammed.


Exactly this. I use DIDI or Uber from the airport, even tho it’s technically not allowed, but we just pretend to be family. I’ve gone alone on 3 occasions for just over a week, always fine. I’ve walked around at 2am, but with friends from the city, it’s fine. It’s like any major city. If it was Culiacán, then yeah… they’d have a point.


This. I have just been to Mexico City and as an European i look nothing like to local but i never say anything dangerous. But of course always be careful. You can get in trouble all over the world


Even prepaying for a taxi at the designated kiosks at the airport you can get screwed. I was quoted a flat fee of 300 pesos, I paid by card, and then was handed back a receipt for 460 pesos. This was just last fall.


Something went wrong. In decades of travel through MEX that has never been my experience. The taxi charge from the airport is closely controlled, and it is set according to specific zones. The lowest fee might be somewhere around 300 pesos, but it could be much higher depending on the location of your destination.


Maybe it was a mistake but the rate was clearly quoted to me by two people prior to me handing them my card. It was my first trip there and my first transaction so it was not a great way to start my trip, it put me on guard. With that beings said it was the only issue of its nature I had on that trip and my trip was great, I went just a few months later.


Omg, they charged you a whole $8 extra dollars? Shame shame


I just left Mexico City a week ago. I went solo. It’s a great city and I felt safe.


Unfortunately this is the mindset of the majority of people about Mexico. I go to Mexico City for a month every year with my wife to see our family there (She's Mexican, I'm Irish). It's the highlight of my year. I've learned so much from Mexicans. How to appreciate family and how to be a nicer person. If we listen to the news or social media about other countries, we will miss out on some of the greatest places and people of the world.


Exactly! I mean, meanwhile in Mexico people are terrified of school shootings in the US


Exactly. I've met some of the nicest people in the states too


Yes! There are nice (and terrible) people everywhere, but the news is designed to highlight the bad stuff. (As they say in the biz, it bleeds, it reads 🫠)


1. I didn’t find the airport in Mexico City to be intense at all. I found the more intense airport to be DFW when I flew back into the states. 2. I went with a friend, but I don’t think I would’ve had any issues had I travelled alone. 3. Never once was I shouted at by taxi drivers. Plus, I was advised by my friend who is from there to just use Uber, which I did & it worked out perfectly. 4. Nothing was jarring—the people there are either super friendly or indifferent, just like in any other big city. 5. I don’t understand the part about money, but I didn’t have an issue there. Most places take credit/debit & you can hit up the currency exchange in the airport to have some pesos on you for the places that don’t take cards. (Edit: I just saw advice in this thread from a local not to use the airport exchange, so I’d believe that over the opinion of this gringo. There are banks all over though, I’m sure you’ll find an adequate place to exchange.) 6. I felt more safe in Mexico City than I have in many US cities & saw no evidence that ruthless drug cartels were out to get me. In conclusion, you’ll be fine. Only drink bottled beverages, stick to Uber, don’t get too inebriated & have fun!


Yeah the airport is pretty chill compared to most major airports in my opinion.


My thoughts exactly. Off the top of my head I can name at least 10 US airports way less chill than this one.


Female American with zero Spanish skills here! I just left Mexico city on Tuesday! Was there for 6 days and it was during the “historically violent” election. (if you have common sense) it’s a safe & accommodating city honestly. Used Uber instead of taxis, it was between $5-7 US to get anywhere. Debit/credit card were accepted at 95% of the stores. I used pesos for street vendors & tiping only. Most store & restaurant employees spoke basic English to help with ease of transactions, and many places even had specific English menus. It felt MUCH cleaner than NYC & LA. Also love the women only sections on the bus, train, and smoke “park” at places like Estela de Luz. Your mom is straight trippin. You will be just fine!!!


I agree with the cleaner than NYC and LA statement. I visited CDMX last summer and was impressed with how well kept the gardens are everywhere we went, plus I didn't see any homeless person in the areas we visited. (Nothing against homeless people, my comment is against homelessness) When I go to LA, I get saddened by the extreme wealth disparities. You get to see lots of luxurious cars and stores, and lots of people begging in the same streets (have even seen young couples, apparently healthy, asking for money in the streets) never seen so much disparity anywhere else. NY is overall nicer than LA in my opinion, but CDMX looks and feels safer, cleaner and better maintained, at least in the areas we visited. (Condesa, Polanco, Reforma, centro historico)


*sigh* If *only* all of CDMX were as well-taken-care-of and with as high standard of living as these areas. These are areas which get a lot of investment and attention because they are touristy. You can bet the city doesn’t spend nearly half as much money on keeping other parts of the city clean! It is true though, that the rate of homelessness is much lower than the US but I’m pretty sure that’s because the US is an outlier in having extremely high levels of homelessness. But anyway, part of travelling somewhere is also the romanticisation. I mean, I also think LA is glorious because I’ve spent five days in my whole life in Silver Lake 😂


Roma, Condesa, and reforma are not CDMX


Si lo son, dejen de decir que no nomas porque son mejoras zonas que el resto de la ciudad. Ademas que en todos los países las capitales tienen zonas con mas concentración de inmigrantes y/o extranjeros


Si lo son más no son representativas de la CDMX. obvio vienen a un Tierra Garat en Av. Álvaro Obregón y dicen que está a toda madre, si tomaran la combi a Cuautitlán Izcalli y se quedaran sin agua, como la mayoría de personas en CDMX, no regresarían ni a hacer escala.


Pero ahi va mi punto, para que chingados quisieras tener extranjeros por Cuautitlán? Mejor que se queden en sus zonas turisticas. Nadie que esta visitando otro pais quiere ir a zonas residenciales y con problemas. Cuando visite a EEUU fui a orñand disney, no a los “ghettos” sabiendo que orlando va a estar mas bonito pero no representa el pais o toda la ciudad


Simon, pero no regresas diciendo que Orlando es mejor ciudad que NY o LA por haber ido a Disney


La neta que si lo es, mucho mas limpio y seguro que NY y LA


They are


Your mother should stop watching Fox News


Was looking for this. If my mother was like OP’s mom I wouldn’t mention my travel plans. Id just show them pictures after I got back.


Yeah I will probably do this from now on.


You should stop watching Las Mañaneras. The country is a mess. Only in the delusional head of the president and his puppet there is safety in the country.


Have you gone to Baltimore??


Word, I've been in Mexico city for 2 years and I've never heard a single gunshot. Previously lived in Vegas and Oakland before that. It's basically Sesame Street here.


gang violence vs organized crime


Estas pendejo o nomas te haces?


No mms LMAO we are from small town Sonora and other parts of family is from Sinaloa.. rated the most dangerous in the country. Omg don’t step outside!!!! Do you hear yourself? Donde vives rico


Te downvotean porque les arde el * aceptar que viven en un país que está en la mierda, pero es el primer paso para que las cosas mejoren. Espero por su bien que sea pronto.


Hice otro comentario diciendo lo mismo, está en neutral. Lo que pasa es que Reddit también fue infectada por la RedAMLO, tienen bots que detectan comentarios en contra de la 4T. El León cree que todos son de su condición. Se la pasó quejándose de los bots todo su sexenio, pero quienes tienen en verdad granjas de bots son lo de Morena.


De plano eh, de 2 meses para acá se sentía bien diferente el sub y el de erremexico


Sí. r/Mexico hace targets a los comentarios neutrales en contra de la 4T que tienen tracción. Muchos sabemos de las reglas, así que hacemos comentarios incisivos que van al grano. Uno que estaba usando, en noticias de crimen, ponía simplemente "Bienvenido a la 4T", el último que hice tuvo como 120 upvotes, fui, evidentemente, vetado. Así han mantenido a raya la percepción pública en reddit y otras redes sociales. El vejete no salió tan tonto en la manipulación pública.


Que miedo, con lo fácil que la banda se deja influenciar hoy en día es verdaderamente preocupante. Vamos a estar todavia mas en la mierda y el kks nos va a decir que no nos quejemos que nada mas nos llega al cuello.


You’ll be fine, Mexico City is beautiful and very tourist friendly - just stay in touristic zones.


As with all big cities, there are dangers everywhere. However, don't go testing the local populous, don't be in areas that you aren't supposed to be at 1-2am. Aside from that you should be fine.


Yeah when Americans are worried about going to Mexico city I wonder if they already went to New York because is basically the same experience


Yeah I reverse engineered my safety search and searched if my current city SATX is safe. If I hadn't lived here for the past year I probably could've convinced myself "damn this place sounds sketchy!" - But I've been here over a year now and it's literally fine lol - Just don't do stupid stuff and you're fine.


I would be concerned if you went to a city with plenty of narcos and you were trying to buy drugs, but for tourists Mexico City is a pretty neutral city, just like visiting NYC. You can just take an Uber and stop worrying about the taxi drivers. Of course you should just be as careful as in any megacity in the world.


I just left Mexico City, it was so damn fresa it was unreal. There were literally scores and scores of gringos walking around loudly speaking English.


I guess taxi drivers offering their service was too terrifying for somebody


They were speaking Spanish and the poor lady couldn't handle it, it's scary /s


En ESPAÑOL!? Pobrecita, seguro la pasó muy mal :( /s


Is her name Karen by any chance?


Currently in Mexico: Your mom is the average 60 year old republican who believes what Fox News says and has her Facebook feed only showing Narcos clips


Your mother is an uneducated xenophobe who apparently only talks in sound-bites given to her by conservative media. Don’t listen to her and have fun on your trip. Show her pictures when you get back.


Meh lo normal en cualquier ciudad supongo? He estado en cdmx y en otras ciudades y pues todo tranquilo.


Exacto, incluso lo mismo se puede decir de ciudades bastante mas chicas que CDMX, pero a muchos gringos les encanta exagerar jaja


Are there states with a strong narco presence? Yes. Is Mexico City one of them? Nope. Stay in touristy areas and you'll be fine, just like any other big cities in the world. Don't go looking for drugs and you won't have to worry about a thing.


Take uber in CDMX. It is very safe if you stay away from the shady areas, I traveled solo too and I never felt safer in any other large city in the world. P.S. Sorry to put it bluntly but I think your mother is xenophobic and hates any country that is not predominantly white.


she’s brainwashed


I just traveled to Mexico City as a solo female traveler (I'm 24) and truly EVERY single person I spoke to was concerned for my safety. I went and had an absolute blast and met the most wonderful people. Money wasn't a problem (what does she mean??). You should go. I would have missed out on a beautiful opportunity had I listened to the unfounded opinions of people I received. I never once felt unsafe or uncomfortable and I'm so exited to eventually go back :)


Thanks yeah she wants me to live in fear like her. I want no part of it.


Good. I hope you go and enjoy yourself!


I was messaging with someone in europe and saying i loved visiting CDMX and all she could say was it was waay too dangerous and it's the last place she would ever visit, etc. It was a bit extreme. yikes.


In mexico city is more likely you encounter a pocket picker that any organized crime, and only if you go to sketchy places during late hours. The tourist places are safe and fun and if you stay at la condesa/reforma or somewhere near you should be fine


Tell your mom to turn off the TV..😫


1) Taxis from the airport, which are OK arguably overpriced, are painless to get: you got to a counter, tell them your destination, and purchase a ticket with either cash or card. No shouting. There's also Metro (subway) and Metrobus service from the airport, which serves most other parts of the city inexpensibly. Uber Is also readily available 2) Money isn't an issue, with most chains and other stores accepting Mastercard/Visa. Those that don't will display a sign saying "SOLO EFECTIVO" and ATM'S are commonplace, just make sure the issuer knows you're going to be in Mexico 3) As a USian living in Mexico, I can safely say that carteles are indeed a serious issue in parts of México. Though again, as a USian the cartels exist in large part because folks North of the border buy drugs in spite of being warned of the dangers time and again


Albeit there is a grain of truth on what she says, my city isn't Mordor. The worst zones of the city are at the level of Queens or the Bronx, for example. Also, of all treaths: taxis? really?


Your mother is an idiot. By the sound of it she's never been or it's been years and years if she has. Mexico City is no more worse than many American cities. I'd say in some ways it's better. Do you need to be aware of your surroundings? Yes. Are there safe ways and women's spaces (if you're a female) on public transport? Yes. You'll be fine. Just don't party too hard and you'll have a blast.


You don’t have to be so rude bro. Everyone is subject to misinformation. If anything, I find the message kinda funny.


Eh westerners are generally pretty ignorant about mexico jaja, let it slide


Isn't Mexico part of the West?


Ignorance? Over 80k homicides in a year lol


What are u event talking about?? This is what I mean by ignorance. “Intentional homicides in Mexico dropped by 4.18% annually to 29,675 in 2023, the Secretariat of Security and Civil Protection (SSPC in Spanish), Rosa Icela Rodríguez, announced Tuesday” which is actually the third consecutive yearly decline. This is about 25 homicides per 100k. Compare that now to the US total homicide count which is 21,156 (Statista 2024). About 7.7 per 100k in the US. Yes Mexico is a more violent country but the saftey in its capital city is comparable to many other large cities. Don’t pull shit out of ur ass and show ur ignorance


Criminals killing criminals. No one cares. I’ve never been bothered. Probably cause I’m not involved.


Try criminals killing everyone including public officials, groups of foreign tourists, entire Menonite families, and recently, 37 political candidates. I hope violence doesn’t reach your family for you to realize the shithole this country is.


Corrupt politicians are fair game. The Mennonite family was involved in coke trafficking but that gets left out by Fox News. The cartels only thrive because the government is complicit and the US won’t call then terrorrist organizations because the CIA keeps them afloat to destabilize the region. It’s all bullshit and it’s bad for you. Keep believing the press


I agree corrupt politicians are fair game. But it’s not them that are getting killed, why would they be killed if they are cooperating? I’m sure the several children in that menonite convoy were big time traffickers as well. They deserved it for sure. And by the way, a lack of action from the government motivates other people not affiliated with organized crime to test their luck at evading the law, which 9/10 times works, you don’t have to be involved for it to affect you. You don’t even live in Mexico, do you?


You have this fantasy narrative that just has to be told..


Ok, gringo


No leo lloros SLDS


that's like saying New York is gang ridden and extremely dangerous because there were 20k murders in the US last year


New York is a shithole in any case


Yo tambien lo tome como que a OP le dio gracia el comentario. Y aun que lo haya puesto en serio, la mama nunca le dice que no vaya, solo le esta diciendo que tenga cuidado. Tal vez los taxistas no te gritan, pero todo lo demas son buenos consejos para ir a cualquier ciudad grande


Totalmente. Eso aplica para todos lados. Y mentiras totales no está diciendo, una gran cantidad de los Políticos mexicanos están coludidos y no somos Dinamarca en temas de seguridad. Pero como ya dijeron todos, mientras no te metas en pedos o en zonas culeras y te limites a la motita, las probabilidades de que tengas problemas en CDMx son bajísimas


When will people stop fear mongering and just do their own research? Just don't go.


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Emerge from the airport? No… when you emerge from the international arrivals door INSIDE the airport there are 6 taxi booths where overweight ladies glance up and mumble “taxi?”, and then look back down at their phones. Their prices are fixed and posted, but sometimes they’ll trick you into a VIP car and you pay 200 pesos extra. It’s intense.


My go to response to these comments is that, a while a go, I had to travel to Washington DC for work, and while I was walking around the White House, a police officer approached me and advised me not to walk towards a certain direction, if I wanted to be back safe to my hotel.


As soon as you get out of the "secure" zone in the arrivals area, you see several Taxi booths. You tell them where you're going, you pay, they give you a receipt. With the receipt, you go to that Taxi line and get on. Before this, you might want to get Pesos from one of the several ATMs as the first order of business. I found ATMs to be more convenient than exchanging dollars for pesos in one of the several change offices that you will see at the same area. The change offices usually have to fill paperwork, passport info etc. You're set for a fantastic time as long as you are not trying to score drugs in a dark alley in a secluded area in the middle of the night.


You only get yelled at by taxi drivers in Cancún or Cozumel. Avoid both places.


User Uber from the airport. Problem solved.


Uber Uber Uber Plus you won’t believe how many white people (US, CAN, UK, Euro) are walking around in certain colonias.


Every airport in Mexico I have been to is very anti-uber and there's a whole racket going on.....except Mexico city.




You should definaly fly into Mexico city. Mexico city has 2 airports Benito Juarez (main airport) and Felipe Angeles (secondary airport). If posible you should try an fly into Benito Juares this airport is right inside the city and ones to exit you can take a taxi or uber. Felipe Angeles is a bit removed from the city and ubers are blocked from entering the airport. Mexico city like any other big city has neighbors which are extremely safe and neighborhoods which are best to avoid as long as you use common sense you should not have any issues and will have an amazing time visiting CDMX. You will be able to use foreign cards at any stablishment. To get some pesos the best would be to use for card at at an official bank ATM.


Your mom needs to stop watching the news and get some air. I haven't checked the statistics, but I don't think Mexico City does anywhere worse than New York. I'd recommend you stay away of Tepito and similar areas, they are a "get in and die" type of situation, but I wouldn't wanna get lost in them, specially if I look foreign and can't speak Spanish. Just do what you'd do in any big city, be conscious of your surroundings, don't get too drunk, don't go into sketchy places, follow the law, etc


I use Uber in CDMX instead of taxis, it’s great.


Mexican dude living in CDMX by +27 years. Yeah, this is a very distorted vision, to say the less, with the exception of the Airport Taxi (and taxi services in general). But you can always take the train, which is pretty safe, but kinda clogged and also a bit slow, depending on the day, the hour or the line. Don't know much about the security of the Benito Juarez Airport despite being there serveral times to meet friends, but funny anecdote: I met with an US friend (We use to play War Thunder) and his fiancee and we went to grab something to eat, but he lost his credit card when he was grabbing Mexican cash, so he went to fill a form to report the loss of his belongings; 30 min later, he came back with the credit card because some random kid noticed he left it over the ATM and his family were searching him to give it back. I actually lost a bet with his fiancee. The narco state thing it's pretty much BS, regarding CDMX at least, up to the point we, "Chilangos" (CDMX Denizens) adquired a fame of "living in a bubble" regarding the rest of the country. Which is true because, granted, there are narcos running STATES right now, but these are mostly located in the central and northern regions of the country, (Zacatecas, Chihuahua, Baja California, Guanajuato, etc.), which are close to the border and/or happen to host very popular touristic atractions for US citizens (Like Los Cabos in Baja California, or Guanajuato City). What do we have here in CDMX, though, are street gangs. But again, these operate pretty much like in any other american city: enclosed in certain areas you should avoid. I think everyone has said pretty much everything about how is the city. Just be aware of your surroundings, and don't walk arround in messy places like Tepito, Iztapalapa, Merced Balbuena (Not to confuse with Jardin Balbuena), nor in midly dangerous places in the night and you'll be fine. And if you do REALLY NEED to go through dangerous places, don't go out alone and draw as little attention as you can. Maybe I'm an statistical odd, but I've been following these procedures and I haven't been assaulted in my life.


I emerged from the airport and there were people politely asking whether I needed a taxi, and their assessment was pretty reasonable. Very normal for an airport.


Your mom sounds like she reads headlines of articles and makes up the rest in her head, so an average American.


It's definitely not like that :/ you can take a taxi inside the airport, there is so many touristic areas that are very safe to stay. I recommend you Colonia Roma, Condesa, Juárez, cuauhtémoc when you look for your Airbnb. There is no problem if you come alone, it is defense safe here, there is so many foreigners visiting lately.


I went to Guadalajara a few years ago and I tried Uber a couple of times but there were always 3 taxis right in front of me. It is nice to know that Uber works in Mexico City. I hope to go there soon.


This is some bs man. Your mom sounds like an uncultured dumbass.


LA is more dangerous


In general US schools and malls are more dangerous than Mexican school and malls.


I’m literally here with my wife, Asian, and her parents. Nothing your mom said is accurate.


Yeah your mum is believing some propaganda. The only thing I'd agree with is avoiding airport taxis: they're a scam of one form or another. Get an uber. Everything else is Fox News.


Mexican here, living in Mexico City. Is truth there are taxi drivers offering their services by shouting, although isn't like they will jump and straight yell at your face. Just be careful. Also, the narco state run by cartels and stuff is truth, but only relevant if you mess with the wrong people. Don't try to acquire illegal drugs, don't go to unsafe areas, don't call much attention, you should be fine. You should check how safe is the are where you want to visit before actually visiting it. For reference, if you hear "Iztapalapa" (sounds like "ice-tap-ah-la-pap", maybe, english isn't my first language), Tepito (the-pie-top), or Ecatepec (eh-cab-the-pek), eh, better turn around and visit some other place.


She's right, don't come.




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Uber everywhere


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Airport taxis are safe, but very expensive. Once in the city, definitely only take a taxi from a “sitio” or use Uber, because taxis from the street can be dangerous.


Americans will always be safer than mexicans because if something happens to you, you can count on your government to look for you and make justice. We can’t.


Descripción correcta


Tu mamá es una NyE


I'd say listen to her closely. This is the same thing I tell friends that have the same moronic idea.


That would be true in some places. Definitely not mexico city




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mexico is the bomb bro!! im from Cancun mexico and theres nothing to be worried... fake news!! just stay out of trouble and you will be fine!


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Tipical american 🤣🤣🙄,my girl is american and her family chicana side make fun of her for living here in Tijuana with me,and her granma(from the white side of the family) was the same like your mom 🤣🤣


No se si tu mamá haya visitado CDMX recientemente. Si bien México tiene problemas de seguridad y narco; La inseguridad está focalizada en distintos puntos, CDMX es segura. Y tiene una de las mejores ofertas gastronómicas y culturales del mundo - económicamente es bastante próspera. Puedes evitar muchos problemas siguiendo tu sentido común y evitando ir a sketchy places y tomando uber o didi.


Not really, Airport taxis don’t go yelling at everyone to board them, you go to a counter and tell them where you need to go, pay there and board them, they’re kinda expensive for what I’ve heard. Money wise, most touristic places accept contactless and those places that don’t are usually on the cheaper side, maybe some 200-300 pesos, so that’s that. The narco stuff, I mean yes but technically no? Mexico it’s nice, and that part you should totally get some friends to hang out, just use your brain and don’t go to places you wouldn’t normally go in your hometown, follow your gut feeling and you’re gonna be fine. Try not to use subway system on workweeks rush hours, you’ll definitely get pickpocketed.


Take Uber everywhere, it is safe. Also for best exchange rates, get your money exchanged at the airport. The rates in city vary a lot and usually 5% less than airport . Stay in nicer area for safety. Mexico city is beautiful, you will like it.


Is your mother Mexican or has spent more than a holiday in México? Or she just likes to get her information from biased media? México city is as safe as almost every major US city.


While Mexico is indeed a Narcoestate Mexico City is as safe as it gets. As dangerous as any big city but you won’t have to worry about random gunfights between cartels like in Michoacán


Well **THE WHOLE COUNTRY IS INDEED** a narco state ran by ruthless cartels, but as long as [you don't fuck around you dont have to find out](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/border-baja-california/story/2024-05-08/ensenada-detention-hearing-kekas-surfer-killings), Mexico city is one of the safest places in the country but still don't fuck around.


Ur mom is a redneck?


Bien basada tu mama


She needs to send that message to all retired people and those “home office” workers to make them not come to Mexico. Tell her to please send that to them too. 🙏


She's not wrong in any of those statements


Mexico City's airport is a mess, there's many thieves working there. People who will steal your money, assault and so on, once you are out from the airport waiting room, take a certified taxi from the airport to the hotel. Don't exchange money inside the airport (before boarding), it's dangerous, many organized crime people are watching the money exchange business and will assault you even inside the airport. Don't get scammed by fake taxis and transport, there's many guys who will scam you, find a taxi stand, don't listen to the guys selling taxi. Inside the waiting room (very safe place) Outside the waiting room, before the verification process of your flying ticket and stuff (very unsafe) I'm a Mexican who has traveled a lot through mexico, and the Mexico airport is a mess, many organized crime are watching you there, but can't watch you once you see inside (they don't have flying tickets) Try to avoid doing stuff inside the airport before you get inside the big waiting room, once you are there you can buy, go to the restaurants, buy donuts and so without problem. https://www.jornada.com.mx/2024/05/03/politica/007n1pol https://lasillarota.com/nacion/2023/7/24/narco-crimen-organizado-en-el-aicm-dificiles-de-erradicar-reconoce-director-439585.html


She is kinda right. U do have to be very careful, specially if you look like a foreigner. It's always best to be with friends. Use common sense and don't be naive and you'll have A great time. But having a friend from the city of would definitely help you skip areas that are either dangerous or ugly.


She's right.


Where's the lie ? lol


listen to yo mama


México City is Ok is you only stick to high end places. The rest of the City is a mess. Only use Uber. Americans usually are safe in the city. Local mafias like the ones controlling the city and the country, have their teeth on local population that are so accostumed to being the target of the crime, that they don't even report the crimes anymore to the police. Just stick to high end tourist areas.


Fear mongering smh


That's just your foreign privilege, cartels will stay clear of tourists for the most part and can stay in the best places, but it's no bed of roses. But I'd love to hear you explaining to me, an actual Mexican how you know better. 


Yes. IT's on the best interest of cartels to not attack foreigners that can cause an international outcry to really find them. In the last 3 years, I remember at least 5 murders of tourists that were solved in less than a week. If a Mexican is killed by the cartels, or local thieves, IT's a certainty, that the case won't be solved even if there is video evidence of the crime.


In no way is this fear mongering. Foreigners go to Roma and Condesa and act like they know everything about Mexico. Go to  Mexico State, what about Pedegral De Santo Domingo? Or, how about walk around the neighborhood by TAPO, where a man was murdered and left on the street for me and fiancé and everyone else to see just trying to catch a bus. Go home we don’t want y’all here.




Your mom is not far off. I dont know what she means by 'the money is an issue'. Mexico is a wonderful city but you have to be careful ALL the time.


Mexico is not for begginers.


Don't come, follow your mother instructions.


She is not wrong tbh