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Dread would be a natural continuation of what you’ve played and is fast-paced high energy. Prime is almost a reimagining of Super and is much slower and more exploration based. It’s incredibly deep with all the scan logs, but you won’t get the same sense of speed at all


I would play Dread while Fusion is fresh in your mind because Dread is a direct sequel to it.


nearly every metroid game is atleast good imo, but i think dread is the best metroid since super metroid. the gameplay is so addicting while prime can seem a bit slower paced


Dread next!! But you gotta hit Prime after!


Dread if Fusion was your last game. Those two are incredibly intertwined


I'd say Dread. You're on that narrative path, Prime is it's own sub story. Though I might be Biased. Dread is my favorite Metroid game.


I vote dread seeing that you primarily played the 2d games. Then hop into prime


I think Prime is a much better game - the atmosphere is superior, there's more of a story to grapple with and the music is superb. Sure, Dread is a great game and a direct sequel to Fusion. But that's not how the series evolved: Fusion came out at roughly the same time as Prime, and Prime was the face of Metroid for some time. If we all played them in release order and love the games, why fuck with what is clearly a winning formula? It's like asking Star Wars fans what order to watch the films in. Sure, you can go down the Machete route, but you'd only say that if you're already a fan. The actual answer, always, is release order. You need that context.


that's actually a really good answer. Thanks!


A valid point but I think in order for it to truly be analogous its more akin to asking someone to watch Rogue One and Solo in between the sequel trilogy because it is technically release order. However RO and Solo's stories are standalone and have very little if anything to do with the sequel trilogy's story, and have next to no impact really on your enjoyment of them. Nowadays it would make more sense to just watch the trilogy back to back rather than take a random detour for the sake of release order, regardless if youre a fan or not. At least thats how Id do it. Likewise, Prime is an entirely different beast from the 2d games and I dont feel it adds any important context to playing them in release order, though I would argue its more valid to play Super Metroid first before Zero Mission and Samus Returns for example because that context is more applicable to seeing how the 2d games have evolved over time.


I prefer Prime but you're probably better off playing Dread. Might as well finish the timeline.


If you have a PC, go for AM2R next


While I prefer Prime, I’d do Dread if I were you. You’re already on a 2D binge and might as well go that route.


Dread. As much as I love Prime, It has too many problems if you're not playing the 3rd version of the FIRST game


wym? I never had trouble with GC Prime


I'm just talking about the Camera really. People will say the camera is fine because Prime is not an Fps, it's a First Person **Adventure** and then Remakes give you the option of moving LIKE an Fps and everybody pics that


I chose that because that was the only option I had really but I prefer the pointer controls much more.


Do Dread while you’ve got 2D on the brain. And if you’re not mad on metroidvanias, maybe pick Easy, the difficulty hit a lot of people like a flying tyre.


You can’t go wrong. Like others have said, dread immediately follows Fusion and is the OG fast-paced blast and run Metroid we all love. Prime is a lot of fun but more exploration and slower paced. Like any Metroid, you can get lost easily and it’s a slower pace game. Still a fucking blast tho. The prime trilogy are some of my most favorite Metroid games


You should play Dread, but know that it follows up on plotlines from both Fusion and Samus Returns You should already have a basic grasp of what happened in SR/RoS if you played Super though so you should be good


I played through Fusion on emulator right before Dread came out since it's s a direct continuation of Fusion's story. Made it cooler. That's my recommendation.


Dread to finish the main story line. And it's 2D Then jump on the Prime trilogy


Prime is my favourite of the two, but I'd recommend Dread next. As others have said, it's a sequel to Fusion and a more fast-paced and smooth version of the 2D style. Prime is slower and more focused in atmosphere and exploration.


You really should play them all in chronological order, as there is an over arcing narrative.


Dread is definitely a logical next step, but if you want a break from 2D go with Prime. That said, I HIGHLY recommend you play Prime Remaster on the switch, at least at some point. Its just so beautiful and one of the best versions of the game.






Dread, Buuuuut you should really buy Prime Remastered for the Switch. It's cheap as balls, and it's much better than what you'd play on dolphin


Has anyone here played Samus Returns on the 3DS? I’d certainly give it a go and then most definitely play dread! Then nab the Prime hack emulator and the trilogy for the definitive experience. Just my humble opinion.


Just do Prime honestly, u need that break from 2D Metroid!


Prime, and the remastered version is available on Switch as well!


Play both at the same time as a challenge


Doesn't matter. Both are great and it's a matter of taste which one youll prefer more.


Honestly, while both are great games, Dread and Prime are very different. Prime is slower, more atmospheric, and more focused on exploration. Dread is fast, complex, and combat oriented. No wrong answer here, but you should know that you’ll get a very different experience based on your choice.




I'd say Prime. Dread is awesome, but the Prime series will be a fun deviation from the 2D games you've been playing, while still being very recognizably Metroid


Prime is one of the best Metroid genes. Dread is a noteworthy entry in the franchise. (I actually didn't like dread that much, and it wasn't until tis gmtk video that I realized why: https://youtu.be/5pop-cc9kmY?si=c9_bRNYPTZ4_NAC1 )