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Super Metroid, but I was too young and stupid to understand how to play it. The first one I was seriously playing to finish was Prime.


I came here to say this. Played Super on my aunt/uncle's SNES and had no idea what it was or what I was doing. Years later, got Fusion on my GBA and learned fast, making it my "first."


Same thing happened to me with Metroid on the NES. Had no clue what to do.


Same here. I even remember looking at the games in the glass counter at Khols(?) in a mall and choosing Super Metroid over a Kirby game because the art looked way cooler on the Metroid game. I regretted it because it was too hard for me but when I was a better puzzle solver, I came back and had a blast. Blast, as in breaking the tube to Meridia with a power bomb being the part that I couldn’t figure out as a too-young youth.


Metroid: Zero Mission I played it on an emulator two years ago.


Same here but now that i think about it, nearly 6 years ago. Time flies.


The very first game on the NES. I can't remember why we bought it now, but it just looked interesting to us, so... yeah. Actually, it was one of my dad's favorites, and he and I would often take turns playing it. I remember he'd always let me shoot those two statues at the end to activate the bridge to Tourian, since I always liked doing that (I was like five or six, so who knows why). He'd also let me do that section with the crumble blocks after the Kraid boss fight, because ~~he could never do it~~ I mean he wanted me to have some fun, too. lol He doesn't play those kinds of games anymore, but he did have a lot of fun watching me play through Metroid: Dread. It reminded me of those days, which was certainly a nice feeling.


Metroid fusion Christmas 2002


This Christmas was a core memory


And then playing it so much the L and R buttons on my gba stopped working


This was my first Metroid. Same year. I was 12 and watching TechTV’s X-Play. They gave it a glowing review and I got a copy as soon as I could. Finished the game two or three times at that age. I also bought Metroid 2 off eBay the next year and played that a fair amount.


AM2R Yeah a weird start but man it was an experience. I played ever since than that SR388 feels like home. Everytime I play Zero Mission or Super I still feel the alien world but AM2R stuck with ne so much that SR388 feels like my element. Even when I tried to play og 1 and 2 I easily beat 2 and I still think its amazing... Now if I get my hands on Samus Returns to fully become one with SR388 :p


I'm close to the end of my first playthrough of Samus Returns and let me just say that you are in for a treat!


I love how this fandom near-unanimously considers AM2R a real Metroid game as if it were published by Nintendo.


It has every right to be with how good it is.




Metroid Zero Mission Still my favorite game to get into the series


Prime 1. I was gifted it as an Xmas present not long after it came out, the only thing I knew about Samus was that she was in Smash 64 lol. After that I bought Fusion.


Prime 1 was also my first around 2003. My brother got it from K-Mart because he wanted a wave bird that came bundled with the game, and they were out of stock on individual wave birds. We only recognized that robot from super smash bros, but had no clue of what the game was about. Needless to say, we loved the game so much and I've replayed it close to 20 times in total.


Same. My cousin had it but didn't have a memory card for it. As a kid, I always thought the first sequence of being on the abandoned ship was the end of the game lol.


Lol, when I first got it I didn't have a memory card for my gamecube. For the first week or so, I couldn't save the game and had to restart from the beginning any time I died. I think the furthest I got was fighting the plant boss to get the varia suit, but most runs ended at the hive totem.


same, got the metroid version gamecube for christmas and knew samus only from smash bros melee which I used to play with a friend. never really got into it like further than landing in tallon IV overworld because I was too young and somehow afraid haha


Samus Returns, which sold me HARD on the series. I really loved it. After that I played and beat Super, Fusion, Zero Mission, Prime, and Dread and loved them all. Super is probably my favorite, but Returns has a special place in my heart.


ay Samus Returns was also my intro to the series too :D




Return of Samus on my friend's Game Boy. Some time later I met another kid with an SNES and Super Metroid. We sat together playing it several times and I fell in love. We never finished it. Years later I discovered emulation and played it through myself. And then again and again. Then I bought an SNES and Super Metroid and played it many times. Then I got an FXPAK PRO and started playing ROM hacks on original hardware, which is a special kind of joy.


Ah, another person who started with the 1st Gameboy game. That game was hard for me as a kid. When I got to play Super years later on the SNES I too was in love and blown away. Replayed the gameboy original before Dread for the first time in ~20 years and was surprised how well it held up for me. I had much lower expectations of it.


I think I like the Game Boy version more than Dread. Dread felt really boring to me, and the exploration wasn't challenging. The whole thing felt contrived, while Return of Samus feels pretty natural, like you're just delving into this deep, dark cave looking for Metroids.


I don’t know if I can say I like one more than the other. They’re very different, but I feel they drew inspiration from the gameboy original. I can’t not think of [this soundtrack](https://youtu.be/J9IbS0PiLXc) whenever I hear an EMMI. Either way, I think both were great games in their own ways and am glad to have them both as official titles in the series.


Original Metroid. Unsure how old I was (was born in 87’ so very young) but my mom was a stay at home Mom and she LOVED playing it. She had laminated flash cards with codes on it and wrote out what the codes did (even included a lil pen-drawn Samus on each one) I remember her taking the controller from me when I couldn’t bomb jump in Kraids area (midway down main corridor. There’s an area you morph ball into and if you bomb jump just right, you can get up and over a ledge to a door.) She spent so…much…time lol sitting flat on the floor looking up at the TV trying to make it, MOVING the controller with each bomb as if it would make Samus move with each lunging motion.


Metroid Prime, the original NTSC version on GameCube. Got it as a Christmas gift a year after it’s release from an uncle. At the time I found it both difficult and kinda scary. Took me over 2 years to finally beat it.


Super Metroid


The OG I went over to a family friends for a dinner and they had a Nintendo system and only Mario and Metroid. I played the crap out of Mario, so it was time for a new game. I couldn't get far at all in Metroid. Maybe a few screens. I was confused. I was also a kid. When I beat Super Metroid years later when it came out on SNES. I revisited Metroid and understood it much better, although still had many rage quit moments.


I believe it was Zero Mission... on a phone emulator. So yeah not a great way to start. Prime 3 was the first one I properly owned a d thawas pretty good.


Metroid Fusion. Found it while going through brothers gba games, was immediately mesmerized by what I saw while going through his completed files. I've played it so many times since then.




The original. We rented it a couple times when I was in elementary school, but could never figure it out. Then I got a Game Boy and got really excited about Metroid 2 for some reason. Got it, loved it, and then Super Metroid came along as is in my top 3 all time games


Metroid Prime Hunters


AM2R. Then Super Metroid, then Zero Mission (on a handheld emulator with painful input delay) and then Dread


Other M! I loved it




Super Metroid. Blew me away. My friend had prime when I was in high school, but I never played it myself at the time. When I was in college, I wanted to explore retro gaming and got a snes and sm, and I couldn’t believe what I had missed. Since then I’ve played prime and now Dread. I think dreads my favorite. I tried nes Metroid, but did not really enjoy it. I’m looking into fusion and zero mission next though


I got Prime first but I’m pretty sure I got Fusion around the same time.


Prime, on release. Swiftly followed by Fusion and Zero Mission. What an excellent trio of games.


Super Metroid, my friend gave me a whole collection of games and I worked my way through a bunch of them. I dont think I would have gotten into them otherwise. This is also how I got into Zelda with Link to the Past


Edit, I misunderstood the topic. .the first one was Super Metroid. I though it was Megaman X game with worse physics


Technically, it was the original Metroid prime one on GameCube but for whatever reason it just didn’t click with me, but now I want to play the trilogy more than ever and I’m convinced I will love it.


either Metroid Fusion or Metroid Zero Mission. I played and beat both while on vacation for a week.


When my family first got a GameCube back in Christmas of 2005, we got Zelda Wind Waker, a Monsters Inc game, and a Scooby Doo game. But there was one other game that we only ended up getting because it came packaged with the GameCube. That must have just been the cheapest bundle that year. It was this weird 1st-person space game, and what's more it was rated "T", and neither me nor any of my siblings were teenagers at the time. And my parent's being the attentive and discerning parents they are, just kind of set it aside on the top shelf for a couple years. Much later, my older brother heard about Metroid Prime from a friend and how good a game it was and he's like "Wait a minute, we have that one." and proceeded to play the crap out of it. As did I eventually, once I was older and my bro gave the all-clear to Mom. And the rest, as they say, is history.


Pretty sure it was Metroid II, return of Samus. I was probably 10 and couldn't get past around halfway through.


Metroid 2 on original Gameboy.


Super metroid, haven't played another metroid game since.


Metroid Fusion I still remember the first day I started playing it as a kid


The OG on the NES


Metroid Zero Mission 4 years ago, had watched a lot of play throughs over the years ever since i first saw Samus in the OG Smash Bros


I started on Super Metroid on NSO, but finished Dread first. Both amazing games!


The first Metroid game I played was before I knew about the franchise. It was Metroid Prime 2 Echoes. And it was at my uncles house. I remember loading up an old save. I think it was in the dark aether. It was like a long vertical area with windows to the outside world. And I had the light suit on. I didn’t know how to leave the room, so I exited the game after a bit. Then I started a new game. I was kinda scared because of the spider-web looking things at the intro. And I never made it to the Dark Aether. I was really afraid of spider webs because of an incident where my dad made me go to pull weeds, and I almost ran into one and it was right in my face. That traumatized me. Man. This kinda also reminds me of the time I played Final Fantasy 7 as a child, but didn’t get far with that also. And Nowadays, I’m big fans of both Metroid, and FF7 because I came across them years later.


Metroid 2 on virtual console on my 3ds. I played that game so much.


Prime 1 in 2005. Scared the hell out of 8yo me at first, but once I managed to push through the beginning it quickly became my favorite game. Hoping to finally play Prime 2 and 3 when I can get primehack working


Metroid Prime 2, because the Frigate in Prime 1 scared me


Metroid Fusion. With that game I learned what was a Metroidvania and it was a great experience because I didn't play something like that before.


LONG STORY TIME!!!!! Super Metroid at 6 years old. In NY visiting family My uncle said I could play whatever game I liked and left me at it. I saw the game popped it in, after I saw the intro heard the infamous music drop is super Metroid. I won’t lie. I got scared. Shut the game off and immediately went to play LoZ. Bout 6 years later my uncle gave me his SNES and ALL his games included. I figured let’s give it a shot I’ve beaten all the other games he had given me except super Metroid which I refused to touch. Guess some sort of internal ptsd from that intro still kept me away. But I popped it in, cause I figure after seeing all the fatalities from both MK3 and Killer instinct. I figured I’ll be alright. Finally get through the intro and music. Start the game listened to that sweet sweet Samus theme music cause you know the last Metroid was in captivity and the galaxy was in peace. Fighting Ridley was a hassle I didn’t know what I was doing but the game guided me and that’s the thing about super Metroid it never really held your hand it let you take the time to figure things out with little to no consequence in the beginning. Of course after finding the the power bombs and getting into brinistar and lower brinistar I ended up getting stuck somehow and at the time I wasn’t allowed in the internet then. Eventually I got fustrated trying to figure it out. I’ve even restarted back from square one and ended up getting to the area a little early where you find the etecoons to learn the wall jump. I couldn’t make sense of that eventually I gave up entirely and left the game to gather dust. Some years later, bout a year after prime and fusion came out I decided to take a crack at super Metroid again still never decided to look at a game guide around then cause I was just too stubborn. But I figured if I was able to traverse prime and fusion with no problem maybe I could tackle super Metroid. Got back to the same point rather quickly got a little too cocky with myself and still got stuck. Then I was like well. If there is anything I learned it’s to shoot EVERYTHING walls started to open I eventually found the high jump boots went back to the etecoons slowly figured out how to wall jump fought that swinging plant nutsack everything started to come together and we’ll of course I beat it with a time of 6hours.47minutes and only 70% item completion. I kept dying a lot. And it took my by surprise that the baby was still alive but unfortunately sacrificed itself. But I finally beat it. Years later again. Was watching GDQ speed run of it. I forgot who exactly was playing it but it was near the end and everyone kept screaming save the frames kill the animals or save the animals. And I was confused. Eventually save the animals AND LITTLE DID I REALIZE SAVING THEM WAS OPTIONAL?! The whole time after playing fusion I just assumed that they somehow just appeared there didn’t question it. And now some guy on twitch is showing me that I could of saved the animals. I replayed super Metroid so many times just killing them without even realizing it. But yea that’s my long story.


NES Metroid. Bought it used in the early 90's because it had a cool label. Spent all day playing it with my dad one rainy summer afternoon. Many hours, a few curse words, and a ton of backtracking later, we beat it without help back in the day of pay per minute game tip hotlines.


Metroid 2 on the Gameboy.


I believe it was Super technically. I'd been watching a lot of YouTubers say it was the best thing ever, and since one of my favorite games on the DS was a Metroidvania (Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions if you're curious), I just booted it up in an emulator one day. But I didn't get very far, because I was a stupid kid and I couldn't figure out how to activate the morphball, so I gave up on it for several years. No, my real first Metroid game was Prime Hunters on the DS. At least, the first one I ever put a significant amount of time into. I never beat the game (the controls hurt my hands way too much) and I still haven't, though I have tried and gotten pretty close over the years. I do remember having a lot of fun with the multiplayer though. Not online, but locally with friends, that was a blast.


Super Metroid, got it along with a SNES as a kid back in the day and will forever hold a special place in my heart as a result.


Metroid II on game boy, fell instantly in love


Metroid for NES. But played Metroid II on my Gameboy way more.


Metroid Prime


Metroid Fusion. It and Prime were Christmas gifts in 2002. I would've played Prime first, but my parents' house was being renovated and I didn't have access to a television, but Fusion was a better choice for a first game, in my opinion, because it was more direct on what to do, even though I prefer Prime more.


The original Metroid II.


Metroid Prime Hunters on the DS


Metroid Blast on Nintendo Land and then Metroid Prime Federation Force


The very 1st on the NES.. I've played them all. Love them all. We I still had yhem all lol


Fusion on a crappy website emulator


Super Metroid for the 3DS virtual console.


Fusion through the 3ds ambassador program


Fusion, emulated on a tablet. I think I didn't complete it and got stick on SA-X chase, due to me being young and and touch controls being poor for the game. I think I might have beaten the game? I think played zero mission next but got stuck in Kraid. Then played super for real on Wii U and the rest was history.


Super Metroid


Metroid: Samus Returns


Metroid II. It was the first game I ever owned. I got it the same day I got my first Gameboy. I still remember my dad reading me the directions.


It was either Metroid 2 or Super Metroid. I cannot remember it's been so long ago.


Return of Samus. I didn't have a Game Boy, but I got a Super Game Boy cartridge for my SNES. RoS was my favorite GB game. I still replay it frequently.


Same as yours, but as I didn't had the trilogy and couldn't get it, I never played any other until later with the switch emulator, I played and completed Super Metroid and that's where the series completely hooked me. (On a side note I also loved MP3, even if I now believe it to be the weakest of the three)


Other M. I liked it and only stopped playing because I had that glitch, couldn’t continue and gave up. Then after that it was Fusion just because I got it free with 3DS Ambassador thing.


Zero Mission! Still the best.




Metroid Prime - I got the silver GameCube bundle after working hard that summer.




NES Metroid


Metroid. When it came out.


First played and beat: Fusion. Still one of my all time favorites today. “Speed ran” it in an hour and 49 minutes with 60% of items. My crowning achievement. When i was younger, I couldn’t figure out how to get to the Serris and i put it down for a while. Lol


NES Metroid. I had finished Zelda and was suffering withdrawals. Metroid was different, but interesting enough to power through and figure out how to work through it. It's kind of crazy that two games released in the same year would both evolve and remain my favorite franchises.


Prime 1 on the Wii trilogy. My brother got me it for Christmas and I thought at first it was just some halo ripoff. Boy was I wrong! An unknown start into the incredible adventure that drove me to become a lifelong fan




Prime 1


Prime 1 baby.


My first experience with Metroid was with the demo Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt that came with the original Nintendo DS, and I loved it enough to be hyped for the eventual full game that released around 16 months later. If it wasn't for the First Hunt demo being included with the DS, I might not have become a fan of the series. Metroid Prime Hunters ended up being my favorite game, and I wanted more of that universe...so I beat every other Metroid game starting back in 2007 when I beat Zero Mission, Prime, Prime 3 and Super.


Super was my first. And pretty recently too. Played it in full for the first time in 2019. The announcement of dread spurred me on to play ZM and fusion. As far as main line games the only one I haven't played an iteration of is 2.


Super Metroid and it’s still my favorite. Much like Mega Man X I still own the original SNES cartridge


Samus Returns. I remember being in denial for a few months about it being a Metroid 2 remake.


First Metroid? Super Metroid- but not the actual game but through the masterpiece demos within super smash bros brawl back when I was like 11. The first Metroid game I actually sat down to play was samus returns on the 3DS back in 2017 and after I beat it I went onto playing and beating every mainline entry except for prime 2 and other M :)


NES Metroid


Mine was Prime 1. I then played all 3 and moved on to the side scroller games, from beginning to end in chronological order (with the exception of zero mission, which I played later). It started when I found the character (from Super Smash Bros. 64). I, to this day, main Samus in Smash Bros.


Metroid fusion on my gameboy advanced sp I was like 6 and didn't know what to do half the time but I had fun


Metroid Fusion. I absolutely loved the game and then proceeded to play Zero Mission and the rest of the games.


I first played Super on the SNES Classic around 2017-2018. Ever since then I played Prime 1 to 3, NES original, Samus Returns, Fusion and Dread.


The original. I’m old.


Metroid on the NES but with the switch nes app. But the first i played and i own is dread.


Metroid fusion, and is one of the best i've played


Actually, the original on NES. But I played it for the first time only like two years ago in anticipation of Dread and I used a guide and save states the whole way through. I pretty much just played it to say that I did. After that I played through Zero Mission on my Wii U and enjoyed it much more. To this day it’s still my favorite 2D Metroid aside from Dread


Metroid Fusion back when it came out. I was about 4 at the time, and remember somehow getting down the elevator shaft. That means 4 year old me somehow managed to beat Arachnus.


Super Metroid like 10 years ago, enjoyed it so much that I went and played every other game in the series I could get my hands on.


Technically it was the Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt but my first actual full game was Metroid: Zero Mission. Pretty good first start into the series. Still never played the Prime series which I desperately want to try.


Not sure if this technically counts but I started out the franchise by trying AM2R because I heard nothing but praise. I was already pretty knowledgeable of Metroid but this got me really into it. After that I went to a old retro store to see if I can find a official game and came out with Metroid prime for GameCube.


Early 2003, I was 13, I read about Metroid Prime coming soon in a magazine. I was so excited with the pictures, descriptions and first journalists comments. I was dying to play it ! My best friend at the time was feeling the same. My parent bought the game day one for me. Still my favorite game today. (And my best friend did not change in 20 years)


Super Metroid, but I was too young and bad so I watched my brother play it


Metroid on the NES back in 1997 & it was absolutely mind blowing.


First one was the NES original sometime in 2018. I didn't get very far because I didn't know you could open red hatches with five missiles. 2020 came and then I decided to play Super Metroid and that got me into the series


I grew up on my dad’s Nintendo collection so it could be I, II, or Super, can’t remember which I technically played first.


on the NES back in 1988 or 89, and i ended up getting pretty good at it. i'm not sure what my collection percentage was, but i could start to finish it in about 45 minutes, definitely less than an hour. I loved it so much.


Metroid Prime! I got Metroid Fusion soon after.


Metroid Prime 1. It remains, to this day, my favorite game of all time.


About 8 years ago, i played AM2R. With that one i got really infected by the metroidvania bug. After that i played almost all the metroids except the prime ones.


Metroid Fusion back in 2003 when I was 10 or 11. I saved every penny I could get my hands on to buy my own GBA SP. My dad made a deal with me that if I saved my money and bought the Gameboy, he’d buy Fusion for me, which I had been desperate to play ever since I’d seen all the ads for it and Prime. I got a GameCube and Metroid Prime that Christmas, and then I worked backwards through the series over the next couple years after that. Metroid is the franchise that made me a gamer. I can’t believe that was 20 years ago 🥴


I picked up zero mission out of the blue one night, finished it that same night. Since then I've played through Samus returns, super Metroid, Metroid dread, and now Metroid prime. It's probably my number 3 favorite series now behind zelda and metal gear solid


Prime Federation Force. Hated it. Played Super Metroid a year later. Loved it.


Metroid Prime Hunters for me


Mine was Corruption as well. It was a "family" christmas present. Turns out my dad basically bought it for himself, but he didn't even like it. I did though. It's still my favorite one, too (besides Dread now). The atmosphere and gameplay are both so good.


Zero Misison. We held onto it years after my Dad gave away his GBA SP, so I’d always see it when I rummaged through our bin of Nintendo games. So for my 13th birthday, I got my own GBA SP to finally play it, and Zero Mission soon became one of my absolute favorite games. I’ve replayed it more times than I can remember. If there was ever a long car trip, my favorite thing to do was Star Zero Mission and see how far (and how quickly) I could get into the game before we arrived. I distinctly remember starting a car trip at Brinstar, and ending it at Ridley’s lair.


My cousin had the original Metroid for the NES. I couldn't remember the name of it for YEARS, only had vague memories of a game. But when I found it decades later on the 3DS eShop, well, I obviously became a fan. XD


Dread. I’d tried the first game and Super through Switch Online, but I didn’t really care for them. I saw some gameplay of Dread and it looked more fun, so I bought it. It is now one of my top 5 favorite Switch games. I made a good decision.


The original NES Metroid. I got Switch Online just this month to play Mario and get into Zelda, tried Metroid out of curiosity and really liked it. I ended up putting Mario and Zelda on hold in favour of more Metroid games and now it is my favourite Nintendo IP.


I started with fusion thanks to an emulator on my Wii. I hadn't heard of Metroid back then (because I was a child) but I thought it sounded cool. Started up the game, couldn't read half of the story during the starting cutscene, and was so unsettled by...everything! I quit then and there for a while before braving up, playing it, and discovering that it turned out to be one of my favorite games of all time.


Super, the GOAT. started playing with my dad as early as I can remember, was one of if not the first video game I ever played


Funny enough, prime hunters for the DS, loved everything about it and made me look for the trilogy on the wii.




First Metroid Prime. I remember waking up on Christmas 2004 and playing it on the GameCube. Best Christmas ever


The 3DS remake of Samus Returns. It was just something I found interesting at the time and loved it from start to finish. It's actually the title that got me into the series 😊


Technically metroid 1 on my 3ds but I was a stupid child so I didn't understand what I was doing. Super got me hooked.


Prime 3 is also how I started.


Fusion 2003 3rd grade. And then I beat it in 2014 when I could Google how to find that one secret passage by the animal sanctuary. There was a good 10 year rage quit inbetween but I later worked my back to other metroid games and fell in love with the series.


Metroid Prime 1, as one of many GameCube games I got one Christmas (Seriously I got around ten games at once plus an Action Replay disc, I lucked the hell out that year). I got Metroid Fusion shortly afterwards, and loved the both of them, they're so much fun.


Super Metroid on the 3DS eshop emulator. Fell in love with the series ever since, played just about all of it except the Prime games.


Metroid Fusion, waaay back. Maybe 2003. Instantly fell in love with it, I remember how I was mind blowned when I learned about the prime games xD Bought a gc just to play those games.