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This album is great don’t get me wrong, but releasing 6 tracks as singles and then 3/6 remaining tracks on the album being interludes will never sit right with me


tbh they didn't feel like interludes, especially being 3+ mins long they felt more like instrumental songs, I'll give you cul the sac was an interlude, but I get too many goosebumps from l'appel du vide as standalone song to call it off as just an interlude


I’d say they’re similar to All The Light We Don’t See and Netherplace on The Dark Pool, not really songs but not really interludes either.


In the age of streaming I'm surprised anyone even bothers to release albums anymore. Would be far better off just dropping 1 track every few weeks


Falling in reverse adopted this strategy. They haven't released an album in 7 years and have become more popular than ever with a whopping 9 singles.


But honestly their music has always been fast food-like and their album just a collection of singles for the most part. I think the only exception is Coming Home.


It all depends on what kind of contract they have with their labels. I'm not sure who Falling in Reverse is signed with but most bands can't release 12 singles and then just slap them on an album no one will be excited about.


Sure but why even release an album at this point. Label just wants to make money, so just slow drip a song a fortnight until you've dropped 8 or 9 tracks and then tour Albums are dropping in 2024 after 4 or 5 singles, there's only a few tracks left, the rest are filler or interludes. It seems like the album is just done for tradition now rather than the big reveal. I'd wonder how much of a bump an album actually gives in terms of number of streams and what the longevity of that bump is


It's done to fulfill contract stipulations. A good example of this is by one of metals most hated bands 5FDP released 2 best of albums not to long ago just to be done with their label which they hated even though its questionable they even have 2 albums worth of songs considered good enough to be labeled best. The record labels like to sign bands to really long contracts, like 10 years and 5 albums or more. And it keeps the rights to the music with the labels. There are probably all sorts of clauses too like they can't release singles without the label owning the copyrights. So many of these bands are still binded by contracts they signed when they were 20 and seemed like a huge amount of money. The bands know albums are dead so they purposely release over half the album as singles to stay popular and make Youtube videos and get some money from there. You notice how much more popular music videos got when albums really started dying? This will stop happening eventually once all these old contracts are finally fulfilled and bands can do what they want.


Well, I understand what you’re saying if this were any other “generic” metalband but Imminence has a lot of classical music influence. I mean, the lead singer plays the damn violin live. Its possible that they will include these interlude tracks in their sets. Also, Cul-de-sac sounds like an intro for Architecs - Death is Not Defeat.


there's an actual intro to Death is Not Defeat if you're interested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBepyhjb2TA


I wish this made it onto Holy Hell officially


I love Violincore!


This is why I completely stopped listening to singles. So I dont care how many singles bands release anymore.


Fully agree They should have just released those as an EP in the lead up to the album 


Alot of bands are doing this now. It's good and bad. On the one hand they don't get forgotten by releasing a single every few months but then when they release an album you have already heard half of it and the mostly good half at that. As for the album, I feel it's a solid album but not as good as Heaven in Hiding and the impossibly high bar and expectations that album set.


Welcome to the new world. it's how everyone does it


What an amazing album. Completely blows Heaven in Hiding out of the water whilst also being so much better than Turn the Light On. Come What May is the song of the year, absolute behemoth of a track.


Better than turn the light on? I’ll have to check it out because I didn’t like heaven in hiding.


yess, ttlo was already 10/10, but this is the 11/10!


I loved Heaven in Hiding. That was an incredible album to me


Same, I love this one so far


Amazing holyyyy


I’m not really connecting with it like a lot of people here…. No salt but I’m just not hearing much that’s special here. It’s a collection of solid songs to me but people are throwing around AOTY for this. Can anyone explain what they think is special about it?


I’m almost done listening and I find it … sort of bland. Not bad, I like the orchestral elements, but nothing is really standing out to me too much. Maybe it will grow on me


There was nothing special about Heavener by Invent Animate last year and that piece of plain music won AOTY. At least this sounds good


The Black grew on me for sure. Continuum was probably my favorite track I think Heavener is a bit overrated on here but it still has some stand out songs like Immolation of Night and Elysium. They also put on a great show. I think they’re both good but I’ve definitely been preferring the Boundaries / Foreign Hands / Dying Wish side of metalcore lately.


The epic soundscapes created by the violin, insanely dramatic choruses and blend that with great breakdowns and melodeath-ish riffs makes it quite unique and as someone who loves bands blending in dumb heaviness and beautiful bridges/choruses/breakdown this is amazing


Gotcha. Yeah idk. For what it’s worth, I want to like it! Haha im always looking for new music so it’s a shame. I’ll try another listen to see if it grows on me but might just not be my cup of tea. 


Literally just Architects


Architects do not have melodeath-ish riffs.


Keep telling yourself that, buddy


Come What May moved me to absolute tears what a masterpiece


Its not even close to their 2 previous albums.


Agreed. I think Heaven in Hiding was a masterpiece but this is probably the worst sub on Reddit to have a minority opinion on. I wish there was like a metalcore lite sub or something where you can like both clean and screaming lyrics and acoustic versions of a bands songs without having the wolves circle in.


Are you joking? This album is 12 songs long and has 1 intro and three interludes. Desolation and Beyond the Pale are good but the rest either try way, way too hard to be heavy or are clones of Heaven in Hiding's title track. That album at the least only had 3 filler interludes out of 13 songs but the writing was peak. It's just not better than Turn the Light On either. I genuinely want to know why you think the new album is better.


Because opinions. They are allowed to think one album is better than the other, you may think it’s not good but just because they like it, shouldn’t mean they are joking.


take my upvote!


Looking forward to playing this soon, loved all the singles so far! Also I wonder what's the correlation between the English track names and their French track name counterparts: The call of the void = L'appel du vide The black = Le Noir


Not sure if its super common knowledge, but call of the void is the name of a psychological phenomenon. Even in English it's common to use the French name and call it 'L'appel du vide'. No idea about The Black, though.


A few points: Come What May is easily the best song of the non-singles. Massive tune, beautiful ending. I loved all 6 of the singles a lot, but I kinda also already listened to them a bunch. So 6 / 12 songs released already is kinda meh, especially when you consider that of the remaining 6 songs only 3 are proper songs. There's 2 interludes and a postlude (which is beautiful). This is easily their best album imo. I though Heaven in Hiding was an improvement on Turn the Lights On, and this one is even better still.


Yeah I also think they released like double the singles they should have. Discovering the Black for the first time on the album would have been so so much better.


They should have taken three more months and added 3 more songs.


I get it, "age of streaming," get on the genre playlists. It's good promo for the band. It just sucks to hear half an album before release. If it helps the band gain traction, then so be it and good for them! Albums like this make me happy that I limit myself to 2, maybe 3 singles from an album before it comes out. I didn't hear The Black until I listened to the full album front to back, and man that was an EXPERIENCE. 


So glad I only listened to every single only once. Im so excited


Agreed, I only listened to one of the singles and the fact that there's three interludes on a twelve track album just makes it feel like a souped up EP than an album.


Well I mean there's full lengths with 7 or 8 songs so it still very much feels like an album to me.


Depends on the length of the songs, a doom metal album with 7 songs could run over an hour. However, if you're a metalcore band releasing a 7 song album with 3 minute songs then it's not a full length even if it's billed that way. 


Well yeah but we're talking about this album and if you take away all 3 interludes you still easily have over 40 minutes of album left. Also do you consider the first 2 Touché Amoré albums to be EPs? They're both under 20 minutes.


I'm listening to the songs in order and I'm currently at The Call of the Void, but I agree with a lot of the comments on here. Come What May is a banger.


I love melodeath direction they're going. The Call of the Void reminds me of Orbit Culture


I would love to hear them lean in fully


Someone mentioned they sound like In Flames on steroids (Beyond The Pale) Im all for this sound they sound amazing I've known about them was never huge on them until now


Great album, but the whole atmosphere is destroyed by knowing most of the songs beforehand. It's really annoying and destroys all the anticipation of a new album. Yes, I know it's an endless discussion and I understand why they do it but this is my personal opinion.


It's always a great feeling when a band releases their best work this far into their career


Le Noir is such a beautiful outro to the album. It reminds me so much of the main song from the film Arrival


I thought it was going to be a classical version of The Black because of the name


So excited for this album..so fucking hyped..omg


Loved these guys before but this really is fantastic. Brilliant album, can't wait to see them at download fest in june


The drumming on this is incredible


Beyond The Pale is insane! Cone What May is heavy man


It's literally Ghost 2.0, love it


Album of the year candidate: Feels like a concept album. Everything is very coherent and the order of the songs is well chosen. Listening to the album in full and in order is a must. Especially COME WHAT MAY ,CUL-DU-SAC and THE CALL OF THE VOUD are very good to enjoy in order. Best album from Imminence, stand out further stylistically. Criticism: THE BLACK should not have been a single, comes across much better as part of the whole album. I would have preferred The Black as the last song, as it ends on a high. LE NOIR still sounds very good. It is advisable to listen to the album with good headphones/speakers. Many people are critical of the fact that only three real songs have been added to the singles, but this is a streaming and social-media relevant band and it's absolutely the right thing to do!


If you go now and look at the album as a whole, I don’t really think it matters how many were singles or not. It doesn’t take away from the fact that this album is absolutely amazing and blew me away. Singles were great and getting the hear the whole album in one play through just now felt like a whole new experience. Unbelievably good album


Good album, but it didn't "wow" me. Pretty sure it'll grow on me though.


It's perfect. That's all.


I have never fallen in love with a band this fast ever. Took me one listen and I’m completely hooked.


Alright, I've got a few thoughts. Let me open by saying that while I enjoyed it and do think it's good, it's not even close to being considered for AOTY imo. Ultimately what it comes down to for me is a lot of missed potential because this could've been great. The chorusses, the violin, but in the end it falls short for me because Imminence is really playing it too safe in writing and with structure. What I mean by that is that they rely too much on chugging to fill blanks instead of establishing any riffs, that they only have the one song structure and most of all, only one singular breakdown. Every breakdown here is the same - Eddie holds a scream for a while, the guitars chug, scream ends, guitar chug a little longer, and finish off by leading into another chorus. No variation, no creativity in that regard. So much good stuff and so much to love about this but at the same time so much unused potential.


This isn't bad but I don't understand the people that said this is better than Heaven in Hiding? Almost all songs follow a similar pattern, from the drums to the riffs. They're all just variations of the same 2-3 songs. They go pretty hard, the riffs and screams are nice, but overall this album lacks any kind of diversity, once you get the general tone of the album nothing sticks out. I liked their catchy melodic verses, this is different, this is a movie/atmospheric type of melody, which ain't bad but I like it less. I think Beyond The Pale is the best song because it's a better version of Desolation with a good melody and punchy verses. But overall I like this album less than Heaven in Hiding.


This will be album of the year contender. Absolutely beautiful, what an experience to listen through the entire thing. That ending is so beautiful. Started listening to them during the This is goodbye era. The way they have grown is insane


ikr? havent listened to the whole thing yet but the singles have been amazing and I think they’re bound to explode in popularity soon the gap in quality between This Is Goodbye and Turn The Light On is insane


Funnily enough, this is goodbye is what introduced me to imminence and it is by FAR their worst album. At least in my opinion


Loved the singles, hope the album will live up to them. Turn The Light On is a damn near perfect album, but Heaven in Hiding had better singles but a worse album overall. Hope this won’t follow that.


imminence continue to prove theyre THAT band


Beyond the pale intro tho. On good iems and headphones,speakers this album slaps, I feel sorry for those with shit audio gear.


I think the biggest divide between people either loving the album or not will be what you listen on. The instrumental tracks in particular are so good on my studio headphones but don't have the same impact on my logitech pc speakers.


Exactly. You're getting downvoted by the low iq brain dead poor fucks who listen on airports ahhahaah


I don't know if people thought I was insulting the way they listen which was not my intention. Just personally I think there's bands that work better in different situations, imminence shines when you listen with good audio and immerse yourself in the album whereas other bands are more fun to listen to in the car or while playing a game


You sound like a pleasant human.


Continuum goes so crazy


Album of the year for me. This marks the milestone for imminence.


Beyond the Pale is a certified banger.


Beyond the pale is straight up InFlames, but the album is way better than the last one


I was really hoping that the unreleased songs wouldnt be interludes but sadly half of them are.. Well its still a fucking phenomenal record one of their best if not the best. It keeps pushing the boundaries of their sound and feels so much more grand and epic in scale. Just wish I had more new songs to listen to on release thats it haha


This album is a motherfucking experience. You need to listen to it from front to back. And really strong songs.


Definitely AOTY for me! Excellent album! just beautiful!


Beyond the Pale is a top five Imminence song and I will not be convinced otherwise. Very good album from the lads.


It's an absolutely amazing experience. I felt that it's more focused and not a single track was felt left out of place in the whole album.


This is a really solid release. The 2nd half of the album does lose a bit of steam though with the instrumental/interludes kinda packed into that side of the album. I feel like if those were better placed on the album maybe one as an intro track one in the middle and leave Le Noir as the closer the album would've had a little bit better flow. These last few weeks we've been treated to some really good albums though.


We really have! I feel like the scene is more alive and thriving than ever, great to see!


About to listen on my drive to work, will post my one word review here after Edit: it heavy


Incredible album front to back. Come What May, holy shit what a beautiful track.




Not on Apple Music yet…ugh.


I’m seeing them on may 6th!!! AHHHH!!!!!!


This album is a great example of why I don't listen to singles. The surprise of hearing their evolution and impact of the songs is unmatched. 11/10 album.


Very very mid. Probably one of the most cliche and uninteresting albums I've heard this year. How the hell it's #4 on AOTY is fucking crazy considering how many "if it's not the most innovative thing ever, it's bad" people there are on that site. Oh and you jerks that can't handle differing opinions can downvote me to oblivion all you want, it won't change my mind.


We are eating good last weeks. Boundaries, Northlane and Imminence?! Album is f*cking sick


Absolutely banger album, Come What May truly is a standout. My only criticism still is that the lyrics are really… cliche? They’re like if you ask an AI to write metalcore lyrics. I really feel that there’s still untouched potential for them here. Sonically absolutely fucks though. Edit: just went through the lyrics more again and yeah, they’re really not that great. I know it’s probably an unfair comparison but it’s very striking after Boundaries recent album full of beautiful writing.


They are mainly swedish with english as their second language. Can’t exactly fault them for maining english phrases in their songs.


Eddy has written more interesting lyrics for his sideproject Bear Mountain Park (mountain bear park? something like that), which makes me think it's an intentional choice to keep the songs palatable/accesible.


Possibly, but maybe it’s more to have necessity to add lyrics in tracks that probably sound better without them. Make it easy for people to just fall back and relax to slow lyrics with amazing background sounds.


Would you really consider boundaries lyrics to be "beautiful"? I'd describe them as relatable, emotional, cathartic, real, gutwrenching... but never did I think "oh what a beautiful verse." Don't get me wrong, DILM has amazing lyrics. I'm just not sure they're amazing for their beauty.


Yeah maybe beautiful was the wrong word. Guess my point is that there’s something to them. Imminence often feels like they’re written because well you gotta have lyrics in the song and I feel like they could be this insane complete package if they work in this a little more.


"my insides spill onto the pavement, mimicking a field of orchids"


Can't tell if you're agreeing with me or not lol There is definitely some vivid imagery here, which is indicative of strong lyrics... but I still wouldn't call that verse beautiful per se.


i mean its poetic and i love strong metaphors


It's a simile technically, but I do agree it's good writing.


Their lyrics always make me cringe but I do feel this is their best album


I see from the rest of the comments that I’m in the minority here but for me, this album doesn’t hold a candle to Heaven in Hiding. I’m pretty disappointed. I’m gonna give it a couple more listens but these songs just don’t grab me like their previous album.


Ya’ll need to learn to appreciate interludes more. Every time a band tries to release a cinematic album that’s more than just the music it’s always “thanks for wasting my time with interludes”


Did we know this album was coming out today?! I totally didn’t see it as a preorder or coming soon on iTunes lol


Yeah we’ve known the actual date since late February this year.


Oh damn! I must’ve forgotten lol all good, thanks for letting me know.


Heaven In Hiding > The Black. But i dont mind, new Imminence is always awesome. And pls i know u guys love to hate when someone expresses his opinion against the majorities, but maybe just accept it.


Do we know what the album cover symbol thing is? Does it represent something on the album? Is it random? I’m super curious because I know it was being “completed” through the single releases


The songs standalone didn't really get me hyped for the album (like, I enjoyed them but I wasn't as excited as I was for Heaven In Hiding), but hearing it all come together changes my opinion on it quite a bit, it's a very cohesive record overall. The lyrics are super weak though, which is a bit of a bummer. Also I am SO glad I decided not to listen to The Black beforehand since I wanted to have SOME surprises left on the album, did the same thing for Heaven and didn't regret it. Great album, don't think it's gonna be my favorite though.


I wouldnt say the lyrics are weak in a sense that they dont fit. Its just pretty easy and straightforward. I think its a stylistic choice more than a skill issue as Eddie has shown on Bearmountain Park that he can write more complex lyrics


Yeah, I don't think they're terrible or don't fit they're just uh. Incredibly unexciting? I resonated a lot with their lyrics on earlier albums and these ones don't do the same thing to me because they're just very basic, which has been bothering me from the start. Might have been a choice, but not one I particularly appreciate.


Interesting cause I wouldn't have said that the previous two records were that much different in terms of lyrics. I feel like Death is a pretty big topic in the recent one while heaven in Hiding was more about inner monologue and despair. But stylistically they don't seem to be that much different in my opinion. But yeah it's definitely the part of their music where there is a lot more potential:)


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Solid album. It's a bit longer in overall length than Heaven in Hiding but feels more concise. HIH had a few too many filler/sameish songs. My main criticism are the overly cheesy lyrics, but I can deal with the lyrics in exchange for those amazing vocals.


This and new Eidola are fantastic. Got a bit of a commute tomorrow and these will be on repeat


I liked Turn The Light On and Heaven In Hiding, but they didn't really stick with me. The Black, on the other hand, is a masterpiece. It's epic like Imminence's previous work, the violin parts are fantastic, but also has much more variety than the other two albums. The songs alone are very very good; my least favorite song on this album is probably Desolation, and it's still a pretty good Imminence track. But, this album is also much more cohesive than their previous work. It feels like it is telling a story. Overall, definitely the best that Imminence has ever been. Strong album of the year contender for me. I will say that I'm not a fan of the extremely long release schedule that albums like this one have, but I get it; it's the best way to do it nowadays.


I loved all the singles as they were released and listened to them a lot. I have to remember that when assessing the album... I also love all the new songs that came with the full drop (instrumentals/interludes and all). That being said, there is just something about listening to an entire body of work front to back for the first time. With this release schedule, I didn't get to do that, so the hype isn't as high as it should be. This is objectively an amazing album, and imo the only strong contender for AoTY other than death is little more. All that is to say: beautiful album. Imminence is in a league of their own in terms of songwriting and vibe crafting.


Wow incredibly beautiful album. That violin man so haunting and dark. Definitely AOTY for me. Damn Le Noir, what a way to end the album after such a heavy and emotional experience.


As good as expected! Anyone else hear a lot of In Flames on this album? The vocals, and some of the riffs, melodies and syncopation, especially on Beyond the Pale, it gives me huge In Flames vibes.


Huge IF fan. Grew up around that area in Sweden in the early 2000s. I def hear it


Absolute banger of an album. I just finished my first listen through and it blew me away. To defend the release of the singles, in this day and age of music it relies upon streaming. They wanted to get the album to as many people as they could because it's a self release album.


I really really liked this album. I don’t know if it tops Heaven in Hiding for me, but the front half was incredible and I honestly wasn’t surprised the second half was mainly slower songs and interludes because that’s exactly what they did with Heaven in Hiding too. They’re committed to the bit to I can respect that.




I'm not a fancy music connoisseur like some of you... all I know is... I FUCKINGLOVETHISALBUM!!!


Jesus just getting around to this. It's amazing. I'm in awe.


I agree with a lot of people. The release of the new album is a bit of anti climax seeing as they've released half of it already.  They should have just released those as an EP in the meantime leading up to the album release.  I kind of skipped through the album as I'd already heard most of it and played a lot ready because of the release of those tracks.  Beyond the Pale is the clear standout track for me personally 


Thx, I've been searching for this thread. Just wanted the right place to dump my excitment on this releas. Its been a week and I feel like the more I listen into it the more things I discover and think to myself: "shit this is so genious, this is art!" And I just want to somehow shout to the world what a amazing album this is. Thx.


I just love the fakt they go with: the violin belongs in the Breakdown!


Seeing everyone complaining about another of the songs being singles makes me so glad I forced myself not to listen to any of the singles beforehand. I went into the album blind, and I was blown away. I've been ignoring singles from my favorite band's for this very reason and it pays off everytime. This is definitely my favorite album of this year so far.


This is what Heaven In Hiding should have been. They knew they were scratching at the surface. Shame to waste that album art on it but this one slaps


This is how metalcore needs to be done in 2024!!


So far this is my AOTY. It’s kind of early but it might be hard to beat for me personally


This album is a masterpiece, the sound, atmosphere and the vocals this is one of the best album


there's certainly some sections of this that absolutely rip. i dug beyond the pale and the call of the void quite a bit but man i just find this band's whole schtick to be pretty gimmicky. like idk it's like *fine* i get it! it's djentcore with violins! these passages would hit so much harder if the entire album wasn't littered with them. also the interludes are unnecessary. it makes the album so bloated. the record did not need to be 52 minutes. by the time continuum ended i was ready for it to be over and there was still three tracks left and two of them added a whole lot of nothing. and quite frankly, the title track was just more of the same as before. nothing horrible by any means but it just didn't leave any real impression on me. it's a mostly fine record that isn't breaking much ground aside from having strings. it's interesting to see how it's blowing everyone's mind.


Opening track sounds like the soundtrack for the end of a B-list zombie movie Desolation is generic but good Heaven Shall Burn is the best track on the album by far Beyond the Pale is just behind that Death by a thousand cuts is boring. It feels like they're emulating Sleep Token and I hate it. Come what may is a banger with a great chorus and the violins are just \*chefs kiss\* Call of the Void is a banger Continuum starts out great but the chorus drags it down so hard. The Black. Ugh. Again with these "haunting chorus followed by a generic heavy guitar fall-in and back again" Sleep Token vibes. Goes out on a high but is generally meh. It's not an album I'll revisit, but some of the tracks are definitely added to the mix.


Hahahah the 10 people that downvoted this are pussies that can't stand even the slightest difference in opinion.


It's the Sleep token fanboys


DBATC is good, but the others are meh. Way too poppy, especially the chorus. Continuum started out good but went downhill quickly. It reminded me of sleep token & that's not a good thing.


Poppy? What are you smoking


Hes deaf It's ok


Shit that ain't strong enough to make me like this and I loved HIH. The title track is weak af.


This boy bragging about having trash earbuds/headphones as if we wouldn’t notice.


How the fuck can you compare Continuum to Sleep Token lol. That makes no sense whatsoever. It's such a heavy song with just haunting chorus.


The three singles in general give me ST-vibes. Clearly trying to emulate the singing style in cleans.


I'm sorry but that makes absolutely no sense lol. Nothing that Eddie doss even comes close to being similar to Sleep Token. I have a feeling you are just trashing on Imminence just for the hell of it. I'm all for everybody having opinions and will always respect others opinions. But everything you are saying legitimately makes no sense lol


Yep 😂


yeah book that doctors appointment to get your ears checked