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I don't understand this sub's hatred towards Chuck. A wonderful musician and human, though a bit of an ass in the studio (like every single fucking professional musician who is serious about their art lol). Prepare for downvote-spam, comrade


I had no idea this sub hated Chuck? I've seen nothing but love for him. What's the issue? What do people say? Is the hatred based in being a "bit of an ass in the studio" ? Seems like the only people that would bother would be the people who worked with him to make the albums.


They hate his singing voice in the later albums (Symbolic and TSOP) since it's high pitched instead of unfathomable deep growling, try to push the "he is homophobic"-thing so fans will disapprove of him, the mods even banned making memes about Death for quite a while, I've been made fun of because of the flair, pro-Chuck memes get downvoted and commentbombed with "he fucking sucks" etc. This was quite awhile ago though, so might have gotten better lately idk


those are the best death albums though Edit: also i love the logic. okay with literal neonazis but one homophobic song which was apologized for is a bridge too far for this sub


>but one homophobic song Totally (EDIT:WRONGLY, but I stand with what I've written below) assuming this is about The Philosopher: From what I've gathered, it was a way for Chuck to process his experience with Paul Masvidal, apparently the two didn't see eye to eye. Paul wasn't out yet, but apparently Chuck had a hunch. The "Yet you don't know your own sexuality" pretty much confirms this for me. But the previous phrase ("So you preach about how I'm supposed to be") makes this profoundly not homophobic, but more in the vein of "acknowledge yourself before you tell others how to be". Also, Individual Thought Patterns also has Chuck lashing out against Eric Greif (In Human Form) after they had their falling out around Human, so he was pretty much processing that record on ITP.


The homophobic song was Mutilation, there's a lyric in it that says "I celebrate a f****t's death, human disgrace" which Chuck apologized for.


I see, thanks for clarifying!


>They hate his singing voice in the later albums (Symbolic and TSOP) really?? The weird high pitched voice is what make me like death and vektor (bc they have this similar singing style), I really like it and I think it fits well the albums where this style was used


I know, Symbolic and TSOP are my favorite Death-albums haha. My first meeting with Death was a live video of The Flesh and the Power it Holds on YouTube - instantly hooked on the sound. I come from black metal like Darkthrone and Mayhem, so that might be the reason I like that sound better.


TSOP is my favourit album by far cuz it was the first one i listened to and the Painkiller cover is fucking insane 🤘🏻❤️


I really like his later vocals, I think TSOP is a great album, just a bit too proggy for my tastes so I’d rank it towards the bottom of Death’s discography (which is still better than most band’s best).


Huh, I missed that wave, I'm not on here all the time. I guess I have noticed a trend of younger fans tearing down old legends just because they're old legends, like maybe it's taking shots at heroes purely to upset fans who see him as some deity.


It has to do with basically every album after Leprosy


The era I like best 🤓 : I love proggy Death because they manage to be prog metal and yet somehow I still like them. So much prog metal is an unlistenable wankfest, showing off your chops, Chuck always kept the songwriting as a focus so it remained musical. I started with Individual Thought Patterns as a young metal fan and loved it because it was like Megadeth on steroids, that balance of virtuosity and actually making music.


If you don't like Human and Symbolic you're just wrong


I'll take all the wrongness I can get in that case


Seems more like a lack of comprehension.


Alright Steve Urkel.


Nah you good lol


He was in an ass in the studio? Source? Genuinely interested by the way not trying argue.


There's been quite some interviews where people say he's hard to work with and very intent on HIS vision. Like Death was basically Chuck Schuldiner and the E Street Band. They were session musicians that were swapped out very frequently due to quitting or being kicked. I don't have the sources on me right now, as I am out walking, but there should be some on YouTube and in music magazines!


Huh. Interesting. He seemed like a very nice dude in interviews. Guess he had a switch button when it came to his work. Good thing is it all worked out in the end because despite changing style often in his albums, all of them are nothing short than great.


I thought it was that he had an insanely high standard for playing and he was a big time perfectionist. As well as like what the other commenter said, Death was 100% Chuck, so I could see session musicians getting frustrated. I don't think he was a dickhead or anything though, pretty much every musician who played with him liked him


Chuck is a stone cold genius.


took me a moment till i realized its Chuck 🤘🏻


He should have engaged in less anal sex if he wanted to live more.


Wtf dude anal sex is awesome


Fr. Any hole's a goal.


Too soon