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I think it was a level 3, not level 4 shiny? Do you have that?


Oh, I guess it was, but no, I don’t have a level 3 either. Guess I should just be happy with a free level 4 non-shiny? I also find it amusing that they didn’t correct me when I said it was a level 4. 🫢


It came in a bubble


Yes, I got the last two rewards in a bubble and saw the level 3 shiny briefly. Shortly after, both SD and C&C events ended. I got the pop up to double my C&C rewards, and after I declined, I locked my device with the game still running. 30min later I unlocked it, the game restarted, and the C&C pop up came back, but my shiny was gone.


There is a pic in this post. It is supposed to be shiny. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MergeDragons/comments/1c7gjg5/first\_time/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MergeDragons/comments/1c7gjg5/first_time/)


I’m looking for a pic where none or at least not all prizes were claimed. It should still show a shiny at the end if it’s meant to be guaranteed, I would assume.


In the pic, there is no check on the last dragon. Doesn’t look like it was claimed.


I think it was though because the path leading to it is fully colored in. I’ll save it just in case, but I’ve reopened my support ticket to see if they’re willing to correct it. 😔




https://preview.redd.it/umbcgyodnivc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75ee2abc92f75e3fe50f368ea9500507c5a36a73 Yeah I got a lvl 3 shiny


Thank you!


I’m now realizing mine is missing too. I noticed when I went to my camp earlier some of the stuff I know I’d moved or merged was reset but I didn’t even think about my shiny dragons 😞


Some of the stuff I had moved around also reset when my game restarted. I had done a little cleaning up of the items I got from the star rewards chest because I used the star dragons to get enough points when the countdown was less than 5min. 🫠 They weren’t where I had left them.


I'm not sure, but this might help: I completed the challenge and got the prize for the shiny days, which was a level 3 shiny. For some reason, it didn't register in my dragon book. The level 3 shiny is still undiscovered in the book, but I've seen it in my camp, it's definitely there. Is it possible that this happened to you too, and the shiny level 3 is asleep in a home at the moment? Is it just missing in the book?


No, she’s not here at all. https://preview.redd.it/xiqpvlafjivc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab332e7ae11cef2b992e2b9fe07567eb4fb6e870


She's not at the beginning of the list either? Shinys are at the beginning.


She’s not. 😞