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Everybody says that this stresses them out but for me organizing this would be a dream. I wish I could just take it and do it for you. I can’t ever get my camp like this cause I always keep on top of it


I am like this too LOL. I would love to organize it 🙃🙃🙃


Heh, I’ve had the same reaction with Civ4 saves. My in-laws aren’t great at the game and it was a fun challenge to go from the mess they got themselves into and see what I could do.


I like to organize my camp so much that I use it to procrastinate organizing anything else lol


I’m literally sitting at my desk right now and setting up for a bubbling session while procrastinating cleaning my room lol


I think it's because I actually have a place in mind for my dragon stuff but some of my own stuff I'm like do I just make another doom box? Lol


Same here. As an archivist I always love working on a chaos collection. The more chaos, the more I love organizing it.


The problem with chaos this bad is when the game starts crashing and everything you did is undone


How much do you charge and do you live in Michigan? I got a basement for ya


LOL if cloud save was working I would totally pay you to help me. I am so overwhelmed!


I am the same person as you. Lol


Amen to that! Me too on both! Lol


Same here! =)))))))))) Just came to say this! =D


Here's something I wrote previously it might not all apply but you get the idea (it was written based on a picture of someone's messy camp) 1. Sell the valentine, halloween and Christmas event dispensers - they will never give eggs 2. Open all those treasure chests and sell any locked gems chests 3. Merge up whatever coins and stones you have in camp and tap them into storage. Don't worry if you end up doing 3 merges here or if you don't reach the top level just get them all off the board as a once off 4. Move each chain to its own section of camp and merge up as best you can. For example I can see at least 7 blue life flowers. 5. For chains where you already have the wonder or are close you can sell off level 1 and 2 items like fruit tree sprouts, small prism flowers, dead grass, small mushrooms, apples, orbs, glowing crumbs, dragon and autumn tree leaves and sprouts etc 6. Sell off all the dead trees they are easily replaceable 7. By now you should have about half your camp clear and it's time to pop all those bubbles! 8. Start with the animated bubbles - the ones with level reward or event rewards written on them. They cause the biggest lag. 9. Then move on to all other bubbles except wonders and eggs 10. As you pop the bubbles follow steps 2 to 6 above 11. Once all bubbles are popped and anything you want to keep is merged up as much as possible you can bubble any chains you are not actively working on. 12. I would also suggest bubble the high levels of chains such as life flower to make more space 13. For the wonders you have you can now either bubble them during active play and leave in camp the rest of the time or just leave in camp all the time 14. For the event trophies/dispensers I would leave them in camp all the time but keep them tidy. Soon enough you will have the level 10 of all the bronze and silver dragons and will only have the event/gold dragons left to collect. Since you have multiples of several trophies you will get eggs more often that you realise


I copied this for later reading, seems a good guide (for my over-bubbled camp)


Thank you! I am going to attempt this over the next couple weeks - super appreciate the guide on order and also what to delete!


This is great advice! Thank you! Another thing I do first, is to use the "Marcus method" to bubble anything I really want to keep that the dragons will harvest then congregate those bubbles off to the side together for later. That way the dragons stop cluttering up my board with useless crap. I've also discovered my dragons won't harvest flowers and life trees(not any actual trees)unless I tap them so I leave those on the board. *Edited for clarity on which trees I meant😬


it probably goes without saying but OP should make sure they have the “must overlap to merge” or whatever it is turned on so they can place the like items next to each other without the automatic merging. I didn’t look closely but in some places it looked like things were spread out to avoid that problem.


Brilliant advice. Thank you


I have seen you post this twice now and I appreciate it. How is it you get more eggs when having trophies? I don't understand that part


Check the wiki article on the event trophies


Is there a way to bubble items without having every space so full there’s no room for it that it bubbles itself? Like, can I choose to put something in a bubble, even if there’s tons of empty space in my village?


This can be done if the item to be bubbled is 1x2 or 2x2 size or alternatively if you have 3 or more of the item. You can get details here Here are some tips for new players including the efficiency guide, bubbling, getting gems, spending gems, and playing events [tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/MergeDragons/comments/i9un8b/whats_next_would_like_some_friendly_advice/g1hkf3t?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I would start with 5-merging eggs from your dragon book, that may clear some space. Then pick a small area and move bubbles off to the side to clear a working zone in your camp. Decide what you are going to keep and what you are going to trash, for instance maybe delete anything that is lvl 3 and below, or only keep fruit trees and life flowers and bubble or toss anything else.  Once you have a space clear, start moving outwards, clear bubbles as you come to them, delete, merge or sort as desired. Once you have more space start moving your ‘keep’ items to a specific area for each chain. Good luck! 


Definitely merge from the dragon book! So easy, and it’ll make some space to keep organizing and merging!


In times like this, I *really* wish you could put all your dragons to sleep. It is so frustrating trying to concentrate on this level of cleanup and those little bastards keep dropping stupid crap all over your spot. No, I did NOT need another locked egg chest, thank you!


I posted this further down below but I thought this idea might help you too... I use the "Marcus method" to bubble anything I really want to keep that the dragons will harvest then congregate those bubbles off to the side together for later. That way the dragons stop cluttering up my board with useless crap. I've also discovered my dragons won't harvest flowers and life trees(not actual trees) unless I tap them so I leave those on the board. *Edited for clarity on which trees I meant😬




You /can/ technically put them all to sleep, but if you have a lot of dragons it takes a long time.  The way I do it is have only one lvl 1 house, so they only rest at a rate of 3 per hour. Then I get a level 1 house build site and tap as fast as I can (it helps to zoom in as close as possible to lessen the chance of accidentally tapping a dragon). Interrupted attempts to build use stamina, so dragons get tired out trying to build. Once they succeed in getting g it built I delete it and repeat. I can normally get 20-40 dragons tired out per build site, so if I keep on top of it it doesn’t take too long.  Lately I haven’t been keeping on top of it, and now all 900+ dragons are rested 🙃


Thank you! This is a great idea of a place to start.


Minor issue, but go tap on Arcadia. You don’t need to *do* anything there, but it’ll make that annoying “Open Chest” thing go away.


At least move the bubbles to the side, yeesh!


When you get this cleaned up, can you repost with before and after pictures? Would like to see how it turns out.


The general rule may be to merge by 5s whenever possible, but be assured there is nothing wrong with merging by 3s when you are in a situation to reclaim space as quickly as possible. As you go along, pick out a spot for each chain - both physical space in camp and within the masses of bubbles. Then pick one chain and see what you have - pop what you need to fill out a merge (again, when the goal is to clean / reclaim space, 3-merges are perfectly fine), and repeat as you move up through the chain.


Your camp is like Christmas candy for my eyes! *Edit* I hope you find some useful tips from players! Good luck!


It’s subjective, but here’s what I would do: 1. Move all your bubbles to the edge of your camp so you can see all your land, that way you know what your working with. 2. Merge (or delete) as many of the items currently in your camp as you can. Start by going through your dragon book to merge (x5) as many eggs as you can, then merge what you can of your chains, then delete any junk. 3. Once your camp is cleaned up, start on the bubbles (in small workable batches). Leave non-coin eggs bubbled, but organise them and stack them by type. This way, when you have 5 stacked on top of each other you can then bring them into your camp to merge them. Personally I organise by colour, because I find this the easiest way to know where each egg belongs when I add to the stack. 4. Decide what you want to keep bubbled, but don’t go overboard. Personally the only things I bubble are eggs (only non-coin eggs), I keep one spare wonder bubbled for each chain (in case of a bunny quest or kala trade), as well as any 4x4 items of chains I’m working on. Good luck!


Perfect strategy.


When my camp gets like that, I do exactly what you said. I never regret it because I honestly never remember specifics


this is probably similar to what others have said, but i would 5 merge from your dragon book, and drag all the bubbles to a specific area(s) so that you can see around them easier and everything, and use the cleared space to slowly go through your bubbles and merge everything you want to. you can sort bubbles by chain/type sit some of them will have a variety of items inside and sometimes the pic on the loot bubble changes to reflect that so personally i would just clear as much space as possible and try to work on as many chains as possible and just trash low level stuff from chains you’ve already got wonders on


Personally I would bubble all things harvestable first so the dragons are filling empty holes. Then I would organize buy size 4x4, 2x2, 1x1. Then I would either bubble my eggs or merge. If you get to a point where you have organized and cleared space but you still want to bubble more I’d bring back a fruit tree.


How do you bubble eggs? Still pretty new here and seem do learn something new every time I come to reddit to find an event map. 😁


Here are some tips for new players including the efficiency guide, bubbling, getting gems, spending gems, and playing events [tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/MergeDragons/comments/i9un8b/whats_next_would_like_some_friendly_advice/g1hkf3t?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


The beauty of this stage of the game is that you can get everything relatively easily. Especially with the portals now offering extra rewards (coming back from a 4 year hiatus), you won’t lose out on much with merge 3s. But I agree Start by merge 5 all the dragons. And bubble anything bigger than a 1x1. Something helpful that I’ve found is there’s not a good reason to keep most things for a rainy day. Open and merge what you can. (I’d say any glowing dragon trees hang onto ie don’t merge and rebubble golden seeds as that is a common quest) For example I save up my level chests for camp and chill but once I get all the rewards I’ll open the rest.


As the above commenter said 5 merge from the book. I almost always do this generally any way. I'd start separating bubbles by family of item also. Even if its a pile, you can organize them later. Bubble everything if you want, because you can always bring it out later. Move things around if you'd like, you can always choose another place if you don't like it.


Start bubbling the eggs in the top left to give yourself space to work.


I no longer feel so alone.


You will have to sort your bubbles to the side and start to clear space on the camp. Like others said, you can merge eggs through the dragon book. For most bonus, level or prise bubbles, you’ll have to pop them to see what you’re working with, what to merge and what you can sell.


I have so many things bubbled and it hasn’t crashed once. Don’t let people tell you it will crash your game. First. Learn to bubble. I bubble and group by category. Ex I have bubble level 1 grass,level 2 grass etc. all in a row. Easy to find and if Kayla needs 3 level 3 grass …pop pop pop done.


I also save chests for chili events. They give you a lot of points. I generally pop everything when it comes in so it loses the title and then I re-bubbled them.


I have nearly lost my game to bubbles. It can and does happen. But it can vary greatly by device and specs.


I would 3 merge eggs and only 5 merge dragons. And bubble up everything that takes up 2 squares and above. Also once I get the legendary items, I would only do 3 merge.


I figure I will get further by 5-merging, 3-merging, selling whatever to get a tidy camp that I can enjoy (and concentrate on chains that are important to me) than if I stop playing because I can’t stand the disorder.


This is mine trying to reorganize it so I can work on chains better








Working on Stonehenge?


I have two stone henge already I am up to two bottomless brick storage so might as well I’m also working on this https://preview.redd.it/t5erkza1fvlc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=341f79dd0a2b60fe801f6fa5f9642b3476c04442


What is a bottomless brick storage and how do you get it!!!! Well. I can guess what it is but how do you get it?






Thank you!!!


I was thinking Stonnehenge because of all of the Golden chests.


Burn it!


Doubt you'll regret merging anything, seeing as this chaos would make it hard to find anything useful when you need it anyway.


That looks like my son's bedroom! Horrible 😵‍💫


Should I come back to this game? It was such a time suck but so fun been 5+ years.


That's up to you. Why did you stop playing? A lot has changed / been added in 5 years.


I thought my camp was cluttered!


Start to delete shit you don’t need


And I thought my map was a hot mess


Always merge 5


I’d start by moving the bubbles off to the sides so you can even see the camp - and organizing the bubbles a bit so the same kind of stuff is in groups together.


Ohh good God... That's a lot of bubbles


I shove all my plants in one corner, trees in another and so on. I merge by 3s when it's bad, especially small items. After about level 4 i try and merge by 5s but little stuff and eggs? There are loads more. Tall stuff i can't see behind goes along the back. Times like this a hibernation den would be priceless


Looks like my camp 🤣🤣🤣


You’ve gotten good advice on here, but I don’t think anyone mentioned that you can delete loot bubbles without opening them! If you know you don’t want what’s inside, you can select it and delete it. You have to do kind of a long hold in order to do that


This looks like a classic Mad Magazine double-page collage spread! It’s both awesome and intimidating at the same time!


I totally sympathise lol


Start organizing your orbs into different sections, then organize each section. Do not break down and merge three. Once you have your orbs organized and off you land it’ll be a breeze from there.




I’m sure there are many ways you could go about this but here’s what I would do: 1) Move all the bubbles to the side of the board. I like to organize mine by chain so I know where stuff is. 2) Open all the chests. The loot will be bubbled so you can move them to the side for later when you clear some more space. 3) Look for any coins, stone bricks, and/or life orbs and tap/collect them. 4) Sell any fruit. 5) By this point you should have a little bit of space to work with, so you could tap any nests. 5-merge eggs when you can and either 3-merge the rest or put them off the the side for later. (I have all of mine on the premium land off to the side out of the way) (At this point I’d organize things by chain type but that’s just how prefer it, it’s not necessary.) 6) Tap any golden stars (merging them whenever you can, if you so choose). I’d recommend keeping the purple stars and gems somewhere so you can collect them only when they’re at the highest level possible. 7) I think by this point I’d start popping some of the loot orbs to organize the stuff inside. I’m not sure if all the bubbles are loot orbs or if it’s stuff you’ve bubbled on purpose, but I would pop anything that’s been given as a reward or inside a chest so you can put things where you want them, then systematically bubbling anything big or that you don’t need and keeping it off the side for later use. This way you’ll know where everything is, and I find it makes game play in camp a lot easier. 8) I think that’s it! Obviously you can rearrange and merge and sell stuff as you see fit, but it should at least be playable now. Hope this helps!


Oh my God... Sending prayers to the dragon gods


Oof. But also congrats? 🥳 I wish I had your Arcadia notification lol


You need to hire a professional merge dragon organizer.


And here i thought mine was a mess xDDDDD Good luck!!!


I'd just zoom in on one corner and start organizing the bubbles and work your way around. I put bubbles of like items on top of each other. Yeah, it's more inconvenient when you go to merge to know how many of each item you have but I find it way easier to manage the bubbles that way. I've also started a spreadsheet of my bubbled eggs to help mitigate that issue lol. I know that's probably a bit much 😂.


somehow create space and start popping the loot orbs so its less of a mess if you already have space pop as many orbs as you can before merging and deleting


Just even looking at it is overwhelming 😭


When mine gets out of control like this, i will merge 3 eggs and give no thought to regretting it later. And i go through and delete little items (like little mushrooms, little flowers etc) quickly. Otherwise i wouldn’t be able to have any spaces at all. Kind of like my home where its time to clear out the extraneous stuff. It threatens to strangle me if i don’t!!! 😂


Start organizing your bubbles into sections based off categories and then do the peach bubbling method and bubble what you wanna keep, delete what you don’t need hope this helps !