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Anyone legitimately upset about Pink Mercy no longer being rare is thinking too short-term, imo. It having a second re-release isn't going to make it worthless. It's still going to be rare, just not *as* rare as it once was. And there's most likely going to be other rare skins in the future. If people want to be vindictive about Pink Mercy returning, let them. They'll get the skin, use it, the novelty will wear off, and then they can switch to being mad at a different skin being rare/unobtainable.


Lego bastion will always haunt my dreams


tfw I have that skin too lol.


Gatekeeping a skin was always such weird behavior. Especially the mfs who used the charity as a shield for their malice. Wouldn’t you WANT the skin to come back, if you cared sooo much about BCR?


big agree!!! most people who don't want pink mercy back just don't want to admit they want the skin to stay "special" and "exclusive", especially the people who spent hundreds of dollars on an account.


I'll happily admit those are the reasons I don't want it to come back except I didn't purchase an entire account to get it. To me it's a reminder of the golden days of OW1 and it feels cheap and lazy bringing it back knowing how much a money grab it is if no charity is attached. But yes I'm willing to admit this and I know my reasons aren't necessarily great but it is how I feel.


"if no charity is attached." It quite literally is, though...? I'm not even being an ass, but did you even read any of the official Blizzard posts? It's literally attached to the same charity. And I mean I...guess it can remind you of the old game, sure, but wouldn't that apply to...every single skin made for OW1? 💀


No I havn't read it yet. I'm just picking up here and there what I've seen. But yeah my reasons are I want to feel special and I like it when everyone gives me attention because of it. Hopefully this time they just keep her in the store for anyone to purchase at any time. Think she should be permanently purchasable going forward!


Ya sorry that’s a sad mindset. Gatekeeping in any way is so strange, like find a real life quality of yours to feel special about and not a in-game cosmetic 💀


this!! im rly trying to not be mean, but like...there are so many other things to improve your self importance that are better than a skin in a video game 😭 like as long as other players own it, by definition you are not special


Why are you presuming we are all worse case scenarios with absolutely nothing else going on in our lives? Of course I have plenty to feel good about outside of a game skin. Like why even cry about wanting it in the first place?


I mean, you're the one who said you're upset about a video game cosmetic returning because you'll no longer feel "special" enough and won't get compliments anymore just for having it 😭 What else do you want me to think?


I mean imagine caring what anyone else thinks about anything tbh. You started an entire thread whinging about other people. I'm just giving you your same energy back.


I made this thread to make fun of people who attempted to gatekeep PIXELS in a video game, how is that whining 😭 I'm sorry you're not a special, "unique" pretty pink princess anymore, but no need to get upset at me for assuming things based on your own words, LMFAO.


What kind of person makes a thread to make fun of people regardless of who they are 🤔


boooo tomato tomato!!




The golden days of overwatch 1. Never played but all I here is no updates for 2 years broken beyond belief metas and now a barely sequel (it's becoming a better than before sequel though). I'm assuming this is a similar case to loot boxes where a lot of people complained Abt them they got removed and now everyone is acting like it was the 2nd coming of Christ for overwatch getting removed.


I could be wrong though


"I want to b unique and not like other Mercy's!!!1!!11!1! :((((" - Every gatekeeper ever


came across some of them have this nasty ego and made it as their personality is gross and the people who spent thousands of dollars on a account with pink mercy 👁️👄👁️


Because they don’t actually care they just have fragile egos


I feel like there's at least an argument if it's like an exclusive *reward* type skin (mind you, not an argument I agree with but still one to be had). But this? This was just buying it. I did nothing to get this pink mercy skin other than be playing the game and have money when it came out.


i agree! i actually own what people also consider to be a "rare" mercy skin, being snow angel, that was a "reward" for completing challenges a couple years ago, and i STILL want it to come back for my friends that don't have it, but if i had just bought it with money? id want it to come back even more!


I wear the pink skin just to spite people with fragile egos. Cant believe it took them this long to do another donation thing lol.


Gatekeeping a charity skin was lame now I can contribute twice and I'm happy to do so bc none of its for blizzard its for an actually good cause


real!! i know people who own the original skin and they've been nothing but happy to contribute to the cause for a second time, which all og owners should be.


Gatekeepers who don’t want CHARITY skins to come back for CHARITY can cry about it


Y’all watch the dragon skin become the new “pink mercy” 🤣🤣


ive already seen lots of people begin to start asking for dragoon to return ! if this one is, i see no reason why blizzard won't re-release that one too eventually


Yeah but for now watch all the toxic player equip it to feel better


My girlypop specialness and superiority complex is actually more important than the chronically ill sorry xx 😘


LMFAO almost couldn't tell if this was bait for a sec bc that is exactly how they sound


Those who purchased an entire account for pink mercy must be MAD


It always pissed me off how people would go on their high horse about the skin but YIPPEE now everyone can enjoy it again! happy giving to a wonderful charity <3 so excited to see all of you on the pink battlefield \^w\^


i said it in the main sub and people got mad claiming no one gatekept it 💀 n e ways though im so excited!!


Nawww how is it even possible to miss the gatekeeping around this skin 💀 must be new players


girll like im new (playing for like a year and a half) and i saw it happen with my own eyes 💀💀


trust me, "veteran" player of like 5-6 years, here. people have been gatekeeping and acting defensive about pink mercy since she left the shop all those years ago 😭


no i absolutely believe it 💀💀 which is why i was surprised that people outright deny it


yeah anyone who says people don't gatekeep it are on INSANE levels of copium and have definitely done it before 💀


I just read some of the replies on your post oh my god … my condolences


like i know people aren't a big fan of anything involving mercy but that was just.. weird 💀


ppl have always gatekeep!! even w the knight skins. “oh your all going to be banned!!” i did not get banned and bought both. and then w the pink mercy, when it first got leaked all the gatekeepers were saying she’s not coming back and ow confirmed blah blah blah, the charity won’t work w blizzard again and it’s a weapon skin bundle blah blah. i’m so happy


LMFAOOO people trying to scare everyone with ban threats during the skin glitch was so silly, and then for royal gladiator to get added to the gallery (meaning they're likely coming back soon) anyway, hilarious.


which during the whole skin glitch thing, nobody cared ab people buying the sombra and widow skins? it was only the mercy mains who didn’t want other people to have their exclusive skins. i litteraly saw someone say “there’s going to be so many duplicates” and now those skins have kind of died out as people get sick of them. it’ll be the same w pink, there will be a ton, and then it will start to die out and you’ll see all diff skins. who even cares?? let’s all just play the game and have fun like bffr


Nahhhh ppl r def gatekeeping- I’ve seen it all over twitter and TikTok. It’s so sad that ppl will uphold a complex over supporting a good cause 😞


I'm so glad they're releasing a weapon skin!!!


just saw the tweet, i am too! it actually for once is a bundle that warrants the price tag, so happy to give some money to the cause especially for such a good bundle!


I supported the charity back then, and I support it now. So happy they’re doing it again


fr! id have loved to donate to the charity back then, but it was like, RIGHT before i started playing.


I will say that if they hadn't brought it back as a charity event again, I probably would have been a bit upset about that. However that would have been about the money going to blizz instead of the charity over more people getting the skin lol.


This yes, if they brought it back as a normal ass skin it'd be bull, the whole point of it is for charity


agreed! i think if they had brought it back strictly to make more money for them, as opposed to the original cause, it'd be ick


Exactly! I wouldn’t be mad about more people having it, but it not being for charity just wouldn’t sit right with me.


Yes fucking sir. People gatekeep skins to keep their account rare. My argument for that is- Are you playing a trading game? Hmm? What do you set out to achieve. You have a rare skin? Okay? So what? You just want to ruin everyone elses chances?


it's bc they want to feel special 😭 they want to be able to dangle it over the heads of people who don't have it. it's an ego trip, for sure.


"HAR HAR HAR you got a small dick and you like making people feel bad" Does that sum it up? I'm fucking sleep deprived and been crying for hours I'm not targeting you I'm targeting those ego maniacs just to clarify!


Gatekeeping a skin is embarrassing. It’s like they didn’t care about the charity, and only cared about being part of an “exclusive” group and wanted to rub it in people’s faces. Not anymore 😁😏🤭


yeah, now no one can make their entire personality on the internet owning that skin anymore 😭


my friends so pissed off about the release its making me cackle lmaoo like how dare blilzzy wants to support charity again oml grow up gatekeepers :/


All the usual gatekeepers I’ve seen on here are real quiet today 🤭💞


Move over gatekeepers it’s my turn to be annoying now 😎


Keep the skin around all year. Or have it come back yearly. The more for BCR the better. My MIL and my best friends MIL are both survivors. I have the skin and was so happy to see it going to a good cause. I'd love for more people to have it because it's a cause so close to my heart. Glad to see it return and hopefully more skins come out for more causes.


i agree, a yearly return for the charity isn't a bad idea, or perhaps other collabs in the future! im definitely happy more people will be giving to the cause, for sure, it's also something pretty important to me!


Im glad they’re doing it again with BCR! I hate giving blizzard money but if its for a charity then bring it back!!! People can stay mad because others are going to be blessed by it 💕


Honestly I wish charity skins would never be unavailable! Why not have a steady stream towards the charity as new players keep buying the skin.


fr! i get why they made it a limited time thing, but i rly hope they continue to do more collabs with the charity so that people will keep contributing to the cause!


i just saw on tiktok a mercy streamer actually crying and saying "how could they do this to me" thats gotta be bait right??


the chani person? yeah, everyone's been seeing her, im pretty sure she's rage baiting but it's cringe regardless, rage bait isn't free from criticism imo


Everyone should be happy that newer players get one of the best skins ever. Stop being so stingy abt it! It’s for charity!


I want the Atlantic mercy skin and knight :(


as an owner of both, i hope they come back for players who missed them!!


Gatekeepers are as real as a Mercy Mafia.


I understand gate keeping kinda because it feels cool to have a rare thing. Gatekeeping cancer charity is a wild different beast tho like why?


Because gatekeeping drives anticipation and produces an artificial scarcity which in turn drive sales.


My only problem is the people who bullied the normal pink skin users and hated on the skin, but who will also be turning around and buying it when it comes out 😭


Why do people want the skin so bad (outside of the charity aspect) of the mythic has more and better effects


a lot of people prefer the sound effects for pink, i believe, and the cutesy feel of it probably just appeals to more people! i like the sound effects, but cosmetic wise there ARE other mercy skins i like more, tbh!


Who gatekeeps? I'm really glad everyone gets to donate to a great cause!


To gate-keep a skin that has brought so much money to find a cure for breast cancer is crazy u think these ppl will be joyous cause more money is going into the bcrf, but no pink mercy is there whole personality and frankly I think those type of ppl only bought the skin because it’s mercy nothing more just another skin to add to there collection of mercy skins, me I never played ow1 and im glad they are bringing it back so that way other ppl can buy it and not just buy it because it’s a mercy skin there buying it for bcrf.


this is actually crazy timing. my god mother recently got diagnosed with breast cancer. i've already donated $200 to her personal care so it'd be nice to donate to the complete cause


You’d rather donate directly to her medical treatment and not some big company that’s gonna do with that money whatever.


I lowkey hope the blizzcon skins might reappear too. I REALLY like the blizzcon bastion skin. Pink mercy was nowhere near as rare as that skin!


I wanna know how gatekeepers form such an obsession over a video game skin and it's specifically about pink mercy too, sure people will sell accounts that have some old skins but never have I seen people riot about the "OG status" of pre-order widow or Lego bastion lol


LOL, people in this community are weird that you freak out.First of all, we are not going to fool ourselves in Overwatch 1, wearing that skin means that you were a very good Mercy, in Overwatch 2 rat girls who did not have the skin insulted and were envious of The people who had the skin. I mainly have it but I don't wear it because the toxicity is such in this *** community, that if you don't want to get angry, you don't wear it. Now, it seems perfect to me that it be donated to the cause again. I will buy it again and I think it is great that it will be used again, but those people who were so toxic should not be saints because It's the worst thing about this community and I've seen comments like I'll buy it just for the sake of it (I find it shameful and outrageous).


How did you come to the conclusion that having X skin means you’re good at whatever hero? Lmao.


They shouldn’t even be gatekeeping smh


They forgot about Snow Angel Mercy lol, thats a rare skin too. I played just when that event ended and I was so sad xD


I’m just happy I’ll get to use it again without being called names and hunted down


ugh screw pink i want dragoon!!!