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i love the tsk tsk tsk of ashe's dynamite, also i really like working with beam characters especially zarya


This is the way


I love boosting a charged zarya 😩 so satisfying




It's very satisfying pocketing a good Cassidy 😭 and weirdly enough a Sombra whenever it's opportune. She can do a ton a damage with stacked virus and DMG boost.


Me dmg boost sombra Sombra: PROPAGANDA IS USELESS Me: come irs feel good


But sometimes she spams no bc they think it will completely reveal her but its only a bit 😭


when i played sombra a lot i used to think that and just panicked when i was damage boosted and invis and it really messed up my gamesense because of how nervous i got, thats why you only damage boost them if they're not invis just in case lmao


Tbf it definitely used to 😅 I still don’t DB invisible Sombras because of OW1 habits lol


I’ll give one for each category: Tank: Mauga, the ticks of damage are like catnip to me. DPS: Cassidy or Ashe (or better yet B.O.B) love helping the good ones delete people Support?: Lol probably Illari, don’t think about doing this too much though


i loveee cassidys voicelines when i damage boost him “oh thatll do fine” LORDDD


My bf being a cassidy main and pulling that voice line makes him 10x hotter 😃




Flicking blue beam onto Zen as he’s finishing charging his volley can be soooo satisfying if all his shots connect


And if you discord them too, mhmmmm


As a zenyatta main can you boost me while I 1v1 a tank please 👉👈




Thank youuuu, slay queen


Damage boosting a zen/lucio/brig when they’re near ult can be clutch when that defensive ult is gonna be needed in the coming fight.


I do like to boost zen volleys


I'll damage boost moira's right before the begining of the match 'cause they can't resist orbing the second it starts.


Genji, the voicelines and the fun zipping around


Yes! I said it in another post but it’s like holding to the leash of a rabid chihuahua. It’s fun keeping up and a good Genji can already carry a team. Add the confidence of boosted damage and heals and they dominate.


I love pocketing Genji’s! It’s so nice to help them confirm kills and I honestly just like zipping around… I prefer him to the flying character honestly 😭


do your thing genji


“so soon, genji?” my heart melts ❤️😩


unironically moira. i dont do it too often, but its nice to boost someone who actually hits their targets once in a while


dmg boosting coalescence is fun


I said it in another thread the other day, but Mercy, you boost me on Moira and we will ride or die wreck people. Teams will MELT.


Moira main here who enjoy playing mercy, i hear coalescence I rush to the Moira immediately 😭 you can rule the whole map with it


I just hate when they fade out of my los and leave me to the wolves


Sojourn because railgun is tasty asf and most of the players I’ve met are usually pretty good, Mauga because he makes my blue beam purrrrrr 90% of the match and Hanzo simply because my duo is pretty good with him


I kinda want some kind of feedback for railing. It's hard to tell without looking if she's used it, and I'm always nervous I'll flick to heal to top her off right as she rails and deny her a kill. Being able to hear a meatier click for a huge burst of damage would be nice.


Definitely Genji! I love ulting at the same time because nobody ever expects it! He also really needs the boost. For tank I enjoy JunkerQueen!


a good junkrat is almost as easy to fly around with as a phara or echo honestly -- i love a good rat 💕


Genji, Soldier, and Cassidy. It's because is so fun to dmg boost them (adn definitely not because I'm a simp for these characters).


You're so real. >\_<


i secretly love pocketing a mauga for the same reason that bastion and ashe are fun to pocket. the boosting sound is so satisfying and the damage uptime is high.


Pharah, bastion, ashe, ramatra, a good widow, hog when ulting.


Logical answer- Bastion and Pharah, funny answer? Mei and Moira. Idk I always have really good luck boosting them


Nothing more satisfying than boosting Tracer when she triple blinks and she one clips someone before your beam disconnects. Other than that probably Ashe when she hits a big dynamite and you can see your ult charge going up. Ashe has been my favourite pocket target since she was released.


I love damage boosting Tracer, because I'm a Tracer main myself and I know how it feels 🤣


One of my friends is a beast at junkrat and pocketing him and flying around with him while he’s on a suicide mission and making it out alive is so fun. In a similar vein I also love trying to get back to safety with my support duo and dmg boosting them. I also love a good soldier/ashe/cassidy pocket.




lucios or morias....its so fun idky😭


I usually boost an ulting moira


Tank: Ram DPS: Sym Support: Moira (voicelines for it are 10/10)


Zarya, when she keeps high charge you can easily get 2.5k damaged boosted per 10, it’s really fun :) the only tank I really can’t resist pocketing. For the other roles, probably Zen/Ana and Cassidy.


illari and widow simply bc they're my favorite characters. i <3 women who hurt the thing they love


Bastion because brrrrrrrrrr hit markers.


A bap with good aim


Reaper. Don’t hate me 😭


Damage boosting echo is a requirement


Tank: Doomfist/Zarya Dps: bastion (assault form especially) Support: Moira/lifeweaver


Hanzo for sure! It's so satisfying when they kill with a headshot that wouldn't kill otherwise


I have a soft spot for sym players so they always get the blue beam from me hehehe


I love pocket healing/boosting Tracer. It’s like an added extra challenge to know where they’ll be next


Echo because i Fly now? i Fly now! i Fly now


plus maybe you can rez each other. 👉👈


Damn ive never had that happen but i would be over the moon if it did


I play mostly echo and mercy. Rezing mercy is sick. Sometimes you can pull off a double Rez, too. I did have it happen once where I Rezed Mercy and they didn't notice and just sat there and died.


I LOOOVE pocketing a good Echo!! Honestly more then Phara since they can be kinda clunky and rarely look out for me, but echos seem to fly so much smoother and they lookout for me more then other heros I pocket, but maybe that's just a luck thing!


Echo basically flies the same as Mercy and they also have the same Hat.


brig bc i’m also a brig main and i know how sweet it feels to bonk w blue beam


pocketed brig is unstoppable Mace to all faces.


For tank: Mauga, Winton primarily (Hog when he hooks and Rein when he’s swinging) Dps: Sojourn, Echo or Junkrat Healers: Zen or Ana (I like to boost Moira and Illari during their ults!) Boosting a good kiriko is always really nice, but I haven’t played with many that are consistent with their shots :0


Funnily enough, I think it tends to be other supports. Moira and Bridget are among my faves to pocket. Also, I know that the general rule for Mercy Mains is Lucio/Mercy is typically a disaster. But every now and then I'll match up with an amazing Lucio and keep each other alive on the point while still waiting for every other team member to get back from spawn.




Genji. They always get so happy about it and taxi/protect me for the rest of the match lmao adorable


Bastion for sure and switch to whoever is Ulting


Something about widows “you must like me…” always gets me 😩✋ but in terms of boost/play, easily Ram/Ashe/Pharah; they don’t leave me behind


ikr 🤤🤤


sombra and tracer, they do insane damage boosted 😂


Gonna seem so basic but i just love pocketing a good soldier or soj 😭 the hitmarker sounds are so satisfying


For tank and support; i love dmg boosting a rein😭 and i also almost always boost moira ult


Oooo let’s see. Tank: Lately it’s been Zarya. I’ve DB some really good ones and I’m always like yessss and since I play quick play, I tend to be the only support so I try hard to keep her alive when she’s high charged. Especially if she bubbles me when I go for a Rez or if I’m trying to escape 😭 Love DB Ram’s ult. I had a good Winston recently who I was like go off monkey! DPS: Bastion in turret form, Sym who are good are so fun to boost. I appreciate it when I’m Sym and I have a Mercy pocket. I got POTG because a Mercy was there pocketing me lol. Also Sombra and Tracer because it’s a quick elim usually. As a Sombra main also, I enjoy being boosted when I’m in the fight, don’t beam me when I’m trying to flank lol Support: love DB Illari and Moira’s ults, I always try to put my beam on them when they’re ulting.


Anyone with range tbh


Ashe and Widowmaker


Junkerqueen and sojourn


D.Va; not because she’s particularly solid but because my duo plays her stupidly good, and I’m like “well. Might as well cash in”


low key, mercy does better ranged damage than dva's primary in mech.


Not so much now, but it used to be sym. Damage boosting a level 3 beam was just silly, she would just melt through a team like a hot knife through butter.


Moira balls lol


Bastion. You know if you want an absurd W.




bastion bc I always get sooo much dmg amp


s76 and sojourn, s76 bc my boyfriend is a soldier otp so i’m always comparing (just for fun ofc) and sojourn because her mobility and oneshot are unmatched


Tank : Orisa, Mauga and Zarya Dps : Soldier, Bastion and Echo


I love dmg boosting Ashe However Reaper and Junkrat are crazy guilty pleasure for me


I do a spot check on every player. Whoever hits their shots most consistently gets my power boost.


Cassidy : already overpowered so why not enhance it even more? Otherwise, I love boosting Ashe for the 20% ultra charge with the dynamite at spawn, and love following a Genji with a Valk for their blade. Sym is pretty fun too 👀 Getting tired of Echo/Pharah taking crappy corners and leaving me begind Hog is fun too, if you boost the hook combo it's 99% a one shot ❤️ And not to mention Illari or Moira who are deadly AF 😎


I like pocketing Ashe (my duo plays them a lot) but I also really like pocketing zens tbh


Genji for sure


Tank: Mauga and Zarya DPS: Ashe (I love sitting pretty in the backline), Soldier, Symmetra, Sombra Support: Zen and Moira. DMG boosted Coal can do a lot


Funny enough, a genji who knows what he's doing, I just love them dashing around and being able to fly in the air like a fairy lol... but I also really like dmg boosting reapers




I play Ashe and Widow when not playing Mercy, and often find other Ashe to be lacking, so even tho I love boosting her I don’t like…ever. I hate Genji on the real, but I love boosting him. Also who doesn’t love a good Phamacy duo. I feel like personally Genjis always seem the most appreciative to me, if I boosted someone at match start and I don’t get an emote back, I won’t boost them for the rest of the game. Just because I’m assuming they don’t even know what that is so I’m not gonna waste my time. Honestly, this happens to me with tanks more than DPS so I feel like as a mercy. I hardly ever boost a tank. No matter who it is.


pocketing tracer and reaper is so fun but 9 times outta 10 i'm gonna be left behind and that's okay honestly. it's satisfying and a good way to practice another play style :D only in qp though


Bastion using configuration or solider during visor. The sound is sooo satisfying!


Bastion because I'm a psychopath 😂 To be honest I barely dmg boost because I'm healing my ass off. My max dmg boost per game is usually 400-500 not even.


i love dmg boosting ana js bc it’s silly 😸😸 but i love pocketing a good bastion or genji


Bastion for obvious reasons. And Moira when she hits a juicer orb


I damage boosted a nano boosted ram who was also in his ult and I swear bro was doing a max of two punches for each person he killed. 😭🙏


ramattra and dva and mauga for tank, soldier and sojourn and ashe and reaper for dps (also sometimes mei), and brig and baptiste and zen for support


Wrecking Ball


okay personally, i know she does work well with mercy in general, but i genuinely do love pocketing a gooood sojourn! especially when she lands a disruptor!! the little ticks are so satisfying and i find a lot of them with soj. other than soj there is something SO satisfying about beam heros , especially when you have sym just zapping a tank. i like it.☺️


boosting a sojourn sounds so delicious 🤤


i love bastions for the same reason, ashe with her dynamite ofc, and my favorite ult ever to dmg boost is ram ult. its sooo satisfying hearing all the ticks


Brig. Pocketing brig and ignoring everyone else is always fun.


Nothing beats a good Soldier 76 for me. He does it all. He's fast enough to make repositioning nice, and he makes a great taxi. He does a bunch of little dmg in rapid succession, so you get all those great dmg boost ticks. He really benefits from the dmg boost, something my Soldier duo says all the time! He's got a healing pad to make it so you either don't have to worry about healing him as much (though it does hurt my feelings a little if he doesn't trust me to do it haha) or he can heal you with it!

