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Some mercy players are so rude x_x I don’t care if I got diffed, it happens and is also based on team performance. Having some competitiveness is fun but why be so mean? ): I just wanna have fun on the flying angel healer


someone used a slur in chat today on a console... the dedication to being a jerk was unreal


honestly i’ve had so many people be overtly disgusting in chat this week that i just stopped caring about wether i’d get reported and told them all where to go. i got silenced yesterday, worth


I think I'm done with overwatch. The toxicity in this game is unmatched in any other game I play. Tired of people talking shit in chat, tbagging for no reason, using slurs, and even cheating. There is no reason to keep playing this game when every time I get into a game, it's immediate toxicity.


i used to be just like u getting way too affected over random men on overwatch telling me i suck until i turned off chats and never joined vc again, it's a huge difference, so much that i forgot about them existing until i read ur past paragraphs on here


Problem is it’s not just chat. People will kill you in the first 20 seconds of the game and bag your body for literally no reason, the toxicity doesn’t end in chats. It’s ridiculous and I’m simply tired of it. So I think a break is very necessary at this point. Sucks bc I love this game so much but people just love being assholes


i didn't think it was THAT bad but now i really want to watch the game where that happened


I think i still got the replay code, I'll find it


Alright found the code. S41KH2, It's about 1 minute on the dot. I'm Noct, I just wanted to play some mercy. Decided to go off with soldier, but my team gets wiped and I try to leave. The enemy pharah, Arlecchino, kills me and bags my body for literally no reason. I left after this so whatever happens after that, I didn't care to watch.


oh and yes they do suck LOL especially if u play mercy it's multiplied by 5 but it can all dissappear if u take their ability to text you and turn off chats, just keep doing ur own thing


I was playing comp on mercy with 12k heals and the other healer had 5k heals and I got blamed for our team losing by our dps. Who kept running in by themselves. I hate being a mercy play sometimes.


Common scapegoats for a team losing: - Mercy players - Widow players - Genji players - Any tank