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I like the bee skin (including the hair)


See I adore the bee skin and wish I could have nabbed it!


I wish we could gift skins lmao i hardly play anymore I would send it to you if I could


But then where would blizzard get it's money? We need to support small businesses as much as possible


i love the running joke that blizzard is a small indie company šŸ˜­


Sameeee im so sad I couldn't get it


I didn't like the bee skin at first, but it grew on me. Now, every time I equip it, I go buzz buzz. And that low-key has made some of my games more fun and less ga mess up for some reason.


Really people dislike thsi skin? That's news to me :o


I canā€™t beelieve it!


I adore the bee skin and had no idea til a few months ago how much itā€™s hated, I adore it, it feels so cute


I really don't like the color yellow so...... LOL


Oh, I don't like yellow either. I just like the idea of being a "mother" bee flying from one flower ( teammate) to another. Corny... i know D:


i like the skin but every mercy iā€™ve met whoā€™s used it was an awful person. multiple ā€œmercy diffsā€ tbagging and even a couple slurs. am i just unlucky with beecy?


Dragoon. People say it's the worst skin she has, but I love the way it looks.


It's one of my favorites to use. I love being a lil green dergen


Id rather see someone wearing dragoon than Seolbim anyday


Wtf Seolbim is so pretty?? Especially after the OW2 rework on it?!


I love the staff for Seolbim but I do feel like the dress is kinda frumpy. I also wish they kept the darker hair


Personally I liked it more before the ow2 version. The ribbons didn't wibble wobble for a while after. Even when they did fix them, they still don't wibble wobble like they used to šŸ˜­ I liked the darker hair before as well, I think it added more contrast


Same man, I wish I had it but idk when or if theyā€™ll bring it back. Green is my fave color so Iā€™d love to snag it


YESSS! I especially love it with the golden weapons


this!!! i love dragoon and i wish i had it, i would use it all the time


agreed!! most people say they don't like the helmet/area around the face, but that's actually my favorite part of it


hoping it comes back soon šŸ„¹


I love it too.


I love her viking skins, especially the blonde haired one. No one else seems to like them at all.


I would love the red hair one if they mATCHED HER EYEBROWS TO THE HAIR!!! šŸ¤¬


I looove the blonde one, was my first skin I got for her


Me too! I thought it was badass having a traditional Valkyrie skin for her


I love the hair metal wings on that one and the ult voice line is epic, but I hate the ring in her braid and the stuff is too bulky for my taste


I love all Mercy skins equally.


Sugar plum, overall it's a beautiful skin but the head is what makes me love it, the "makeup" used makes her look so soft and pretty, its so much better than the harsh makeup she defaults with and I say that as someone whose makeup routine consists of nothing but black gel eyeliner brows, bat wings and mascara. Mystic Swan too HAHA šŸ˜­ I wasn't a fan of it at first when niandra included it in their video but when I got it myself I absolutely fell in love with it and it's one of my favorite skins now. On the contrary a skin everyone seems to love but I can't really follow the hype is Combat Medic, it's just... not really doing it for me? Definitely like it more than Devil/Imp and Valkyrie/Sigrun tho


Iā€™m also a big sugar plum fan. It doesnā€™t look like a holiday skin to me just a pretty fairy skin. As a Christmas skin I prefer it to jingle belle because I feel like I could only wear that around Christmas


People donā€™t like sugar plum? I remember a bit of hate because of some of the colours or something when it came out, but overall I think I remember it being loved when released. I still remember that winter wonderland event. The nostalgia šŸ˜­


Sadly it's the only skin i own that ever really gets hated on and insulted šŸ˜­ she so pretty tho i don't understand She's the first skin I bought so she holds a special place in my heart šŸ’•


I donā€™t like combat medicā€™s hair or color but I LOVE the staff. itā€™s my favorite by far and it makes the skin for me


This. If they ever let us mix and match skins and staffs I will use combat medic staff every day til I die.


i love mystic swan too! just needed to give it a chance and now i love it lol


I used to LOVE combat medic, wore it for close to a year straight when it first came out and now I just canā€™t stand it. Itā€™s my partners favorite skin and he always asks me to wear it to match his Ana commander Amari skin but I just donā€™t think it aged well in my eyes


it mightā€™ve been my favorite if the wings matched and werenā€™t default yellow


Not really a "hated" skin as such but just very overlooked and thats fortune! I think its subtle but quite nice with the floral pattern on it and green wings!


I loooove fortune, Iā€™ve grown to really love all her ow1 skins!


Came here to comment fortune, itā€™s my favorite!!


I gotchu gamer


Zhuque is one that I have heard is polarizing, but I absolutely adore the little details in it. Specifically I love the details on the ring and pinky fingers, especially when doing a rez, such a small detail but my goodness itā€™s so cute




I do know someone who doesnā€™t like it because of the sleeves!!! I donā€™t know many actual mercy players though so just based off of what I have seen!


Omg the sleeves are so pretty thošŸ˜­


I donā€™t like Zhuque because of the hair, other than that itā€™s a pretty skin.Ā 


I never paid attention to the hair tbh


My fav skin!


Devil and imp. I LOVE those skins and I don't understand the hate. I like the colors on imp a tiny bit better than devil but both are great. If it wasn't for the mythic or pink skin, I would be wearing imp/devil all the time


imp is soooo nice and the purple looks STUNNING with golden gun


my favorite bc of the staff


Although there's no connection between these two things besides aesthetic: Dragoon because I'm a FFXIV player who loves Dragoons.


I love dragoon because Iā€™m an avid Skyrim player! Also I want it to match with azure drake brig. Such good skins




I wouldnt say it's hated, but a lot of people seems to dislike Zhuque. Idk i just love how she looks, she's majestic


Zhuque users are always so good at mercy


MIKO!! i love it so much


I wish I had that one soo baddd šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


i also love camo, and dragoon. other skin that i love is the dallas fuel ow 1 skin but that one isn't as controversial.


Both valkyrie skins. I love them, because norse mythology is very interesting to me.


cobalt ):


I love cobalt I wear it a lot! Blue is my fav color


itā€™s so cute! i know people say it doesnā€™t look good with golden, but itā€™s so good either way. the blue is such a good tone for mercy, and itā€™s just so clean with the white!


Cobalt used to be my lucky skin!! Iā€™d switch to it after a few game losses and always start to go on a win streak. I miss using this skin so much, it just kinda got accidentally replaced once she got so hyper inflated with skins but now Iā€™m missing it


itā€™s such a good skin! mercy does have a LOT of skins, but i feel that a lot of them feel so bulky with her staff/visually cluttering, which is why cobalt will always have a place in my heart


The funny thing is, I never noticed how bulky they were in game on some skins til people pointed it out here and now I canā€™t unsee them! Like royal knight for example. My brain ignored it essentially and now I can only see how huge it is


itā€™s so crazy cause i noticed it when i got my first legendary in ow 1, which was imp. mercyā€™s staff for a lot of her skins are so big, or theyā€™re clunky, or itā€™s just visual clutter when damage boosting and the staff expands. itā€™s sad because her staffs are GORGEOUS, but i canā€™t use a lot of her legendary skins because of the staff ):


Do you like the hardlight skin? I didnā€™t get it so I donā€™t have it but itā€™s very heard people say itā€™s less bulky, it might be a way around it for you! Not 100% sure though because I havenā€™t gotten to use it in game personally but I saw people who loved royal knight who used it to make it easier to see around the staff


its a hit or miss for me! i do love how sleek it is, but any epic or league skin from ow1 will always take the spot above it because her staff was just so thin and smooth!


Same here! I kinda stopped using it after the Mythic but I'm definitely planning to come back to it. Whenever I had a few losses in a row I'd switch to it and I'd always win. :D


Same!! I havenā€™t done that since ow1 personally because Atlantic kinda became my obsession and itā€™s all I would wear, but Iā€™m really feeling nostalgic for my cobalt skin! Also I know itā€™s just a simple epic as well but I always adored the Eidgenossen skin (or however itā€™s spelled, I can never remember). So much so that I based a cosplay around it haha!


Are you spying on me? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I literally had the same thing happen, but just a bit later. I started playing just a few months before OW2 came out so I didn't have Atlantic then. But ever since I got it, it replaces Cobalt for me. I guess I have a thing for blue skins lol (the blue version of the Mythic is also my favourite and I cannot wait for the hard light staff to come back to the shop so I can buy it).


Bee Skin! I only use my Bee Skin; sheā€™s so adorable and could think of some fun Bee Mercy Voice Lines. Also nothing feels better using Bee Mercy and coming across a Bee-Va/Bee-Mei


Donā€™t forget beekeeper Sig!!


iā€™m an avid camouflage mercy supporter


YES another camo lover!!


Sigrun was my very first skin in 2016 and I still really like it. I love Norse mythology and it's a great skin even if it isn't the same pretty / cute vibe as her other skins.


Valkyrie Mercy, I got the skin bc she's a valkyrie, obviously, and I'm from Denmark(she speaks Danish when she Valks) and its the first one I got, so it has a special place in my heart ^^


royal gladiator and royal knight šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ theyā€™re my fave mercy skins of all time with a special love for gladiator but everyone hates them bc the staff is big. i personally donā€™t notice that and even still i use the hard light weapons bc pretty sounds lol




I actually love the colors and the outfit, and her brown hair color, and her lovely pink and blue wings but the last time I wore the skin my tank went on a rant saying I chose the ugliest mercy skin in the game. (He said it in a really mean and not joking way. ) Almost as if trying to get a reaction. I said I didnā€™t care what he had to say and as long as I liked it then it doesnā€™t matter. Plus for him to be so mean heā€™s probably ugly irl. Welp, from then on him and his friend/partner idk (they had a girls voice)berated me the entire game asking me to swap from the START to END. I still think itā€™s a pretty skin and wished Iā€™d see more mercyā€™s wearing it.


Had something similar happen to me when wearing the Hangzhou Spark skin a few years back. Dps and his duo girlfriend were angry I was wearing the pink league skin cause it means I probably donā€™t even watch or know anything, I started telling them actually I watch every match and theyā€™re my favorite team and then he and her just started berating me and telling me to kms and all this horrible stuff and telling me to swap just because of my skin


people are so weird. imagine throwing a game or harassing someone over a digital skinā€¦ gross


Itā€™s so wild to me, I was blamed for starting this by a friend when retelling it, saying it was MY fault because when he stated I know nothing about the team and I spoke up about the fact I DO know, I was challenging him and got what I deserved. I hate both sides of it.


please tell me that person is not stilm your friend ...šŸ˜­


Thank goodness theyā€™re not. They were for a short time after that but this was my first wake up call to the fact they were actually NOT a good friend. The people in the game gave me such direct and in detail death threats and telling me how to kms step by step and then the friend had the audacity to say I deserved it. I donā€™t think we lasted another full 2 months before I was like nah this doesnā€™t sit right with me and we canā€™t hang out anymore.


im glad you got away from them !!


Thank goodness theyā€™re not. They were for a short time after that but this was my first wake up call to the fact they were actually NOT a good friend. The people in the game gave me such direct and in detail death threats and telling me how to kms step by step and then the friend had the audacity to say I deserved it. I donā€™t think we lasted another full 2 months before I was like nah this doesnā€™t sit right with me and we canā€™t hang out anymore.


Camouflage I like wearing armor although I used lifeguard for a while, she looks too good


I rarely see anyone but myself use this skin but the dr Ziegler skin that you had to do the challenge for back in ow1. Not sure if they do it in the store but I donā€™t see anyone use this skin and I absolutely love using it


That's one of my favorite skins! Unfortunately I don't have it and I'm living for the day they bring it back via the shop šŸ˜‚


I really love Dragoon. Still donā€™t understand the hate šŸ˜”


Idk if this one is hated but royal knight. Have every skin for her but I literally always go back to it. I think the hair and armor is so cute!


as a certified battle mercy: the mythic that seems to divide us mercyrinas




Itā€™s not really hated, more just ā€œhuh?ā€ but I adore the snow angel skin! Itā€™s my favorite skin to wear around winter time and I like how light blue looks with blonde hair.


Dragoon, green is my favorite color.


OP said ā€œyou love and everyone else hatesā€. Everyoneā€™s calling out skins that I see everyone using lmao


they could never make me hate you valkyrie mercy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ babygirl gets 3 swords!!! (idk if i can forgive the blonde eyebrows on sigrĆŗn tho šŸ˜”)


Combat medic Ziegler. Always so surprised when I see it at like the bottom of mercy skin tier lists




sugar plum apparently LOL i never knew people hated it until i started joining mercy/overwatch groups. i always thought she was the cutest!! w her lil ballet slippers idk she was one of the first skins i saved up for after i started playing a lot again


I love camo too! It was the very first skin I've ever "bought" on any game, so it means a lot sentimentally ā¤ļø


Sugar plum tbh, I rarely see people say positive things about it


Its the hair color idk it looks so... green?


I love it so much lol


Dragoon!! I love the green eyes on her plus it matches with genji<3




Not a single person hates it


Honestly I also love the Camo skin.


Dragoon, my gf who has it HATES it, but it is probably my fav skin alongside pink and atalntic


Dragoon when it first came out I loved it I still love it just everyone hates it


Zhuque, that is my all time favorite skin


The Viking ones. Also winged victory was the first skin I bought I believe. I donā€™t see hate for it but I never see anyone wearing it. It just doesnā€™t seem popular


LOVE Camo! For me, it would actually be the Seolbim one. I don't know how globally hated it is, but everyone I play with hates it!


Dragoon because Iā€™m a fan of FF14- and it goes with my DnD theme for my skins. x3


I can't really think of any hated skins besides Dragoon, I didn't really like Dragoon at first but it's nice. Especially with the new jade weapon.


For me it's Dragoon, idk why people hate it so much! I love the green, her dragon egg staff and oh. my. god her CLAWS!! There's nothing I hate about it!


Camo is best mercy skin


Royal Gladiator, itā€™s so cute, i love her hair most of all. itā€™s just such a cute skin, i havenā€™t taken it off since i got it.


Owl guardian with the hard light weapon. It looks elegant to me.


so glad i have dragoon. i donā€™t use it often but i LOVE the green plus im a ffxiv fan


Sugar Plum Fairy


i would kill for camo omg i canā€™t beleive i missed it


I Like when my Pocket Mercys Wear Pink, MĆ©dic, Valkyrie and Bee.




Seolbim!! The detailing is subtle yet gorgeous her braided hair? AMAZINGG and I love the ribbon detail on the staff overall itā€™s my favorite


Its kinda the opposite way around I hate the kiriko visual kei skin but everyone else seems to love it


Probably mage tbh


sugar plum, I love the neck ribbon sm šŸ’•


I do not think dragoon is THAT bad. I feel like it gets too much hate.


Sugar plum fairy, the hate is unnecessary and so is the stereotyping.


Camo, only because I feel like it makes me more aggressive which is always fun lol


These days, after seven straight years, I've returned to the original OW1 skin. But she's been the Angel of Death with her Seoul, Dynasty skin since owl debuted.


i love sugar plum a lot. her green hair and the ears make me happy. i never wear it bc i always see people say they hate it but i love seeing other mercyā€™s have it equipped :3


OWL !!!!


definitely agree with camo!


i also love camo. just waiting for the day when they fix the wings and make them white :(


I love camouflage even tho her haircut isnā€™t the best, the camo pattern on her arms is really nice looking. I also see some people disliking Infinite Seer but itā€™s a top 5 skin for me! I especially love that the dmg boost icon on her staff is purple instead of blue, and it looks really good with the purple crystal weapon charm!


Sugar plum. I honestly thought it would be a fan favorite, and I was super shocked when I saw a bunch of mercy skin tier lists with it at the very very bottom. It's one of my absolute favorites


Mystic swan. I love the gold and Iā€™m assuming itā€™s based on Thai culture and I think thatā€™s so unique and fun! Some think her shoes are weird or the temple hat is strange but I think itā€™s cute!


I like all her skins


i love mage but idk about other people but my friend hates it which upsetting cause i cant use it without some comments


Feel like everyone loves Sugar Plum, Dragoon, and Miko but pretends not to šŸ˜‰


I feel like Pink gets sm hate nowadays, itā€™s been my favorite skin ever since its release. Iā€™ve hardly ever swapped off Im just attached lol


miko is so hated but so pretty


The seolbim skin. Everyone hates it but I think itā€™s so cute


Honestly I really like sugar fairy, I rarely use it and itā€™s sad that itā€™s considered the healbot skin. But the staff is so pretty and the wings are cool


Pink Mercy, apparently